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Twelveswood / Palace of the Dead RP

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I think saying you're the one who handled Edda or the Lich or what-have-you might be stepping on some toes for some people (That's WoL stuff! Or something.)... but you could probably make the delves and stuff IC, or at least use the dungeons as set dressing for something else with a bit of imagination.


In fact, PotD might be really good for something like that since you can pretty easily go in just by yourself or a pre-made/undersized party - which is a tack you can take with doing "IC" dungeon runs for similar purposes. The only issue might be, like with doing IC dungeon runs, the dungeon timer. Work around that, and I'm sure you could do plenty of fun stuff for RP with PotD.

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I think saying you're the one who handled Edda or the Lich or what-have-you might be stepping on some toes for some people (That's WoL stuff! Or something.)... but you could probably make the delves and stuff IC, or at least use the dungeons as set dressing for something else with a bit of imagination.


In fact, PotD might be really good for something like that since you can pretty easily go in just by yourself or a pre-made/undersized party - which is a tack you can take with doing "IC" dungeon runs for similar purposes. The only issue might be, like with doing IC dungeon runs, the dungeon timer. Work around that, and I'm sure you could do plenty of fun stuff for RP with PotD.


Well, ther are always the interludes or using a forum post to complement the major/recurring events during the run (I would totally be down for something here describing individual forays per 10 floors., I'm not sure if im on your datacenter.)

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Great idea, I have often thought of weaving this in. I tend to re-purpose things for my own story, rather than adopt the SE versions.


I have used many of the dungeons and Main Story raids for RP already.


More stuff like this that makes the game almost become irreverent to our RP.

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I thought of opening an FC or LS of dungeon raiders who are specific to dungeons accessible by the MSQ, which PoTD would be a big place to work on. It is accessible to people outside the MSQ, and only the higher floors are really getting into deep lore specific stuff. 


While Yoshi-P no Kami hasn't released further information, he has said there will be a new deep dungeon in the SB expansion series, so one can assume even further content will be available to a group like this...tbh, I just love doing dungeons and specifically deep dungeon, so I would love to see this content become more open to RP.

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Only reason I don't RP in dungeons/instanced areas is for the timer. I wish if you went in with a pre-made party the timer would be disabled. That would be fun.


I agree this aspect is a bummer, we have just gone in twice and it helps when the content is a little older that we can just get through all the enemies quickly.

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Only reason I don't RP in dungeons/instanced areas is for the timer. I wish if you went in with a pre-made party the timer would be disabled. That would be fun.


I agree this aspect is a bummer, we have just gone in twice and it helps when the content is a little older that we can just get through all the enemies quickly.


I tend to not use them to complete the dungeon, so you don't have to rush and can restart it is a problem. With unsync the actual mobs/fights become "not a problem"

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The concept of aetherpool weapons and armor is what interests me the most - the fact that the Padjals trusted you enough and needed your help badly enough to teach you their weapon-shaping techniques, all for the sake of cleaning out their basement. That and the links to Tactics Ogre.


I find it an interesting development for a nation as traditionally isolationist and xenophobic as Gridania. The thought of "hell is going to be unleashed right beneath our feet, pls help" is very Diablo-esque / Dark Soulsy, and could be a font of great RP, especially with existing Gridanian roleplayers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I used it once for when I switched main Jobs. Since I didn't know much about POTD's lore, I headcanoned that the aetherpool weapons were manifestations from the wielder's own mind and soul. To my character's surprise, the weapon that formed was not the one that he expected. He accepted this and eventually converted to the use of the weapon style that resembled his aetherpool weapon outside of the dungeon.


The enemies that spawn when you stand in one area too long definitely did not make this easy though. So I likely won't be doing much more POTD RP when actually in the dungeon.

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The timer in PotD would add an interesting element to RP.  You're on a literal clock between textual RP and killing / clearing content.  Pre floor 100 you usually have a decent amount of time to spare if people are at decent gear levels.  


Given most pug clear times that gives you about 20-30 minutes of text time per 10 level set.  It could make quite an exercise in brevity and to the point rp text/emotes.  This is a skill very useful for larger events where speed over verbosity is often rather helpful.   


As an aside, you don't even have to 'win' the floor set to have decent RP session with it.  Getting pulled out by the padjal because something went wrong/took too long/etc can also be used as a RP hook as well for more RP.

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I've used potd as a "generic evil ruins where bad stuff happens tm" for RP before. It was fun, but like others have said, the timer sucks.


(eta: I personally stay far away from having anyone important or tied to msq give me quests to do. What goes on in the msq has little to do with my characters. Personal preference.)

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Since starting the thread I've DMed a couple of PotD storylines ingame and on Skype for friends. The actual runs in the maze itself were mostly quips and terse strategizing between characters, while most of the meat of the exposition and emotional scenes took place in Quarrymill, Fallgourd, and Stillglade Fane. We did a similar IC run in the lost city of Amdapor dungeon as well since it's tied so closely to Old Gridania history.


For floors 1-50 our initial plot mostly involved getting the quest from the Padjali and helping them out. Floors 50-60 became about one of the PCs getting lured back into the maze by a nightmare vision and having to be rescued. It dovetailed nicely into her Gelmorran ancestry. Once everyone gets 30/30 aetherpool we'll have a little IC event about them earning their weapons of light at last.

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