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Looking for Friends/Potential Romance

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I'm looking for general connections when it comes to friendship/acquaintances for my female Elezen; Claire Nyhmidu.


She's an Ul'dahn noble; family owning numerous mines in the Thanalan area and they trade the jewels/metals they mine out of there. She herself is a jeweler by trade and a budding woman of the sword.


Claire currently works for an Ishgardian minor noble family and after some messes with her private life she's looking to expand her horizons and meet new people in an attempt to find friends.


While not specifically looking for romantic connections; I'm 100% open to a relationship going to romantic. Claire is attracted to male Elezen mainly due to how she grew up, but can be interested in male Hyur as well once her mind is opened to it.


I enjoy all types of RP from casual mature RP, to serious storylines, and etc. ERP is storyline/relationship dependent. I'm looking for people who are open to adventures and teaching this poor woman how to live a little! Along with hopefully getting going with the storyline I have in mind for her.


Feel free to reply/send a PM/add me on Discord if you're interested. My Discord is Rhiann#6041.


(I don't have a wiki yet; still working on it!)



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My character is also from a noble family and could use some more lady friends--the two could have easily heard of each other('s families) or perhaps even met in the past for an easy landing point. :) I would be happy to RP sometime!

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Your screenie reminds me just how badly I want the philosopher's coat on a non-caster class D:

Thank you for the welcome! And it's such a nice coat. Makes a wonderful formal coat.


She's beautiful :moogle:


Can you give a summary or idea of the story you're hoping to get going?

Thank you! At the moment I'm more trying to get small things going, such as getting her doing things she normally wouldn't; but the larger picture is drama and such related to her family. It's hard to go into details regarding it without spoilers; but it has to do with a tightly kept secret the woman holds and it all kind of cascades from there.


Hopefully I'll be able to get back into FF Online sometime in the future and can RP with you. :thumbsup:

I look forward to it!


A'kos would be open to all that :) I can't say about the relationship part right off the bat, but it's possible.  I'd be interested in storyline ideas you have and would welcome hearing about it. o/

As stated up higher in the post, I'm more interested in minor stuff related to getting the woman doing more things and having her open up more beyond just constantly working and working. I tend to try and do small story things related to the character I'm RPing with, so it depends on them as well!


My character is also from a noble family and could use some more lady friends--the two could have easily heard of each other('s families) or perhaps even met in the past for an easy landing point. :) I would be happy to RP sometime!

Always need more noble lady friends. I'd gladly RP with you sometime!



~ As a general note, feel free to add me ingame. I'm usually on 4pm EST and later.

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Ooo. I might have an angle for some potential RP as well.


My little Chachanji is a smith who works in Ul'dah. And, furthermore, has ended up the de facto head of a minor Ul'dahn smelting guild. I've handwaved the guild having a few mines of its own, but having someone else who he could potentially work with regarding resources and whatnot could be interesting.


Plus, Chachan is just a friendly little dork of a Lalafell and likes making friends in general... so it doesn't even just have to be a business acquaintance.

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Ooo. I might have an angle for some potential RP as well.


My little Chachanji is a smith who works in Ul'dah. And, furthermore, has ended up the de facto head of a minor Ul'dahn smelting guild. I've handwaved the guild having a few mines of its own, but having someone else who he could potentially work with regarding resources and whatnot could be interesting.


Plus, Chachan is just a friendly little dork of a Lalafell and likes making friends in general... so it doesn't even just have to be a business acquaintance.


I love Lalafell. So much. I'd love to meet him!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not sure how people take double posting here, but I'd rather do so than start a new topic.



I'm still up to meeting new people! (Including the potential romance).


I just wanted to add a few extra things:


> I cannot log in weekends, but I can do Discord RP. The only time I ever log in weekends is because of an event I'd like to go to related to IC stuff. I can only see my boyfriend weekends, so he usually gets them in full attention wise.

> I'd like someone who enjoys Discord RP, as I have stuff in mind that needs me to write NPCs.

> I enjoy Romance. A lot. Keep that in mind if you have any interest in her for that! It's my guilty pleasure.

> Claire, that I've noticed, doesn't do too well with traditional Ishgardians. Not to say all Ishgardians, but it seems her and traditional nobility doesn't do too well.


But I'm still looking around. If anyone's interested, I'd be glad to hear from you!

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I'd be down to roleplay, I feel like we have similar tastes in stories and plotlines. Xav might be an entertainingly good (or bad) fit.


He's a Duskwight Elezen noble, who's not so much a fan of nobility, with a love of monster biology, science, magic, adventure, a taste for gil, and a heart of gold (eh okay maybe like gold and oil, he's a little sneaky).


From his (WIP) wiki page:

"He was born into a moderately notable house within Ishgard. Alongside noble lineage, many past ancestors had been merchants, alchemists, scholars, and smugglers. While this made for a wealthier than average house, it also made Reinardes a house that was often snubbed by some houses of both similar and higher position, for a history of less than reputable deeds and association with the general peasantry.

Seeking a life outside the gaze of rivals from other houses, and those within the house who would demand behavior "more befitting a noble" Xav left to travel Eorzea, his reticent younger sister left to tend to the house in his stead.

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Karaan is an archivist, adventurer and citizen of Ul'dah.


I deal with the Isghardian, because of his late father was a Temple Knight, but the man mostly stay out of their business and even help sometime people not to get find by them.


I am always open for Discord RP if you are looking for more RP.

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I'd be down to roleplay, I feel like we have similar tastes in stories and plotlines. Xav might be an entertainingly good (or bad) fit.


He's a Duskwight Elezen noble, who's not so much a fan of nobility, with a love of monster biology, science, magic, adventure,  a taste for gil, and a heart of gold (eh okay maybe like gold and oil, he's a little sneaky).


From his (WIP) wiki page:

   "He was born into a moderately notable house within Ishgard. Alongside noble lineage, many past ancestors had been merchants, alchemists, scholars, and smugglers. While this made for a wealthier than average house, it also made Reinardes a house that was often snubbed by some houses of both similar and higher position, for a history of less than reputable deeds and association with the general peasantry.

    Seeking a life outside the gaze of rivals from other houses, and those within the house who would demand behavior "more befitting a noble" Xav left to travel Eorzea, his reticent younger sister left to tend to the house in his stead.

We've already poked each other on Discord. I just don't like leaving people un-replied to! I look forward to RPing with you.


Karaan is an archivist, adventurer and citizen of Ul'dah.


I deal with the Isghardian, because of his late father was a Temple Knight, but the man mostly stay out of their business and even help sometime people not to get find by them.


I am always open for Discord RP if you are looking for more RP.

Sounds interesting. Feel free to add my Discord!

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Oooh, potentially interested?

Always looking for more nobles in Ishgard to terrorize?? Haha

Links about this guy: Wiki tumblr


I have a few contacts I gotta follow up on...but yeah.

I'm mostly available weekends and late at night after work >.< But yeah. If you're interested, let me know! I'll try and catch you on discord too.

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Oooh, potentially interested?

Always looking for more nobles in Ishgard to terrorize?? Haha

Links about this guy: Wiki tumblr


I have a few contacts I gotta follow up on...but yeah.

I'm mostly available weekends and late at night after work >.< But yeah. If you're interested, let me know! I'll try and catch you on discord too.

Feel free to add my Discord. We can chat more there.


She is a wonderful roleplayer and great person! :D

Thank you, mystery person. ♥

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