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The art of Distraction: Keeping yourself busy till phase 4

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Just as the subject says..


I figured I would start a post to see what everyone is doing to distract themselves, or keep themselves busy as we all wait for phase 4 to get our next fix.


Me? I'm playing Dead Island and watching some Anime... Although I have to say it isn't working very well!


Phase four couldn't come any sooner!


So, what are you all doing?! Post away! :D


Edit: Not sure if this is the proper category for this or if it should be in off-topic discussion. If it is in the wrong place, feel free to move it and I apologize for the mistake! :)

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Sitting alone in a dark room with the beta loading screen up on my computer, huddles with my knees up against my chest, rocking back and forth muttering "Yoshi P is coming. Beta will be here soon. Yoshi P is coming. Beta will be here soon."


... Actually, in all seriousness, I'm generally mucking about on PSO2, or the occasional game of Starcraft II or The Old Republic. Having trouble finding people to play WITH though :/

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Work happens to be busy lately, for one. These forums have also proven challenging to keep up with but have provided a good source of distraction. This week we're looking after our 6-y/o niece as well, so that's keeping us busy. And whatever spaces there are left in between I'm finding I'm able to fill with RP over Skype, working on Eva's wiki (which I've been procrastinating for forever now), and a few other little projects. I've also been practicing sketching and figure drawing and faces and such but nothing I want to post just yet. :blush:

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Fighting games and life are keeping me busy, for the most part xD. Tales of Xillia and Dragon's Crown will certainly help ease the wait though.

Should also mention programming too, since I need to learn a few things before the new semester starts! xD;;

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I've been rping on skype with mah friends, and watching animes on crunchyroll, chatting, and watchings youtube. But it's not helping as much as I'd like. However, it's a purty decent distraction though, until I get bored. -.- THEN I just find other stuff to do. ^_^

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Sitting alone in a dark room with the beta loading screen up on my computer, huddles with my knees up against my chest, rocking back and forth muttering "Yoshi P is coming. Beta will be here soon. Yoshi P is coming. Beta will be here soon."


... Actually, in all seriousness, I'm generally mucking about on PSO2, or the occasional game of Starcraft II or The Old Republic. Having trouble finding people to play WITH though :/


That first part reminded me of myself a little bit xD

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Sitting alone in a dark room with the beta loading screen up on my computer, huddles with my knees up against my chest, rocking back and forth muttering "Yoshi P is coming. Beta will be here soon. Yoshi P is coming. Beta will be here soon."


You made my day a little brighter. Thank you.



I WAS going to play Skyrim. But *some* people urged me to try the STEP mods and now it won't open. So I am spending my nights uninstalling it. Reinstalling it. Uninstalling again. Deleting forlders. Reinstalling again.


I'm ready to put my fist through... something. Because you know when I finally get Skyrim working, p4 will open. *facedesk*

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I'd love to get into FFXI, but it's a bit late for that, and I'd have to devote extra time to setting it up given my computer. I'm not currently subscribed to any MMOs right now, and the free ones don't hold my attention.


Like many others here, I've been working on my wiki page and browsing the forums, although I don't post too often. I watch a few hours of Netflix per day. And I've got Skyrim and The Witcher. I keep putting those off.


I also have a huge backlog of PS3 games: unfortunately, my barely-used controller decided to go haywire. I'm in the market for a relatively cheap, but acceptable quality third-party controller, and I should be able to get one by this weekend.


The wait is difficult, and I would be echoing Isilme, but I can't even install the beta on my PS3 yet.

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Been keeping busy with a classic.





...Almost caved and bought Adoulin. Almost. Then I realized it'd be a waste of $30 because I'd be playing phase 4 in a matter of weeks.

I never played FFXI, nor 1.0. So I am pretty new to the FF world in terms of MMOs.. Only other FF games I've played have been VIII and X. I've always loved the series though. :) So yay ARR!

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Ya'll are a bunch of turbo nerds, only sitting around only playing video games. (I'm kidding).


For me, I've been keeping myself busy with getting myself back into drawing everyday, playing Kentucky Route Zero on Steam, playing my Mechromancer on Boarderlands 2, prepping myself to play my first round of air soft, hunting around the local nerd shops for all the issue of Gunpop, seeing all the summer flicks at a drive in theater, planning my move half way across the country, continuing to create my Iron Kingdoms character as well as further developing Bea...


Oh yeah, and yesterday Shuck, myself, and a couple of friends went on a 4+ mile hike to see some abandoned POW tunnels. It was amazing, but the ceiling was literally crawling with bugs the size of mice and it was pitch dark. I'd be lying if I said I didnt shriek...alot. I also currently have no skin on the back of my heels. Good times!

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Ya'll are a bunch of turbo nerds, only sitting around only playing video games. (I'm kidding).


For me, I've been keeping myself busy with getting myself back into drawing everyday, playing Kentucky Route Zero on Steam, playing my Mechromancer on Boarderlands 2, prepping myself to play my first round of air soft, hunting around the local nerd shops for all the issue of Gunpop, seeing all the summer flicks at a drive in theater, planning my move half way across the country, continuing to create my Iron Kingdoms character as well as further developing Bea...


Oh yeah, and yesterday Shuck, myself, and a couple of friends went on a 4+ mile hike to see some abandoned POW tunnels. It was amazing, but the ceiling was literally crawling with bugs the size of mice and it was pitch dark. I'd be lying if I said I didnt shriek...alot. I also currently have no skin on the back of my heels.  Good times!

Welp, you more than one up'ed me.

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