Kylin Posted August 7, 2013 Share #176 Posted August 7, 2013 I've tried to keep my opinion mostly under wraps, but I feel it's probably high time I explain it at least through an admin perspective. I know some have questioned the decision to "allow" this split to go on. So let me explain as best as possible. I'll leave my personal opinion and predictions out of this, in order to ensure they don't influence anything in a bad way. Though if you want my personal opinion (which I had already typed out ), I have no qualms sharing it in PMs. However, for this, I'm only going to post an administrative perspective and explain why the RPC is on the path it is now. When one removes emotion from the situation, there are only two logical outcomes to this split. Either the Gilgamesh RP community succeeds, or it doesn't succeed. That's it. There's no other outcome. Balmung will remain largely unaffected as a whole. The number of current RP shells there are equal to the number that started out in 1.0. And with the game being in a far better state, the number of those shells to be retained stands to be higher this go around. This is not Balmung's game to lose, as it stands to lose practically nothing as a whole. The ONLY threat to Balmung is Square-Enix themselves if they were to pull a douche move and proclaim some other server as the official RP server. That's it. There is no other threat to Balmung's future. That said, there are two options an administrator could take in this issue. Option 1: Proclaim the site as Balmung-centric only and essentially tell people who want to go elsewhere to take a hike. Doing this would keep the RPC united on Balmung, but it would also create a devastating division within the overall community. If one thinks the "competition" between servers is bad now, I assure you it could be 5 times worse. Imagine a 2nd RPC forming and horrible proxy wars being fought on other sites ("We're the TRUE RPC!" "No, we are!!"). Kind of sounds like more of a headache, don't you think? Assuming the other server community doesn't succeed, it'll also seal their fate in never returning to a community that was so intolerant of them, thus negatively impacting the entire Rp community as a result. On the other hand, if the community succeeds, the escalated competition and and jaded anger will last for years to come. Lose-lose situation for everyone regardless of whether the server succeeds or not. Option 2: Support the "division" and keep everyone at least semi-united for the time being. In this manner, the RPC itself remains united without having to deal with the headache of a competing community. While the two servers may still be seen as "competing" in some ways, it's a very different scenario when said competition is WITHIN the RPC and thus slightly easier to control. In the event that the other server community fails, the chances of them reuniting under one server banner increases exponentially with this option, as they remember that they were supported from the start and will be less likely to hold grudges. In the event that the other server community succeeds, the competition may continue to some degree, but again, it'll still be in a more controlled environment and future forum rules can easily be implemented to stifle that competition to some extent. Logically speaking, option two is the smartest option to take. And I wish those thinking purely on their emotions could see that. And that's the option that was thus taken. With that said, I want to leave a message to both Balmung and Gilgamesh communities. To Balmung: While many of you may despise this split, know that there's nothing any of us can do to stop it. Even if I did choose Option 1, it wouldn't stop it. It would only escalate the issue further. We've already seen this with a particular linkshell that has forever abandoned the RPC because of when this issue first came about months ago. So I advise you all to step back and stop arguing. You will not change anyone's mind. Balmung's only role here should be to remain supportive and ensure that misinformation is corrected as needed (such as the false belief that non-legacy people can't join legacy servers). Continuing to argue about servers is not only FAILING, but it's pushing people further away. Should the Gilgamesh RP community not succeed in their goals, we should be there with open arms to console them and be willing to take them in at a moment's notice. We should NOT give them "I told you so" comments or anything of the like. Should they succeed? Then we should congratulate them and give them kudos for doing something that was perceived as nigh impossible. Any future issues with "competition?" We'll cross that road when/if we get there. To Gilgamesh: While the odds are stacked heavily against you, you remain unwavering in your current path. The risks have all been laid out. And no amount of debate will change anything it seems. So the best of luck in your endeavor and know that the RPC will remain supportive of you as needed. But please do try to exercise your "Gilgamesh pride" carefully. Know that the issue is still very contentious and any remark can easily offend those in Balmung. If Gilgamesh succeeds as a RP community, you should also refrain from "I told you so" in the same manner that Balmung should if the opposite were to happen. Also know that if your endeavor doesn't work out, Balmung will always be here no matter what. Which leads me to a very serious question that I hope you consider as such: IF, hypothetically speaking, the plan to establish a long-term RP community on Gilgamesh doesn't work out, what would you actually do? You don't have to answer this with a response. Just think about it in the back of your mind. Would you quit the game forever and move on to another? Would you focus more on the game itself moreso than RP? Or would you actually consider reuniting on Balmung to continue your RP? I'd rather avoid locking this thread. So instead, I'll encourage everyone to just stop posting. Hopefully that request will be respected. The only ones who should be posting on this thread any longer should be new people who may have questions that need clarified. The rest of you old folks are just chasing your tails endlessly with no hope of persuading the other party. So just...stop? Stop trying to get the last word in, all of you. 4 Link to comment
Nnejo Posted August 7, 2013 Share #177 Posted August 7, 2013 To Everyone else, Gilgameshians and Balmungians: Enough is enough. We are a community. Start acting like it and stop acting like a bunch of middle school students. We are invested into Role Playing as a group. If Balmung goes one way and Gilgamesh goes the other, SO BE IT. But stop FIGHTING about it. STOP LOOKING FOR A FIGHT! STOP TEARING EACH OTHER APART! You are all old enough to know better! It seems as though you want the fighting to cease. Well, I can tell you that no matter how large the lettering you use, this comes across as very hostile in my honest opinion. And yes opinions are like...well Im sure you know the rest. When you type something in all caps it usually means that you are yelling at your audience. Yelling will get you nowhere if you truly aim to make a point. May I suggest a bit more control on the capital lettering? ~Just my two Gil Link to comment
shotgunbadger Posted August 7, 2013 Share #178 Posted August 7, 2013 I think she's 'yelling' because the guy's basically saying 'I go around acting like my server is the only option and if you want to fix it you should join this website and follow me around adding 'and Balmung is also a server to RP on', but I'm going to keep acting like you're the one freezing people out'. Like if you're going to get upset about caps can we be real about what caused them? Link to comment
Zizirimu Yayarimu Posted August 7, 2013 Share #179 Posted August 7, 2013 Wow... reading some of this made my head spin. I wish there was an appropriate smiley to express this. Oh wait, got it: :dazed: It seems some perspective is needed here, for all sides of this "conflict." I can't believe there is so much time and energy to argue over something that's just a hobby. Pick your preferred name of server, community, linkshell, friends to play with... and just do it. Step away if it gets to be too serious, go for a walk, enjoy RL, center yourself. That's the only insight I can offer. All of these back and forth internet debates seem silly IMO. There are more important things. Link to comment
Saefinn Posted August 7, 2013 Share #180 Posted August 7, 2013 I've not read the entire discussion and I am a new member, so I wouldn't say I've really established myself here. Anyhow, what attracted me to RPC was the it seemed like a really friendly community of roleplayers. I signed up because I felt I could meet like-minded folk and I have. I can see the arguments for and against having 2 servers. Personally I ended up selecting Gilgamesh and I don't think I'll regret the decision. I'm going to do my best to support its growth. I think what has been a bit of a turn off has been the in-fighting. People have been concerned about Reddit and 4 Chan users causing grief, they are legitimate concerns, griefers can spoil people's fun. But the irony is that without even having spoken to the community, it seems to already have caused grief. I think RPC is a fantastic community and if people are arguing and creating divides slowly, then it's just weakening the community. In my opinion, the more role players here, the better (more people to roleplay with). Yes, there are 2 servers for a community, personally I've always favoured choice and I am glad I've been able to weigh my choices between Balmung and Gilgamesh. Granted we could sit here all day arguing the advantages and disadvantages. But it is what it is. My aim in joining this community was to avoid some of the grief you can get in MMOs, people have a habit of arguing and falling out. I will remain uninvolved with any fighting. You guys are a decent friendly bunch in general - at least you come off that way - I'm sure folks would like to keep it that way. We're all here to have fun and RP the crap out of this game. Make love, not Warcraft and given this isn't Warcraft, you have no choice but to make love. I mean, how else am I going to get any action playing an MMO? Anyhow, this captain's got some rum, who wants some? 1 Link to comment
Selsix Posted August 7, 2013 Share #181 Posted August 7, 2013 Selsix put it in the best way. She described the Balmung server as a bus that may or may not stop to pick her up. You know what that says to me? That she sees us a server she can't fit in to. That we're full, that we don't want to pick her up and welcome her in. WTF have we been saying? The -exact opposite- of that. We want to pick her up. All the RPers. Everywhere. We want to pick them all up, and welcome them in. Uhm, I'm a guy bro. Notice the male Elezen avatar. That put it in perspective for you? So what you're saying is that you see Balmung as a speeding bus that won't stop for anyone and will mow you down without a second thought if you got in its way. That does give perspective. Also Resent, Noun: Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly. Indignation, Noun: Anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment. Both of these kinda sound pretty spot on. Resentment is an ugly word, I know, but it doesn't make it any less accurate for this argument. You completely miss the point. The "bus mowing you down" is a metaphor for the chance that a legacy realm could completely screw you over. It might not, but the chance that it CAN is definitely there. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Granted, both options have risks associated. But while both present potentially toxic communities; only one exhibits a danger of broken game mechanics. Given that evidence? I'm going to take my chances with Gilgamesh. As for "Resent". Your own definition proves my point. "Bitter". Nobody is bitter sir. Well, at least I'm not. It's just a smart move in my eyes. Link to comment
Fiona Swift Posted August 7, 2013 Share #182 Posted August 7, 2013 I'm so confused by all of this. Balmung and Gilgamesh communities are equal in my book. from an RP / Lore perspective it makes sense as well if you think about it. You have those which fall into the old shifted 5 years into the future (ARR) and those which are brand new as the era of Adventurers starts to thrive... Balmung , Gilgamesh. Based on Lore, new toons should role on Balmung to stick with the lore... but at the same time said concept only is good for about 2-3months and you'll have 50's everywhere. In short... Both servers are fine. Work as a community here people. You can roll on "both" servers. The thing is we all have a difference of opinion. What should be going on is we all respect one another's opinions and move on. Instead we're squabbling over it in spots and it is rather embarrassing. Balmung is Legacy. Established community with established LinkShells , Free Companies, etc. It is open to all to join and I am quite certain the Balmung community would love to see new players. However I see lots of new players branding Legacy servers as unfair advantages and branding Legacy players. On the flipside you have Gilgamesh... a new server with fresh opportunities. Who knows how it will turn out but people will be able to establish their own thing on the server. New linkshells, new friends etc.. Some people have legit concerns about Legacy servers and might not want to give it the 2-4 months needed to catch up to everyone else. My issue with all this is why people have this "all or nothing" attitude. Why is it.. Balmung OR Gilgamesh. As many have pointed out, including myself, you can make characters on up to 8 servers. Ontop of that, so what people want to go to A instead of B. It isn't like they have said "I'm going to A and never showing my face here ever again?" Be a community. Think of it as a guild that has so many members it has to make two guilds. The guild fills up...The guild leader often takes the 2nd in command and has them make their own guild and you end up with two guilds. People join one or the other... You share the same webpage, same info, but you have two separate banks, two separate raid rotation groups etc. Be a community... we are all a team here. Now everyone smile and watch the cute baby-bunny!! Link to comment
Zyrusticae Posted August 7, 2013 Share #183 Posted August 7, 2013 I'd rather avoid locking this thread. So instead, I'll encourage everyone to just stop posting. Hopefully that request will be respected. The only ones who should be posting on this thread any longer should be new people who may have questions that need clarified. The rest of you old folks are just chasing your tails endlessly with no hope of persuading the other party. So just...stop? Stop trying to get the last word in, all of you. I take serious issue with this. If people want to discuss it, let them discuss it! What harm does it do? It doesn't matter if no one gets anywhere, trying to squelch the discussion is about as productive as trying to get people to stop rolling on Gilgamesh. The only way you could really stop it from happening is to lock every thread on the matter as soon as they pop up, but that's incredibly counter-productive and produces a highly oppressive atmosphere. You completely miss the point. The "bus mowing you down" is a metaphor for the chance that a legacy realm could completely screw you over. It might not, but the chance that it CAN is definitely there. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Granted, both options have risks associated. But while both present potentially toxic communities; only one exhibits a danger of broken game mechanics. Given that evidence? I'm going to take my chances with Gilgamesh. BS. There is absolutely no risk of of "broken game mechanics" whatsoever on a Legacy server. The only difference is that there are some people who are already ahead of the game, but judging from the "How far did you get?" poll a considerable majority of Legacy players never made it past level 30 with one character. More to the point, I consider splitting the community to be THE WORST POSSIBLE SIN. There is nothing that justifies splitting the community. Nothing. Absolutely nothing! You can't do it. You just can't do it. There's literally no possible answer that would convince me that "yes, it's okay that people are splitting up an already niche and incredibly tiny community". Every single excuse - and they are excuses - that's been stated here and elsewhere on these forums has been far, FAR from justifying this ridiculous divide. Right now, we number maybe in the hundreds, with maybe 3/4 going to Balmung and 1/4 going to Gilgamesh. I mean, that's bloody terrible. There are already so few of us to begin with, why do we need to be split up on something so incredibly trivial? The worst part is that there will inevitably be dozens of players who just burn out over time and that leaves us with a scant few dozen active players by this time next year. I've seen this happen so many times in so many MMOs that I'm absolutely astonished that this is even an issue. Why take the risk? Why? No, don't answer that, you already know I won't accept any of your answers. Ugh, I can't even describe how angry all of this makes me. Yes, it's completely trivial, but it's BECAUSE it's so trivial that it makes me so angry. It really, really wouldn't be that difficult to just roll on a single server, but no, some folks have to take it upon themselves to be... different. To spite everyone else, just because they can. I'm sorry, but I cannot respect that. If you ever decide to reroll on Balmung, you are all welcome to do so (I won't be nearly as angry then because, y'know, I'll just be playing the game), but don't expect any sympathy from me whatsoever if things go south. 3 Link to comment
Selsix Posted August 7, 2013 Share #184 Posted August 7, 2013 You completely miss the point. The "bus mowing you down" is a metaphor for the chance that a legacy realm could completely screw you over. It might not, but the chance that it CAN is definitely there. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Granted, both options have risks associated. But while both present potentially toxic communities; only one exhibits a danger of broken game mechanics. Given that evidence? I'm going to take my chances with Gilgamesh. BS. There is absolutely no risk of of "broken game mechanics" whatsoever on a Legacy server. The only difference is that there are some people who are already ahead of the game, but judging from the "How far did you get?" poll a considerable majority of Legacy players never made it past level 30 with one character. More to the point, I consider splitting the community to be THE WORST POSSIBLE SIN. There is nothing that justifies splitting the community. Nothing. Absolutely nothing! You can't do it. You just can't do it. There's literally no possible answer that would convince me that "yes, it's okay that people are splitting up an already niche and incredibly tiny community". Every single excuse - and they are excuses - that's been stated here and elsewhere on these forums has been far, FAR from justifying this ridiculous divide. Right now, we number maybe in the hundreds, with maybe 3/4 going to Balmung and 1/4 going to Gilgamesh. I mean, that's bloody terrible. There are already so few of us to begin with, why do we need to be split up on something so incredibly trivial? The worst part is that there will inevitably be dozens of players who just burn out over time and that leaves us with a scant few dozen active players by this time next year. I've seen this happen so many times in so many MMOs that I'm absolutely astonished that this is even an issue. Why take the risk? Why? No, don't answer that, you already know I won't accept any of your answers. Ugh, I can't even describe how angry all of this makes me. Yes, it's completely trivial, but it's BECAUSE it's so trivial that it makes me so angry. It really, really wouldn't be that difficult to just roll on a single server, but no, some folks have to take it upon themselves to be... different. To spite everyone else, just because they can. I'm sorry, but I cannot respect that. If you ever decide to reroll on Balmung, you are all welcome to do so (I won't be nearly as angry then because, y'know, I'll just be playing the game), but don't expect any sympathy from me whatsoever if things go south. First of all, there are possible problems. People have already discussed possible economic issues with legacy players keeping their gear and cash. Not to mention the massive headstart you have on every other new player by having leveled up characters. Secondly, there's no "splitting the community". A lot of people going to Gilgamesh are NEW players. Your community isn't being "split". Just new people are going to a new realm. Also, it's not trivial at all. At least not to us. You argue "why can't everyone roll on Balmung?" And the short answer is because Balmung has high level pre-geared characters. This is a NEW game. You can't get angry at some people for wanting a FRESH server on a NEW game. Lastly, nobody is doing this to "spite" Legacy players. Or at the very least I'm not. Every single time I explain this I'm getting told I HATE legacy players, or that I resent them, or am bitter towards them, or wish to spite them. That's bull. I don't HATE you. I wish I could play WITH you. But fact of the matter is, I see the head start all Legacy players have in the economy? Along with their pre-leveled characters? Forgive me if I want a free shot in a new game. But I think that that is a perfectly legitimate excuse, and I am sure plenty of people agree with me. But seriously, just calm down. Getting upset won't fix anything. This is going to happen whether you like it or not, so learn to be okay with it or simply ignore it. Any other option is only going to drive you mad. 1 Link to comment
shotgunbadger Posted August 8, 2013 Share #185 Posted August 8, 2013 I'm really confused how a legacy server can 'screw you over'. Like, they don't run on different rules, if something is broken there Gilgamesh will be broken too... Edit: No it is pretty much spite, there's literally no reason to do it other than 'I don't want to share a server with those types', there's literally no way a legacy player can affect us beyond their mere presence somehow being enough to ruin the game for you. Link to comment
Selsix Posted August 8, 2013 Share #186 Posted August 8, 2013 I'm really confused how a legacy server can 'screw you over'. Like, they don't run on different rules, if something is broken there Gilgamesh will be broken too... Edit: No it is pretty much spite, there's literally no reason to do it other than 'I don't want to share a server with those types', there's literally no way a legacy player can affect us beyond their mere presence somehow being enough to ruin the game for you. Again. They can indeed affect my play experience. Legacy players keeping their items and gil can ruin the economy in a fresh new game. Their levels can also ruin my experience. Even if I level as FAST as I possibly can, there will still be plenty of people who started at 50 and already are miles ahead of me in terms of end game progression and gear. Sorry, but I'd like to be at the front lines. Not catching up. I also fail to see how any of this is spite. I'm not doing it to MAKE you feel bad. I'm doing it to give myself a shot. How is that spite? Spite - a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter, ill will; malice. That sounds like NOTHING I am trying to accomplish. So please stop throwing words like that around. Link to comment
Desmond Aryll Posted August 8, 2013 Share #187 Posted August 8, 2013 It's not about ruining the game. It's just a preference. Beating the dead horse about it won't make anyone reconsider. It'll do the opposite in fact. People are gonna do what they're gonna do. A deeper reason for it isn't really necessary. Just live and let live, ya'know? Balmung's population is growing without a shadow of a doubt. There will be more people there than ever. It just won't be all the people. Just leave it at that. Link to comment
shotgunbadger Posted August 8, 2013 Share #188 Posted August 8, 2013 Well I guess I just really hope you're constantly first to do everything on Gilgamesh if the mere idea of not being 'at the front' ruins your game. As for economy...that's...not how it works? Like I don't know what to say to that. And yea this stuff is kinda spiteful in places. Like that crap with the self appointed leader of the Gil RPers telling people on Reddit all about the RP on Gilgamesh and not mentioning us too, if this whole thing is about letting people decide why does someone else have to run behind him also hocking the other server? 1 Link to comment
Havoc Snow Posted August 8, 2013 Share #189 Posted August 8, 2013 Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is not a fresh new game, it is a three year old game being rebranded and resold with a different name. The fact that our servers and characters from 1.0 still exists proves this, the fact that the core mechanics have only barely changed also shows this. They changed the UI, tweaked the mechanics to make them enjoyable, but it's not a brand new game, it's just an expansion. This is no different than when World of Warcraft came out with the Cataclysm expansion to draw in more new subscribers. Link to comment
Arelian Solin Posted August 8, 2013 Share #190 Posted August 8, 2013 You guys are really working yourself into a tizzy over something as trivial as server choice. Stop gettin' mad at vidya games, and just enjoy the fact that the admins here are allowing something like the discussion/split to even occur. They could have excused themselves from the situation entirely by not advocating for Gilgamesh being the next big server. Who cares if someone doesn't want to roll on a legacy server or if someone does? We're playing with so many hypotheticals that don't even matter. And again, it's a video game. It's roleplaying. Calm down. Deep breaths. Yes, I've expressed my own frustration at the community being split but this is disgusting behavior coming from everybody. There's no discussion to be had. Nothing anyone can say is going to sway anyone's feelings on the matter, and if anything the arguments and "discussion" are just going to prove the stereotype of roleplayers being overdramatic, hormone-driven teenagers with power-fantasies right. People are resorting to hyperbole, personal attacks, and examples that aren't even relevant to try and drive... what point home again? That Gilgamesh hates Legacy players? That Balmung won't be accepting to new folks? None of this is true, and even if it was. What's gained from spewing it everywhere? Oh. It divides the community further and drives people away from both communities. Let's stop spreading hateful language and all enjoy the game we're going to be given shortly. Choices are good. Wouldn't you rather we have nice discussions about the lore of the game or things we're looking forward to? Especially for the newer folks that are trying to figure things out and maybe unsure if they even want to roleplay to begin with. Nothing says, "Oh boy! I really want to be a part of that community!" like watching the two bicker and spit at each other simply because they can. Let's all just get along. It's easier that way. I promise. 3 Link to comment
Selsix Posted August 8, 2013 Share #191 Posted August 8, 2013 Well I guess I just really hope you're constantly first to do everything on Gilgamesh if the mere idea of not being 'at the front' ruins your game. As for economy...that's...not how it works? Like I don't know what to say to that. And yea this stuff is kinda spiteful in places. Like that crap with the self appointed leader of the Gil RPers telling people on Reddit all about the RP on Gilgamesh and not mentioning us too, if this whole thing is about letting people decide why does someone else have to run behind him also hocking the other server? First off, I didn't say I wanted to be the FIRST at everything, I said I want to be on the front lines. That means I want to be doing actual progression, not catching up to people who had weeks of progress ahead of me. That is a fair request. Second, yes, that is how it works. Legacy players will start off with a lot of items and money. Sure, they worked for them in the past. But because of this? They get to hold all the new players by the balls. Are all of you doing this? No. Will it happen? Very likely. And finally, no, it is not spiteful. Two or three people's actions does NOT account for all of us. I was not part of that, most of us weren't. You said it yourself, he's "self-appointed". We did not elect this man, I do not stand behind all of his choices. None of us do. If you want a fair shake? I advise you take that up with him. But don't pin that on the rest of us. 'Kay thanks. Link to comment
Disglair Posted August 8, 2013 Share #192 Posted August 8, 2013 Personally, I think this thread should've been locked a couple pages back. It's spiraling down into shit slinging and finger pointing (with a little bit of this in between) because, as Sylas said, there's no discussion here. This thread may have started off with noble intentions, but nothing from here on out is going to help new players decide which server to go to. All this is doing is acting as a public soapbox for people to voice their frustrations. Which, while that's an okay thing...I think this thread has sort of outlived its purpose. Link to comment
Desmond Aryll Posted August 8, 2013 Share #193 Posted August 8, 2013 Let's stop spreading hateful language and all enjoy the game we're going to be given shortly. Choices are good. Here, here. Seconded. Well said, Sylas. Link to comment
shotgunbadger Posted August 8, 2013 Share #194 Posted August 8, 2013 I really have no idea how the legacy players can 'have us by the balls' though. Can you actually explain that and why it's a certainty? Link to comment
Selsix Posted August 8, 2013 Share #195 Posted August 8, 2013 Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is not a fresh new game, it is a three year old game being rebranded and resold with a different name. The fact that our servers and characters from 1.0 still exists proves this, the fact that the core mechanics have only barely changed also shows this. They changed the UI, tweaked the mechanics to make them enjoyable, but it's not a brand new game, it's just an expansion. This is no different than when World of Warcraft came out with the Cataclysm expansion to draw in more new subscribers. I hate to break it to you, but it is pretty much a new game. Cataclysm was an expansion, it simply added content and re-vamped some old geography. A Realm Reborn is an entire re-design of the game's interface, graphics engine, environment, questing, battle system, features, and endgame content. It may not be a BRAND new game. But it's as close as you can possibly get. And if I'm allowed to play on a server without any pre-leveled characters on it in this new world? I'm going to. I really have no idea how the legacy players can 'have us by the balls' though. Can you actually explain that and why it's a certainty? Sure can. Scenario 1: Say a legacy player has an item and wants to sell it. Now this item isn't for sale and since he's a Legacy player, and he has plenty of cash left over from 1.0. He can now charge whatever he'd like for this item before an actual economy is re-established simply because there are no other ones for sale. Scenario 2: Now let's say a non-legacy player puts up some crafting materials for sale. A legacy player sees they are fairly cheap, because again, there is no real economy in place yet. So he buys all of them, which sure might give the new player some profit. But what can he do then? Re-sell them all for MUCH more. Thus causing a problem. This particular issue happens even late game, but the key difference is late game there is an economy in place, so it has marginal success due to market influx. Link to comment
shotgunbadger Posted August 8, 2013 Share #196 Posted August 8, 2013 What happens when server transfers open up and the legacy people start to filter over, though? Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is not a fresh new game, it is a three year old game being rebranded and resold with a different name. The fact that our servers and characters from 1.0 still exists proves this, the fact that the core mechanics have only barely changed also shows this. They changed the UI, tweaked the mechanics to make them enjoyable, but it's not a brand new game, it's just an expansion. This is no different than when World of Warcraft came out with the Cataclysm expansion to draw in more new subscribers. I hate to break it to you, but it is pretty much a new game. Cataclysm was an expansion, it simply added content and re-vamped some old geography. A Realm Reborn is an entire re-design of the game's interface, graphics engine, environment, questing, battle system, features, and endgame content. It may not be a BRAND new game. But it's as close as you can possibly get. And if I'm allowed to play on a server without any pre-leveled characters on it in this new world? I'm going to. I really have no idea how the legacy players can 'have us by the balls' though. Can you actually explain that and why it's a certainty? Sure can. Scenario 1: Say a legacy player has an item and wants to sell it. Now this item isn't for sale and since he's a Legacy player, and he has plenty of cash left over from 1.0. He can now charge whatever he'd like for this item before an actual economy is re-established simply because there are no other ones for sale. Scenario 2: Now let's say a non-legacy player puts up some crafting materials for sale. A legacy player sees they are fairly cheap, because again, there is no real economy in place yet. So he buys all of them, which sure might give the new player some profit. But what can he do then? Re-sell them all for MUCH more. Thus causing a problem. This particular issue happens even late game, but the key difference is late game there is an economy in place, so it has marginal success due to market influx. By this logic we should just put a cap on gil because like you said this problem happens no matter what. There will always be newbies who undervalue things, that happened in FFXI a lot and nothing was destroyed. Link to comment
Selsix Posted August 8, 2013 Share #197 Posted August 8, 2013 What happens when server transfers open up and the legacy people start to filter over, though? Then good for them? If they want to come over at that point go for it. By the time that becomes a feature (which won't be for MONTHS), I will welcome them over with open arms because everyone will likely be on the same page in terms of endgame content, and an economy will already be in place. EDIT: By this logic we should just put a cap on gil because like you said this problem happens no matter what. There will always be newbies who undervalue things, that happened in FFXI a lot and nothing was destroyed. You completely missed my point. The argument wasn't that newbies get taken advantage of. It's that Legacy players may not only be taking advantage of the new players, they can take advantage of the lack of an economy. 1 Link to comment
Arelian Solin Posted August 8, 2013 Share #198 Posted August 8, 2013 Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is not a fresh new game, it is a three year old game being rebranded and resold with a different name. The fact that our servers and characters from 1.0 still exists proves this, the fact that the core mechanics have only barely changed also shows this. They changed the UI, tweaked the mechanics to make them enjoyable, but it's not a brand new game, it's just an expansion. This is no different than when World of Warcraft came out with the Cataclysm expansion to draw in more new subscribers. I hate to break it to you, but it is pretty much a new game. Cataclysm was an expansion, it simply added content and re-vamped some old geography. A Realm Reborn is an entire re-design of the game's interface, graphics engine, environment, questing, battle system, features, and endgame content. It may not be a BRAND new game. But it's as close as you can possibly get. And if I'm allowed to play on a server without any pre-leveled characters on it in this new world? I'm going to. I really have no idea how the legacy players can 'have us by the balls' though. Can you actually explain that and why it's a certainty? Sure can. Scenario 1: Say a legacy player has an item and wants to sell it. Now this item isn't for sale and since he's a Legacy player, and he has plenty of cash left over from 1.0. He can now charge whatever he'd like for this item before an actual economy is re-established simply because there are no other ones for sale. Scenario 2: Now let's say a non-legacy player puts up some crafting materials for sale. A legacy player sees they are fairly cheap, because again, there is no real economy in place yet. So he buys all of them, which sure might give the new player some profit. But what can he do then? Re-sell them all for MUCH more. Thus causing a problem. This particular issue happens even late game, but the key difference is late game there is an economy in place, so it has marginal success due to market influx. To actually try and form this into a discussion... In both of your scenario's you're assuming that the non-legacy player wouldn't do the same as the legacy player. Just for some food-for-thought... On a non-legacy server, there's going to be a big supply issue at first. The people that bumrush crafting classes will undoubtedly control the market for a long time, at least until others catch up with them. For example: Player is a crafter. He HQs a level 50 item within 3-4 days of the game coming out. Since an economy doesn't exist yet, that player can literally hold this item hostage and set whatever price they want. Player has 2 choices. They can try to make enough gil to purchase the item, perpetuating the economy's price for that item and keeping prices high. The second choice is to level crafting all the way up and craft the item for themselves. Most players will chose Option 1, thus keeping the item price high. The reason this dilemma might not exist on a Legacy server is the fact that several people will be coming into things with high-level or capped crafting to begin with. This already means that the market will have more of any one certain item available and the initial price will potentially be lower. I say potentially because there's always the likelihood of someone controlling the market, as you pointed out. There's no way to get around the fact that certain people will control the economy early on, be it on a legacy server or non-legacy. Everyone starts off equal on a non-legacy, but some players have already mapped out the optimized ways to get a craft to 50 and literally roll in the money. Link to comment
Havoc Snow Posted August 8, 2013 Share #199 Posted August 8, 2013 Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is not a fresh new game, it is a three year old game being rebranded and resold with a different name. The fact that our servers and characters from 1.0 still exists proves this, the fact that the core mechanics have only barely changed also shows this. They changed the UI, tweaked the mechanics to make them enjoyable, but it's not a brand new game, it's just an expansion. This is no different than when World of Warcraft came out with the Cataclysm expansion to draw in more new subscribers. I hate to break it to you, but it is pretty much a new game. Cataclysm was an expansion, it simply added content and re-vamped some old geography. A Realm Reborn is an entire re-design of the game's interface, graphics engine, environment, questing, battle system, features, and endgame content. It may not be a BRAND new game. But it's as close as you can possibly get. And if I'm allowed to play on a server without any pre-leveled characters on it in this new world? I'm going to. I really have no idea how the legacy players can 'have us by the balls' though. Can you actually explain that and why it's a certainty? Sure can. Scenario 1: Say a legacy player has an item and wants to sell it. Now this item isn't for sale and since he's a Legacy player, and he has plenty of cash left over from 1.0. He can now charge whatever he'd like for this item before an actual economy is re-established simply because there are no other ones for sale. Scenario 2: Now let's say a non-legacy player puts up some crafting materials for sale. A legacy player sees they are fairly cheap, because again, there is no real economy in place yet. So he buys all of them, which sure might give the new player some profit. But what can he do then? Re-sell them all for MUCH more. Thus causing a problem. This particular issue happens even late game, but the key difference is late game there is an economy in place, so it has marginal success due to market influx. What is to stop me from coming over to Gilgamesh and leveling Miner or Botanist, getting crafting supplies and selling them for extraordinary amounts of money? Your example says that people with money will try to control the market by selling items for more money than people can actually afford or are willing to spend. In what world does that actually make sense? In what world does that actually work? If anything it will be the other way around, people who have little money will over charge items because they assume that there are higher level players that can afford them. This same thing will happen on Gilgamesh too, people will grind gathering classes to sell materials for over inflated prices because they know there isn't any competition on the server. Link to comment
shotgunbadger Posted August 8, 2013 Share #200 Posted August 8, 2013 Yea what about people like me who are starting new but used to play, and who read a lot on crafting and all, I can make a lot of gil pretty fast, if I go all obsessive I can have a hefty wallet in a day or so. If I rolled on Gilgamesh aren't I just as much a 'problem' as the dude who had it just lying around? Link to comment
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