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The Screenshot Thread [Tag Your Spoilers]

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I hid a Crystal Bell in a wardrobe so I could change my hairstyle when it clips. Unfortunately that means Jandelaine sticks his head through the door like it's The Shining.




"Heeere's Jande!"


... That's actually kind of amazing. I put my retainer bell in a counter top in Chachan's house, so they actually walk up to the counter to give their report. :lol:

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... That's actually kind of amazing. I put my retainer bell in a counter top in Chachan's house, so they actually walk up to the counter to give their report. :lol:


That is brilliant and it makes me want to find cool places for the bells in my other character's residence. :surprise:

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Some more Nabi adventures!





"Even the thorniest of cactuars need water now and then."




"I think you are unwell. And suffering. And looking for the answer in the wrong places."

"Don't patronize me. I know what I need."




“You don’t like to rely on anyone, do you?”

"It's a dangerous prospect, is it not?"





"Well... there they are. Purbols."

"Aren't they gorgeous? Look at all those glands on top of their heads! Glowing! Filled with all sorts of things."


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I was told to post these. How does this work...





"The sober me would'a never accepted your ride, after the ride I took the girl on. She sends the big sword guy after me."


"Sober you sounds a fair bit wiser than drunk you, I imagine." His mouth twitched. "Will the sober you care when she comes back to deal with it all afterwards?"


"Deal with what? Me? What, she turning me in or somethin'?"


"No. But she still has to deal with the mess you make." He replied flatly. "Part of me thinks we may have gotten along rather well, if things went differently. It is unfortunate."




"And how did you end up where you are now, I wonder? I'd expect it was something quite striking if you were well off before," he asked.


"Maybe I just decided I didn't want to do it no more." She frowned. "Maybe I decided to retire! There's nothing wrong with that."


"Mmmn. If you do say so then, I suppose. Though, would you like to know something?"


"Sure. What. Your deepest darkest secrets?"


"No. You're not a very good liar."



"So what are you? Other than some guy who wields a large sword."


"Currently? A guard for a very talkative looter, it would seem."



"Storm's coming. Hard one I'd say." Shael tapped the tip of her nose. "I have a nose for these things."

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I cant postbmy pic cause imgur sucks. Why did photobucket have to die.


I went photobucket > google > Flickr


Flickr lets me grab the URL of the pic to post, which is the main thing I want.


Oh and here is a pic because, that's the topic :)



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I might be leveling a second job because DPS queues suck and there's not a whole lot for me to do after weeklies/dailies.


I also might be totally in love with this mask.




I also also might have finally figured out what was wrong with my gpose camera positioning.






Okay, but seriously I love this mask.






This top is so clippy though and I'm not 100% sold on it. Unfortunately, not many alternatives without spending money on the Mogstation.






Stupid Shisui gear matches the mask better but you wouldn't catch me dead doing a nearly complete Shisui/Faire outfit for anything other than fun screenshots. That stuff is for sparingly mixing and matching only.



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Still in love with this out of character glamour.






Still in love with this friggin' mask.






I wonder if the shrines in Shirogane would've made for better screenshots. I always feel like I'm invading someone's personal area by going into a district where I don't own any kind of housing or am a tenant though. My brain is weird.

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I wonder how this place looks at night lit by lanterns. I shall have to see it sometime. After all, lights are always the most beautiful in the dark.


Actually took this for something I researched and half finished last night. I had every intention of finishing it tonight but things were just ugh today. The longer it sits there unfinished the more likely I am to delete it... :dazed:

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