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Tiergan's Thread of Shameless Self-Promotion [No Commissions. Apologies.]


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I love your art. Your lines are so pretty and your colors are just ... you make it look easy.


edit - question -- do you do the black and white to color technique or do you paint in colors?


It depends - if what I'm tackling is pretty simple and I know exactly what colors I'm going to use, I just jump right into colors.


If I'm painting something really complex and/or I (or a client) isn't feeling 100% confident about colors and might change their mind later, I start off black and white. Then I drop in colors after with blending modes. Once I have something I like, I flatten everything down to one layer and paint on top of it.


(Also, thank you for the kind words!)

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Next week I'll be going on a week-long vacation. However, you can still definitely send me a PM at any time and we can talk about what you'd like your commission to look like. I ask for payment when I'm ready to do my thing. o/

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That sounds awesome. Yeah, I'll send payment first.


I feel so ashamed because I can't draw people nor anime to save my life. The picture I'm using for my avatar was an early concept of Xydane if he was a character in Kingdom Hearts. That was done when I was in Jr. High school many years ago. I've lost my touch. xD My art only consists of Paleo and creature design.

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Derp! I meant to say "I will ask for payment when I'm ready to do my thing." I try not to ask for money until I'm ready to work.


This is why I shouldn't post things before morning coffee.

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