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The "RPC's Requests to the Developers" Thread!


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EDIT: I did make this thread in the past to promote a personal thread I had made on the Official Forums in the past, but now I think (also thanks to Ilwe'ran for inspiring me), why not make this a thread for EVERYONE to promote their threads?


Simply put: If you have any cool idea to help roleplaying in general and have made a thread on the Official Forums for the Developers to check out, post a link here, so that all the roleplayers in the Coalition can check it out and support you! Comments, bumps, Likes, and everything we can do to make the Devs hear the voice of the Roleplaying community!


I'll start with my threads, please don't be afraid to necro-bump them!


An Industrial Revolution-themed Expansion!

Suggestion for a future expansion!


Yugiri's hood for Au Ras!

Small glamour request for Au Ra - Yugiri's Hood


Housing Issue on Balmung:

New Housing Wards for Balmung, please!


Head-Turn Display on screen:

Please give us the option to let other players see our head turn.


Screenshots potential:

The Unending Journey is missing so many cutscenes!


Monsters horns breaking etc. / Spearfishing from 1.0:

It would be cool to see this feature return!


An underground city?!

The Duskwight's Home?


Find Roleplayers through Search!

An "IC/RP" status would be nice to have!


More average clothes!

Town Gear Wishlist!


Inventory Woes

This issue just occurred to me about the new class (and future classes)...


I can't be /annoyed for longer than 10 seconds?!

What is the reason behind Facial Expression emotes not being Persistent?


Mounts seem heartless robots (sorry Magitek Armor!).

Idle Animations for Mounts (like the Companions): Do you see it possible?


/changepose galore!

Another wish-list thread: /changepose stances!


I want to sit my butt on the floor!

Miqo'te Men and Highlander Women of Eorzea Unite! Let us /sit on the floor!!


A traveling bag, can I has!?

Suggestion/Request/Pipe Dream - Where's my backpack!?


Companions always go poof at the worst time (when I RP with them out!)...

Small suggestion for Chocobo Companions!


Wow.. okay, didn't realize what a demanding bitch I have been this year. Oh well, please support any idea you like, and do it on the official forums rather than here!


Post links to your own threads if you think they'd make RP better!

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Not to detract away from the thread, but the possible reason why that thread did not receive any traction is because it's in well... the wrong forum.

Yeah, that's why I didn't even see it when I made a search on the official forum to make sure I wasn't making a copy of a thread :blush:... I never include "Website Feedback" in my searches...


But I've still bumped that thread as well for support, thanks everyone for supporting the one I made as well!

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Many of the suggestions in that forum actually seem to be for in game stuff! I admit, the forums are confusing in that there doesn't seem to BE any specific spot for game related suggestions, so I figure I'll support both threads in the hope that one or the other will get seen by someone who can actually find a way to implement it.

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Many of the suggestions in that forum actually seem to be for in game stuff! I admit, the forums are confusing in that there doesn't seem to BE any specific spot for game related suggestions, so I figure I'll support both threads in the hope that one or the other will get seen by someone who can actually find a way to implement it.


My reasoning for saying this is because a lot of people do a similar thing with the current FanFest Ask a question threads (asking in the wrong thread, asking multiple questions in one post, etc.). When you don't follow the 'rules' or guidelines, people in charge tend to ignore or bypass them and not give them the proper glance it deserves.


I'm still up for supporting this endeavor, I just think it is worth a small mention so that they don't just downplay our efforts as "another one of those complaints/whine" threads.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little update! I have managed to get a post on page 2 of the new "Ask Questions for the Devs" thread, and I took the chance to bring up the RP/IC icon request.


Please hop on this post and give it a little thumb up! It's a little effort to give attention to what would be an awesome feature!

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  • 2 months later...

Should we make a topic about Glamour gears ? Their answer was awfully dishonnest but they still said we could ask for some restrictions being lifted.


My favorite about glamour gear is that the NPC who introduces glamours is impossible.


LTW shirt with DoW-only pants or boots, if I'm remembering right.

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Should we make a topic about Glamour gears ? Their answer was awfully dishonnest but they still said we could ask for some restrictions being lifted.


Definitely go for it! Post a link here and I'll put it in the OP, as well as bump it on the official forums!

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I don't have a thread on hand for this (though I'm sure there is one somewhere), but linkshells. Why can we only join eight? I understand wanting to put a cap on the amount we can join, but why a number as random as eight? Why not a sensible ten? I'd certainly appreciate the extra two slots.

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Should we make a topic about Glamour gears ? Their answer was awfully dishonnest but they still said we could ask for some restrictions being lifted.

Ugh that reply was horrible.




I just wish that I could have glamors specific to a class/job. I want my PLD to be able to wear say the Soldiery chest with the PLD PVP chest but WAR be able to wear the Soldiery Chest with the WAR AF.


Please be to be having the ability to re-arrange the Linkshell List.

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I don't have a thread on hand for this (though I'm sure there is one somewhere), but linkshells. Why can we only join eight? I understand wanting to put a cap on the amount we can join, but why a number as random as eight? Why not a sensible ten? I'd certainly appreciate the extra two slots.


This I could possibly answer with a silly explanation.


They could be storing linkshell selection with a trivially small amount of information capped at 8 options, like a byte.


Looking through the log dump files, there are some weird control characters, which are all a single byte, which holds up to 8 bits. Assuming they're using this to define text in the chatbox, they'd have to increase it to two-character selection, making the new max 16, and doubling the information to show that. They could cite it'd increase server load, require more data per character, and require a new UI that they don't have the resources to accommodate for. 



...or they could be doing it because 8 is still quite a lot. Especially when FC, say, shout, emotes, etc all can be shown too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for this post! I've left comments on several threads. I don't tend to post in the official forums outside of screenshot contests, but now I'm finding reasons to be more participative there *amused*.


I hope SE will take some of those suggestions into consideration, they're definitely very nice things to have (especially the head turning feature, which has been in my wishlist for ages).

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Thank you for this post! I've left comments on several threads. I don't tend to post in the official forums outside of screenshot contests, but now I'm finding reasons to be more participative there *amused*.


I hope SE will take some of those suggestions into consideration, they're definitely very nice things to have (especially the head turning feature, which has been in my wishlist for ages).


Yay, glad I'm not the only one! If you've made threads yourself, don't hesitate to put links here so that all roleplayers can support you! We need to put our voices together for SE to hear the RPC and its ideas!

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I don't love the idea of RP-exclusive features like search. To me they just seem like a waste of time pursuing as opposed to things that can be used by the gaming community at large instead of one little niche that only gets laughed at(and therefore not highly supported) by the remainder of gamers.


I think that may have been an old request but I thought I'd add my two cents in any case.




What I want to know is why non-relic sets are class and dye locked under the excuse that the developers want to maintain a certain image in-game while snowmen, moooglemen and swimsuit models can serve as our tanks, dps and healers anyways.


Give us total freedom of glamour with exception to the understandable.... relic gear and GC uniforms.

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o Personal, privatized, and affordable housing.

o Appearance slots instead of glamour. 

o Physical build options - no, not a tone slider.

o Priority Character Creation on high-pop servers for players already playing there.

... o meaning if I have a character on balmung, I can make a new character anytime.

... o other people can still x-fer anytime.


o Big, beardy, adorable Ramuh-egi or chibi finger snappin' Shiva-egi.

o Refined DoT tracking server. More responsive. 2 second intervals instead.

o More Summoner skills that involve summoner-pet combo attacks;

... o Like a filler skill does x elemental damaged; pet's next attack deals + x damage.

... o CD deals x damage and trips foe; pet does massive damage + DoT.

... o CD consumes all DoTs on target; pet gains specific massive boost based on each DoT.

... ... o Bio is atk speed, Bio ll is atk power, Miasma is auto-atk DoTing, Miasma ll is auto-atk cleave.

... ... o Virus ignores all dmg resistance.

... ... o Lasts 20 seconds.


o More open areas. Bigger cities.

o More MASSIVE outer-world bosses.

o Puppetmaster Class

o Dancer Class

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