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Need people's cooperation in FC event in cities being terrorized.

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If I may suggest, does it HAVE to be in such a public locale? Blowing up obvious, definable areas that can intrude on other people's RP? You said yourself Ul'dah is much bigger than what is already being shown, so why not use a more nebulous made-for-the-event location instead?


Instead of Pearl Lane, what about a lesser known spot squirreled away somewhere? Rather than attacking the 'Sworn directly to draw her out, why not target one of Anelia's close friends who happens to be a 'Sworn? Or someone else close to her that isn't in such a prestigious position?


If it's an FC event, would it be possible to use your FC's manor and just dress up some of the rooms as "stages" where these scenes take place? A dirty bar, a Sultansworn's office. Then you can invite people over to be NPCs and it won't be as... pressing... on everyone else who is not.


Also we killed nanamo and now I'm nanamo.


But we have a secret clone army of Nanamos grown in vats under Sultansworn command!

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So what, you want me to fully open it for everyone else so they can participate in it and have more villains be involved too? Because I could literally do that, but I do not wish to keep it on the side of nowhere to have this event to happen.


This won't be just Ul'dah, this will be also two other cities too.


I think what most people are trying to say is "Keep it in your FC".


You cannot force the entire setting of the game to accept your FC's story arc. I can keep finding other ways of wording this if it'll help.

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So what, you want me to fully open it for everyone else so they can participate in it and have more villains be involved too? Because I could literally do that, but I do not wish to keep it on the side of nowhere to have this event to happen.


This won't be just Ul'dah, this will be also two other cities too.

If YOU want, you can open it for everyone -- I'd only advise against it because the community is HUGE and something on that scale is really stressful to control. Things get out of hand really quickly. 


The other option is to keep it to the FC, so that it's something that goes on in your FC story -- that bubble of canon. It's not a bad thing, it's just how roleplay goes sometimes. For example, my FC has an arc going on that involves a group of killers trying to eliminate its members. One of the attacks took place in the Goblet, right in the yard of the FC house. In our FC canon, the Blades were bribed and made to look the other way as the house was swarmed. However! We did not ask our very active neighbors (at the time) to react or be forced to participate in the melee...essentially keeping things in our canon. In this case, it was small scale enough for our characters to go about talking about in public -- because the little pieces fit together enough to do so. Dealing with major cities with functioning law enforcement and a crapton of adventurers just sweating to get a chance at gil/recognition...that's a bit more difficult to manage.

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Also we killed nanamo and now I'm nanamo.


But we have a secret clone army of Nanamos grown in vats under Sultansworn command!


“I will shoot at him” said the nanamo and he fired the fire flames. Gegenji sworded at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.

“No! I must kill the nanamos” he shouted

The linkpearl said “No, gegenjis. You are the nanamos”

And then gegenji was a merlwyb.

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Also we killed nanamo and now I'm nanamo.


But we have a secret clone army of Nanamos grown in vats under Sultansworn command!


“I will shoot at him” said the nanamo and he fired the fire flames. Gegenji sworded at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.

“No! I must kill the nanamos” he shouted

The linkpearl said “No, gegenjis. You are the nanamos”

And then gegenji was a merlwyb.



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So what, you want me to fully open it for everyone else so they can participate in it and have more villains be involved too? Because I could literally do that, but I do not wish to keep it on the side of nowhere to have this event to happen.


This won't be just Ul'dah, this will be also two other cities too.




Just don't want you to do anything that will majorly impact the canon, that you will just then walk away from. Events as you describe will effect characters deeply, and the cities as well, they can't really be written off as a one off event.


If you instead were speaking of a long term plot, which would progress and have an ending, and all of that, I think people would be less annoyed than 'OMG UL'DAH IS ON FIRE'


That's what I am planning to do. This isn't only for those days. It's a long plot term progression and it will have its ending, but from what Chachan said, I might stick with that. This is exactly why I made a thread in here instead of events because I know it'll be disastrous if I have something like this and it'll be as bad as how people looked at my grindstone event.


So I have read people's feedback and there are some things to think about.


I do want people to be involved , but I wasn't sure how to place them into the plot because I don't want people to be angry at me for not deeply placing them into the story. It's a dilemma to me because I know RP tends to get dramatic through OOCly.

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This is the bit that people (me) are focusing on:


There will not be really any fights like dices or anything. We just need people to panic when we alert everyone OOCly. This is going to be an event for 2-3 days, and when there is an OOC shout alert, we just want people to start ICly panic, react, or smile on it


I could be way off, but it sounds like one city a day for a couple of days. No dice to resolve combat. It sounds very hands-off for anyone not involved in the main plot.

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So what, you want me to fully open it for everyone else so they can participate in it and have more villains be involved too? Because I could literally do that, but I do not wish to keep it on the side of nowhere to have this event to happen.


This won't be just Ul'dah, this will be also two other cities too.


We want you to not treat PCs as NPC extras for immersion's sake.

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I'm a fairly light RP'er and haven't done much lately, but this feels like a really uncomfortable subject. Like others have hinted/already said, it's almost like you'll be forcing certain events onto everyone's character implicitly. Yes, you are giving everyone a heads up, but not everyone who RP's comes to these forums or reads it regularly enough.


There'd be some real conflicts between characters who are aware and who aren't. I can just see a conversation where someone's talking to me about this great fire and how things were destroyed, people screaming. And I'm like, what? Was I under some rock? Who's in the right? It sounds like it'd be huge news that almost everyone should know.


My suggestion would be to make it on a smaller scale or a very isolated area with overall less significance to the public but may something that has significant meaning to your FC.

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Pretty much what has been said.


Doing this in the open world and hoping people will play along and act scared is not going to happen. As someone said earlier, people may also see what you're doing and want to jump in and help because that's how their character would react. But I will add this:


If you want to RP in places with traffic, and not have to worry about someone jumping in/getting upset, do it all in party chat, or in FC/LS chat. You can keep it contained within the FC, and you can still RP in public places without fear of upsetting people.

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The only issue is that I really don't want to isolate this event too far away from the cities. If that was the case, I would not have posted this threat from the start.


Which is why I wanted to get some kind of ideas to see if it's possible to have some people be involved whether they can think of themselves as PC or NPC to this event plot, and push themselves to be involved in our affair if they wish to do so.


But too much isolation will make it sound like it'd rather seem a non important matter.




From what Ragnar said, that is another possible alternative. Though It'll have to be in areas that no one can possibly find us in the city where people dont think we are crazy holding swords in midair.

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Though It'll have to be in areas that no one can possibly find us in the city where people dont think we are crazy holding swords in midair.


Well I don't think people would think it odd. Plenty of people do things in party chat, they'd probably just go about their business.

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But too much isolation will make it sound like it'd rather seem a non important matter.


Only if you are unable to sell the importance of it to the players involved. That is entirely on your abilities as a storyteller and an event coordinator.


I can assure you that there are people here, myself included, who have engaged in plots which would appear to be of great political significance to the setting, but did not need a cast of PC extras in order to sell it. All that mattered was whether the players thought it was significant based on how events were portrayed.

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Askier and I talked about the water thing after it happened. Here is the advice I gave him. It is wanted by most to be the hero, but there are things attached to that. To be the hero or FC heroes you have to aim at canon, and that's wrong, its a gate to Mary Sue.


So here is how you get to be hero without pissing off everyone, and its something my FC excels at, the "Unsung Hero Arch-Type" Our RP in the Red Wings ranges from soilder's marching to world wide plots. The way we can do that without becoming all powerful snowflakes is we are the heroes of our stories, but our stories are never told.


Example: Using your bomb idea, this is how the RWs would do it.

Bombs planted in the major cities..... must stop the terrorist. We move like shadows, fighting the enemies in the back allys, the docks, in the woods. As time runs out we find the bombs, defuse them, remove them.... the general population doesn't even know we where there.


We had our epic fun/mary sue-isk fun without pissing on canon. And I think most would agree with me that if you have the "Hero of the Day" itch, that is the better way to handle it. Save the world, just take that FC and make like the Men in Black....




PS. Any explosions at the Starlight Ball will be ignored.

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Askier and I talked about the water thing after it happened. Here is the advice I gave him. It is wanted by most to be the hero, but there are things attached to that. To be the hero or FC heroes you have to aim at canon, and that's wrong, its a gate to Mary Sue.


So here is how you get to be hero without pissing off everyone, and its something my FC excels at, the "Unsung Hero Arch-Type" Our RP in the Red Wings ranges from soilder's marching to world wide plots. The way we can do that without becoming all powerful snowflakes is we are the heroes of our stories, but our stories are never told.


Example: Using your bomb idea, this is how the RWs would do it.

Bombs planted in the major cities..... must stop the terrorist. We move like shadows, fighting the enemies in the back allys, the docks, in the woods. As time runs out we find the bombs, defuse them, remove them.... the general population doesn't even know we where there.


We had our epic fun/mary sue-isk fun without pissing on canon. And I think most would agree with me that if you have the "Hero of the Day" itch, that is the better way to handle it. Save the world, just take that FC and make like the Men in Black....


But I feel that this is your FC's actions than what other FCs would handle it. In the end, everyone wants to be their own special snowflake, and I don't think we should ignore them. Though yes, it'd be just solely FC in the end. Also I am pretty sure lot of us in the community has already been passed the limit of Mary Sue. >_>

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All I'm saying is if you want to do something epic like this, and if you want to you should..... the advice is that the "Unsung Hero" (UH) route is the way to do it without hurting the overall community canon. And from personal experience, it can be fun to cut loose RP and lore wise, but the UH is the only way to do that and keep your rep intact.

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...There was once an event where some parts of Ul'dah's water supply was tainted with poison, walls bombed, people dying from it etc. Threads sorta blew up about it. Some people liked it and some people didn't like how you almost -have- to accept that the events happened and how it affected your character or you essentially are in another city/area/timeline continuity...



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But I feel that this is your FC's actions than what other FCs would handle it. In the end, everyone wants to be their own special snowflake, and I don't think we should ignore them. Though yes, it'd be just solely FC in the end. Also I am pretty sure lot of us in the community has already been passed the limit of Mary Sue. >_>


I would also handle it this way, as would my FC if we chose to work with this kind of plot. Not coincidentally, I am working with this kind of plot as we speak!


Also, I have to ask - is this something the players in your FC have specifically asked for? "Ooh, yes, we would like to have lots of PCs outside the FC to have extras, and only that will do?" Or is this something you feel to be necessary?

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I don't understand why you need players to act out background NPC's that easily just be presumed to be there or controlled by a DM? There's not enough incentive for people to take time out of their day to just run around in the background flailing for the sake of making your FC feel super special when they don't even have freedom to join on and decide how their characters would act.


I get that you can't do this sort of event with 20 people tripping over each other struggling for the spotlight and trying to participate, but that's why it's best left closed off (in a private chat or obscure location) rather than essentially saying "we want everyone involved, but you can only stand in the back and run in circles."

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Honestly? It's just something nice to have as an event. Special for us or not, I am sure we all want out characters and our FC to be something. Just like any of you. Which is why I made this thread to see if it was pursue able. Not to be slammed all over the place and hearing why my FC gets special treatment as well as my character. That rather sounds more like people are being critical about it personally than the community concern

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Just my 2 gil, and with all due respect, but please leave the global event plotting to Square-Enix.  We pay them to write the big, massive catastrophies and play through world-shaking events, we don't pay to have someone else's headcanon forced on us. 


If you want to run a plot, great, I wholly encourage creativity, but expecting everyone to consent to things getting blown up around them is asking a bit much.  Especially when it can interfere with their own plots, events, and derail their RP.

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Honestly, I, uh... Don't really see what the big deal is. I didn't really read the OP and get this sense of "FC event, hands off but everyone act really scared" that a lot of people seem to be reading. What I got out of it is "FC event, but I'd appreciate some help if you'd like to play a scared bystander because god knows one person can't play 5 NPCs all at one time."


A lot of people seem to be taking this stance of "keep it private or don't do it at all, fractured timelines blah/blah/blah" and I do honestly see where you're coming from with that, but I really don't think it's uncalled for to make a thread asking for some people to play some scared bystander NPCs should it fit in for what I got the impression was a mostly-private FC plot to begin with. Definitely more appropriate than saying Ul'dah's water supply is tainted or anything like that (first I'm hearing of it, IC or OoC!).


But, I dunno. Maybe I'm totally misreading the "friendly casting call" vibe.

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As to relay what Kinono said, everyone also wants to be special snowflake to each of their own just like how I wanted it to be like that for my FC and myself , which is why they don't want to be that bystander which is understandable. Just disappointed about how people worded it really.

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