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Why do birds in this game have to hit so freakin hard T_T


Burhds - A Lalafell's natural enemy.


Butttt... there's that hyur eating pelican in a leve near Wineport!


Also from one of the many revivednotyetburhds they like miqo'te too. And hyur. And a floral hat wearing roegadyn

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Why do birds in this game have to hit so freakin hard T_T


Burhds - A Lalafell's natural enemy.


Butttt... there's that hyur eating pelican in a leve near Wineport!


He ran out of Lalafell. /sage nod

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Why do birds in this game have to hit so freakin hard T_T


Burhds - A Lalafell's natural enemy.


Butttt... there's that hyur eating pelican in a leve near Wineport!


Also from one of the many revivednotyetburhds they like miqo'te too. And hyur. And a floral hat wearing roegadyn

-Kills all of the burhds for Kage-


There. No more birds. :tonberry:

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Another generic little rage moment, if I may.


Again, it's in regards to the oddball lag and latency that seems to plague FFXIV as a whole. It's annoying enough when you're trying to teleport or change zones or anything mundane like that. It's extra annoying (and sometimes terrifying) when it happens in combat, especially in dungeons.


However, there's a special annoyance and upset that I get when it happens during RP. Quadruply so if it leads into a sudden and seemly random disconnect (though that same multiplication occurs when it's a combat scenario too, ogod. I'm gonna come back and everyone's gonna be dead...  :(). I mean, come on! I'm trying to roleplay here, game! I'm not even doing anything graphically intensive or anything!



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Another generic little rage moment, if I may.


Again, it's in regards to the oddball lag and latency that seems to plague FFXIV as a whole. It's annoying enough when you're trying to teleport or change zones or anything mundane like that. It's extra annoying (and sometimes terrifying) when it happens in combat, especially in dungeons.


However, there's a special annoyance and upset that I get when it happens during RP. Quadruply so if it leads into a sudden and seemly random disconnect (though that same multiplication occurs when it's a combat scenario too, ogod. I'm gonna come back and everyone's gonna be dead...  :(). I mean, come on! I'm trying to roleplay here, game! I'm not even doing anything graphically intensive or anything!




Motherfluffin' PREACH! It always makes me pause for a moment in panic, like "Oh crap, are they asleep? Wait...NO NO DON'T--DON'T DISCONNECT--Sh*t, lemme log on again...ARGH QUEUE!! Please, RP person/people, don't leave meeeee!! :c "

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Another generic little rage moment, if I may.


Again, it's in regards to the oddball lag and latency that seems to plague FFXIV as a whole. It's annoying enough when you're trying to teleport or change zones or anything mundane like that. It's extra annoying (and sometimes terrifying) when it happens in combat, especially in dungeons.


However, there's a special annoyance and upset that I get when it happens during RP. Quadruply so if it leads into a sudden and seemly random disconnect (though that same multiplication occurs when it's a combat scenario too, ogod. I'm gonna come back and everyone's gonna be dead...  :(). I mean, come on! I'm trying to roleplay here, game! I'm not even doing anything graphically intensive or anything!




Motherfluffin' PREACH!  It always makes me pause for a moment in panic, like "Oh crap, are they asleep? Wait...NO NO DON'T--DON'T DISCONNECT--Sh*t, lemme log on again...ARGH QUEUE!!  Please, RP person/people, don't leave meeeee!!  :c "


Oh jeez, don't even get me started on if there's a queue! In both cases!


If I may nerd-analogy to the nth degree here... if a normal lag situation is a kaioken, and getting disconnected is a kaioken-times-four (enough to beat Vegeta, y'know!)... then hitting either the queue or that stupid "your character is still in the world" nonsense is a times-ten kaioken. FRIEZA-BEATING LEVELS OF RAGE. :frustrated:


(Yes, I just turned all my frustration into a DBZ analogy. Totally not sorry.)

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So, most of my rage moments are limited to ST silliness, but this morning I have a new rage:




I've been farming the most annoying dungeons in the game over and over trying to get my drops for Zodiac... and they just won't drop! ; ; I got like the first 5 on the first or second try but after the fifth drop they just stopped entirely. So for the next 4 hours of farming Hullbreaker, Tam-Tara HM, and Aurum Vale about 6x each unsuccessfully, I called it a night.

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So, most of my rage moments are limited to ST silliness, but this morning I have a new rage:




I've been farming the most annoying dungeons in the game over and over trying to get my drops for Zodiac... and they just won't drop! ; ; I got like the first 5 on the first or second try but after the fifth drop they just stopped entirely. So for the next 4 hours of farming Hullbreaker, Tam-Tara HM, and Aurum Vale about 6x each unsuccessfully, I called it a night.




I'm just hitting 1000 lights! Yay for being behind. :c

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I'm just hitting 1000 lights! Yay for being behind. :c

Hahaha you're not so bad....I have three atma. That is all.




On Gogon, I have... somewhere between 200-399 Light, according to the charts. I have two of the bomb things you can buy ahead of time with seals already squirreled away and working on my third... and dreading everything else.


On Chachan, I put some Mist on my Pally Sword and Shield and called it a day. I am NOT going through all that again on a second character. Even if Atma drops are higher than they were when I did that stage. :lol:

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Sitting around that 1000 light mark as well. Have my 4 bombard cores already waiting... As well as my wallet.:(


Actually have two spare atmas just from doing the fates in the daily hunts. Sure as hell not doing the grind purposefully again, though. Maybe if I end up with at least 9/12 I'll consider it... But once was enough hell for me...


Though, honestly imo... The animus books are more annoying than the atmas... Simply because with the atmas I was at least moving around from fate to fate... With the animus I was sitting in one places for sometimes hours on end waiting for a specific fate to spawn... That was far more boring to me, even with YouTube or hearthstone on my other monitor.

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Someone had Aurum Vale take 26 runs before the drop.


One friend had Wanderer's palace take 43 runs.


I'm reminded of the time i ran it 60 times straight to get the Astaroth Cane @_@


That said... I love AV so i didn't mind :D



I remember that.. you fool!

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Someone had Aurum Vale take 26 runs before the drop.


One friend had Wanderer's palace take 43 runs.


I'm reminded of the time i ran it 60 times straight to get the Astaroth Cane @_@


That said... I love AV so i didn't mind :D



I remember that.. you fool!


Oh god... that moment when it dropped and i didn't wait for the rolls to finish and left without it ; ;

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Someone had Aurum Vale take 26 runs before the drop.


One friend had Wanderer's palace take 43 runs.


I'm reminded of the time i ran it 60 times straight to get the Astaroth Cane @_@


That said... I love AV so i didn't mind :D


So I shouldn't say in the six fail runs of AV I've had 5 Astaroth Canes drop...?


Also, 43 WPs sucksssss. =( I did it in 2. But yeah, I have all my bomb cores, all of my HQ crafted items, all of my purchased items, 2/4 soldiery items. Really all that's holding me back are the dungeon drops. ; ;

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Someone had Aurum Vale take 26 runs before the drop.


One friend had Wanderer's palace take 43 runs.


I'm reminded of the time i ran it 60 times straight to get the Astaroth Cane @_@


That said... I love AV so i didn't mind :D


So I shouldn't say in the six fail runs of AV I've had 5 Astaroth Canes drop...?


Also, 43 WPs sucksssss. =( I did it in 2. But yeah, I have all my bomb cores, all of my HQ crafted items, all of my purchased items, 2/4 soldiery items. Really all that's holding me back are the dungeon drops. ; ;


I shall discreetly un-see those statistics to save myself from a melt down! @_@

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Yeah, just thinking about that grind makes me turned off from going along the process right now, however... it does make a fair time-sink and goal to set oneself to, so once I've got my two characters firmly leveled, geared, etc I'll start torturing myself with those quests. xD



Good luck, you all have more bravery than me T-T

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