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Post here if you want to be a brat

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That's, like, a high school chemistry joke. Do people still fall for that? IT EVEN SAYS IT'S H2O IN THE HASHTAG.


Oh believe me. They do. and it's hilarious.





Yes, they do. I can vouch. I pulled this on my class when I was a Composition/Persuasive Writing teacher, as a demonstration of how tone, style and word choice work in an argument.


50% of the classes needed me to let them in on the joke after 30 minutes. The other half still took a while to figure it out, save for a few slick ones who understood that it would be funnier to play along. 8-)

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Not quite a big rant but..


"How to identify if player is guy or girl"

"guy playing as girl is creepy" (referring to male players just having a female character)



And then I saw

"I read an entire study on this once, main detail that stuck in my head that actually has helped me spot guy/girl many times, Is that male tend to jump around alot when there moving/bored, were female players dont. "




I am a guy! Apparently! According to this study!

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I got me a work-related rant today! :thumbsup:


Last week, I had a mini-panic attack because about an hour before I headed home for the day, I got CC'd on a new project seemingly out of nowhere. No mention from the higher-ups about new projects coming in, nor that I'd be put on it. I just got some data back from some user testing on another project that had been floating in limbo for effectively three months, so I was already trying to remember what I had coded in that previous project before having a whole new thing to worry about.


It's one of the departments trying to use up the last of their budget, so it's a last-minute project with a strict deadline. How strict? It's due mid-April - they want an application, written from scratch, in a month. And when I went into the meeting, it was just me, the Project Manager, and the database guy. Which - to me - meant "one-man coding job due in a month."


Turns out that I'm getting one other person to help me with it, and it's a... relatively?... simple application (no personal information or anything that needs to be encrypted). Still, I do not appreciate the panic attack followed by thinking I'm writing up an entire application by myself in a month.


To help things along, the Project Manager suggests we scavenge bits from the other projects we have. I get put on doing the Login page - sure thing, that'll be easy, right? She seems to think so, sets a tentative deadline of having something put together by the end of the day. So, I pull up the last project I worked on with a login page and...


Well, it's a mess. A bunch of multipurpose classes with a lot of extra stuff I don't know if I need, a web control that refuses to work with me due to Ajax hating me, and a confusing CSS layout that works on that application's pages, but not this new one. I literally spent over an hour trying to get it to work before going to the PM asking if there was another application with a simpler login page we could steal since we don't need much.


Get referred to another guy. Find out that, despite all the applications that have been written here, there's only TWO that have "simple" logins - and the one I was banging my head against was one of them. Oh, and the other's more complex. So I got to fight with the login page again - having removed all the junk I had added in attempts to get it working on the belief that we'd have another login page format that wouldn't need all of it.


So I got to copy all that over again and redo the adjustments. Ultimately ended up dropping the web control entirely and replacing it with something I hope will work. I say hope because we have no dummy login data and the "main page" isn't even built yet (the other guy's supposed to be working on that, PM almost tried to shove that work on me in return for the other guy "helping" with my login page issues) so I can't make sure it or the Stored Procedure I wrote will work as intended.


All I can really do now is work on the basic "Forgot Password?" page - which I know I coded myself in the previous project (as seen by its simplistic format) - and hope that what I have with the Login is good enough for now. And wait for the inevitable changes I'll need to make. Sigh.

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^ I learned the hard way that if I ever need to re-use old code that the code better have been written by me or had a shitton of comments if I could put them in.


(/* */ or // whatever. I liked C++ when I actually did stuff)





This "identify guy or girl" thread in General discussion of the FFXIV OF is just getting worse as I read this 19-page hot mess.

but holy shit this shit post.

Simply put, if your character is a female then I will treat you as if you were a female in game. I will tell you that you look pretty and flirt with you. Which I'm sure will make you feel strange if you are a male controlling that female character. So watch out, you may want to reconsider fantasia'ing yourself to a male as to not confuse others and get tired of people thinking you are a girl. Just play your sex already, it's 2015. Be normal.

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.....and that's a good example of why i stay out of threads like that....clashing opinions never end pretty >.>;


no rants for me except my frickin mailbox door did not want to shut today and i had to really force it for some reason then the key got stuck in the lock. i got it out but wtf? there was no issue last time i used the mailbox >|

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no rants for me except my frickin mailbox door did not want to shut today and i had to really force it for some reason then the key got stuck in the lock. i got it out but wtf? there was no issue last time i used the mailbox >|


I haven't gotten keys stuck all that often, but on a vaguely related note - I hate stubborn locks. Usually deadbolts and the like where it feels like you're gonna snap the key off in the lock trying to get the stupid thing to obey. My folks' house had one and it was a pain and a half when I lived there whenever they set it. Long day of school/work/whatever, I want to go watch TV, not spend what feels like another five to ten minutes fighting to get in the front door. :x

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no rants for me except my frickin mailbox door did not want to shut today and i had to really force it for some reason then the key got stuck in the lock. i got it out but wtf? there was no issue last time i used the mailbox >|


I haven't gotten keys stuck all that often, but on a vaguely related note - I hate stubborn locks. Usually deadbolts and the like where it feels like you're gonna snap the key off in the lock trying to get the stupid thing to obey. My folks' house had one and it was a pain and a half when I lived there whenever they set it. Long day of school/work/whatever, I want to go watch TV, not spend what feels like another five to ten minutes fighting to get in the front door. :x


if you rub graphite on it, it should help with that issue. my problem was more it wasn't wanting to turn to relock it....like the door wouldn't shut all the way and i couldn't pull the key till it was locked. that's what i get for trying to check the mail on time instead of leaving it to pile up for six days >|

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That's it.


It's over.


We're all doomed. The human race is done. Pack it up, folks. This is the end of the line. There's nowhere to go from here but DOWN.


For the record, this is one of the questions asked (and yes, people failed at this):




It certainly explains why the Internet tends to be as much of a shithole as it does. Pretty much everyone on this forum is waaaay above the baseline simply because you're all actually literate and can at least write with something resembling decent English. Apparently a significant chunk of the population can't even form coherent sentences.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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Madda hates how Madda has been slacking doing artstuffs. Is not because Madda hates doing it. Madda enjoys drawing and thinking up new ideas to put on paper. It's because of Madda's mind. 


Without boring anyone to death, Madda has a disability. This one tends to keep Madda on a strict schedule, with little to no room for flexibility. Since Madda has played MMOs since age 9, getting off that and onto art is hard. Not to mention the fact that Madda hasn't seen improvement since Madda started. 


Why is everything is hard to get into? Everyone else has nice art, why can't Madda?

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I got me a work-related rant today! :thumbsup:




So, yeah. More irritation regarding this project.


Login function works fine, recovering password functionality was initially fighting me but a little help from a coworker has that working (nice email included!). So I've basically finished the nitty-gritty of the stuff on my side, since making it LOOK pretty is a secondary thing right now.


The other guy? Doesn't seem to have anything put together yet on his end. He says he's working on the basic design... but only after lunch did he approach me for that visual diagram I sketched up in the meeting for reference. He's running three monitors, so I can't quite tell WHAT he's working on at a glance when I pass by his desk, but he definitely has another project open. Which would be fine if the PM didn't want someone up on staging by close of business. :frustrated:


And, since I... y'know, actually did my share, I got Admin functionality handed off to me too. So now I'm trying to adapt the code we're hijacking for user CRUD (with the D standing for Deactivate rather than Delete) capability for this smaller project. And again, like the password functionality, it's fighting with me. Hoping the coworker from before can help figure it out. Because, you know, need something by end of business today.


Oh, and for some reason a True/False value in one of the SQL tables has been put in as an Int value instead of a Bit. Something I didn't realize at first and now have to work around because the other option is dropping and recreating the entire table and I can't recall for the life of me how to do that. Such fun.


I just really hate effectively getting MORE work put on me because I'm doing my job while others get a lighter workload thanks to putting stuff off. :x

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Two words: Windows 8.


Thank you, Windows 8, for pre-deciding your pathways and shutting yourself down because you cannot follow them. Thank you for updating when nobody was home, when nobody could inform your update where to go, at a time you felt it was necessary to make my internet on the only gaming computer I have unusable because apparently I can't use the internet if you're missing files.


And here I thought I couldn't have any more reason to hate Windows 8.

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Two words: Windows 8.


Thank you, Windows 8, for pre-deciding your pathways and shutting yourself down because you cannot follow them. Thank you for updating when nobody was home, when nobody could inform your update where to go, at a time you felt it was necessary to make my internet on the only gaming computer I have unusable because apparently I can't use the internet if you're missing files.


And here I thought I couldn't have any more reason to hate Windows 8.


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Two words: Windows 8.


Thank you, Windows 8, for pre-deciding your pathways and shutting yourself down because you cannot follow them. Thank you for updating when nobody was home, when nobody could inform your update where to go, at a time you felt it was necessary to make my internet on the only gaming computer I have unusable because apparently I can't use the internet if you're missing files.


And here I thought I couldn't have any more reason to hate Windows 8.


so much hate for that image. >[


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Two words: Windows 8.


Thank you, Windows 8, for pre-deciding your pathways and shutting yourself down because you cannot follow them. Thank you for updating when nobody was home, when nobody could inform your update where to go, at a time you felt it was necessary to make my internet on the only gaming computer I have unusable because apparently I can't use the internet if you're missing files.


And here I thought I couldn't have any more reason to hate Windows 8.


so much hate for that image. >[


Windows 8 is a POS by default. Windows 10 technical preview isnt much better.


A touch screen OS is great for those who use a touch screen phone or tablet, but I think that they have messed up their product which is used in many businesses and home environments for a multitude of reasons.


What they should have done is just make it an entirely different OS series but stuck with the window's 7 UI. I dont like the fact that windows 8 makes you jump through so many hoops just to reach a certain file or open up device manager programs and whatnot. It's generally annoying, unpleasant and soaks up alot of time that I could be using to do actual work instead of trying to open the program.


tldr: Windows 8 sucks balls for Desktop. Windows 10 technical preview as well.

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Two words: Windows 8.


Thank you, Windows 8, for pre-deciding your pathways and shutting yourself down because you cannot follow them. Thank you for updating when nobody was home, when nobody could inform your update where to go, at a time you felt it was necessary to make my internet on the only gaming computer I have unusable because apparently I can't use the internet if you're missing files.


And here I thought I couldn't have any more reason to hate Windows 8.


so much hate for that image. >[


Windows 8 is a POS by default. Windows 10 technical preview isnt much better.


A touch screen OS is great for those who use a touch screen phone or tablet, but I think that they have messed up their product which is used in many businesses and home environments for a multitude of reasons.


What they should have done is just make it an entirely different OS series but stuck with the window's 7 UI. I dont like the fact that windows 8 makes you jump through so many hoops just to reach a certain file or open up device manager programs and whatnot. It's generally annoying, unpleasant and soaks up alot of time that I could be using to do actual work instead of trying to open the program.


tldr: Windows 8 sucks balls for Desktop. Windows 10 technical preview as well.


Get ready for this.


I like Windows 8. On my non-touchscreen desktop computer. For the longest time, I didn't even use a start menu replacement. I got "comfortable" using Metro UI, and for a lot of common tasks, it was much faster. I prefer to search for my prgrams than navigate through a nest of menus that I could accidentally scroll over. Nothing was easier than [Windows Key] + [type] for something.


The added OS features for performance made me never go back.

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i still don't like it. i've had more problems with it than i did with seven. aside from the random shut down when it has an error and doesn't give me a chance to actually save anything first; any time it would do a mandatory update, my internet would just not work to the point i'd have to sit on the phone with tech support and watch them remote use my laptop while i had it plugged into the ethernet because of some reason or another. i'm not saying i'm a total computer idiot; but i'm not exactly a genius at it either and could never tack down the problem on my own. from what i remember; it's three or four different type of wifi connection options or something that would keep activating themselves and thus rendering the actual one i needed to use, inactive but i could never remember which ones i needed to leave on or off. also i find the "charms" and app page annoying. i don't want half the stuff on there and i like the older desktop. granted i put a lot of shortcuts on my desktop so i don't rely on the start button as much...i still hate that app page. >.>

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HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED? That's a hell of a BSOD (unless you run in VMware environments, in which case it's Surprisingly Common -- in case you hadn't noticed, I rather dislike VMware :P ).


I'm actually fine with Windows 8, though I wish they'd have just decided to go full bore on the Modern UI and Windows Runtime or not done it at all. With my software developer hat on, I really dislike both the clunky UI of 8.1 and the fact that we have mutually incompatible APIs and no clear guidance on which one is going to win out. Is it Win32? WPF? RT? Who the hell knows anymore? :(

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HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED? That's a hell of a BSOD (unless you run in VMware environments, in which case it's Surprisingly Common -- in case you hadn't noticed, I rather dislike VMware :P ).


I'm actually fine with Windows 8, though I wish they'd have just decided to go full bore on the Modern UI and Windows Runtime or not done it at all. With my software developer hat on, I really dislike both the clunky UI of 8.1 and the fact that we have mutually incompatible APIs and no clear guidance on which one is going to win out. Is it Win32? WPF? RT? Who the hell knows anymore? :(


Judging by the quality of the BSOD, my guess is VM. I just grabbed the first one I found on the internet. Last actual BSOD I had was from an AMD GPU that was failing. I think I'm happy in my little IT field. I just get to fix ticket printers and these absolutely disgusting Windows Mobile 5.0 joyful ticket scanners.

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Windows Mobile 5...




I have some fun stories about developing for WM6.5. That damnable OS...


Our "new" scanners use Windows Mobile 6.1! There is a reason some of our clients are begging to switch to android or something else, but why fix what isn't broken...?

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