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The bored at work thread

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A place for those of us who are bored at work to post silly things.



I work with insurance verification and I giggled up a storm when a lady wrote on a patient's fee ticket 'prescriber' instead of subscriber.



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I just do contract programming work. Which, as of late, tends to involve having to look at someone else's code to see how close it is to being "complete." Code that has no notes or documentation. Oh, and the guy that wrote it has been gone for... two years now?


Yet every bit of code I end up having to gauge, evaluate, and possibly complete is written by this guy. Oh, and it's not in either of the two programming languages I was trained in. Learned C++ and C#, was toted as such in my resumes, and I'm here trying to convert that knowledge into Visual Basic.


I can do it, mind, but I rather dislike when the Project Manager gives me next to no time to learn any of it since - in their mind - "VB's a simple language."



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I can do it, mind, but I rather dislike when the Project Manager gives me next to no time to learn any of it since - in their mind - "VB's a simple language."


One of our clients deals with the faxing back and forth of legal documents concerning powers of attorney, wills, and the like. They have an old Windows XP workstation running their crappy software to scan documents into batches of *.tiff documents.


Years ago, someone wrote a chain of VBScript files that will copy these *.tiff's between computers, combine them into one PDF document, and upload it to a website database via FTP. These scripts are poorly written and constantly create/delete folders off C:\ based on the user's profile.


When they decided to change user accounts, all of these scripts broke. And now we have to fix them.

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Was hoping a thread like this would show up. xD


I work in an art department, so my days are riddled with silliness and sexual innuendos. Though I did just receive news that my friend up here is being forcibly moved to a different department.



Your work sounds awesome.....


It is, most of the time. The only downside really is that the majority of crap we make is for the sports world. I know way more than I ever wanted to know about it all. Superbowl and World Series, I always have to come in from midnight to eight in the morning just to prepare for all the orders the sales department has. @_@



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Ahh my line of work involves artwork as well, but more for advertising.

My father and I run a sign shop here in Florida.


Striping fire trucks, full vehicle wraps (if you know what thst is), election signs etc.


Sweet! A fellow Floridian!




I used to work at a place like that, but only as customer service, which was why I quit. xD

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Ahh my line of work involves artwork as well, but more for advertising.

My father and I run a sign shop here in Florida.


Striping fire trucks, full vehicle wraps (if you know what thst is), election signs etc.


Sweet! A fellow Floridian!




I used to work at a place like that, but only as customer service, which was why I quit. xD

Ah nice!


Yeah it's just my father and I, so we handle just about everything.

One minute I'm the install guy, the next I'm the artwork guy, and then I'm the customer service guy ha.

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What a perfect thread for while I walk to work.


I'm a "Customer Service Technical Support Engineer".


Otherwise known as the guy who helps our users install our software, configure it, and get it working with their cash boxes, ticket printers, receipt printers and anything credit card swiperd.


Mind you, our system is a text-based mess of menus. Our database is 10 years older than I am. And the "magical" terminal emulator our users have tries to draw a GUI over the text and breaks if AMD Catalyst is running.


Average day is something around the lines of "can you help me connect to the system and get my 30 year old printer to format stuff correctly?"


But it's usually fun. If you've ever gone to a US college sports game and someone scanned your ticket, there's a good chance they're one of our clients. or will be

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"VB's a stupid language."




As someone who came up through coding and still codes (I'm writing an OAuth2 IP right now), of the CLI languages, VB.NET is by far my most disliked (we shall not speak of Original VB :P ). However, at least the CLI languages are sane. For pure insanity, I recommend:

  • PHP, where NULL++ = 1, but NULL-- = NULL; or "this" == true, "this" == 0, but true != 0. Also, mysql_escape_string, mysql_real_escape_string, mysql/mysqli/PDO_mysql. Those are but the least of its sins.
  • Perl, the original "write once, read never" language
  • Python, where whitespace is significant and evidently there's nothing wrong with that
  • Ruby, where you get all the slowness of an interpreted language with all the insecurity of operation by convention (Rails model binder, overposting, and Active Record = 0wned)

All good languages start with the letter C: C, C++, C#. :) One could be excused for dropping C++ from that list, because template metaprogramming is The Devil, and I'd rather a language where I can blow my foot off where I can actually see the gun and where the trigger is, as opposed to C++ where I can push a green button that says "Push Me!" and, after 20-30 Rube Goldberg operations, a gun teleports in front of my foot and shoots it for me.

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I am a "Network Support Engineer" which is just a fancy way of saying "Help Desk".

And you don't want to know about my day(s).


I like the first one. It kind of makes you sound like part of the cast of some sci-fi, action hit.




"Dammit, SHE is our lead engineer in that department! Without Coatleque's sustained support, this entire ship will be largely susceptible to an enemy attack. We need her no less than we need the air to breathe!"



...and I'm sure the faint-hearted don't want to know about your hectic and stressful days. What you do may not be quite as glamorous as those in the midst of action, but you keep the ship running. You save lives on a daily basis..  *nods firmly*

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"VB's a stupid language."




As someone who came up through coding and still codes (I'm writing an OAuth2 IP right now), of the CLI languages, VB.NET is by far my most disliked (we shall not speak of Original VB :P ). However, at least the CLI languages are sane. For pure insanity, I recommend:

  • PHP, where NULL++ = 1, but NULL-- = NULL; or "this" == true, "this" == 0, but true != 0. Also, mysql_escape_string, mysql_real_escape_string, mysql/mysqli/PDO_mysql. Those are but the least of its sins.
  • Perl, the original "write once, read never" language
  • Python, where whitespace is significant and evidently there's nothing wrong with that
  • Ruby, where you get all the slowness of an interpreted language with all the insecurity of operation by convention (Rails model binder, overposting, and Active Record = 0wned)

All good languages start with the letter C: C, C++, C#. :) One could be excused for dropping C++ from that list, because template metaprogramming is The Devil, and I'd rather a language where I can blow my foot off where I can actually see the gun and where the trigger is, as opposed to C++ where I can push a green button that says "Push Me!" and, after 20-30 Rube Goldberg operations, a gun teleports in front of my foot and shoots it for me.

*crickets chirp*



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"VB's a stupid language."




It's a government contract. There's a lot of outdated stuff being used. I think we tried doing an MVC project... once? Was scrapped and made VB.NET again.


The lack of documentation is killer, though. My current project is to write up basically a test case rubric FOR the application I just tested. After the fact. Because there's no set standard (and test document) in place.


The guy who originally asked me to do it called it a "Test Plan" at first. I linked to him what a Test Plan actually WAS and he was all "Oh, no no. Not that." So basically I get to open Excel and then put "On this page, try to do this. Did it work? Y/N." about twenty to thirty times.

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My goodness! So many workians! I am no longer alone!



I tried to see if you wanted to RP the other night/day (don't remember which day either) but I think you was AFK for a bit.

I tab out and watch cartoons alot!  Just toss me a tell and I'll tab over for the ping.

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