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Expansion Livestream Reaction thread (Spoilers) Expan. Release June 23rd!

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Everything is so wonderful. I'm so, so, so excited. I don't think there's a thing I saw that I dislike. I do wish there was more information on the jobs but I can live without. I am super excited for Astrologian. It was Ezhara's initial theme and I'm glad there's going to be a job to go with it. Admittedly, I am excited to just explore too. The zones look so beeaautiifull and complex. Did I mention how much want I have for the AF2?


Ugh, guys, cannot contain my excite.

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I honestly was not too excited for the expansion ever since it was announced but after watching the gameplay videos it sure changed my mind about it all. The areas look so beautiful and I'm also liking how Ishgard does infact look like a city when you explore it, or at least from what I saw. I'm going to be spending a lot of my time exploring the wilderness that's for sure.

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Edit: Update from first post --  Lvl 60 AF2 Gear & Lvl 60 DoH & DoL Gear


Also, SE was kind of sneaky and uploaded the Heavensward Tour video to the FFXIV Youtube channel 4 days ago. (Maybe I'm late? But I had no idea.) Anyway, now we can watch it over and over again in good quality! And DAT MUSIC:


[align=center]okypXypR80U [/align]

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I'm shaking with hype and love ;;;;;;


The areas look so amazing and beautiful..... Relic II Bard is just....  and the Relic II WHM hood for Clover...


Dragons... Gryphon... DX11... Au Ra....




I just... literally have no idea what to do now. I feel far too distracted and phyiscally weak, hahahaha ;;;

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The new videos made me bounce endlessly on my chair. I'm absolutely in love with the new WHM gear, levelling Clover to max will have a new meaning now. I can't wait for the Au Ra character creation and lore and DSFGDFGHGFHJK JKJLKJLBNMGHJGHDHJ GHJKL JLKJLKJLJJVJF ASDAFSDFSFDG DFGDFGHGFSHGG FHGJGHJFHJGHJGHJFJK J GHGJKGK SDFFFDGDFGH JGHJKK GHJFFJGHJGH *gone*

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I've very impressed with the zones. The new city especially! Reminds me of Lindblum (sp?) in FF9. The different districts and elevations. Quite pleased with all the other zones, can't wait to see the lore.


Now that I see the animations for myself on the Au Ra I'm still going to be making one of them my main. It was a tiny bit jarring at first, but it's appropriate I think. I think they said there will be a character creator for them next month. I'm sure I'll be spending hours on that!


I most definitely will be playing all 3 of the new jobs. Maybe more of a focus on DRK, simply because I find tanking to be my most comfortable role. I'm a little sad to know they had to choose between SAM and DRK, but this should do nicely for now.


Flying mounts are cool, I'm surprised flying looks as cool as it does. Although I strongly suspect the footage we saw was flight paths, and not so much our own choice. At least not all of it.


Did I mention how impressed I am with the zones? I don't know how this game manages to do it, but it really knocks some of that shit out of the park with how good some of it looks.



... The release date is a tiny bit farther out than I would have liked, but it sounds like with as much content as we are getting it's quite worth the wait. So in the meantime, I have way more classes to level and I suppose I should start working on my relic weapon thing some more. It glows now! Just not the super bling I see some of you rockin'. And I guess I should really RP more too.

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[align=center]Praise be to the providers. That Warrior AF2 armor? wow.[/align]


[align=center]And that AXE! THAT"S the kind of axe you get when whatever your fighting JUST! WON'T! BREAK! But then it does, and you have to keep your weapon together by binding it with chains. [/align]




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I'm amazed at how huge the zones look. A lot of people claim that flying mounts make the world feel smaller but the sheer size and scale of everything will erode away those concerns pretty quickly.


The Au Ra tempt me but I'll likely wait until the initial hype dies down before making one. It'll make sense to get Graeham through the main scenario quests, soak up all the new lore and then make one for myself.


FFXIV is really looking like the future is really bright. It makes certain other MMO's look very stale by comparison.

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Ishgard looks spectacular. The remains of Falcon Nest @2:30 look perfect. @3:20 looks like the remains of Dawn Vigil maybe? That place looks glorious as all hell. OMG. Ishgardian architecture! ; ; /sobs. The area @3:37 was in 1.0 Coerthas Lowlands if I remember right, so definitely looks like big confirmation that all of the 1.0 "zones" in Coerthas will be open to us now! Yussssss. All this area we have to look forward to! Ayatlan looks gorgeous! Fields of Glory look gorgeous! EVERYTHING so pretty! ; ;




I'm not a huge huge fan of all of the new AF2 gear, but it looks like there's so much new stuff and armor coming I can't even be mad. Alexander Gear here I come! (Altho dat BRD AF2 is the sexiest! And SMN! SMN looks super nice!)


At least now I know I need to get everything in 2.0 done by June... <_<

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No Yve. The new FSH



Needs aviator sunglasses, then it'll be perfect.


Look what is clipped to his vest.


WELP. We have a winner!

I was hoping I'd be able to catch some people with a Burt Gummer reference.Burt_Gummer.jpg


As BLM main, I'm not quite yet sold on the BLM AF2 But i LOVE the WAR AF2 and I think PLD AF2 isn't too bad.



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This is clearly the most relevant topic we should be discussing about this panel:




Lol as much as I'd like to wear that hat outside of fishing... that MCH is also wearing DRG only gloves and boots. So unless MCH is sharing gear/stats with DRG for some reason... yeahh... I'mma just hash that up to they wanted a cool "Wild West" cowboy feel for showing off their gun-toter. Or y'know... this guy...



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