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Are you getting sleep?

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So recently, I've been staying up as late as possible to RP with people (while sick) and I go to sleep even later. I wake up at 5:45 (cst) every single day. The other night I went to bed, fell asleep for some minutes, and then was awake the whole night, and last night i got more than a few hours.


Now i'm not I regret the RP. Iwilldothisoverandoveragainbecauseitissomuchfun. (No matter how many times the RPing partners will say to go to bed >w>)


But this thread is wondering:

-How late do you go to bed?

-When do you wake up?


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You're adorbs. Drowsy, likely, but adorbs.


I haven't been officially diagnosed yet, but I am pretty sure I suffer from sleep apnea, so I do get pretty tired on a regular schedule and so have the need to go to bed pretty damn strongly.


I haven't had any RP keep me awake...which shouldn't be taken as a comment about the quality of RP I've been involved with more than a side effect of my apparent condition.


I need treatment, but I'm not looking forward to it. :c

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I love me my sleep, and usually like getting around 9 hours or so when I can get away with it. However, I've worked fine with 6ish, leaving me with a good three hour range of wiggle-room for RP and such. I get up around 7am EST, so that means I can hang out until 1am if I'm really having a good time.


I've actually stayed up later on a couple occasions, and I only feel "bad" about it for a bit the next morning when I'm all tired. Once I have some breakfast or something to perk me up, I'm fine. With weekends, though, I'm free to stay up until six in the morning if I so desire... and just sleep until noon or later afterward. :lol:

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I will go to bed typically around 12:30 to 2 in the morning depending on what I'm doing, whether it be catching up on RP with friends, working on personal projects, or watching stuff with the hubby.


During the work week my alarm goes off at 6AM, so those up-til-2 mornings kinda hurt sometimes. xD

Weekends or days off, however, I refuse to go to bed until I'm passing out at my desk. *^*



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I try to get 6hrs sleep when I was working the next day, but when not I often stay up through the night and then do 3hrs sleep. I can do this a few times before I need another 6+ hrs. 


I do find making sleeps in 90min blocks helps and I use some delta wave music.


I have nodded off in RP for like 40 min, and I know when I micro nap between blows in pve it is time to sleep.


I'm in the UK and trying to play in the US timezones.

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I get up at 6:00 am EST and go to work. I'm usually here until about 3:00pm EST.


Then, I go home, take a nap for a couple of hours, get up, RP and play XIV. I try to go to bed between 11pm and 1am EST, then get up and do it all over again.


But yes, I'm tired. And no, I don't regret it.

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My alarm(s) go off starting at about 4AM PST. If lucky, I manage to roll out of bed, shower/dress and pack a to-go lunch from the previous night's dinner (if applicable) before heading out for work from 6AM - 3PM. 


Depending on the work day (it's IT, but it can be tiring nonetheless), I'll get home between 3:15-3:45 and debate if I want to take a nap. If I do, I'll sleep maybe an hour or two at best. On "responsible" days, I'll try to sleep around 9, but this usually means 10-10:30. If I took a nap and I'm not feeling sleepy, this gets extended to about 11-11:30.


There have been nights where I've stayed up until 2AM RPing/doing other things. I don't regret doing them, but I definitely regret having to wake up in the morning. THe good thing about this is that my work hours are a little fluid. As long as I get my 8 hours between 6AM and 6PM PST, I can really work just about anything I want. So if I can't bring myself out of bed on time, I just show up whenever and work my shift. ...this usually means coming in around 7:30, taking a half lunch, and leaving at 4.

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My sleep schedule is fairly orderly. As an American who plays with a bunch EU folk, I have it better than them -- all I need is good sleep so I can wake up regular morning times to match up. (8 AM, etc.)


On weekdays, I get maybe six to five hours (because school), while on weekends I get eight to nine. So yeah, I get sleep! Nothing to regret here.

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I get up at 6:30 AM CST and work 8-5, and come online between 6 and 7, save for errand nights and such. I tend to stay on until between midnight and 1AM.


Yes, I need to sleep more.


To you apnea sufferers - getting it treated helps! Mine was diagnosed and I sleep much better now.

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I go to bed between 12am and 3am depending on if I'm in the middle of heavy RP.

/shakefist @ Roen


But I work 9 to 6, so I can afford to be up a little later.

I also have the undiagnosed apnea.  I can't remember the last time I had an actual dream.


What are these "dreams" you speak of? I never remember mine.

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Short answer: no. 


I go to bed late every day because I detest sleeping right after having finished work, and wake up before 6 to head out into the world. (This isn't exactly always RP's fault, considering my timezone.) So it's 5 hours on weekdays, 6 if I'm lucky... and then, on weekends, I rise early too for either 1) morning runs or 2) FFXIV. I wouldn't be able to meet fellow Eorzeans on Balmung otherwise! 


Sleep debt keeps piling up. Maybe I'll regret this... eventually... Until then, I'll persist in believing I'm still young enough for awesome hours-long RP. :P

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What in gods name is this thing called sleep? Is it a Unicorn? Is it some long lost treasure? Maybe it's some sort of new food? (I toss and turn so much at night, and keep waking up I barely get any sleep most of the time. Maybe once a week, I may get two or even three hours? Though I have to be complete exhausted for that to even happen.)


to answer the questions!

I normally head to bed around midnight 1 through out the week, maybe later then that on weekends. (damn work)


I'm typically up at the ass crack of dawn.. no matter how late I stay up the night before.


I really don't regret it per-say. Unless I miss out on some good rp, or seeing some very funny moments!


(Though for an easy out. I can blame, Mak, Sounsyy, Bri and Matty! For keeping me up late!)

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I used to get sleep. Then I got swept up into a steady stream of great RP. Now I don't know what sleep is. (And I'm so okay with this!)


I used to try to be in bed by 11pm - 12am central time to wake up around 7am. Nowadays, though, it generally falls more around 2-3am. Whoops. D: Usually by the end of the week, though, I have to crash out early at least once because I'm a wimp and I start falling asleep at the computer. 


I make up for it on weekends though. 12+ hours of sleep yaaaas.

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When I work, I stick to getting 6 hours of sleep at a fairly human time. But I can feel how much RP I am missing out on and it's no fun, so when I do not work/it's weekend.. 


Q: How late do you go to bed?

A: As late as 7am and as early as 2am GMT+1/CET. It depends on if I start RP around my usual "I guess I'm a bit sleepy so I'll snooze cause I am bored anyways" time, or if I've had energy drinks (and they're working).


Q: When do you wake up?

A: I will usually wake up several times, because I am bad at staying asleep (Stress is a wonderful thing), but I tend to get up at the latest around 12PM. My sleeping pattern can be described as 6+1 or 6+2, as I will usually nap somewhere in the space between 4pm and 6pm GMT+1/CET for as little as 30 mins or as much as 2 hours. 

IF I have an appointment somewhere at 10AM and I will only get 3 hours of sleep, I'll get up anyways. I'll feel like shit, but I have a very high motivation for keeping to my promises of physical presence. 


Q: doyouregretit?

A: Sometimes. Mostly when I drink energydrinks and I end up bored at 3am for some ungodly reason. I'll usually get something productive done, but my main motivation for staying up is RP. So if RP doesn't happen, it's a bit of a fizzle. 


I will say that I have adapted my sleeping pattern a lot both to being a roleplayer and just in general, as I recovered from a bad case of insomnia some years ago and basically had to figure out how to sleep and not feel utter shit when getting up. I have found that 6 hours followed by a nap during the day is ideal - If I sleep for less or for longer, I usually feel drowsy for quite a while and find it hard to get up. It's absolutely irrelevant if those 6 hours happen in the day or in the night, and I have actually also gone to bed at 9pm only to get up at 3am which is like an hour before most US events start for me. I just can't always do that because i'd be neglecting my dear EU RPing friends.

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I tend to get swept up in scenes or even just conversation at times, so recently about 2 am is bedtime on work nights, then I'm up at 7 or 7:30 at the latest. 


I regret it only in the same way that I regret eating too much good food and having too much to drink. That is to say, "Only for the first hour or two the next morning." :)

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Usually go to bed at around midnight and wake up at 8 am. Sometimes I stay up til 2 or 3 am. I don't regret it because I'm having fun RPing and I always have plenty of coffee to hand. If I'm suffering with insomnia (which I do every few weeks or so) then I can be up as late as 5 or 6 am. Don't have much choice about it then though. :|

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Don't listen to kei. He can't blame me. 


I normally stay up till 1:30 - 2:00am everyday night while getting up at 6am for work. Going 5 bed does not equal going to sleep however. Used to such a schedule from raiding in wow for 8 years.


Do I regret it? Nope. Just used to it.

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I actually make myself ill over lack of sleep sometimes, it's terrible, don't do it!


Now, I live in sunny, lovely, fantastic Britland. (Sarcasm noted). All of my role play partners do not, aside from one. In fact most people are 6 - 8 hours behind me. Recently I go to bed between 5-6am and wake up around 2/3pm, but I used to stay up until anywhere between 11am and 4pm. I won't point fingers, but these people know who they are.


Do I regret it? The only thing I regret is not being in the same time zone.

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12 hours a day, occasionally 8-10. When do I sleep? When I'm tired. I have no schedule as I don't have anything to wake up to. As a result I can get up whenever and go to sleep whenever. 


Do I regret it? Sort of. Whilst it's nice and healthy and I wake up awake and functioning, there are moments where I wake up really late at night or really early in the morning.

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Lol. Last night I stayed up until 5 am RPing but I did so because I didn't have to go into work until late today. 


I used to consistently stay up until 6am to RP and then wake up at 1pm but I had a job that let me do that and because of that I usually wasn't home until 11pm-12am at night. Nowadays I go.to bed much earlier. The time I have to be in for work fluctuates across the week. If I have to wake up at 6:30 I almost always missing out on sleep. I should be in bed at 10 on those days but I almost never do. I consider going to bed at 11pm-12am on those nights as me being 'responsible. 


Often times I end up staying up later though. I'm not always RPing at that point, a lot of the time I just don't want to get to bed. I create a paradox for myself where I dread the next day but fulfill that prophecy through my dreading.


I do regret it if I get less than 6 hours, especially if it is less than four. Often times I end up crashing on nights I don't have to wake up early. If the RP was epic, emotional, or just generally exceptional I won't regret it no matter what. :) Last night's definitely was for me!


Yeah, so it ranges wildly whne I go to bed. 11pm-2am is the norm for me, sometimes later, but almost never past 4am. I am trying to get better on the nights I should be in bed early. >_>;

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