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Character Wiki Rumors


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I had avoided making a wiki for Ember for over a year. What really got me to make it was the excitement of creating Ember's relationships section. However, the first thing I did, proud to say, was add a bunch of rumors to both friends and acquaintances' wikis. I will continue to add more as I think them up. Creating a wiki has actually been a lot of fun.


Now I just need to create a rumors section for Ember.

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Honestly, I welcome and open up anyone to post whatever rumors they'd like to on Val's page, so long as they actually know him =) 


I don't really go around and throw rumors up, and that's my fault. I recently went on a binge and ran around throwing up random rumors to people's wikis. Hopefully they noticed!

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I always forget to put rumors on people's wikis (or even check people's wikis...). I need to work on that. ;A; But as for me, I love them and welcome any so long as they're free of metagaming. Even if someone has only met my character once in passing--it's interesting to see what they think.

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I've only made pages for 2 characters so far because I'm lazy

But I only got one rumor/character impressions thing... on Kal.

To be fair though I always forget to check if someone has a character page and forget to add something myself so not really surprised other people havn't really checked for a page for Kal or Dheina or added anything to it

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I've only made one character wiki! But I only play one character! ^_^


Thank you everyone for the rumor discussion! I'm going to keep on trying to encourage it, and take part in rumor spreading as much as I can :-D

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Eleni only has two PC rumors on her page. But at least it's a big step from none! :)


And I should get on those rumors on all the people Eleni has met so far... But first I need to update her wiki as well... 


Time, why you so less?

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I had one rumor for Rhyllona from Alexander back when I finally Rp'd with him. I'm bad at giving PC Rumors for others, due to the fact that the people I do RP with normally either don't have Wikis or the two characters haven't interacted enough for mine to make up a Rumor about them. I wish I had more PC Rumors and Interactions with others on Amh'ra, Probably would have way more Rumors and Interactions if I didn't have to fantasia and name change to Amh'ra. I normally wait until I've roleplayed with someone at least three times until I attempt to create a rumor about them on their wiki.

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Eleni only has two PC rumors on her page. But at least it's a big step from none! :)


And I should get on those rumors on all the people Eleni has met so far... But first I need to update her wiki as well... 


Time, why you so less?

She's got three now!

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I've got rumor sections on both of my characters.


They gots no luv. :c


Honestly, though, for such a fun and random thing, it is odd how much focus I put on the thing. It's ultimately silly and just for the lolz...but I also suppose that it's a barometer for whether I've made an interesting character to people or not.


Unless, of course, that's putting FAR too much weight on the whole thing. Which is also entirely possible.


I had detailed my feelings about roleplay on my personal blog recently. If that helps folks understand the mindset here.

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I'd like to get way more rumors on Oskwell's page, but I suppose that could be owed to me not really getting him out there to meet people enough. Same with Black Jack, but his wiki's still in the workshopping phase.


I just read through your wiki and I gotta say, love the character, and the layout is visually really awesome.

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I'd like to get way more rumors on Oskwell's page, but I suppose that could be owed to me not really getting him out there to meet people enough. Same with Black Jack, but his wiki's still in the workshopping phase.


I just read through your wiki and I gotta say, love the character, and the layout is visually really awesome.


Thanks a ton, but I'd say the page in need of rumors way more is my other major wiki page with far more work put into it. My fat cat's page, I mean.

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I've been posting SO MANY RUMOURS TODAY H'OMIGAWD. So many. Running list for those affected interested:


Brynhilde Wulf

Brave Horizon

Temariah Dawnsong

Warren Castille

Chachanji Gegenji (a while ago)

Kurt Steel



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I've been posting SO MANY RUMOURS TODAY H'OMIGAWD.  So many.  Running list for those affected interested:


Brynhilde Wulf

Brave Horizon

Temariah Dawnsong

Warren Castille

Chachanji Gegenji (a while ago)

Kurt Steel




Haha. Still love that rumor.


Anyway, I try to leave rumors on the pages of folks I speak/RP with regularly. Chachan's run into so many folkses that it's hard to keep tabs otherwise. Heck, just going through the folks he has right now in his relationships section I noticed there were a couple who I hadn't left rumors for!


Most notably, Jancis and Leanne! :surprise:

Well, I fixed that right up! I actually should add a bit for Flickering Ember too, now that I think about it. We've had enough RPs that I would be remiss not to add her to the list!


EDIT: And done! Added a rumor on her page, too! :lol:

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