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If you could bring over one aspect from another game---

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Character and clothing customization from All Points Bulletin.








The game balance was crap and you could buy your way to the best loadouts with a credit card but... there was so much to love in the customization system. Not only did you have Sims-level control over what your character looked like, you could also edit your clothing, your ride, and even the jingle that played when you killed someone.


I would LOVE to have this level of detail in FFXIV's character creation. Tall to short, built to scrawny, fat to thin. And, along with it, the ability to really take a look and make it yours by adding patterns and such to your outfits (and maybe your chocobo barding?). Selling the look on the MBs would be, of course, optional... but would make for a whole new level of Created By beyond just making the base item itself...

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Every FF class that ever existed. Cannoners, beast masters, time mages, hunters, trappers, pirates,gamblers, etc. etc. 


So many classes to have abilties and roles from I jsut want as many as possible.


That and sea exploration.

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I'd definitely like FFXII's airship instances implemented into XIV.


You could choose between:


Fast ride: Instant arrival to destination, like what we have currently.

Cruise ride: You'd enter an instance aboard the airship inside an unlimited, looping high sky scenario (no land was in sight below, so the airship could go on forever without the worry of having to create a landscape below that matched with the real world map). You could stay in there for as long as you wanted, until you'd click on your cabine inside and select "sleep to destination".


Of course, that'd also require some decent, big airships to walk around in.


I'd also love to see the cameo reward system of Wild Arms 5.


In wild arms 5, scattered around the world were cameos of heroes of past Wild Arms titles. Doing a series of side-quests for them rewarded your character with the original costume that cameo wore in their game. XIV is sort-of doing this, but I'd love to have the cameos be actual part of the world of Eorzea and have quests that did not expire at the end of an event.


Lastly, horseback battles in Wild Arms 3 were a fucking blast.

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Erm, maybe it's just me, but I think I would actually like more romantic emotes and stuff. Not from another game, but uhm, more hugging and cuddling emotes and romantic emotes in general would be cute. 


I know Eleni would abuse them.

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Can I name a game that doesn't actually exist.


I want the cat people from Elder Tale.





Now see, that would be not final fantasy of them to even consider this. Our cat people have to look more human so the player does not have to feel judged. Also no fur anywhere. Make them look as human as possible. 


But seriously races like this (I think of those lizard people in elder scrolls) are what make me smile in rpgs.

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Character and clothing customization from All Points Bulletin.








The game balance was crap and you could buy your way to the best loadouts with a credit card but... there was so much to love in the customization system. Not only did you have Sims-level control over what your character looked like, you could also edit your clothing, your ride, and even the jingle that played when you killed someone.


I would LOVE to have this level of detail in FFXIV's character creation. Tall to short, built to scrawny, fat to thin. And, along with it, the ability to really take a look and make it yours by adding patterns and such to your outfits (and maybe your chocobo barding?). Selling the look on the MBs would be, of course, optional... but would make for a whole new level of Created By beyond just making the base item itself...

All of this, plus the Wardrobe/Closet system from GW2 & Blade & Soul (could just expand the Armoire to all gear + let you withdraw and store gear anywhere in the world). Glamour system can stay as-is but I really need a dedicated storage space for all this glamour gear.


But yeah, that and body sliders... gods, I really want that musculature and fat/thin slider in FFXIV. So good.


Too bad about the rest of the game, but really, you can't fault APB's customization (aside from the boob slider being really weak, anyways).

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Guild Wars 2 combat, but with tanks and healers still. For those who don't know, in GW2 you gained new abilities by using a specific weapon long enough. Your main 5 abilities were weapon skills. Then you could get 5 non-weapon skills, such as spells, utility abilities, and passives, by putting points into those abilities. These 5 could be swapped out at any time out of combat, and there were dozens to choose from for each class. More importantly, each of your 10 abilities were actually interesting. None of that "Does X more damage if used after Y" bullshit. You only had 10 abilities at a time, but they were 10 AWESOME abilities. 


Alternatively, I'd like WoW's talent trees, or something equivalent, so each job could fill more than one niche.

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- Wildstar's housing system. There's really no reason as to why housing in FFXIV has to be so exclusive and expensive. Hopefully the situation improves in the future, especially for bustling realms.


- More character customisation, particularly for the original races. Elezen and Miqo'te need a muscle definition slider. Hyur and Miqo'te men could use some more classically handsome/ruggedly handsome facial options. ESO did a pretty good job with its character creation system but there's countless MMO's we could bring inspiration from in that regard.

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I didn't play SWTOR for too long, mostly because I could not pay for a sub and the free version was....well, less than appealing.


Anyway, the one thing that I really, really liked was that if you were in a party, everyone rolled on what they wanted to say or do in reaction to something. I know that this would take a LOT of time and plenty of funds, but if it is ever a possibility to come to FFXIV, I would be in heaven.

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Every FF class that ever existed. Cannoners, beast masters, time mages, hunters, trappers, pirates,gamblers, etc. etc. 



Guild Wars 2 combat. 


Alternatively, I'd like WoW's talent trees, or something equivalent, so each job could fill more than one niche.


- More character customisation, particularly for the original races. Elezen and Miqo'te need a muscle definition slider. Hyur and Miqo'te men could use some more classically handsome/ruggedly handsome facial options. ESO did a pretty good job with its character creation system but there's countless MMO's we could bring inspiration from in that regard.



WoW's PVP. Infact, any other mainstream MMO's pvp system would be better than the garbage we have.

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