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Post Your Au Ra and Concept!

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I'm making a edgelord man.


Not making him -too- tall because, the scary tallness scares me compared to the girls. I don't want to be like a zillion feet in the air compared to my waifu sisters.


.... is Godzilla an appropriate name>


(this post is 100% Unserious)

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Well, this is what I have done so far. Considering my head is all over the place with concepts right now, might as well just show you guys the face (since it's the only thing I've been looking at...)





And you are very right..... she is really pretty!!  @@

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I'm being that lore breaking asshole and throwing my Miqo'te into the aether where the possibility of not being the same or even death happens. Why? Because I don't want to lose my ultra grump cat, but I wanna be ultra grump lizard. Hydabutts isn't kind hoe you know, so she could just throw you into a different body entirely and shit would get so real. Insert a shit ton of "what am I" and "how does lizardkin work"


I'm totally breaking the lore for this, but it's worth it. Get at me. though a namechange will happens because I'm kinda hrrrgh on lore-friendly names.

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I've been kinda stuck on the idea of an Au Ra Astrologin since they announced both and I think that's what this character may be if I ever actually make her. Reserved, bookish, slightly awkward but means well and has a very bad habit of attempting to read her own future/futures of others through the stars and cards. Basically that eccentric friend you have that is into all that weird shit you think is hogwash~



"B-But.. The stars ordained I would meet my true love this eve... Did I misread them?"


(Yeah I'm mostly washing lore a lil for my own personal enjoyment which I'll probably mold to fit the actual lore once heavensward actually drops.)

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Here's my girl, Xaela. I have to think of my male Raen and what not. 

Her concept I'm still working on though I have to wait a bit more before I do things too indepth as I want to make her a DRK and I'd like to be as lore compliant/plausible as it will allow. :) 















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