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Seeking a Role Play partner. Any server

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Why are you seeking a female partner exclusively? It may not be your intention but that can come across as being rather dubious and hinting at ulterior motives, especially if you're wanting them to be female in the real world. This isn't a dating site.

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Also if you are making a new character I have been looking for someone to start the game with from start to finish. To quest explore and run dungeons together. If that is something you would be interested in please let me know.

I noticed you mentioned this a week-ish ago in your LS page, has this not worked out for you? The idea of having someone to roleplay with from beginning to end isn't what is wrong or unheard of. In fact, there is a group of roleplayers who roleplay their own band of Warriors of Light in their own closed group.


Your specific detail of wanting a female roleplay partner is the one that is. As you may have noticed from some replies, your specific desire of looking for a female roleplay partner raises red flags for many people. For many, they've seen all too often that wanting the player to be a specific gender implies a desire for something other than roleplay and is unwelcome.

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I'm so glad you pointed out this wasn't a dating site. I was so confused??


Probably should have posted more details, was posting this from my phone and was being a little lazy. 


As far as the female thing, most of my RP experience has been with females. Its just a preference. if I was looking for a romantic partner specifically I would have posted it. My longest RP experience I served as a guardian and protector. I enjoyed it, but thanks for calling me out you nailed my intentions right on the head. 


Basically I really enjoyed the RP experience I had and the game has been lacking for me without it. And I'm really hoping to find someone serious who would like to talk about getting together a day or two a week for a couple of hours and having a good character developing RP experience.  


Again I'm flexible but I am more looking for a guardian like roll in some sort of fashion.

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I used to work at an animal shelter. One of the questions people had to answer before trying to adopt a new animal was if they'd had a pet like it before, and if so, what happened to it. The question was designed specifically to weed out people who had a pet that just died, because oftentimes people would be so upset at the loss they would go out to get a new Rover right away. This obviously doesn't work, because Fido is not going to be Rover, no matter how much they look alike or how hard you try to raise them the same.


Your obvious challenges are that you're new here, and immediately went asking where all da white wimminz at for a very specific flavor of roleplay: MSQ (1) from start to finish (2) with a female (3) where you play the protector role(4). That's a lot of criteria. Also, semi-relatedly, there's a lot of shy dudes on the internet who totally have designs on trying to mack on someone that just can't bring themselves to be upfront about it, either intentionally or through ignorance. Not to say that you yourself are one of these people, but your lack of former presence doesn't do you any favors when looking for people to hang out with.


If you say you're not creeping, I believe you, but without knowing you from Adam it certainly raises some eyebrows. Regardless, I hope you find someone to fill the niche. I myself am prone to the guardian archetype too.

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Gotta agree with the others. The specific mention of a female partner (e.g. player) implies OOC intentions, since if you were purely looking for friendship and someone to RP with, the gender identity of the other player shouldn't matter at all (and indeed regardless of said identity the player could play a character of either gender, too).


I'll propose a helpful idea, at least, though. Rather than fixating on someone who will theoretically commit a character and many, many hours of their free time to you without ever having gotten to know you even a little bit beforehand (that's a lot to ask of someone), why not join some RP Linkshells or join an RP Free Company.


Then, proceed with the MSQ ICly (ad-libbing the reasons and quest objectives a little bit, to bypass the whole "one true hero" BS that doesn't belong in an MMO story and yet for some reason is what MMO developers seem keen on giving people lately), and use it as the basis for getting other people into RP. You could use the Wiki to see, for example, "Okay, these next seven quests are going to take place in Eastern Thanalan", and then make an RP event out of it: "Hey guys, my character has gotten some leads on some work to be done in Eastern Thanalan. I'd like to say it takes place over two weeks of IC time, and during the process I'll be completing the following list of MSQ: A, B, C... If your character is at that same point, you're welcome to do your quest objectives at the same time, but even if you aren't, I welcome you to come and RP with me as I go through those quests ICly in a modified-story manner."


Then you just wait until at least one other player wants to come. Presto, you're never questing without at least one companion, and, you're also not requiring much commitment from anybody. You may have different people show up each time, for that matter. If someone ends up clicking with you and they happen to like RP with you, then they would probably show up on a recurring basis of their own accord and not because they were made to agree to a commitment in advance and feel pressured if they happen to do other things sometimes.

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I used to work at an animal shelter. One of the questions people had to answer before trying to adopt a new animal was if they'd had a pet like it before, and if so, what happened to it. The question was designed specifically to weed out people who had a pet that just died, because oftentimes people would be so upset at the loss they would go out to get a new Rover right away. This obviously doesn't work, because Fido is not going to be Rover, no matter how much they look alike or how hard you try to raise them the same.


Your obvious challenges are that you're new here, and immediately went asking where all da white wimminz at for a very specific flavor of roleplay: MSQ (1) from start to finish (2) with a female (3) where you play the protector role(4). That's a lot of criteria. Also, semi-relatedly, there's a lot of shy dudes on the internet who totally have designs on trying to mack on someone that just can't bring themselves to be upfront about it, either intentionally or through ignorance. Not to say that you yourself are one of these people, but your lack of former presence doesn't do you any favors when looking for people to hang out with.


If you say you're not creeping, I believe you, but without knowing you from Adam it certainly raises some eyebrows. Regardless, I hope you find someone to fill the niche. I myself am prone to the guardian archetype too.


^^^^ This. I have no problem giving you the benefit of the doubt here, but please don't get snippy when others have concerns and questions, and for good reason. It won't help your case. I don't have the time to dedicate myself to be your RP partner, but good luck in your search.

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Wasn't trying to get snippy just frustrated I guess. Im still new to RP. I kind stumbled into my experience. I have always created fictional stories for my characters and I just happened to meet a RPer and we developed our characters together. Since she stopped playing I have had a loss with in the game experience. Not losing her because we still talk often and I have made a great friend, but the game experience has just been lessen and less satisfying. I have tried some different things but a little less concrete with not that great of a result. 


Just a little lost with it.

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Wasn't trying to get snippy just frustrated I guess. Im still new to RP. I kind stumbled into my experience. I have always created fictional stories for my characters and I just happened to meet a RPer and we developed our characters together. Since she stopped playing I have had a loss with in the game experience. Not losing her because we still talk often and I have made a great friend, but the game experience has just been lessen and less satisfying. I have tried some different things but a little less concrete with not that great of a result. 


Just a little lost with it.


I think most people here can relate, but the solution is not a new puppy. What's the RP scene like on Faerie? I imagine it's difficult to just go out and run into new folks, but that's only because I'm fortunate enough to be on Balmung.

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Well I have been to Balmung and was kinda snubbed due to my lack of experience in the Role playing community. I kinda gave up the idea, but I really enjoyed it so I'm trying to get something going. I guess trying to recreate my past exp is a bad idea anyways. 


What do you recommend for someone new

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Well I have been to Balmung and was kinda snubbed due to my lack of experience in the Role playing community. I kinda gave up the idea, but I really enjoyed it so I'm trying to get something going. I guess trying to recreate my past exp is a bad idea anyways. 


What do you recommend for someone new


It's totally possible for you to find what you are looking for. And it's not a bad thing, way to many times we've seen creeps post these kind of things and you can imagine how they turn out.


I think we would all agree that judging by your replies here that your request is probably genuine, so by no means let us hinder you. We probably just would worded it a bit differently is all.


No harm no foul:)

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I gave this one some thought before committing to a post, and I think I've decided that there's nothing wrong with the OP's request. I think most guy RPers here will agree that the long term RP engagements they've had with characters played by women tend to be more satisfying and successful than guy on guy. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why, but that's not the point. The point is that there are players in this very thread who enjoy exactly what the OP is asking for (myself included.) So no need to even hint at vilifying him, I think.


Having said that, I think the real solution here is Balmung. I can't imagine finding any manner of RP, let alone this level of committed RP is easy of Faerie. The abundant RP on Balmung will shore the gap, and the OP may realize he doesn't even need what he described. But if he does, he'll be far more likely to find it.

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Gotta agree with the others. The specific mention of a female partner (e.g. player) implies OOC intentions, since if you were purely looking for friendship and someone to RP with, the gender identity of the other player shouldn't matter at all (and indeed regardless of said identity the player could play a character of either gender, too).



I'll bite and be the unpopular opinion. Maybe I'm just programmed differently but I feel a remarkable difference between female and male companionship - even when rping. Sometimes I prefer one to the other depending on my mood. When it comes to relationship RP I definitely prefer the opposite gender behind the keyboard.

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I gave this one some thought before committing to a post, and I think I've decided that there's nothing wrong with the OP's request. I think most guy RPers here will agree that the long term RP engagements they've had with characters played by women tend to be more satisfying and successful than guy on guy. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why, but that's not the point. The point is that there are players in this very thread who enjoy exactly what the OP is asking for (myself included.) So no need to even hint at vilifying him, I think.


Having said that, I think the real solution here is Balmung. I can't imagine finding any manner of RP, let alone this level of committed RP is easy of Faerie. The abundant RP on Balmung will shore the gap, and the OP may realize he doesn't even need what he described. But if he does, he'll be far more likely to find it.

I appreciate that. Maybe I'll give Balmung another try.

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Well I have been to Balmung and was kinda snubbed due to my lack of experience in the Role playing community. I kinda gave up the idea, but I really enjoyed it so I'm trying to get something going. I guess trying to recreate my past exp is a bad idea anyways. 


What do you recommend for someone new


I'll hang out with you on Balmung. I don't exactly wanna start a new alt but I could help you get RP experience. If it wasn't for people helping me I don't think I would have had what it takes to get into an FC. :D

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