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Reclamation of Inactive Housing (details)


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Time to check my ward to see if one of those wards will be demolished so I can buy my alts plots that I've earned from dailies. Since I usually come online almost everyday to check, I can just hop onto my alts and just enter my house to let that 45+ days be gone.


An amazing idea, by the way. At least people get 80% of their purchased plots and most of the furnishings back. 45 Days is not terrible. It's really fair. I thought they'd make it 30 days, but extension of another 15 days with email warnings is definitely a fair deal.


I am glad this is happening since there will be plenty of people who want the plot including me as well, and they needed to get rid of dead plots with inactive players already.


Given that there are a lot of players who don't have even one house due to the finite availability, yet they are active players, I sorta feel like maybe it would be really nice of you to consider not buying houses for your alts. It doesn't make a lot of logical sense for one player to have multiple houses when other players have none. :(


Agreed. If you want your alts to have a house, put them in a FC that has housing.


I have only FC housing (not bothering with personal housing, it's too small and gets even less visitors/purposes RP-wise), and have got all my alts invited to it. I couldn't be happier because not only all my alts have a home without taking it from someone else, but thanks to their Rooms the FC house feels much bigger than any personal house ever will.

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Time to check my ward to see if one of those wards will be demolished so I can buy my alts plots that I've earned from dailies. Since I usually come online almost everyday to check, I can just hop onto my alts and just enter my house to let that 45+ days be gone.


An amazing idea, by the way. At least people get 80% of their purchased plots and most of the furnishings back. 45 Days is not terrible. It's really fair. I thought they'd make it 30 days, but extension of another 15 days with email warnings is definitely a fair deal.


I am glad this is happening since there will be plenty of people who want the plot including me as well, and they needed to get rid of dead plots with inactive players already.


Given that there are a lot of players who don't have even one house due to the finite availability, yet they are active players, I sorta feel like maybe it would be really nice of you to consider not buying houses for your alts. It doesn't make a lot of logical sense for one player to have multiple houses when other players have none. :(


Agreed. If you want your alts to have a house, put them in a FC that has housing.


I have only FC housing (not bothering with personal housing, it's too small and gets even less visitors/purposes RP-wise), and have got all my alts invited to it. I couldn't be happier because not only all my alts have a home without taking it from someone else, but thanks to their Rooms the FC house feels much bigger than any personal house ever will.


Let me start off by saying that I despise how the housing market is currently set. SE even stated it's purpose is to be a gil sink which I think is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Most people will not have the 35-70 mil it takes to purchase a plot/build on it.


That being said, if he has enough gil to purchase multiple houses for his alts, it is well within his right to do so. he's earned that gil one way or another and I don't think it's at all fair to judge them for buying plots for their alts. If he can afford 6 houses and I can't afford even one, whos fault is it really?



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Time to check my ward to see if one of those wards will be demolished so I can buy my alts plots that I've earned from dailies. Since I usually come online almost everyday to check, I can just hop onto my alts and just enter my house to let that 45+ days be gone.


An amazing idea, by the way. At least people get 80% of their purchased plots and most of the furnishings back. 45 Days is not terrible. It's really fair. I thought they'd make it 30 days, but extension of another 15 days with email warnings is definitely a fair deal.


I am glad this is happening since there will be plenty of people who want the plot including me as well, and they needed to get rid of dead plots with inactive players already.


Given that there are a lot of players who don't have even one house due to the finite availability, yet they are active players, I sorta feel like maybe it would be really nice of you to consider not buying houses for your alts. It doesn't make a lot of logical sense for one player to have multiple houses when other players have none. :(


Agreed. If you want your alts to have a house, put them in a FC that has housing.


I have only FC housing (not bothering with personal housing, it's too small and gets even less visitors/purposes RP-wise), and have got all my alts invited to it. I couldn't be happier because not only all my alts have a home without taking it from someone else, but thanks to their Rooms the FC house feels much bigger than any personal house ever will.


Let me start off by saying that I despise how the housing market is currently set. SE even stated it's purpose is to be a gil sink which I think is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Most people will not have the 35-70 mil it takes to purchase a plot/build on it.


That being said, if he has enough gil to purchase multiple houses for his alts, it is well within his right to do so. he's earned that gil one way or another and I don't think it's at all fair to judge them for buying plots for their alts. If he can afford 6 houses and I can't afford even one, whos fault is it really?




Thing is, we're not in a server with plenty of open plots no one is buying. Plenty of people have the cash and are waiting for a spot to open (such as me, because I don't like the idea of paying another player to relinquish. It's not how the system was intended to be), and when it'll open, it should be good and fair to let those who do not have a house to purchase first, before thinking of one's alts. If we were in a place with open plots that no one is buying because no one else has the cash, then I say go for it. But Balmung is no such case.

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Time to check my ward to see if one of those wards will be demolished so I can buy my alts plots that I've earned from dailies. Since I usually come online almost everyday to check, I can just hop onto my alts and just enter my house to let that 45+ days be gone.


An amazing idea, by the way. At least people get 80% of their purchased plots and most of the furnishings back. 45 Days is not terrible. It's really fair. I thought they'd make it 30 days, but extension of another 15 days with email warnings is definitely a fair deal.


I am glad this is happening since there will be plenty of people who want the plot including me as well, and they needed to get rid of dead plots with inactive players already.


Given that there are a lot of players who don't have even one house due to the finite availability, yet they are active players, I sorta feel like maybe it would be really nice of you to consider not buying houses for your alts. It doesn't make a lot of logical sense for one player to have multiple houses when other players have none. :(


Agreed. If you want your alts to have a house, put them in a FC that has housing.


I have only FC housing (not bothering with personal housing, it's too small and gets even less visitors/purposes RP-wise), and have got all my alts invited to it. I couldn't be happier because not only all my alts have a home without taking it from someone else, but thanks to their Rooms the FC house feels much bigger than any personal house ever will.


Let me start off by saying that I despise how the housing market is currently set. SE even stated it's purpose is to be a gil sink which I think is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Most people will not have the 35-70 mil it takes to purchase a plot/build on it.


That being said, if he has enough gil to purchase multiple houses for his alts, it is well within his right to do so. he's earned that gil one way or another and I don't think it's at all fair to judge them for buying plots for their alts. If he can afford 6 houses and I can't afford even one, whos fault is it really?




Thing is, we're not in a server with plenty of open plots no one is buying. Plenty of people have the cash and are waiting for a spot to open (such as me, because I don't like the idea of paying another player to relinquish. It's not how the system was intended to be), and when it'll open, it should be good and fair to let those who do not have a house to purchase first, before thinking of one's alts. If we were in a place with open plots that no one is buying because no one else has the cash, then I say go for it. But Balmung is no such case.


Then they can beat him online and buy one.


Even if Aldotsk doesn't buy the house, there's nothing stopping someone else with gil and houses from transferring gil to their alts and doing the exact same thing.


The people who want houses will have to fight for them. Plain and simple. There's no reason to try to force a moral high ground on game data. Just like the people who manage to clear progression-raiding content will get its pretty gear first, the people with money, who are actively trying to buy a house will have the highest chance of getting one.


Just like when housing wards were being added, people are going to be crowding around the housing areas scouring for land plots to buy up. If someone's too slow, it's their loss.

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Speaking from the experience of being a real estate mogul on Greg once upon a time, (I owned two mediums and three smalls) I can attest to the first come, first serve rule where SE is concerned. I spent many many MANY months hoarding gil and grinding for more things to sell so I feel justified in being able and willing to do so.


However, I posit this glorious (if a bit rakish) perspective on the matter. After moving to Balmung, I have since sold all five properties to folks at a MAJOR fraction of the original price of said plots intentionally. Why? It made me some decent bank and it gave an FC or a character something to rejoice over. I sold two smalls for 1 mill to very nice RPers. One medium went to an FC for 6, even though they offered me 8 to 10 for it. The other medium went for 4 to an FC whose leader was quite nice to me during the negotiations, and the last small was actually bequeathed for free to a single player who wanted it and I was feeling charitable at the time.




Did I end up giving back? Absolutely. I made some money on it but not nearly as much as I dished out and I got dem good feels for helping folks like some on this thread who were desperate for any housing they could get.


The thing is, honestly, that if you really want it then you'll do whatever it takes to get it. I used all five for my RP time on Greg and when I didn't need them anymore; I gave them to those who did. I'm not putting my saint hat on, but I am offering this advice for those who see it. Consider, if you decide to relinquish a plot, how to enrich with it.


I know I'm a minority in that I tend to think in terms of absolutes about these things and I understand completely if a player wants to zealously hold his or her housing for all eternity. I'm only saying to consider it if you do decide to dump a plot you don't need or want anymore. It might ease the frustration a bit. We're part of the whole world around us, even the virtual ones.




P.S.: While I appreciate SE's standpoint, I am personally against exorbitant housing rates. In all the MMOs I've played, this one is the absolutely worst about housing. Even City of Heroes, which had the most broken Market Board system I've encountered, was kind to its Supergroups about bases and costs.

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Nobody's saying Player X couldn't come online before Player Y and try to buy a vacant lot. Unless, of course, Player X happens to have a job, or go to college, etc...


What we're saying is that if Player Y already has a house and Player X does not, given the finite number of houses and the number of game features which are gated behind having a house it's unethical for Player Y to buy a second one. 


Cutthroat tactics of "you didn't get to it before I did, so now I have a second house, nyeahhh to you" do not foster a community. A community is people who work together for the general benefit of those participating. 


Yep, it's totally possible that some non-RPC player who owns additional houses may come in and buy a house anyway. Oh well if that happens. They're not someone claiming to be a part of our community.


It's also totally possible that an RPC player who has enough gold to buy more than one house could buy available houses purely for the sake of transferring them to a roleplayer who can repay the cost. That's benefitting our community.


One player owning multiple houses benefits nobody. You can be logged onto only one of your alts at a time, which means that unless you have friends making use of one of your houses in your absence, you can only be making use of one house at any given moment. Meanwhile, the other house is sitting unused - the fact that you decorated it is meaningless if nobody is using it. There's also zero game mechanics which require one to own multiple houses.


tl;dr - Owning multiple houses is detrimental to the potential gameplay and RP of others for the sake of no actual benefit to oneself. Let's not make excuses for that kind of behavior.

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Nobody's saying Player X couldn't come online before Player Y and try to buy a vacant lot. Unless, of course, Player X happens to have a job, or go to college, etc...


What we're saying is that if Player Y already has a house and Player X does not, given the finite number of houses and the number of game features which are gated behind having a house it's unethical for Player Y to buy a second one. 


Cutthroat tactics of "you didn't get to it before I did, so now I have a second house, nyeahhh to you" do not foster a community. A community is people who work together for the general benefit of those participating. 


Yep, it's totally possible that some non-RPC player who owns additional houses may come in and buy a house anyway. Oh well if that happens. They're not someone claiming to be a part of our community.


It's also totally possible that an RPC player who has enough gold to buy more than one house could buy available houses purely for the sake of transferring them to a roleplayer who can repay the cost. That's benefitting our community.


One player owning multiple houses benefits nobody. You can be logged onto only one of your alts at a time, which means that unless you have friends making use of one of your houses in your absence, you can only be making use of one house at any given moment. Meanwhile, the other house is sitting unused - the fact that you decorated it is meaningless if nobody is using it. There's also zero game mechanics which require one to own multiple houses.


tl;dr - Owning multiple houses is detrimental to the potential gameplay and RP of others for the sake of no actual benefit to oneself. Let's not make excuses for that kind of behavior.


I do apologize for poking holes in your statement here, but the end of it isn't necessarily true.

Medium House: FC house.

Personal Small: FC Tavern hangout

Personal Small owned by alt in different residential district: Personal home for character X

Ad infinitum.


One can easily justify multiple houses if one wants or has the friend base to make use of it all. I know I did when I was chock full o' housing.




Specifically, we had the FC house, the personal home for my character in LB, a teahouse and spa in Mist and my alt had a bar and fighting ring for events.

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I do apologize for poking holes in your statement here, but the end of it isn't necessarily true.

Medium House: FC house.

Personal Small: FC Tavern hangout

Personal Small owned by alt in different residential district: Personal home for character X

Ad infinitum.


One can easily justify multiple houses if one wants or has the friend base to make use of it all. I know I did when I was chock full o' housing.




Specifically, we had the FC house, the personal home for my character in LB, a teahouse and spa in Mist and my alt had a bar and fighting ring for events.


...and owning all of these unlocked the game's login restriction and enabled you to be in multiple locations to make use of these places?


Or would it have been exactly the same (to you, because we'll see in a moment how it would be different for others), as a single player who can only be in one place at a time, if each of those houses were owned by a different player who just happened to make the locations into a tea house, and a spa, and a bar, and so on?


Suddenly, five players get to enjoy decorating a building and playing host to their friends instead of one player having that capability.


And yes, sure, people can go to somebody's house if the owner isn't there, if the house is meant to be a business, and they can pretend there's an invisible NPC clerk running the counter or whatever, but we can do that with any building in the game, so that has nothing to do with player housing.

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I've actually started screenshotting and reporting people for selling upcharged real estate.




Because I'm a curmudgeon. I can't afford to buy a house at Market price, nor am I trying to. I just don't like what people are doing, and since it is against Enix's user agreement, I like the idea of getting the realtor banned and opening up that person's plots to someone else.

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Whichever the case and opinion, I find the excuse of "someone else would do it anyway" to be very short-sighted and detrimental in society as a whole. "Why should I recycle? Others won't do it anyway, it's pointless." "Why should I buy the ticket to the bus? Plenty of people travel without paying too." and on, and on. We have to be the change we want, we can't always wait for "others" to start a good trend. We've got to pay it forward.


Me, I have decided to not have personal housing at all (again, because 1: I'm lucky enough to be in an FC that lets me do what I want with anything, and 2: because personal houses, even large ones, are just too small without personal rooms, and 3: personal houses get less traffic/visitors/RP than FC houses do, because they involve less people), and even more, our FC has decided that when we will move to another house, we will relinquish ours without asking money from anyone.


Do I judge people who don't do this? No. Do I wish more people did it? Yes, of course, and I encourage people to do both things (having just one house/leaving old houses for free) every chance I can. Doesn't mean I am calling them out if they choose to do otherwise. It's their choice, after all.


All I know is that, in a system where only a small percentage of players is able to enjoy the housing content, I can feel well with myself knowing that I am doing the least possible damage to the other homeless players. I was always a very sensitive and easily-tripped-into-guilt person in real life, and I quite literally would not sleep if I had handled the housing situation any differently than this.


Hell, thinking about it, when our FC finally got a house, one of the first things that happened was someone running up to me and /slap me, likely because we had claimed the plot before he could get to it, and that was enough to make me feel bad for the whole day. :(

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Can people just....chill a bit?


Seriously. It's in-game housing. Aside from gardening, airship ventures and the aetherial wheel converter thing, a house isn't providing any other features you can't have elsewhere in the game.


There's plenty of game to go around for people. And a lot of it is waiting to be used.




[[puts on the mod outfit]]


I'm gonna have to ask for people to keep their wits about them. If you're getting this worked up over an announcement that hasn't even been implemented yet, it may be a good indication to step out of the thread.


Part of being a community means respecting other people's choices and opinions, even if you do not personally agree with them.


[[steps out]]


edit: I tried to separate my user face and my mod face. They are different.

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Can people just....chill a bit?


Seriously. It's in-game housing. Aside from gardening, airship ventures and the aetherial wheel converter thing, a house isn't providing any other features you can't have elsewhere in the game.


There's plenty of game to go around for people. And a lot of it is waiting to be used.


[[puts on the mod outfit]]


I'm gonna have to ask for people to keep their wits about them. If you're getting this worked up over an announcement that hasn't even been implemented yet, it may be a good indication to step out of the thread.


Part of being a community means respecting other people's choices and opinions, even if you do not personally agree with them.


[[steps out]]


You know I have all the Franz <3, but I'm gonna say two things before I do as I'm told and step out of the thread...


1: If there were plenty of game to go around, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Housing has finite scarcity. My chocobo is yellow because I can't get a house. I have no idea if the gardening system is interesting or what rewards it may yield because I can't get a house. Couldn't begin to tell you even one thing about airships, and I don't even know what an aetherial converter is... because I can't get a house. 


2. Part of being a community means thinking about one's actions with regard to said community and evaluating whether or not one's actions are respectful towards others in the community. It's unfair to ask for someone's opinion to be respected when that opinion is a disrespectful opinion.


...and now I run away before I get in trouble. SMOKEBOMB!

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What you're asking people to do is to be -generous-. They have no obligations and it is not amoral or unethical to do otherwise.


I've actually started screenshotting and reporting people for selling upcharged real estate.




Because I'm a curmudgeon. I can't afford to buy a house at Market price, nor am I trying to. I just don't like what people are doing, and since it is against Enix's user agreement, I like the idea of getting the realtor banned and opening up that person's plots to someone else.

Please, prove this is against User Agreement because many of us have looked through it. Otherwise you are wasting the GM's time.

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What you're asking people to do is to be -generous-. They have no obligations and it is not amoral or unethical to do otherwise.


I've actually started screenshotting and reporting people for selling upcharged real estate.




Because I'm a curmudgeon. I can't afford to buy a house at Market price, nor am I trying to. I just don't like what people are doing, and since it is against Enix's user agreement, I like the idea of getting the realtor banned and opening up that person's plots to someone else.

Please, prove this is against User Agreement because many of us have looked through it. Otherwise you are wasting the GM's time.


I reference a series of posts and remind you a discussion in which a SE GM stated that buying and selling outside of the regular market is in violation of the UA.



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What you're asking people to do is to be -generous-. They have no obligations and it is not amoral or unethical to do otherwise.


I've actually started screenshotting and reporting people for selling upcharged real estate.




Because I'm a curmudgeon. I can't afford to buy a house at Market price, nor am I trying to. I just don't like what people are doing, and since it is against Enix's user agreement, I like the idea of getting the realtor banned and opening up that person's plots to someone else.

Please, prove this is against User Agreement because many of us have looked through it. Otherwise you are wasting the GM's time.


I reference a series of posts and remind you a discussion in which a SE GM stated that buying and selling outside of the regular market is in violation of the UA.



You exited out of the thread. Did you see the part about it being a hoax?



Update regarding House Sharing along with Reclamation


Per Letter from the Producer Live Part XXV,

House sharing feature

Players can share the house up to 3 other players.

Players can accept up to 2 house sharing invitations.


Automatic reclamation of housing

Houses that have not been entered for more than 45 days and land that has not had a house built on it for more than 45 days will be automatically reclaimed. The time for this can be found in the Timers menu. Furthermore, after 35 days have passed, an email will be sent to all FC members (and owners of private houses) informing them. If you have been subject to automatic reclamation, you will be able to receive an 80% refund in gil for the price you paid for the land from the Resident Caretaker in the housing ward. You will also be able to retrieve indoor and outdoor furnishings that you are not destroyed upon removal. You will need to retrieve your refund and furnishings within 35 days after your house has been reclaimed.


Automatic reclamation after 45 days is the result of testing based on player data.

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