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Are there any confirmed Samurai in lore?


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I think during the anniversary event, they joked about it being in the next expansion, and I know Yoshi P has said he wants them to be a DPS class. (And that the reasoning behind not releasing them early on was because two Japanese themed classes close together was something they wanted to avoid, I think?)


But yes, as of now I'm pretty sure they haven't made an appearance in game. Alas.

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Interesting, well, a friend is planning on joining me here soon  who played a SAM in FXI, would it be too much if he attempted to roleplay a Samurai. With no established lore if the Samurai in Hydaelyn it probaby wouldnt be a good idea, would it? he's a great roleplayer and I am sure he could pull most anything off but how well would it be received?

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I'd accept it, but I handwave it as "swordsmen" using a peculiar type of bastard sword. I figure many are waiting for a class so that they can stop beating around the bush. After all, if there is Ninja, why not Samurai? But since there is no lore, I keep it vague and speculative, easy to retcon.

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I'd agree. I joking refer to Chachan as the Bunny Samurai in his armor. Having the Usagi Kabuto helps a bunch, too. Really, it's easy enough to make a PLD (or DRK) that looks Samurai-ish, especially with the Law weapons and gear - which is Doman in design. Just call yourself a Samurai and run with it.


... just be ready if Samurai DOES drop as a playable job, of course.

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The NPC Hozan compares adventurers to ronin (something about how adventurers serve no master) Unfortunately, I can't revisit to give you his exact words, since the NPCs change their dialogue or disappear as you progress through MSQ.


As far as I know, there are no NPCs claiming to be samurai. Hozan's father might have been? But he could very well have been a ninja like his son too. (Just speculating, since NIN AF was plate/chain, maybe the scale armor awarded to him in the past was a samurai's armor. There's no way of knowing either way right now, but I hope there's more to hear from this family in the future.)


In short, they're hinted at but there's no lore or known samurai NPCs.

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Do you mean someone that is clad like a samurai and looks like a samurai, or a true samurai with all the social culture and status that comes with it?


Because well, in the first case, we already have samurai like armour and kimonos...

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would it be too much if he attempted to roleplay a Samurai


It'll probably be fine. I doubt anyone will raise a big fuss over it. The lore compliancy of it (at this time) may vary depending on whether you're going with Full-On Historical Accuracy or Doman Guy With Sword, but I doubt anyone will really care much.


If people give him too much shit about it, just tell him to play his character up as one of these guys instead.




That way if anyone complains you can safely tell them to Get Out.

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Interesting, well, a friend is planning on joining me here soon  who played a SAM in FXI, would it be too much if he attempted to roleplay a Samurai. With no established lore if the Samurai in Hydaelyn it probaby wouldnt be a good idea, would it? he's a great roleplayer and I am sure he could pull most anything off but how well would it be received?


Prolly not.


Your friend also stands a massive, if not almost certain, chance of everything he develops needing to be edited or retconned to comply with Samurai lore when it eventually does debut.


I would suggest your friend just play a swordsman for now and develop into Samurai. It's GOING to come. He just needs to be patient.

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