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NA Adventurers! Looking for RP? New to RP? Welcome to Mateus!

So, you down to give Mateus a shot?  

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  1. 1. So, you down to give Mateus a shot?

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    • I think i'll pass.

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I have been on Balmung for quite a long time and I have to say, I made an alt just to poke around Mateus to see if it's worth the switch and I haven't felt more welcome since I first joined XIV. They're off to a great start and as far as the very small number of naysayers, that's just the internet.. for me, first impressions are everything and I'm happy to say that Mateus is mine and my friend's new home!


Oh heavens I hope my post didn't seem like a naysayer, I apologize if it did.


I'm spending far more time on Mateus than I have even been able to Balmung, and at this point I'm highly thinking of calling my character on Mateus my main, I only brought up and showed that screen shot, because it's unsettling to see that when your happy minding your own business and people crap all over you whether intentionally or not. I highly doubt the people speaking knew I was a Balmung transfer as I ran by, nor do I think they cared, but it's kind of unnerving to feel unwelcomed like that out of the blue.


Other than this one experience I've enjoyed my time on Mateus so far and I've gotten a few tells complimenting my character etc. So in no way shape or form am I bashing it, but if problems aren't brought to the forefront they fester and get worse.


The issue here is the problems have been brought to the forefront. Often and repeatedly. There is more than one thread about this, take a look around and you'll see them. It has been discussed in this thread already. There has been talk of it on the Mateus discord, too. 


People are aware. Very much so. I realize now it wasn't your intention but at this point posts that ring of "Look what Mateus did! Look what mean things Mateus said about Balmung!" and nothing else seem not only to be beating a dead horse but dragging its corpse through the mud. To people who otherwise know nothing about us, this should not be the only impression they are given to work with, because it's a false one.

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Oh no! That's not what I meant! I just meant if there are people saying bad things about Balmungers there. (I haven't seen it yet.) those are the ones I'm calling naysayers lol. The ones like in your screenshot that said "Balmung go home." I think it's counterproductive of them to say that but mostly I've felt nothing but welcome here! :D

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Welp I ran into some anti-Balmung people already on Mateus while on my "I just want to play dammit" alt, you know it's going to be really hard to build a great community with these people trying to be divisive like this.


So no one thinks I'm blowing smoke.







Now with hidden names.. Sorry I forgot, last few communities I was apart of was really big on consequences of actions. My bad.


Lol, is there any reason to believe this is anything but people just kidding around anyway?

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Lol, is there any reason to believe this is anything but people just kidding around anyway?


I think the necessity of having to ask in the first place is a sign that it's very difficult to tell, and as such the line between "kidding around" and "deadly serious" is not particularly clear in this case.

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Lol, is there any reason to believe this is anything but people just kidding around anyway?


I think the necessity of having to ask in the first place is a sign that it's very difficult to tell, and as such the line between "kidding around" and "deadly serious" is not particularly clear in this case.


The curse of text is 90% of context is always lost and thus the context of feelings always has a high chance of misconception to actual meaning.

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Don't come here.


Mateus is full. 


There's no more housing.


There's only like 31 people with rp flags on at any given time, yet there's more than that in the login queue at peak times and no new characters are being allowed to be created here even for people who were playing on Mateus before RPers decided it was going to be their new haunt. 


Even late at night there's a 10+ queue to log in. It's really fun to wait 45 minutes as dps for a queue, get 90'kd, then wait ???? minutes to get back online and see you're kicked and can't queue again for awhile.


Hunts are getting pulled early now as opposed to the courteous wait period we all had before.


The increased population hasn't even done anything for the economy. People still aren't leveling crafters and so nothing sells and the one possible perk to a bigger population isn't living up to its potential. 


*Real* natives of Mateus miss their low pop server. We picked a small server for a reason. :/

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There's no more housing.



This is probably the only part of your post that's actually true. But news flash: It's also true of every other server at this point.


There's only like 31 people with rp flags on at any given time


I'm not omnipresent, but I do know there's certainly more than that. I just now did a player search for all with this flag up and it came to 67 (compared to Balmung's 189 at the same time). And honestly, that doesn't really mean much seeing as a ton of people don't even put their flag up when they RP (I myself often don't).


Even late at night there's a 10+ queue to log in.


Anyone and everyone who's ever been on Balmung is laughing hysterically at this right now. Also, I ALWAYS am able to bypass this by hitting cancel and getting right in. There's literally zero wait time.


It's really fun to wait 45 minutes as dps for a queue, get 90'kd, then wait ???? minutes to get back online and see you're kicked and can't queue again for awhile.


I'm a BLM main. My queue is usually no longer than 20 mins. I haven't gotten 90'kd since early access and launch day. And as stated already, you don't have a wait time to get back online.


Hunts are getting pulled early now as opposed to the courteous wait period we all had before.


I can't speak to this as I don't do many hunts. But is this attitude somehow different on any other server???? Sincerely doubt it...


The increased population hasn't even done anything for the economy. People still aren't leveling crafters and so nothing sells and the one possible perk to a bigger population isn't living up to its potential.


I've seen quite a number of prices nosedive.



*Real* natives of Mateus miss their low pop server. We picked a small server for a reason. :/


Here's the part I genuinely get angry at. What the HELL is a "real native?" Anyone who joins a server for any reason is a "real native." Someone being there FIRST does not equate to any special rights or privileges. This attitude is revolting on all fronts.


Not sure what the purpose of your post was. Telling RPers not to go somewhere when their options are already limited seems likely rooted in selfish desires of some sort.

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*Real* natives of Mateus miss their low pop server. We picked a small server for a reason. :/


I'll say this:


Expecting your empty server to remain empty forever is just as unrealistic as someone on Balmung expecting character creation to stay open forever.


You don't get to essentially say, "but I like this hardware only being used by 3000 people!" when the average server population, the one Square Enix seems to be striving for on all servers (including Balmung and Mateus) seems to be around 10k.

* active numbers, based on this


Your server is going to grow. It's not "Balmung's fault" [nb. not a sentiment expressed in as many words by the person I quoted, but one I've seen], and it's not something anyone on this forum has the power to stop. And it's not for you, either. It's for Square Enix, so they can get the most out of their hardware. Because keeping an empty server switched on is (in theory) just as expensive as a server that's averagely populated, and Mateus was serving literally one third of the number of people it should've been.


Please stop trying to undermine people who want to do something fun on your server. It's not your right to tell them that their fun is ruining your fun, when your fun is dependent wholly on unrealistic expectations like "them not being there" and "my server being empty forever".

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*Real* natives of Mateus miss their low pop server. We picked a small server for a reason. :/

You know what happens to small servers that don't grow? They get merged. Then you lose your small server and possibly your name, land etc.



You should be thrilled your (my) server is growing and so far has a wonderful community starting, instead of whining about it.


So other than my one in game experience (Posted here earlier) then this person here, the server has been super welcoming, the Discord is full of great people, and it's all pretty groovy. I'm glad I moved a character over. I am having a blast.

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Cool. I'm glad. Doesn't fix any of my gripes that were not addressed by anyone else who replied, though; it all boils down to either "those things aren't problems; I'm not having them!" or "you should be happy you're having these problems!"


There's other near-empty servers you can go to with the same benefits as Mateus (my home server-- I'm not moving just because some trendsters moved in next door). The RP tag was implemented like it was so that you could find RP on whatever server you happened to be on. I realize it's easier to find people to RP with when you play on the same server, but organizing a mass migration to greener pastures just makes a problem for the cows already grazing there, and doesn't endear the general population to the RP community. Because really, all the replies to my post are exactly what I expected, and not very conducive to Roleplayer-Non-Roleplayer* relations. (*I am a roleplayer.)


Like, I dunno. I like seeing people interacting in character. I like getting little snippets of how other people interpret the game through their characters. I'm not Anti-RP and I'm not one of the people who roll on an RP server for the ambiance. I've been roleplaying the same character on WoW since 2007 and they've gone from a name and a sprite on screen to a realized individual that is a part of me now. Many of the real, adult friendships I have spawned from simple conversations IC in WoW. But the fact that I know how MMO RP works doesn't negate the problems that come with Every Person Who Wants to RP On FFXIV Trying To Get Onto The Same Server And Also That Server Is Where I Live.


I've heard there's a little community on Goblin. Why not spread some of the weight across the other promoted servers? I think you as a community have that ability to communicate with each other.

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We talked extensively for weeks on this forum, when Balmung was closed overnight, about why having small, scattered, single-community RP playerbases that you have to pay money to transfer between is unsustainable and - when it's the only option - unpleasant.


So, that's why we're trying to establish at least one community that's a little larger and has a little more stability. And your objection to this essentially seems to be NIMBY, which is... not a good look, ngl.


Like I said: your server is going to grow. This is going to happen regardless of what anyone in the RP community does. Your server is going to remain a free transfer destination with levelling incentives until such a time as it reaches a stable, average population. The economy is going to continue to crap itself until things level out and people get situated (it's been two weeks, an expansion just launched; no crap no one's levelled their crafters yet!). Housing was always going to fill eventually, too; to my knowledge, average-population servers usually have a handful of empty plots at a time, no more, and you haven't even waited an autodemolition period to start complaining. And whenever you get a group over a certain size, there will always be that one asshole who undercuts on the MB/pulls hunts early/other stuff that's not technically against the rules but is still annoying. Again, your server was always going to grow, and there's no transfer limitation on assholes. None of these things are the RP community's fault, and none of them are within our control.


Antagonising people for trying to build a stable, reliable RP playerbase for people who prefer larger communities isn't going to solve any of the problems you're complaining about.


I'd recommend you make a post to the official forum and take your complaint to the developers, because that's who you need to complain to if you have a problem with people transferring to the preferred world you're playing on. Not us.

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Actually Melomelo, Kylin addressed every single one of your "concerns" to every one of your points.


It's our server now yours, mine, and everyone who made a home there. So get used to it. You do not have claim on a server. So you essentially have three choices.


1.) Get used to it and embrace it and have fun with the rest of us.


2.) Wallow in your contempt be bitter and likely get left behind.


3.) Change servers. 


Now ideally no one wants you to do 2 or 3. So why don't you drop it embrace your growing friendly community and just have fun with us. No one likes a spoil sport.

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*Real* natives of Mateus miss their low pop server.


If that's really how you want to play, *Real* native RPC users miss our low pop forums before all the *fake* non-natives showed up.....


Aside from like, Kylin and a very small handful of other users, all of the "RPC Natives" quit with 1.0. Even a large number of "2.0 Natives" stopped posting here, which is really a shame. The number of registered users might have gone up, but the general activity and participation has dwindled. I suppose some of that has been from "greener pastures" assumed to be elsewhere, but the rude reactionary posts are likely contributors as well.

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*Real* natives of Mateus miss their low pop server.


If that's really how you want to play, *Real* native RPC users miss our low pop forums before all the *fake* non-natives showed up.....


Aside from like, Kylin and a very small handful of other users, all of the "RPC Natives" quit with 1.0. Even a large number of "2.0 Natives" stopped posting here, which is really a shame. The number of registered users might have gone up, but the general activity and participation has dwindled. I suppose some of that has been from "greener pastures" assumed to be elsewhere, but the rude reactionary posts are likely contributors as well.


Mmm, I'm not normally known as a rude user (I don't think) but this "Wah wah wah server growing, wah wah wah I'm a mateus native so I'm special" post was just ridiculous.


But to further expand my point in case someone has missed it: Following his own logic, his presence on the RPC should be un-welcome. Hell, I've been here for how long now and technically I should still be frowned upon for entering the RPC as a non-native. His bellyaching over Mateus growing is the same as the first 200 RPC users complaining about the forums growing.


But instead, RPC is fairly welcoming (to a certain extent) to new users. So I see no need for his "this is our server" bullshit.

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This person whining does not speak for all of us (nor do I, but that's kind of the point I'm making here). I would ask the Balmung people not use this single person as an example of how we all behave as I've seen time and again, especially the ones who have not been on the server or have played an alt on it for all of twenty minutes. 


We have our issues. A little bit of the salt seen here and some questionable censorship in the Discord as of late are the primary two, but beyond that this is a great server. When I very first joined I had full intent of eventually leaving for what I perceived to be the greener pastures that are Balmung, but I can't imagine leaving Mateus now. I'm still excited to roll an alt on Balmung when it opens (or transfer one, technically), but Mateus is my home. It's the home of a lot of people who aren't members here but would say what I'm saying if they were.


Please do come here. It's true we need crafters, but as another person said, RPers are a reliable playerbase and already there is a rise in them. It's true the housing is full, but the flippers aren't quite as gil thirsty as they are on Balmung as of this moment, so it's still hardly a pipe dream, and apartments are everywhere. Take it from someone who checks on housing every day and saw a medium plot in the Mists for sale not two days ago or so. 


The whiners are leaving and will continue to leave. Don't let them be a factor in your decision if you're considering a transfer or if you're brand new and trying to find a place to go.

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If I may further poke at a couple points...



There's no more housing.


This is probably the only part of your post that's actually true. But news flash: It's also true of every other server at this point.


In addition to this, housing - while useful for RP - is not a required thing. RP has happened prior to housing and, to some people, the addition of it has actually hindered the amount of "in-the-world" RP that is occurring. More people is going to mean that, as the numbers grow, you're going to see more of that regardless of whether or not they have a house. Which might just be a good thing for seeing people RPing, which leads into the next point...


There's only like 31 people with rp flags on at any given time


I'm not omnipresent, but I do know there's certainly more than that. I just now did a player search for all with this flag up and it came to 67 (compared to Balmung's 189 at the same time). And honestly, that doesn't really mean much seeing as a ton of people don't even put their flag up when they RP (I myself often don't).


I should also point out that I'm fairly certain the dearth of visible RP could also be due to folks needing (or just wanting, really) to get their characters caught up with the game - either getting their transferred characters up to date with SB or leveling their newly created alts from scratch. I know I haven't done much RP with the drop of Stormblood myself on Balmung, and I'm sure there are many others.


It's going to take time, but once the leveling rush settles down I'm sure RP in general will pick up all over.


Even late at night there's a 10+ queue to log in.


Anyone and everyone who's ever been on Balmung is laughing hysterically at this right now. Also, I ALWAYS am able to bypass this by hitting cancel and getting right in. There's literally zero wait time.


The reconnect thing here is a pretty sound suggestion. It definitely helps get past queues of that size. And, keep in mind, a lot of people were also moving to try and escape the 3k+ queues that were happening on Balmung and the like prior to the noon-time disconnects. It may be a bit crass, but it could definitely be a lot worse.


It's really fun to wait 45 minutes as dps for a queue, get 90'kd, then wait ???? minutes to get back online and see you're kicked and can't queue again for awhile.


I'm a BLM main. My queue is usually no longer than 20 mins. I haven't gotten 90'kd since early access and launch day. And as stated already, you don't have a wait time to get back online.


DPS queues have always been pretty lengthy due to people being unwilling, unable, or just uncomfortable with taking up the role of tank or healer. Add in an expansion that adds two new, flashy DPS to try out without new tanks/healers to go with it (something Heavensward, I think, was smart in doing), and you're going to get even larger DPS queues.


Also, keep in mind that the dungeons and raids all pull from the entire data center for its members. So, as long as you're on the Aether data center, you're going to be having to deal with players from Balmung "clogging up" the DPS queues anyway whether they have migrated to Mateus or not.


In addition, I can attest to not having a lot of 90k issues myself - I think I had all of one or two and that was during Early Access and the time of the Raublock. If you're having connection issues, it might be worth look into seeing if it's being caused by something else. Also, if you DO get kicked... using the cancel-reconnect trick mentioned above hopefully with help get you back in quicker.


Hunts are getting pulled early now as opposed to the courteous wait period we all had before.


I can't speak to this as I don't do many hunts. But is this attitude somehow different on any other server???? Sincerely doubt it...


Is there any proof that the people pulling early are transfers from Balmung? And, even if they are, that isn't indicative of Balmung players in general. That one person could just be an impatient jerk. I've seen plenty of hunts on Balmung where people have called it out and given timers and whatnot before pulling. Plenty of courtesy.


The increased population hasn't even done anything for the economy. People still aren't leveling crafters and so nothing sells and the one possible perk to a bigger population isn't living up to its potential.


I've seen quite a number of prices nosedive.


Another point to make here is that, again, there's a lot of MSQ content for people to play through, and two new combat classes to level. Also, I don't believe the bonus XP for creating/transferring applies to crafting? I'm not 100% sure on that.


In either case, like with RP... I think it's just a matter of folks having other priorities right now. Once that all settles, then people will level their crafters and their gatherers and the increased number on the server will see more supply and thus lower prices.


*Real* natives of Mateus miss their low pop server. We picked a small server for a reason. :/


Here's the part I genuinely get angry at. What the HELL is a "real native?" Anyone who joins a server for any reason is a "real native." Someone being there FIRST does not equate to any special rights or privileges. This attitude is revolting on all fronts.


Not sure what the purpose of your post was. Telling RPers not to go somewhere when their options are already limited seems likely rooted in selfish desires of some sort.


As for this bit... I'm going to take a bit of a different tack and apologize that your server has suddenly become such a focus for attention. With the lockdown of Balmung, RPers needed a place to go, so some server was going to get the influx as they decided on a new "alternative." It could've just as easily been Zalera or any of the other servers on the bonus XP list, it just happened to be Mateus due to its RP community stepping up and drawing attention to the server.


So, it does seem that at least some of Mateus' RPers want people to come there and for the community to build up. Whether it's more or less than the folks that wanted to keep the small server feel... I don't know and, unfortunately, it's a bit irrelevant at this point. Mateus is the go-to now for people looking for servers to RP on.


There will be growing pains. There will be conflicts, but - as some of the others have said in various tones - these sorts of things are going to happen as the server grows, which it would have anyway. At least, that was the intent of the bonus XP, right? Whether it was RPers from Balmung or anyone from anywhere else or just new players in general... Mateus was going to attract more people from the bonus alone.


So, my best recommendation is just to try and see the plus sides in all this. Once everyone's leveled and settled and what-have-you... just think of the benefits. As the "new RP hub" there's going to be more RP if that's your jam. And the added population - especially with an RPer's bent for the fashion endgame - means that the MBs are going to get a lot of love too.


Just keep positive, and I hope things end up great for everyone over on Mateus. I have an alt over there myself that I'm slowly working into RP-level status and hopefully he'll be able to delight your character or one of your friends' characters with his little clockwork creations.

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This person whining does not speak for all of us (nor do I, but that's kind of the point I'm making here). I would ask the Balmung people not use this single person as an example of how we all behave as I've seen time and again, especially the ones who have not been on the server or have played an alt on it for all of twenty minutes. 


Honestly, the talk about "real natives" and "trendsters moving into the neighbourhood" is making me very uncomfortable, and certainly unwelcome.


Upon consideration, I suspect this is partly due to being a RL immigrant, and hearing almost exactly the same rhetoric used against me, or at least people like me.


I'm not saying the situations are identical, or carrying anywhere near the same weight. It's just a game, after all. I just have this weird reaction, since I hear enough of it in RL, and seeing it here regarding the game (where I go to take my mind off RL) is kind of jarring.


Am I overreacting? I don't actually know of any way to stop feeling unwelcome other than to suck it up and deal.

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This person whining does not speak for all of us (nor do I, but that's kind of the point I'm making here). I would ask the Balmung people not use this single person as an example of how we all behave as I've seen time and again, especially the ones who have not been on the server or have played an alt on it for all of twenty minutes. 


Honestly, the talk about "real natives" and "trendsters moving into the neighbourhood" is making me very uncomfortable, and certainly unwelcome.


Upon consideration, I suspect this is partly due to being a RL immigrant, and hearing almost exactly the same rhetoric used against me, or at least people like me.


I'm not saying the situations are identical, or carrying anywhere near the same weight. It's just a game, after all. I just have this weird reaction, since I hear enough of it in RL, and seeing it here regarding the game (where I go to take my mind off RL) is kind of jarring.


Am I overreacting? I don't actually know of any way to stop feeling unwelcome other than to suck it up and deal.

First off! *hug*

Melomelo is in the vast minority here with his attitude.

If you want to feel welcomed and like you really belong on the server in the community join the discord, everyone is pretty wonderful there, and really the discord group is what handily won me over.

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This may get some spite directed my way, but to be honest I think people in general are overreacting, at least to a degree. When you have more than two people in a room, you can all but guarantee there will be disagreements. That's with two people. There are already hundreds of RPers on Mateus. 


To see one, two, even three people say something and take it as gospel, to let it form opinions on an entire community or subject matter... I don't know. Seems very silly to me. Please note I'm not speaking to only you directly in this matter, nor dismissing your RL woes (I understand those very well on a personal level, you can take my word on that that), but it's a game and people are going to argue. 


There's only so many times I and other people from Mateus can tell you (again, general you, not you specifically) that the majority of us are not like this before 1. It starts getting frustrating on our end and 2. We just start giving up in light of that. This gets very tiring. Someone shit talks Balmung and they're dogpiled on. Someone does the same about Mateus and there seems to be some unspoken (and ofttimes spoken) expectation we must rush in to defend our server and reassure people repeatedly. 


This has to go both ways. There has to be a little give on the other end where people say, "Well, one person treated me like dirt, but I've seen four people post on the forums welcoming me. I've had a dozen or more welcome me in the LS I joined. The Discord has been good to me. I guess I won't let this one person control my opinion here."

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If you want to feel welcomed and like you really belong on the server in the community join the discord, everyone is pretty wonderful there, and really the discord group is what handily won me over.


I actually did join the Discord (labelled "RPM", since I hear there are multiple). I admit I stopped logging into Discord after a few days, for entirely unrelated reasons; specifically I keep (well, three times) seeing long, protracted arguments between two or three people (usually different ones every time) about every conceivable subject. I'm pretty sure I'm not misinterpreting playful banter as serious arguments, because the mods had to step in to restore peace.


This has nothing to do with making me feel welcome or unwelcome, so I have no complaints about the Discord in that regard. As mentioned, it's a completely separate issue.


To see one, two, even three people say something and take it as gospel, to let it form opinions on an entire community or subject matter... I don't know. Seems very silly to me. Please note I'm not speaking to only you directly in this matter, nor dismissing your RL woes (I understand those very well on a personal level, you can take my word on that that), but it's a game and people are going to argue. 


The issue I'm having is that it keeps happening. I acknowledge that there is probably nothing the vast majority of Mateus people can do about this, since there's really no way to prevent the occasional person from expressing their "immigrants go away" views from time to time.


Which doesn't change how it does happen, and every time it happens it's one more to add to the pile. It's very difficult to let even one instance wash away, since the doubts that "I'm not welcome here, and there will be people who will never accept me due to where I come from" tend to fester. RL and in-game blur together, especially when the rhetoric is so similar.


It doesn't have to be directed specifically at me. It never has, actually. But here, in-game shouts, Reddit, and the Official Forums, I keep seeing the same refrain: immigrants go away, you're ruining Mateus. Most of them don't actually care if we "go home", as long as we're not here. Transfer to Goblin or Zalera, as long as we never set foot on Mateus again.


One person saying this is something I can deal with, especially if the rest of the community tells me that they do not represent the server as a whole. Two people, or three people, fine. One person (or more) every week, even if they are different people, gets tiresome. I think I've seen double-digit numbers of people by now express anti-immigrant views regarding Mateus, not including those who don't want Balmung transfers anywhere, at which point the numbers rise sharply.


Double-digit numbers for a server in the thousands is pretty small, yes. But they make their views loud, known, and in public spaces where I am likely to see them just through my usual browsing/playing.


Again, I'm not expecting anyone else from Mateus to keep defending the server in the face of such sustained bad publicity. I'm just saying that it's happening, and it's causing a reaction, and I don't know what anyone can do about it.


I'm fortunate in RL in that I look more or less the same as the "native citizens" of my country (ie the one I'm in now). But I've long since learned to recognize a particular look I get when I mention where I'm from. It is almost always followed up by certain questions, apparently to ensure that I'm not one of The Bad Ones. It's darkly amusing to see almost the exact same complaints here as in RL (in online discussions and Letters To The Editor): that due to People Like Me, housing has become scarce/more expensive, and public services are becoming overcrowded, and these strange habits and cultures are incompatible with the native ones. And, as with FFXIV, these complaints keep happening.


I don't know how to deal with it in RL, which means I don't know how to deal with it here.

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The one you want is "The Mateus RP Hub"


There is a link to it in the Player Directory. I think the bigggest argument I've been witness to was over comic books and no one was mad.


I mean sure every community has debates but we're one big happy group 98% of the time there.




Also for those people whining about transfers, just block them they likely aren't worth your time anyways.



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It doesn't have to be directed specifically at me. It never has, actually. But here, in-game shouts, Reddit, and the Official Forums, I keep seeing the same refrain: immigrants go away, you're ruining Mateus. Most of them don't actually care if we "go home", as long as we're not here. Transfer to Goblin or Zalera, as long as we never set foot on Mateus again.


I think the big issue, if I can be frank, is that this is the vocal minority. The key word being vocal. Even if it's only a few of them, they're making enough noise and hullabaloo to cause these sorts of problems. I saw the same thing when I had shouts on in Ul'dah on my little Mateus alt - people bashing Balmung and talking about how they "escaped" and whatnot.


Sure, it might be the minority of folks who have this mindset, but if the only opinions you see are from that minority, it's going to color your opinions on the server regardless, isn't it?


So it may be a tiring thing, but those who don't have that same opinion often need to speak up and be heard as well. Many are doing that and they're understandably awesome for doing so. They just have an upward battle to fight since it's so much easier to tear something down than to build it up.


But those that are speaking up to try and counteract that vocal minority? Give them a shot. Ignore the loud few and just see for yourself what you can find. If you can find a welcoming community of folks to RP and hang out with, then does it really matter what the blowhards on their soapboxes in Ul'dah shout chat think?

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Hey everyone, I may (nothing for certain) jumping ship to Mateus. I am curious as to how active and potentially stable the RPing is.


Does it seem like it could remain steady for years and be like Balmung? Or does it seem like it could go the way of Gilgamesh and just end up merging back into Balmung before long? (Or maybe my hypothesis about Gilgamesh is right and there isn't an issue about that...)


Is it active? Can I walk into frequented Balmung RP places on Mateus and find RP? Or is it more hidden from public?


Not trying to crush dreams or anything. Just want to know the validity of switching RP servers.

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Hey everyone, I may (nothing for certain) jumping ship to Mateus. I am curious as to how active and potentially stable the RPing is.


Does it seem like it could remain steady for years and be like Balmung? Or does it seem like it could go the way of Gilgamesh and just end up merging back into Balmung before long? (Or maybe my hypothesis about Gilgamesh is right and there isn't an issue about that...)


Is it active? Can I walk into frequented Balmung RP places on Mateus and find RP? Or is it more hidden from public?


Not trying to crush dreams or anything. Just want to know the validity of switching RP servers.


Is it active? Can't compare it to Balmung, but it's slow been picking up. Quicksand used to be empty, but now a handful of RPers hang out in the area. I've connected with most of the people I RP with via sending them /tells or digging around the forum or the RPM (Mateus RPing Discord). It's okay to check the Quicksands once in a while, but I wouldn't recommend that to be your only source in trying to look for new people to connect with.



Mateus only has started gaining a lot of population due to Balmung being locked down so it's hard to say whether it's going to be the another unofficial RPing server like Balmung or if it'll be in the same situation as Gilgamesh (assuming what you mentioned is true. I've never been on Gilgamesh so I cant verify if it is true or not), but as long as Balmung continues to be locked, I think Mateus has the potential to be the next unofficial RPing server. I am one of the many people who transferred to Mateus due to various reasons and I'm enjoying my stays here. Yes, there are some things that are better on Balmung (cheap market price to be one of them), but for me, the pros is far more greater than the cons. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me more questions :)

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