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The Screenshot Thread [Tag Your Spoilers]

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Not FFXIV but... If I close my eyes and believe hard enough. Maybe one day Blue Mage will appear before me.


As for right now? I'm playing through the whole of the FFXI story start to finish in order! Shadowlord down, off to Kazham I go! The Zilart shall not rise this day!


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My friend and I made a joke that one of my members in my FC is a 7ft guardian



Was running through Tam-Tara and one of our DPS said she'd brb. So during that time, the  tank and other DPS did this; (The only thing I could think when I saw this was, "Now, bow to me!")



Although I hate a....particular primal, I love this screenshot!


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[19:13]♥Mimiko Miyuki: "You mean you didnt recognize me?"

[19:15]Edgar Gandervalt "No, I didn't. The clothes, the new hair colour..." He scratched the back of his hair in embarassment. "...Sorry, lass."


[19:17]♥Mimiko Miyuki: "Hmmm so you would only recognize me if I was wearing the revealing clothing?"


[19:17]Edgar Gandervalt "...N-no..."

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