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Tiergan's Thread of Shameless Self-Promotion [No Commissions. Apologies.]


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Hi everyone! Because PM box is getting full ridiculously fast and the website is also lagging on occasion, I would love it if from now on everyone sent me all their commission-related details to my e-mail address lurial at gmail.com.


That way I can access everything all the time no matter what. :)


If you've already sent me your details, I would appreciate you copy pasting it into an e-mail for me, but it's not completely necessary.

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Greetings folks.


As of today, I have bumped up the price for all commissions by $10. The next 5 people who request a commission and everyone who is currently on my waiting list will still receive the old price.


I'm sorry if this inconveniences anyone! I've been sort of slaughtering myself with work and needed to make adjustments so that my life isn't all work and no play.

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