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Cheap Bust Commissions


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-Desired attire. This is mainly just the shirt since these are busts. If you don't request a shirt, I'm going to give you naked shoulders :3


I'm dumb and missed this. Prz give me random shirt collar so's to not be naked.


Enjoying the finished ones. xD

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  • 2 months later...

FYI to those waiting on stuff! As you probably noticed, my progress slowed greatly~ This was due to a number things: holidays, jobs for official companies, laziness xD, and finally getting a new graphics cards that didn't jive with my tablet @_@. Thanks to Kaworu/Ophelia, it is working again! There's so much jiving I feel like I'm in the 1950s. I have picked up working on one of the non-bust commissions and will try and get my ass back in gear to finish everyone's stuff. o7

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FYI to those waiting on stuff! As you probably noticed, my progress slowed greatly~ This was due to a number things: holidays, jobs for official companies, laziness xD, and finally getting a new graphics cards that didn't jive with my tablet @_@. Thanks to Kaworu/Ophelia, it is working again! There's so much jiving I feel like I'm in the 1950s. I have picked up working on one of the non-bust commissions and will try and get my ass back in gear to finish everyone's stuff. o7


Glad to see you have it back TOGETHER!

(warning: together may actually mean apart)

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