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Future Movies.

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Ok. So I've spent my recent days squeeing or not at new movie trailers.


What do you think about these future movies? Anything you're looking forward to?


For reference, the newest episode to Star Wars had its teaser trailer released.


Terminator Genisys had its trailer released today.

As someone who grew up on Terminator 2 Judgment Day I... I... I....

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I wanna see that new peter pan movie. OuO

Yup, that looked neat.


I'm also curious to see what Spielberg will do to unbury Jurassic Park from its last two flops. The fact that they're going back to animatronics dinosaurs is a very positive sign to me!


Until then...


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@Pan: From what I can tell it's a telling of how Peter pan got to neverland? I never really got into the story so I know nothing about it ><


@Jurassic World: I noticed that they kept the Jurassic Park representation of what velociraptors look like. Trained... Velociraptors.


Oh god.

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Star Wars -- Give us a better trailer, Disney, because right now I am less excited about the new movie than I was for the prequels (in my perfect world, episodes 1-3 wouldn't exist). And that is a Bad Thing.


Jurassic World -- When Blue told me that they were doing a new JP movie, I was horrified. JP3 had eaten up the last few crumbs left over from the original books. But then I saw the trailer... and I can't wait to see it. Also, my husband thought it was hilarous when I started screaming at the screen "Did they learn nothing from the first park?!"


Terminator -- Interested. Very, very interested.

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Blah blah blah someone told me that having the T2 lines again was old but... AHHH THEY JUST MADE MY HEART BEAT FASTER.


Emilia Clarke (Sarah) is actually almost the same age as Linda Hamilton in The Terminator. Except Emilia Clarke looks like a 16 year old in Genisys @_@;


I rewatched Judgment Day as I own the BluRays as well as HD on Prime. I never actually was able to make out -why- John knew which Sarah was the T-1000 and then I saw it. This week. Last night. DERP. ALSO, ALSO, I now realize the complexities and stuff where John started seeing the T-800 as a father figure once they reset his CPU. As a child that always just went *whoosh* over my head. Re-watching it -after- the Genisys trailer... I wonder if the Future human rebellion reset er...older?T-800's cpu? Cause Skynet doesn't allow them to learn and think when sent out on the field alone...


Terminator is one of my favorite franchises omg. ><;

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  • 4 months later...

Since I made this thread when Star Wars, Jurassic World, and Terminator Genysis trailers (or teasers) came out..


Here are new trailers/teasers.









Also, I recently watched Ex Machina in its limited release and its wide release is supposedly April 24!


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I've given up watching trailers! That said, I watched the Terminator one. I... don't know how to feel about 1) the plot 2) the twist being shown off immediately.


I've got a love-hate relationship with movie trailers now. There's like, 10 Avengers trailers out now? I haven't watch any beyond the first. I'm tired of knowing all of the plot to a movie prior to seeing it. Terminator I might end up seeing just because I like Terminator, I'm definitely in for Avengers 2 and duh, Star Wars.


I'm keeping myself in the dark from now on, though.

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Spoilers (let's not get into that one topic) don't really actually spoil the fun and enjoyment of what I'm watching/reading so it's ok for me. They actually tend to get me more excited, especially since trailers still act as teasers for me.


I'm a die hard (hue) Terminator fan so I'm ready.


Jurassic World is first (by what one day?).

I can't wait to see Rexxy. She's full grown now. FULL GROWN T-REX AHHHH


On the topic of Jurassic World / Park (the series), did anyone ever play the Telltale's horrible game?



There was a mosasaur in the game but I think it was a Tylosaurus which makes me sad cause I was hoping the mosasaurus in the new movie would be the same xD

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Sorry to keep posting but I found out that Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2 is coming out in August ; ;


I can't a proper youtube trailer unfortunately.


Annnnd to the meat of this post.


The Boy and the Beast from Mamoru Hosoda!


Mamoru Hosoda is the same man behind the anime films, The Girl who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars and Wolf Children. If you watched the Digimon Movie, he is the one behind the first two portions aka the 1st and 2nd films, but more importantly Our War Game (if you watched this and Summer Wars you can see a very familiar plot...)


I'm excited :3

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Sorry to keep posting but I found out that Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2 is coming out in August ; ;


I can't a proper youtube trailer unfortunately.


Annnnd to the meat of this post.


The Boy and the Beast from Mamoru Hosoda!


Mamoru Hosoda is the same man behind the anime films, The Girl who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars and Wolf Children. If you watched the Digimon Movie, he is the one behind the first two portions aka the 1st and 2nd films, but more importantly Our War Game (if you watched this and Summer Wars you can see a very familiar plot...)


I'm excited :3

I am waaay more excited for this than I care to admit. Summer Wars is EASILY one of my favorite movies of all time, and Wolf Children...well, it'd be on the list if I could talk myself into watching it again. It's just one of those movies that leaves you kinda hollow the rest of the day - but damn is it a good move.


The Boy and the Beast though...I'm really excited. So excited.

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To be honest, when Wolf Children came out, I wasn't sure what to expect. Especially with certain... social "norms"?


But by the end of the movie I was a sobbing mess. T_T;


Summer Wars will always get me worked up with how much I love it. The family. The characters. The action. Oh god grandma ; ; I end up a tearful mess because of the last shot you get before the credits drop. *A*




Actually... now that I think of it. I don't think I've ever watched any of his films dry-eyed. -_-

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I can say with certainty I made it through Our War Game without any tears. Summer Wars makes me tear up over grandma every time, but you walk away from that movie happy in the end. As for Wolf Children...yeah, I've only been able to sit and watch it twice because, like you, I'm a sobbing mess by the end. xD


But hey - just goes to show how much of a badass director Hosoda is.

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Yea I'll add my thoughts here...cuz this movie season does look pretty damn good overall, I gotta say.



....I dunno, man, that last trailer made me feel like I already watched the whole movie. Seemed like they put every card on the table and all that's left to look forward to is a few extra shots of explosions? I dunno. Probably gonna skip this one.



The teaser they released during the Super Bowl left me blank, but the recent trailer they released definitely improved my interest. Looks like another piece of Pixar heartwarming entertainment. They are VERY good at that.


Still think that The Incredibles is their best flick, though.



I am unnaturally excited for this movie. I think maybe it's just a mixture of good timing and what looks like some very good decisions about how the movie plays out. Yes, it's set up precisely the same as the first one, but I honestly just...it's about time, yanno? I'm ready for this one.



Yep. Very eager for this, despite all the burns the IP has provided, because when it's bad it's bad...but when it's good it is OH so good. I'm still humming from Star Wars Rebels, so...rather a bit of a fanboi on this one. Sue me.

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I actually cannot say if the first Digimon movie actually made my eyes tear up but I know they do/did in Our War Game when Omegamon (dub: Omnimon) is formed from all the messages of encouragement are sent from kids all around the world.




Oh god I'm tearing up. I think I'm a hypersensitive cause literally so many -thoughts- can lead me to tears. ; ;


I've honestly never been -that- into Pixar movies. I've enjoyed them but I've never been die hard about seeing them in theaters :c I only found out about Inside Out this week.


I'm of course excited for Star Wars but right now all my hype for Jurassic World and The Boy and the Beast.



Followed by Terminator and Star Wars xD


Seriously, I re-watched laser discs of Judgment Day (I won't lie, it's my favorite) and Jurassic Park over and over and over and over until we got rid of the laser disc player.

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