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The Vent Tent - Poor PuGs and Other Terrible Tales


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I cleared SoF on my first try.


Anyway what really got me today.


Every venture I had after my jet black dye dropped. (Second retainer dropped shaded spectacles, and I was wearing the snow coat. Talk about edgy)




Pure white. Over, and over, and over, and over.


I now have like 20 of those things and I can't get rid of them.


Maybe my retainer is trying to tell me to stop wearing so much black people cut themselves looking at me. (Which I won't ever stop because black is the best shade ever (Yes. Black is not a color, but a shade.))

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SoF = "Stupidly Obligatory Fight"


Yeah, I said it.


I have a personal bias against using Raid-difficulty content in a game's STORY mode, though. If everyone who wants to see the Heavensward content they are paying for has to go through this obligatory beast of an instance just to GO to Ishgard, expect to see a lot of pissed-off casual gamers who just want to see some new territory and cool story without having to master something harder than many parts of Coil seem to be.


Referring to previous experiences, a decision like this dealt a massive blow to LOTRO when it put a very potent gate on the Main Story content, which, at one point, could not be completed without gear from raid-difficulty dungeons that permitted access to later parts of the story - gear that only dropped one piece for every run of 8 people. I understand they fixed this now, but that's the point: they had to fix it, and didn't before a lot of people got pissed off enough to actively hate an expansion that should have pumped massive life into the game.


So, yeah go ahead and tell me to stop complaining, SOF isn't THAT hard if you cooperate, that I did finally get past it, yadda yadda. Most of us reading these forums know people and have friends that helped us beat it. I am not against difficult content, but using it to gate a game's Main Story is a poor decision, especially if we do indeed have to slog through the WHOLE MSQ to get characters to the new content when the expansion is unleashed.


And yeah, I know, we had to do this before with all the primal quests, yes yes. I thought that was dumb, too. Eventually, this will all blow over. But the expansion is going to pull a lot of people with maxed-out characters back into the game, and there will be a hellish amount of anger at SoF, which is designed specifically to make your hard-won gear useless and will demand cooperation of hundreds of people who haven't played in months, and who will be blindsided by this instance. Controllers WILL be thrown. At least give people their griffins and Au Ra and access to Ishgard without having to do this mess, please, SE, for the sake of your bottom line?


I played another game that told its player base, at 50, "LOL Shutup and get good, noob." That game was Wildstar. Hey, Carbine, how's that working' out for ya... where did my RP server go, hm?

It's the vent thread, and I'm venting. Nyah.

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But the expansion is going to pull a lot of people with maxed-out characters back into the game, and there will be a hellish amount of anger at SoF, which is designed specifically to make your hard-won gear useless and will demand cooperation of hundreds of people who haven't played in months, and who will be blindsided by this instance.


Actually, that's kinda why I disliked the Ultros fight. Sure, it doesn't gate anything but more Manderville content (which, I suppose, is still a good enough reason to be unhappy), but it's basically a fight where the DPS HAS to know what they're doing. One DPS not paying attention can easily mean "welp, we're doing the fight again."


... At least until I learned about the whole "jump out of the ring beforehand" trick. Which is why I always tank Typhon when I get it as a random on Chachan. If one of the DPS died or has no water because they're punching Typhon for whatever reason... I'm waiting on that edge to jump out.


But at least that fight can be reset relatively quickly. Having to wait for SoF to play out completely before you can try again is inexcusable.

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Nothing in the MSQ is really "raid-difficulty" though, not on the level of first Coil mechanically (certainly not T5). And the one time that something really was hard enough that it gated story (King Mog HM), SE nerfed it the following patch.

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Nothing in the MSQ is really "raid-difficulty" though, not on the level of first Coil mechanically (certainly not T5). And the one time that something really was hard enough that it gated story (King Mog HM), SE nerfed it the following patch.


This.  Annoying fight, maybe, but even in a group packed with newbies and poor fuckers that got it for trial roulette, I managed to clear it wiping only once.

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Don't you just hate it when you're tanking and you're smoothly and systematically erasing 2~3 mob packs at a time. You pace your TP/MP consumption to maintain aggro on you. Everything is smooth, everything is fine.


Then a third pack shows up when you're still gutting the remnants of packs 1 and 2 but that's okay cuz you paced resource spending and quickly reign in pack 3.


Then pack 4 and 5 come  on while Pack 1 and 2 still have stragglers in them, it's getting hard, packs 3, 4 and 5 are spread all over the place and you try to angle your overpower so you snag as much of them as you can.


You're running out of TP now, what's more you're forced to rely on a combination of Bloodbath, Berserk and Thrill of Battle to keep yourself alive because for some reason your HP isn't going up as much anymore.


Out of the corner of your eye you see the healer bringing around packs 6, 7 and 8. 


You curse the gods and try to reign in the additional 3 packs, but hey packs 1 through 4 are already dead. 


You time your Overpowers and mix in a little flash because on average you have >90 TP on you. 


The ninja is retarded and does not goad despite your calls for it. 


You should be dead, the whole party should be dead but for some strange reason. That could also be noted as retarded healing, desperation, popping all known warrior cds to keep yourself breathing and lolphysicking. For some strange reason, you manage to walk out of the area with >10 HP left and the rest of the party dead.


I came in there because I wanted to farm the Cavalry set. I did not go into lolflox HM to be subjected to the whims of a CONJURER. No, Kell, this isn't the same Conjurer we met at Cutter's Cry. This is another breed of stupid entirely. 


And then he was all 'You should be thankful I kept you alive, tank.' 


I did not see his MP go below 80% in that entire fight. Not once and I kept my eye on everyone's status. Specifically the healer's so I know when to drop the mobs and run in circles throwing the occasional overpower/flash to maintain aggro while the healer regenerates MP. 


It is a shameful day when the BLM takes it upon himself to be the healer. My HP was not topped off but damn if I wasn't at least at 30% through a huge chunk of that fight.

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I seriously don't get how DPS and healers get it into their heads that they could or should be pulling mobs. If the tank is pulling too few for your comfort, you talk to them - tell them that the group can handle a larger pack. Hopefully the tank listens and pulls more. At no point should they take it upon themselves to grab more stuff... especially if pulling more isn't a consensus with the rest of the group.


But no, it's usually folks that want to be done fast and want huge pulls regardless of whether the group can handle it or not because they totally have so many other things to do. What they never seem to be able to wrap their heads around is that wiping takes up more time than properly pacing the pulls.


... And, please, if big pulls are being done? HOLD OFF ON DPS until the mob is gathered! I had a WPHM run that had more than one incident of the DRG getting mobs on him because he was DPSing mid-pull. So I have to double back to get THAT thing, which means a Flash isn't being used on the rest of the group, which means the WHM's Medica pulls the freshest mobs' aggro onto them...


It's just an obnoxious downward spiral.

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Oh I would votekick if they weren't all in a damned party. The dps thankfully kept silent instead. I'd probably just eat the penalty if they spewed as much stupid as their healer friend who DID NOT EVEN GET HIS WHM SOULSTONE.


Yeah I pointed it out the first few times before the first boss. "Dude you want a complete run? Sure let's do that just don't pull anymore mobs on me okay?"


He kept doing it on that area after the first boss. I was all "Dude, calm your tits we'll get to killing everything in time. I'm not geared to 50 and conveniently item synced."


Still did it. "Healer, you keep this up and I will votekick your ass." His friends stepped in and defended him. Alright then. I've got a long-ish fuse. 


After the second boss. "DAMNIT HEALER, I JUST TOLD YOU WE'D KILL EVERYTHING SO FUCKIN STOP. And please put on the WHM Soulstone, it'll make things easier for us and I get to do these big pulls you want."


"lol don't have it. You're a warrior, kill things faster."


^^^This statement took the damned cake. I was already keeping berserk off cooldown, timing it so the countdowns for maim and berserk synced up and just eating the Pacification that came with it, cuz he didn't want to waste mp on Esuna. Alright...except he had so much MP TO WASTE. 


I just tabbed out then and grit through it for the chance to get another cavalry piece. After I flipped out a lot. 


Then the sweet disconnection notice came and I went to make the post before this and practiced doodling to sound of Nujabes. Forget reconnecting. 


Also thanks for the offer to help Kell. I'll hit you up on it as soon as I pick up the Cavalry set or maybe start seeing very reduced returns on Lolflox exp. Also as soon as my ISP allows me to tank properly again.

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"lol don't have it. You're a warrior, kill things faster."


^ I went through something like this today tanking T5.


im sitting there solo tanking like a boss, PLD is beautiful in T5, one Sentinel and Rampart plus a CoS and im eating damage and holding aggro neat. 


Suddenly for some reason I see one of the add Dragon derail from me and attack the DRG. I know it's not because I didn't hold aggro. My meter was full, FULL. So I simply thought it over, maybe it was a fluke, maybe it was a ---


"Dude why do you have Provoke as a dps? Where is your two rings? Why are you using a level 55 weapon? WHY ARE YOU A LANCER?" 


The other dps which was a BRD suddenly called it out. Im  still there apparently tanking one last full hp scourge and a 25% one. With a half added geared LNC & a BRD (Which naturally aren't the best dps) + 3 SMN (just a /fantastic/ pug)


Maybe im dreaming this. . . I ask "why did you join my OF if you were gonna waste time? " simple question really. 


"Just shut up and tank. If you're good I won't die and will dps regardless of my level. "


. . . . . . . . . OK THEN. Strike 1


We're at the conflagration phase, everything is going a little slower than normal. To cover for lack of dps every so often im juggling sword and shield oath while healers juggling cleric stance. Red triangle pops over the pole twirled. I told him to move to the soak side.


"Or you can be a smart Paladin and use cover on me."


*violent twitching* alright then. . .


Strike two.


I of course watched him get loled by Twitania for that. But sadly we had to restart him because his crappy dps was still needed.


Lord preserve me dives come. He gets hit one time. Everyone tells him not to run back to us.


He does it anyway. Marker pops above him again. Several people get knocked out into the death ring and die. Me, a healer and the DRG are still alive. 


"You guys suck."


That's cute.


"No you're just a fucking awful dps. Even by lolgoon standards."


I love you healer.


Snakes pop. LNC uses PROVOKE again.  


Strike 3.


I just trot outside the ring and die. Then leave duty once everyone else dies.


Never have I met someone like that join something like a FARM PARTY ON T5.


If I wasn't nice I would have said so much more than "Can you /not/ use a tank move?"

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So there I was walking into the Quicksand.  As I enter the door way I notice this cute little Lala checking me out from the corner of my eye.


I proceed to walk over to her.  I start off slowly by being charming towards her.  A moment of silence got me to thinking that I may have done something wrong.


"Alright!", I said.  I proceeded to give her everything I had and then some.  I charmed her cute little Lala butt off!  Sadly this too was met with silence and a blank stare in my direction.


After doing this for a good 10 minutes i was starting to get very annoyed that nothing I was doing was getting a reaction from this cutey.  So then I decided to ask her out loud, "What's your deal?  Why won't you respond to me?"


A moment later someone taps me on the shoulder and tells me I was talking to an NPC.  After glancing over her a moment my face turned so many shades of red as I slowly made my way out the door and under a rock.


Moral of the story?  NPC's are cold and heartless Q_Q


((Couldn't help it.  So many upset posts I wanted to attempt some sort of humor to hopefully get someone laughing ^.^))

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I want the MNK chest from turn 5 but the following keeps me from this:

  • I can't get a group together for a farm
  • The group disbands out after a few runs or after a tank/healer gets what they want and bails, screwing the rest of the group over (how convenient for you to have an emergency after you get your item)
  • people that offered to bring me along for a farm never follow through.
  • I lose the roll against someone who also wants it
  • I lose the roll to someone who didn't even call it


In my desperation, I was checking around for merc runs. Apparently the standard price is 1 mil per run even if I don't get the item I'm after? I don't have that kind of money and if I did I'm not blowing that much to end up broke and empty-handed because RNG fucked me over.

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There is that one time, ...actually couple of times.


Where a tank asks for a stoneskin and then the healer doesn't give the tank stoneskin but protect - the tank decides to leave because he/she didn't get stoneskin.


And then you wait for 40 mins to get another tank.


Yeah, happened 4 times. Just not same person.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am sick, just absolutely sick, of the utter inability to get any sort of half-decent BLM chest for Chao out of post-50 content. I've joined t2 PFs to get the Allagan chest (my ideal one) but it was my own mistake to go as MNK instead of BLM, and despite asking at the formation of the party to have caster gear that drops, the BLM that came in rolled need on both the chest and boots that dropped as soon as the chest was opened and then, when the healer checked with everyone about who wanted what, had the sheer audacity to giggle and say "oh, i already needed on it all". But again, that was my own fault for going on MNK and not BLM because I didn't think my BLM at the time could survive enrage method. Now every t2 I've pugged ever since has seemingly forgotten it has caster gear.


I run experts daily, sometimes multiple experts, sometimes specifically targeting AKHM and Keeper to get the bogatyr chest (second choice) only for both middy and stupid-ass jester boss to tell me they don't drop it anymore. Yesterday the fucking jester even fucked with me by dropping the BRD chest when I begged at the outset "please drop a bogatyr chest" without specifying BLM. Not that I could take the BRD chest anyway because I already have it and am sitting on it for BRD to get to 50 and in fact, looking today, I realize I have all of the bogatyr BRD gear except the head wtf SE.


Every week when it comes time to run the towers for carbontwine/coat/whatever I need at the time, I always run on BLM. And I always get one or more BLMs. Who always need on the fucking Crimson Vest (I'll goddamn take it as a bloody consolation prize at this point) despite hilariously outgearing me, and always fucking beat me. Ten minutes ago was the third time I've run CT in the past four days and the goddamn chest has dropped every time only to get snatched out of my hands by a fucking BLM in goddamn dreadwyrm who typically dies three or four times during the raid.


So. Now on top of the RP situation hating Chao in the one person I regularly RP with having not been on in the past three days and typically having other things to do all the time, now the game mechanically hates her in either not giving her the damn chest I want or taunting her with ones I'll take as consolation prizes only to give them to someone else.


Now that I've made an utter ass of myself and reduced what little favorable opinion of me there was, I've got an appointment to wantonly murder some hapless Covenant wastrels.

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I am sick, just absolutely sick, of the utter inability to get any sort of half-decent BLM chest for Chao out of post-50 content. I've joined t2 PFs to get the Allagan chest (my ideal one) but it was my own mistake to go as MNK instead of BLM, and despite asking at the formation of the party to have caster gear that drops, the BLM that came in rolled need on both the chest and boots that dropped as soon as the chest was opened and then, when the healer checked with everyone about who wanted what, had the sheer audacity to giggle and say "oh, i already needed on it all". But again, that was my own fault for going on MNK and not BLM because I didn't think my BLM at the time could survive enrage method. Now every t2 I've pugged ever since has seemingly forgotten it has caster gear.


I run experts daily, sometimes multiple experts, sometimes specifically targeting AKHM and Keeper to get the bogatyr chest (second choice) only for both middy and stupid-ass jester boss to tell me they don't drop it anymore. Yesterday the fucking jester even fucked with me by dropping the BRD chest when I begged at the outset "please drop a bogatyr chest" without specifying BLM. Not that I could take the BRD chest anyway because I already have it and am sitting on it for BRD to get to 50 and in fact, looking today, I realize I have all of the bogatyr BRD gear except the head wtf SE.


Every week when it comes time to run the towers for carbontwine/coat/whatever I need at the time, I always run on BLM. And I always get one or more BLMs. Who always need on the fucking Crimson Vest (I'll goddamn take it as a bloody consolation prize at this point) despite hilariously outgearing me, and always fucking beat me. Ten minutes ago was the third time I've run CT in the past four days and the goddamn chest has dropped every time only to get snatched out of my hands by a fucking BLM in goddamn dreadwyrm who typically dies three or four times during the raid.


So. Now on top of the RP situation hating Chao in the one person I regularly RP with having not been on in the past three days and typically having other things to do all the time, now the game mechanically hates her in either not giving her the damn chest I want or taunting her with ones I'll take as consolation prizes only to give them to someone else.


Now that I've made an utter ass of myself and reduced what little favorable opinion of me there was, I've got an appointment to wantonly murder some hapless Covenant wastrels.


My honest suggestion is to grind out soldiery as best you can and get yourself decked out in i100 gear from Revenant's Toll as soon as possible. It's a little tricky given how difficult it can be to grind tomestones without having Expert Roulette unlocked, but unless I'm mistaken Main Story Roulette and Low Level Roulette at LV 50 do give soldiery tomes (can someone in-game atm confirm this please?)


Grinding CT and Binding Coil for i80 and i90 gear generally isn't worth it, in my opinion, because you're up against seven other people who are rolling greed on it, and up to three others (if you're DPS) who are rolling Need against you. Now contrast this to soldiery farm which, once you have enough tomestones, guarantees you a piece. Some of the higher level post-50 dungeons also drop i80 gear, tokens you can trade in at Toll for i90 pieces, and i100 pieces, and for these drops you're only rolling greed against three others and Need against up to one other.


Please bear in mind that I'm running current content and am not familiar with the difficulty in gearing up enough to get into the dungeons that drop those things.



EDIT: Missed the part about roulettes. RNG can be a bitch. I feel you.

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I am sick, just absolutely sick, of the utter inability to get any sort of half-decent BLM chest for Chao out of post-50 content. I've joined t2 PFs to get the Allagan chest (my ideal one) but it was my own mistake to go as MNK instead of BLM, and despite asking at the formation of the party to have caster gear that drops, the BLM that came in rolled need on both the chest and boots that dropped as soon as the chest was opened and then, when the healer checked with everyone about who wanted what, had the sheer audacity to giggle and say "oh, i already needed on it all". But again, that was my own fault for going on MNK and not BLM because I didn't think my BLM at the time could survive enrage method. Now every t2 I've pugged ever since has seemingly forgotten it has caster gear.


I run experts daily, sometimes multiple experts, sometimes specifically targeting AKHM and Keeper to get the bogatyr chest (second choice) only for both middy and stupid-ass jester boss to tell me they don't drop it anymore. Yesterday the fucking jester even fucked with me by dropping the BRD chest when I begged at the outset "please drop a bogatyr chest" without specifying BLM. Not that I could take the BRD chest anyway because I already have it and am sitting on it for BRD to get to 50 and in fact, looking today, I realize I have all of the bogatyr BRD gear except the head wtf SE.


Every week when it comes time to run the towers for carbontwine/coat/whatever I need at the time, I always run on BLM. And I always get one or more BLMs. Who always need on the fucking Crimson Vest (I'll goddamn take it as a bloody consolation prize at this point) despite hilariously outgearing me, and always fucking beat me. Ten minutes ago was the third time I've run CT in the past four days and the goddamn chest has dropped every time only to get snatched out of my hands by a fucking BLM in goddamn dreadwyrm who typically dies three or four times during the raid.


So. Now on top of the RP situation hating Chao in the one person I regularly RP with having not been on in the past three days and typically having other things to do all the time, now the game mechanically hates her in either not giving her the damn chest I want or taunting her with ones I'll take as consolation prizes only to give them to someone else.


Now that I've made an utter ass of myself and reduced what little favorable opinion of me there was, I've got an appointment to wantonly murder some hapless Covenant wastrels.


My honest suggestion is to grind out soldiery as best you can and get yourself decked out in i100 gear from Revenant's Toll as soon as possible. It's a little tricky given how difficult it can be to grind tomestones without having Expert Roulette unlocked, but unless I'm mistaken Main Story Roulette and Low Level Roulette at LV 50 do give soldiery tomes (can someone in-game atm confirm this please?)


Grinding CT and Binding Coil for i80 and i90 gear generally isn't worth it, in my opinion, because you're up against seven other people who are rolling greed on it, and up to three others (if you're DPS) who are rolling Need against you. Now contrast this to soldiery farm which, once you have enough tomestones, guarantees you a piece. Some of the higher level post-50 dungeons also drop i80 gear, tokens you can trade in at Toll for i90 pieces, and i100 pieces, and for these drops you're only rolling greed against three others and Need against up to one other.


Please bear in mind that I'm running current content and am not familiar with the difficulty in gearing up enough to get into the dungeons that drop those things.


I noticed it earlier today. As soon as you hit 50, the roulettes give you soldery tomestones.

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(and an unoptimal speedrun makeup)



Counter-Rant: People in DF, of ANY class, who absolutely insist on a speed-run and act like spoiled toddlers if the rest of the party might, indeed, have new players, or if they want to uncover the whole dungeon area, or who COULD perform their roles if one player wasn't charging ahead full blast without warning and yelling at anyone who doesn't keep up.


And yeah, Tanks, I love you for taking the hard role, but if you do this and you're a jerk about it, go lick Trachtoum's subligar.

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My honest suggestion is to grind out soldiery as best you can and get yourself decked out in i100 gear from Revenant's Toll as soon as possible. It's a little tricky given how difficult it can be to grind tomestones without having Expert Roulette unlocked, but unless I'm mistaken Main Story Roulette and Low Level Roulette at LV 50 do give soldiery tomes (can someone in-game atm confirm this please?)


Grinding CT and Binding Coil for i80 and i90 gear generally isn't worth it, in my opinion, because you're up against seven other people who are rolling greed on it, and up to three others (if you're DPS) who are rolling Need against you. Now contrast this to soldiery farm which, once you have enough tomestones, guarantees you a piece. Some of the higher level post-50 dungeons also drop i80 gear, tokens you can trade in at Toll for i90 pieces, and i100 pieces, and for these drops you're only rolling greed against three others and Need against up to one other.


Please bear in mind that I'm running current content and am not familiar with the difficulty in gearing up enough to get into the dungeons that drop those things.



EDIT: Missed the part about roulettes. RNG can be a bitch. I feel you.


Oh the gear itself isn't the issue. Thanks to greeding random stuff through getting her MNK up to 117 (haha, Halo joke), I had enough assorted caster gear to jump her straight to i93 as soon as she hit 50. Her actual ilvl is 109 with nothing below 100, this stuff I'm after is for glamour purposes. Guess I forgot to mention that.

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Counter-Rant: People in DF, of ANY class, who absolutely insist on a speed-run and act like spoiled toddlers if the rest of the party might, indeed, have new players, or if they want to uncover the whole dungeon area, or who COULD perform their roles if one player wasn't charging ahead full blast without warning and yelling at anyone who doesn't keep up.


And yeah, Tanks, I love you for taking the hard role, but if you do this and you're a jerk about it, go lick Trachtoum's subligar.


I also wanted to take it slow but the healer didn't understand the concept of "new".

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Healers that barely heal, people who don't get out of shit

I got two WHM who did this in LotA when I was the -much- better geared tank.

i120+ compared to person in i55


But because I was also tanking I also died a while so I ended up saying "i'm not tanking anymore"


Seriously I took a 6.4k HP+ hit while not getting healed from auto attacks in Bone Dragon which I MT'd for most of the fight because someone's SCH pulled.


And then they let me die to the Vassabro. :/

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