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The Vent Tent - Poor PuGs and Other Terrible Tales


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In short: there are plenty of derpy and/or bad tanks in XIV, trying to understand why they perform as they do will leave you with nothing but headaches.


*beats his head against his desk repeatedly*


Seriously. The PVP left/spiritbond right tank I mentioned briefly before? He "likes" doing big pulls, and said he would do them regardless of anything else. We had a NIN and a MNK, and he was wearing that crap and trying to do huge pulls.


... And wouldn't use Flash, but would use Provoke. And never used Tomahawk Lob. It was maddening. Oh, and one of the pulls he MISSED some gargoyles (this was normal Ampador, for my Nexus), so after we managed to scrape through his sketchy large pulls... we got to go back to pick off the stuff he missed.


I think the worst part about it is, really, that there's really little you can do if a tank wants to set a fatal pace. Well, beyond just not follow him and let him die. And then try to get them booted before they rush in again, since you can't initiate a vote-kick while in combat.

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One of my most frustrating, target gripes is with a player on our server that I've ran into on several occasions since a botched T9 clear attempt two months back. A member of one of my endgame linkshells, one of the best on our servers known for joining learning/clear groups, had also joined with the intention of helping. While I know TS isn't a requirement for T9, it is helpful for people who are learning the fight or to figure out what others do or do not know in the fight. This guy was our tank and refused to join the TS server. Even much so to say that he absolutely refuses to download it and that we should join in a PSN party chat.


Let it be known that I play on my PS4 and I had no intentions of doing that because not every one has $400 to invest in a PS4, nor do they want too. Same with spending $200 on a vita just for voice chat. But nearly everyone owns some sort of computer or laptop to download it for free or a tablet or smartphone that they can buy TS for under $3. (I'm aware of the price difference between Android and iOS devices.)


Needlessly to say, it did not result in a clear. I joined a PS4 learning/clear party some days later and saw he was tanking for it. I admit, I called him out because it was the only way I remembered who he even was. I then turned my eyes on the party make up to see that there were two tanks and questioned it. I probably deserved what came next because of my attitude towards him and my assumption that me joining that party was already a bad mistake. Another member of the party got snappy with me saying, "This is a learning party so we can do this how ever we like." When I retorted with asking them why they weren't practicing more efficient, proven ways to clear T9 and questioned if they were even trying to go for the clear, I was kicked out of the party for my bad attitude. Not even a hour later, I joined a T9 farming party. Didn't use TS, got my clear and four additional runs with some pretty nice healer gear out of it. HA SCH Book dropped twice so I was able to leave with it the second claim. (Score!) Meanwhile talking to member of the party I got kicked from, they never made it to Heavensfall.


Was was even more telling about his ability, which I am not sure if it was lack therefor of or he just didn't care, he joined my FC's Leviathan EX farming run two weeks ago as an off tank. He absolutely REFUSED to hold hate on Levi's tail that left my co-healer with hate the majority of the the run. When it wasn't on her, it was on our bard.


Another one of my frustrations come from people who blame me for wipes that are outside of my control. In a previous FC I was in before I joined with my friends, I was asked to help in a T9 clear for another FC mate despite it being late and I had to go to work early in the morning. During this fight, for the first two phases, I usually just leave Eos in the center of the arena until Heavensfall. We could never make it past the first set of golems because both the WHM and BRD (both members of my FC) could not or would not take the respective golems away from the center and Eos would grab the initial hate. This happened about three times. The WHM was getting upset with me because I would not move Eos or even myself to the position he wanted. 


I did not want to upset them by snapping back and saying if they did their roles correctly, it would have never been an issue because it has NEVER been an issue in any previous runs EVER.


I was also blamed for could have been a hypothetical wipe in T10 by some player. While I have T10 on farm status and got it down to a science, especially with my own positioning, this player had the audacity to call me out for standing too close to the person who was marked for Wild Charge and proceeded to 'school' me on where I should be, when I and other should move and so forth. All this in despite of the fact that when this player was marked with Wild Charge, he or she would get there so late that they would get stunned on the way to the way mark instead of already being safely there.


tl;dr: I become very frustrated by people who refuse take endgame content as seriously and effectively as they should that result in not just a waste of other people time, but mines especially. I also become very frustrated by people who blame me failings that are not in my ability to personally control because of there lack of understanding and performing there own roles because blaming the Healer tends to be a hot trend lately on my server.

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Yeah T9 can be done without TS but it's just as well if you do it with in case someone makes a stupid mistake.


Like.... forgetting when to mark divebombs. Or.... not checking if golems ate the meteors and "OH THE ONE WE ARE PUSHING NEEDS TO EAT?"


Or knowing your BRD is giving you nice, lovely Battle Voice+Foe's and you're the BLM. Just... so I know I need to Quelling >.>;


"Oh 4k FIRE III, I love you BRD"




PLD: Was that me? Oh it was Kage.


Me: Huh? Oh. ... I'm sorry I'll use Quelling now.


Some people are stupid. If you absolutely gotta 2 tank T9, I hope one of them is STR spec'd. if not, it's super stupid.


Eos in the middle is not a problem really. WHM isn't doing what they should tbh if they can't grab the golem, and neither is the BRD. Eos should not be so powerful. I would've asked about not using Selene, but in that case it makes sense with the people running with.

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Some turd in one of my last WoD runs kept removing the A,B,C markers during Cloud of Darkness fight too... I saw them disappear and started putting them back up a few times and... they kept disappearing.


Buncha savages in those runs half the time.... :frustrated:

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Some turd in one of my last WoD runs kept removing the A,B,C markers during Cloud of Darkness fight too...  I saw them disappear and started putting them back up a few times and... they kept disappearing.


Buncha savages in those runs half the time....  :frustrated:

When it hits that point, I go "OMG WHERE ARE THERE NO PEOPLE?" and I run into that. As a healer, I don't need to heal anyone in that specific moment and really, no one should be getting stun/silenced. Just make sure that not all 24 people go to the same cloud.

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Some turd in one of my last WoD runs kept removing the A,B,C markers during Cloud of Darkness fight too...  I saw them disappear and started putting them back up a few times and... they kept disappearing.


Buncha savages in those runs half the time....  :frustrated:

When it hits that point, I go "OMG WHERE ARE THERE NO PEOPLE?" and I run into that. As a healer, I don't need to heal anyone in that specific moment and really, no one should be getting stun/silenced. Just make sure that not all 24 people go to the same cloud.


Yes, yes.  This is exactly what I did but it was less about "zomg how do we handle this?" and more like "wtf why would anyone do that in the first place?"  :?

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Queued in progress into WoD. Apparently the previous tank had abandoned ship after realizing as C tank he'd have to MT Cerberus and didn't want to? Anyways, go in, MT Cerb, clear, success, no problem! Was all like, well this is gonna be an easy Gift of the Arch Magus complete...


Then Cloud of Darkness happened.


IDK what it is about the Primal datacenter, but we have the hardest time one-shotting Cloud of Darkness. I just do not understand why people ignore the mechanics at this point. Anyone who's queued up on Hyp for WoD knows wiping to Cloud of Darkness is a definite thing that happens.


I wasn't gonna MT Cloud, but no one else was running in, so I did. The fight goes well until about 30% when second cloud suction phase starts happening. It's usually at this point where someone lets a meteor go through, critically damaging the party, and then the subsequent let through of 5+ clouds because F IT LETS JUST STAY ON THE BOSS WHILE SHE'S STILL INVINCIBLE! So yeah, there was the first wipe, which may have been avoided if I had used our tank LB1, according to a DRG in our party who had not gotten of Cloud of Darkness to do any sort of mechanics. I agreed that I probably should've popped LB to try to mitigate the damage, but at the time I was not aware that that many clouds had slipped through, because unlike someone in my party, I had been fighting clouds, standing in meteors, and you know... doing mechanics.


Take 2! I use a ready check this time... cuz it's literally been 5 minutes of standing around inside the arena. Ready check shows positive so I pull. WELL apparently, a healer was in the process of dc'ing (on the gate outside) and the other healer for the same team was outside waiting on them, but had failed to mention anything of the sort in Alliance chat. So B had no healers. But again, because people were initially dealing with mechanics, everything was going great until 30% HP when yet again another meteor gets let through right before cloud phase. This time killing some folk. No fewer than 9 clouds got through, because 5 DPS and one tank, were still full-timing Cloud of Darkness. Most of A group was dead. Half of B group. C group was pretty much full on the boss. I didn't even bother to pop LB. 10+ clouds go through... it's a wipe. It was so far beyond recovery.


Which results in same DRG who had been full-timing Cloud both fights to yell at me for not popping LB. I told him to piss off and if he wanted me to do mechanics than he was going to have to too. Naturally 2 wipes on the same boss on Hyp = reset group, so half the group leaves, we get new half. Go back for Round 3, DRG consents to doing some mechanics. We win, no clouds go through. Don't even need to pop tank LB. DRG gets to use fancy melee LB. Everyone is happy, except DRG who makes a snide comment about shitty tanks not doing their job before leaving. I got my Carbontwine and a Nigh Sings for only doing 2 bosses in WoD for the week. I was happy.

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Some turd in one of my last WoD runs kept removing the A,B,C markers during Cloud of Darkness fight too...  I saw them disappear and started putting them back up a few times and... they kept disappearing.


Buncha savages in those runs half the time....  :frustrated:


I got worse : Some people walking (yes walking) during the last boss of WOD, not healing, not damaging the boss and constantly taking off the waymark I was putting back.

Result ? 2 wipes and people still walking (yes walking) in the arena, doing nothing else than taking off those fucking waymarks.


I hate those crystal tower dungeons. Don't misunderstand me, I love the mechanics, I love how diligently the dev worked on those to make them interesting. But I hate how people troll there. Constantly. Since the launch of Laby. I don't understand the point to do so. It's a loss of time for them too after all. But still, they persist to just.. Continue to make everything possible to change those dungeons in pure hell..

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Luckily, no. I usually end up (read: always) tanking Cloud, and I try to respect my healers enough to not take extra damage on top of the 1k bleed. The run where I ate full-power Beam and lived was caused by our DPS being too leet - Immediately after the suction phase she was sub-40% and dropped lurkers on us, then threw jails up before we had a chance to clear them. Bad Breath happened, which led to a near-wipe. We had some healers try to pick us up, then meteors happened, then it was me and one overly geared scholar who kept healing me up. We went to the NEXT suction phase with just the two of us sitting and watching as she absorbed every cloud.


It felt pretty cool, admittedly, but what a waste of time to wipe.


Alliance: JUST DIE

Warren: I'M TRYING

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I consider myself lucky. Most of my Labyrinth/Syrcus/WoD runs have been pretty smooth so far. I do occasionally run into an awful group though - and when that happens it's just a complete mess across the board rather than one or two innocent mistakes being made.


I just sort of shrug it off and if it becomes too frustrating I take my leave and try again later. I prefer getting locked out of the duty finder for thirty minutes to enduring thirty minutes of sticking with a group that just isn't going anywhere.

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After having a lousy day, I thought healing a roulette would calm me down. It usually does. Keeper of the Lake, done this a hojillion times, prepared for relaxation mode. Final Witness all 130 tank has me targeted for 5 minutes before starting. O... kay?


First pull, whatever, oddly squishy, have to push healing, can't help damage. Second pull, all of the things, okay, tank stands in all the AoEs at the same time and tanks with her butt so no parrying autoattacks. Six lustrates in sequence can't keep up with the damage. I... What just happened?


We raise, tank runs off, aetherflow's still on cooldown from my just having chewed through it. I swiftcast the fairy. Tank pulls all the things, stands in all the bad, I have no time to cast a thing, I let the DPS go down because I'm in shock, even though they were slightly tougher than the tank somehow. The tank says "we can just keep dying until the healer gets in gear."


Uhh... I laughed a completely lunatic crazy laugh, said "okay bye" and left. I've.. healed some questionable pug tanks and never had a tank take so much damage, let alone one that's actually geared out. Lousy day now so much worse. I feel like I suck and the world is full of crazies, and I better hide somewhere as deep and dark as possible. Oh FFXIV. When you're bad, you're really really bad.

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I hate and love Cerberus at the same time. I always end up on Party C, so I end up tanking him (A=Adds, B=Belly, C=Chains/Cerberus, right?)

I had just got WAR to 50, and someone in my FC asked if someone could help him. I accepted, and I decided to use WAR instead of PLD just to see how it would play in a raid. I am in Party C, as usual.

Everything's great... At least until Cerberus. Someone asks if we're doing the usual A=Adds, B=Belly, C=Chains/Cerberus strategy, but one of the other tanks starts bitching I can't tank because I still have Bravura Zenith (didn't really need to upgrade it at the moment, Atma has the same stats as Zenith). People in the alllance start calling me a noob (even if the rest of my gear is pretty good, a mix of Noct and Demon gear). I try to ignore them...

I don't really know what to do if I'm not main tanking Cerberus, so I ask in my party, but no answers. We go in, I try to get adds, but I end up getting killed because no one is DPSing them so I end up tanking too many Wolfsbanes at the same time. Needless to say, we wipe. And one of the healers in my group says to the alliance it's because "we have a stupid tank".

So we get back to Cerberus, people still bitching and insulting me... And I run in. Defiance, Infuriate, Unchained, Berserk, Internal Release, Tomahawk, BB combo, and Cerberus is glued to me. People (luckily) follow me in, and we clear Cerberus not only without problems, but pretty fast too. I ask in the alliance chat: "So who was the stupid tank, uh?"

And so from that day I'm known as the "Zenith Beast" or "+1 Beast" in my FC.

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Wait 1 hour 20m for T2. 


Pray for caster boots.


Wait at boss for 10m because enrage.


Pray for caster boots.


Beat ADS.


Boots drop.


Roll need.


Guy with 130 Augmented Ironworks boots gets the boots with a vastly superior roll.


Stare at your i55 boots.




Rinse and repeat.

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I have to say, etiquette-wise this:


Three people in a party joining up in DF for Aurum Vale to help level one of the three to 50, then leaving the dungeon as a party mid-way through once the person got to fifty with no prior warning to the fourth stranger, leaving that person to wonder what happened and having to do it all again.


That.....is the height of poor manners and gamesmanship in my opinion.

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This one time I went to help a friend get Garuda regular done, it was myself and 2 others and we had a pug. After several wipes, I started trying to give directions on how we could do better. Each time we improved by alot until we finally beat it...


After we beat it, all 4 of us sat in a circle around one of our dead members and started chanting. We had such a awesome time with the Pug that I wanted to kidnap him. That's how I make friends, I generally put them in my purse and take them away with me but...




So we cried... and said our goodbyes and that we all hope to see each other again some day.


I hate it when the best pugs are from another server and you never see them again and moving isn't a option because you're already invested where you are be it owning a house or being in or leading your own FC. :(


Goodbye sweet friend!

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The other BLM in my DR Expert group killed me.


We're in AK HM, and he's struggling a bit with his DPS and avoidable damage, but everything is going okay. We get to Ferdiad, and still, everything's fine; the goo adds are dying, the other adds are dying -- all is well. Then, I get one of the Cantankerous adds on me. You know the ones: Stun, Vulnerability Up. I think, "Nah, I'll be fine."


The other BLM runs to the other side of the room, out of range.


He Transposes to Umbral Ice.


He then just sits there. Unsurprisingly, I get killed.


The second I go down, he runs in and starts DPSing the boss again.


I've never been intentionally, actively killed by another party member before.

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Wait 1 hour 20m for T2. 


Pray for caster boots.


Wait at boss for 10m because enrage.


Pray for caster boots.


Beat ADS.


Boots drop.


Roll need.


Guy with 130 Augmented Ironworks boots gets the boots with a vastly superior roll.


Stare at your i55 boots.




Rinse and repeat.


8/22 runs the boots drop


8/8 runs I am outrolled by people with vastly superior gear


3 of those runs someone said they'd pass but roll need.


1 of them mocked me for believing them.


2.55 is out in 4 hours and no one is going to T2 or T4 and I really want those pants and boots.



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While everyone else was burning through the new 2.55 content/story, guess who was up real early saving the entirety of the 1.0 Lore Forums before they got taken down.


Only then to realize after the shutdown... that SE decided to keep their forum archive. They just shut down the rest of the lodestone features. So newspapers, GC info, old good stuff. Guess I'll have to sift through gamerescape now to find all that stuff.


On the bright side... I have the entire 1.0 lore forums on file now?

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