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Your Senpai(s) and Sensei(s)!

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I am my own senpai for I never notice myself and I haven't really RP'd all that much or post here much or...




I'm just a forever alone hermit ok.


Thank you. This gif... made me stare at it and chuckle for good minute.



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I am my own senpai for I never notice myself and I haven't really RP'd all that much or post here much or...




I'm just a forever alone hermit ok.


But Gentle Sun-senpai is axe senpai just like Steel Wolf-senpai is axe senpai too....maybe those three can go on an ADVENTURE *winkwinknudgenudgeHINTHINT?!*


Also Eleni senpai is positive smile senpai. She's just a bright person.


Also Sounsyy is lore-senpai >>This is the second time I've said it<< and the 'ohmygadshenoticesmeintherubyroadexchange-senpai'


I wonder if I'm a senpai too...da kouhai senpai...nah xD

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I am genuinely humbled and surprised at the amount of people who called me their senpai. I can't even handle how that makes me feel. o////o


My senpais are Gegenji, Berrod and Warren. I genuinely squeak when I get, like, replies or rep-up's from either of those three. Well...rep-up's from anyone, but. Yea.




As for senseis? Warren. Again. And Bryn as well. I'm...actually...kinda hoping that she'd be able to be a major part of Steel's story and teach her stuff and they can flutter away into a beautiful yuri sunset.


I ships that shit FedEx, yo.

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