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Expansion Livestream Reaction thread (Spoilers) Expan. Release June 23rd!

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Depending on the lore behind how we acquire the AF2 gear, this may be our solution to a lot of the issues we have RPing in certain armors...


"Why are you wearing Sultansworn armor if you're a Free Paladin?!" - Some Snob


"Fuck you." - AF2 guy

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Is that a skirt or a CAPE?!?!







And I love that sword and shield by the by.







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That PLD AF armor combined with the disappointment of the WAR one to me (As well as needs of my static) mean Sigrid is going PLD main in Heavensward. So her RP will change and shift a little to accommodate this change as the expansion draws closer. The pirate-barbarian might become a bit less crude. But still very crude. Sigrid, the least-refined of free paladins.

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That PLD AF armor combined with the disappointment of the WAR one to me (As well as needs of my static) mean Sigrid is going PLD main in Heavensward. So her RP will change and shift a little to accommodate this change as the expansion draws closer. The pirate-barbarian might become a bit less crude. But still very crude. Sigrid, the least-refined of free paladins.


Could always just have her be Warrior IC while she's paladin OOC unless you really want her to develop in a paladiny-direction!

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So after having had about half a day to digest the new information...I have to say that THE HYPE HAS NOT QUIT HOLY SHNIKT!!


Still plenty of questions about how the new classes will roll...since they won't be available to new players at level 1, and there was mention that you had to be at least level 30 to even look in Ishgard's direction, that does make me ponder at what point will the new classes start? Will they begin life at level 1? Or are they starting at 30 and we run the new zone pretties until 60?


And, of course, firm info about how the relic weapons will work, since we're all seeing AF2 stuffs out there. It'd be nice to know what I have to look forward to as I train my body and mind for The True Grind for my Darkest of Darkity Greatswords.


Naturally, there's lots of time between now and June for this info to reveal, and I'mma be pre-ordering regardless because it all looks completely amazeballs...but there are still several pressing questions I have.

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I love how the pre-order date falls right after my payday.




I love the fact that the release falls on the second of the two week vacation i have in June as the first week i am away on a family holiday and return the day after early access starts xP

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I'm liking the new DRG armor, I think the first one looked badass but the new just imporve on that. The WHM and BLM remind me a lot of the Lumen Sages and Umbra Witches from Bayonetta; which is not to say I don't like them, I really do. I suppose they just don't seem as original. I think I'll level to get them, I'm not sure yet... :?

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Still plenty of questions about how the new classes will roll...since they won't be available to new players at level 1, and there was mention that you had to be at least level 30 to even look in Ishgard's direction, that does make me ponder at what point will the new classes start? Will they begin life at level 1? Or are they starting at 30 and we run the new zone pretties until 60?


They said you'll need a class or two leveled to 30, I'm raising BLM just because some imp in my head is telling me DRK will require PLD and BLM to unlock.

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That DRG armor, hnnng, gonna have to find some ridiculously flimsy justification for why my deserter character can walk around in that stuff.


"why are you wearing your dragon-guy armor i thought you were considered a heretic"

"oh well ysee i talked to the archbishop and he was like 'yeah it's cool bro'"

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They said you'll need a class or two leveled to 30, I'm raising BLM just because some imp in my head is telling me DRK will require PLD and BLM to unlock.


...oh shnikies, you might be right! O_O Good thinkin', Cap'n. I'm gonna have to follow suit just in case.


...I mean, I have time but still...

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They said you'll need a class or two leveled to 30, I'm raising BLM just because some imp in my head is telling me DRK will require PLD and BLM to unlock.


...oh shnikies, you might be right! O_O Good thinkin', Cap'n. I'm gonna have to follow suit just in case.


...I mean, I have time but still...


Getting THM to 26 for the cross-class was a special kind of hell for me.... not looking forward to those last 4 levels much less the 30 more i may have to do if these new jobs draw cross-class skills from the Job and not the class. I hate dps.

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