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Something like a giveaway

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I'd like to make a 10 facial expressions chart like the example below, except this one will feature your characters :D! Would any of you grant me the permission to make one of your characters look...rather silly? If you would, please post a/some image references and your expression of choice! Oh, and if you'd like the caricature done in a specific style as seen the example, let me know :moogle:. If nobody signs up, then :cry: I guess I'll just draw a bunch of carbuncles.


Slots (All filled up! :D)

Expressionless: Warren

Happy: Arry

Sad: Ilwe'ran

Angry: Solis

Crying: Rivienne

Smiling: Roen

Surprised/Shocked: Brianna?

In Front of Someone She/He Likes: Mamushi

In Front of Someone He/She Dislikes: Y'lani

Murderous Intent: Kage

Any: Platinum, Clio, Ha'uruh, Carbuncle?






UPDATE 2015/03/22:

So I'm gonna do these in random order :lol:. First up: Arrelaine (Happy)!






UPDATE 2015/03/27: Next is Rivienne (Crying) ^^







UPDATE 2015/04/17: A smiling Roen :)





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Would you like a lalafell?


I'm not sure what references should be provided however. xD;


Anything goes! :D References would be screenshots and/or sketches of your character, I suppose.

Do you think you'd be ok with the icon (courtesy of Xenedra here on the RPC) or shall I send you more?


I'll totally take murderous intent >;3


Edit: I'd be happy with any slot though, I just found the idea of Kage with that expression quite interesting,

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Wow, the slots are already filled up! I'm so happy! :love: Thank you for volunteering!


Here's what I got so far:


Expressionless: Warren

Happy: Arry

Sad: Ilwe'ran

Angry: Solis

Crying: Rivienne

Smiling: Roen

Surprised/Shocked: Brianna?

In Front of Someone She/He Likes: Mamushi

In Front of Someone He/She Dislikes: Y'lani

Murderous Intent: Kage

Any: Platinum, Clio, Ha'uruh, Carbuncle?


I think I'll have some expressions feature multiple people to accommodate the extra volunteers. :D

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Would you like a lalafell?


I'm not sure what references should be provided however. xD;


Anything goes! :D References would be screenshots and/or sketches of your character, I suppose.

Do you think you'd be ok with the icon (courtesy of Xenedra here on the RPC) or shall I send you more?


I'll totally take murderous intent >;3


Edit: I'd be happy with any slot though, I just found the idea of Kage with that expression quite interesting,


Sure, I'm okay with the icon. ^^ Just don't change it too soon, haha.

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I think I'll have some expressions feature multiple people to accommodate the extra volunteers. :D

that is so sweet to offer extra slots!!! i did get home finally so i can post some ref images here for you >u<







like a lot of people; clio's rockin that new ponytail but you're free to pick between that or her other hairstyle that's down with the half-braid. :3



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