Michikyou Posted April 4, 2015 Share #26 Posted April 4, 2015 >_> SE tells us it will never happen though. Link to comment
Aoi Fukiku Posted April 4, 2015 Share #27 Posted April 4, 2015 Lower Shoulder Tackle's cooldown. I want to tackle everything. This, 1000xs this! 1 Link to comment
Tali Posted April 4, 2015 Share #28 Posted April 4, 2015 MRD DPS stance. I have a giant axe. This is not a tool solely for defence. Or defence at all. Link to comment
Michikyou Posted April 4, 2015 Share #29 Posted April 4, 2015 MRD DPS stance. I have a giant axe. This is not a tool solely for defence. Or defence at all. I've seen marauders pull 300+ dps during raid. ._.; thats still a lot of dps you know. Specialyl when top DPS only ever stabilize around 450-500 Link to comment
Erik Mynhier Posted April 4, 2015 Share #30 Posted April 4, 2015 [align=center]Gladiator -> Paladin[/align] Awareness - The recast I would up to 180 seconds and shorten the duration to 10 seconds. The reason is because I would change the whole effect to full status immunity except from like bosses that cast doom and what not. Tempered Will - Keep it at 180 seconds on the recast. It removes all debuffs except like the other, boss laid ones and what not. Not one at a time like Esuna, all. Hence the long recast. Shield Oath - Nothing major, just swap it with Sword Oath to lv30. To help lower people with old content. I'll admit it, Shield Oath has me spoiled, I hate tanking without it. Sword Oath - Remove it, replace it at lv 40 with........ Judgment Blade - A right to left wide slash with a shining blade. Cast time instant, recast at 180 seconds, a 300 potency, with two effects. Effect one, uses VIT in the damage calculation instead of STR. And the second effect, if the user's HP is below 33%, it has a knockback and stun effect. (forgot one) Enhanced Awareness - Get rid of it as it is tied to the old Awareness. Replace it with...... Enhanced Shield Lob - Shield Lob will strike up to two additional enemies within five fulms of the target enemy, extra enemies determined by closest proximity. Basically make Shield Lob a mini-AoE. There's a bit of power to that so keep the trait at lv44 though. Link to comment
Enla Posted April 4, 2015 Share #31 Posted April 4, 2015 MRD DPS stance. I have a giant axe. This is not a tool solely for defence. Or defence at all. I've seen marauders pull 300+ dps during raid. ._.; thats still a lot of dps you know. Specialyl when top DPS only ever stabilize around 450-500 Mhm, our FC leader typically does that and a bit more and he's still working on his relic, though it's currently his best in slot. There's DPS to be had, it's just not a purely DPS class. Link to comment
Michikyou Posted April 4, 2015 Share #32 Posted April 4, 2015 MRD DPS stance. I have a giant axe. This is not a tool solely for defence. Or defence at all. I've seen marauders pull 300+ dps during raid. ._.; thats still a lot of dps you know. Specialyl when top DPS only ever stabilize around 450-500 Mhm, our FC leader typically does that and a bit more and he's still working on his relic, though it's currently his best in slot. There's DPS to be had, it's just not a purely DPS class. Well no! but 300 DPS is nothing to complain about. Link to comment
Marisa Posted April 5, 2015 Share #33 Posted April 5, 2015 Well my favorite job is Paladin, but I don't really like tanking, so I can't really change much without re-working the entire class. Instead, I have two changes I'd make to White Mage. 1) Benediction heals the target the instant I cast it, not after the target is already dead. 2) The melee-animation should look the way you'd actually hit someone with a staff. The current animation is retarded. 1 Link to comment
Aduu Avagnar Posted April 5, 2015 Share #34 Posted April 5, 2015 II would agree with the RDM sentiments... ...if it weren't for the fact that most things that could be unique and/or exclusive to RDM in other FFs are already handled by another job (or upcoming job) in XIV, imo. At this point, if RDM was added, they'd have to entirely change how the class functioned if they want to avoid making it redundant and/or overpowered. Which means... it wouldn't really be RDM anymore. Give it en-spells similar to a monks fists. Str, S.speed, def. a persistant aura that gave health back to nearby party members as a percentage of damage done. (Drains mana when up) And weapon skills that give of damage style effects focused around the sword. Fire strike, aero lunge, thunder feint. Or whatever. Rdm in eorzea. /Bows. 1 Link to comment
Ryanti Posted April 5, 2015 Share #35 Posted April 5, 2015 Get rid of my animation lock for Hallowed Ground. I swear. Or for the love of God, please make it where if it doesn't go off fast enough and I die, that it never goes off. Currently it just GOES OFF AWAY EVEN WHEN I'M DEAD. And then I have to wait seven years for the cooldown again smh. Link to comment
g0ne Posted April 5, 2015 Share #36 Posted April 5, 2015 Well, I'm just fine with the way Bard works. I would like a Bard limit break though that's not a healer limit break, even though I know that BRD healer LB has saved instances many times. But it just makes me stare at the LB because I know that if I use it, it will only be as a last last resort. :< Link to comment
Domri Blackblade Posted April 5, 2015 Share #37 Posted April 5, 2015 Well, I'm just fine with the way Bard works. I would like a Bard limit break though that's not a healer limit break, even though I know that BRD healer LB has saved instances many times. But it just makes me stare at the LB because I know that if I use it, it will only be as a last last resort. :< You're in luck cause LB system is being revamped in 3.0. You get a BRD LB. Link to comment
Aduu Avagnar Posted April 5, 2015 Share #38 Posted April 5, 2015 The one chamge I would make effects all classes/jobs. Make the effect happen at the button press... not when the animation finishes.... if I need hallowed ground/benediction I need it /now/ not in the near future... Link to comment
Steel Wolf Posted April 5, 2015 Share #39 Posted April 5, 2015 Let's ball up the Summoner and make it as awesome as the damn Job oughta be. All Carby all the time, right? But when Carby does things it fills some...bar, or something. I dunno. Dress it up however you want to lore-wise. But when that bar fills, give the Summoner the ability to ACTUALLY SUMMON A LEGIT LARGE BEASTIE FOR AT LEAST ONE BIG SPELL OR SOMETHING, GODS!! Sorry....Summoner has been this game's biggest disappointment in my view. Link to comment
Liandri Posted April 5, 2015 Share #40 Posted April 5, 2015 Let's ball up the Summoner and make it as awesome as the damn Job oughta be. All Carby all the time, right? But when Carby does things it fills some...bar, or something. I dunno. Dress it up however you want to lore-wise. But when that bar fills, give the Summoner the ability to ACTUALLY SUMMON A LEGIT LARGE BEASTIE FOR AT LEAST ONE BIG SPELL OR SOMETHING, GODS!! Sorry....Summoner has been this game's biggest disappointment in my view. THIS. I absolutely love Summoner in some respects (namely because NUMBERS), but it's so mind-numbingly boring. Switch pets based on various situations, can tank Mog EX with Titan, that's cool, I suppose - but... Seriously where's my awesome flashy moves? I'd also like to add that Tri-Disaster doesn't count because it's NOWHERE near as awesome as it should have been. I just hope we're in luck in 3.0, I do recall them saying something about Summoner something or other, aside from getting hornier. No idea. (Excuse my bitterness, I played DoT classes throughout my MMO career, and I suppose I expected something a little bit better. :cry: ) Link to comment
Sounsyy Posted April 5, 2015 Share #41 Posted April 5, 2015 I made a similar post in another thread, but I'd really really really enjoy GLD/PLD being returned to their original 1.0 self. Honestly, I like what 2.0's battle team did for the classes, but PLD was a huge step back in complexity, flow, and design in my opinion. The GLD/PLD 1.0 Skillset for those who don't know: Aegis Boon - Defensive buff which 100% guaranteed you'd block the next attack, nullifying the damage completely and actually restoring HP in proportion to the damage that would've been dealt to you. So back when Coincounter used to be really hard, a PLD could eat a 1000 Tonze Swing with Aegis Boon and instead of taking 4k damage (which back in the day was way more than most tanks WAR or PLD had) you'd gain like 900 HP back from it. Holy Succor = 1.5x potency of WHM Cure I, and if cast on another player you also received 50% HP restoration of whatever you cured for. Crit Heal that DRG who stands in AoEs for 1200, get 600 HP back for yourself. Plus all the juicy enmity that came with. Divine Veil = Grants buff that, if you receive a cure spell, grants all players within range a Medica II-strength regen. And all enmity from cure+regen went to Tank instead of healer. Rampart also used to be a party wide buff. Granted all party members in range massive DEF increase and generated massive enmity + additional enmity for every party member you hit. Riot Blade was a ranged attack that lowered a target's DEF (even bosses). Sentinel greatly decreased the damage you took + doubled your enmity. (since we didn't have shield oath at the time). Outmaneuver increased your block rate like 2.0's Bulwark but you also restored TP every time you successfully blocked with your shield. Flash was a targetable AoE not self. You could pick a target, flash it, and it'd affect enemies near it. War Drum was a self-AoE that when you blocked with your shield you could damage all enemies in a radius and gain enmity off of it. I really don't have any complaints about WAR. I think its a pretty great and versatile job. I pulled 400 dps in T13 the other night (had two VIT accessories on for HP) and I usually average about 300 dps while MTing with Defiance up in most non-Coil content, so I can't complain about their dps. And I self-healed myself through AK-HM last boss just rotating bloodbath, storm's path, and inner beast whenever up, thrill of battle, and second wind. I'd say WAR's pretty OP. They don't really need an off-Defiance stance as far as I'm concerned. And if you wanna really dps with WAR, go MRD and cross-class Straight Shot (for increase crit rate), Internal Release, Quelling Strikes, Raging Strikes, and Blood for Blood. The damage is pretty incredible. Link to comment
mongi291 Posted April 5, 2015 Author Share #42 Posted April 5, 2015 I made a similar post in another thread, but I'd really really really enjoy GLD/PLD being returned to their original 1.0 self. Honestly, I like what 2.0's battle team did for the classes, but PLD was a huge step back in complexity, flow, and design in my opinion. The GLD/PLD 1.0 Skillset for those who don't know: Aegis Boon - Defensive buff which 100% guaranteed you'd block the next attack, nullifying the damage completely and actually restoring HP in proportion to the damage that would've been dealt to you. So back when Coincounter used to be really hard, a PLD could eat a 1000 Tonze Swing with Aegis Boon and instead of taking 4k damage (which back in the day was way more than most tanks WAR or PLD had) you'd gain like 900 HP back from it. Holy Succor = 1.5x potency of WHM Cure I, and if cast on another player you also received 50% HP restoration of whatever you cured for. Crit Heal that DRG who stands in AoEs for 1200, get 600 HP back for yourself. Plus all the juicy enmity that came with. Divine Veil = Grants buff that, if you receive a cure spell, grants all players within range a Medica II-strength regen. And all enmity from cure+regen went to Tank instead of healer. Rampart also used to be a party wide buff. Granted all party members in range massive DEF increase and generated massive enmity + additional enmity for every party member you hit. Riot Blade was a ranged attack that lowered a target's DEF (even bosses). Sentinel greatly decreased the damage you took + doubled your enmity. (since we didn't have shield oath at the time). Outmaneuver increased your block rate like 2.0's Bulwark but you also restored TP every time you successfully blocked with your shield. Flash was a targetable AoE not self. You could pick a target, flash it, and it'd affect enemies near it. War Drum was a self-AoE that when you blocked with your shield you could damage all enemies in a radius and gain enmity off of it. I really don't have any complaints about WAR. I think its a pretty great and versatile job. I pulled 400 dps in T13 the other night (had two VIT accessories on for HP) and I usually average about 300 dps while MTing with Defiance up in most non-Coil content, so I can't complain about their dps. And I self-healed myself through AK-HM last boss just rotating bloodbath, storm's path, and inner beast whenever up, thrill of battle, and second wind. I'd say WAR's pretty OP. They don't really need an off-Defiance stance as far as I'm concerned. And if you wanna really dps with WAR, go MRD and cross-class Straight Shot (for increase crit rate), Internal Release, Quelling Strikes, Raging Strikes, and Blood for Blood. The damage is pretty incredible. To be honest, the only ability I'd really like to have back from 1.0 is the old Riot Blade (I've NEVER needed the MP recovery it gives). Holy Succor is nice too but I'd really prefer just buffing our cross-classable Cure, and Outmaneveur is Bulwark+Shield Swipe. Also, I'd like to get back additional effects from gear. An Aegis Shield that doesn't block or reduce magic isn't an Aegis Shield. Link to comment
Kismet Posted April 5, 2015 Share #43 Posted April 5, 2015 Seriously where's my awesome flashy moves? I'd also like to add that Tri-Disaster doesn't count because it's NOWHERE near as awesome as it should have been. I just hope we're in luck in 3.0, I do recall them saying something about Summoner something or other, aside from getting hornier. No idea. (Excuse my bitterness, I played DoT classes throughout my MMO career, and I suppose I expected something a little bit better. :cry: ) Seriously. Tri-Disaster has such a BADASS animation with cool, mysterious visual/sound effects! And then, I saw what little effect it had, and I was all "Oh..." =( SO LAME! C'mon, SE! I do known SMNs are supposed to be getting Ramuh and Leviathan as Egis at some point in 3.0, but I don't know if that alone is really going to give the class the major "OOMPH" it needs to properly sparkle. I just hope we're in luck in 3.0, I do recall them saying something about Summoner something or other, aside from getting hornier. Link to comment
mongi291 Posted April 6, 2015 Author Share #44 Posted April 6, 2015 Seriously where's my awesome flashy moves? I'd also like to add that Tri-Disaster doesn't count because it's NOWHERE near as awesome as it should have been. I just hope we're in luck in 3.0, I do recall them saying something about Summoner something or other, aside from getting hornier. No idea. (Excuse my bitterness, I played DoT classes throughout my MMO career, and I suppose I expected something a little bit better. :cry: ) Seriously. Tri-Disaster has such a BADASS animation with cool, mysterious visual/sound effects! And then, I saw what little effect it had, and I was all "Oh..." =( SO LAME! C'mon, SE! I do known SMNs are supposed to be getting Ramuh and Leviathan as Egis at some point in 3.0, but I don't know if that alone is really going to give the class the major "OOMPH" it needs to properly sparkle. I just hope we're in luck in 3.0, I do recall them saying something about Summoner something or other, aside from getting hornier. I think they are getting Shiva-Egi too... I mean, come on, Shiva has been a summon in every game since she was introduced. They just didn't say it because at the time Shiva wasn't in the game yet. That would mean jobs get 3 new abilities instead of two. Maybe a level 50 quest only available after completing 2.55 MSQ, and then a level 55 and a level 60 quest. Also, Holmgang should have its cooldown lowered. I mean, it's meant to be MRD/WAR's version of Hallowed Ground, but it's vastly inferior and causes you to take way more damage than you should. Link to comment
Martiallais Posted April 6, 2015 Share #45 Posted April 6, 2015 Am I the only person playing Monk who wants to see something like this added as an attack? nANf5C-cbTk Link to comment
Aduu Avagnar Posted April 6, 2015 Share #46 Posted April 6, 2015 I think they are getting Shiva-Egi too... I mean, come on, Shiva has been a summon in every game since she was introduced. They just didn't say it because at the time Shiva wasn't in the game yet. I doubt there will be a Shiva Egi yet. They may add one in 4.0 or even just do it as an optional reskin of one of the others. but I doubt they will change their formula of job quest every 5 levels, or add a second level 50 one. Link to comment
mongi291 Posted April 6, 2015 Author Share #47 Posted April 6, 2015 I think they are getting Shiva-Egi too... I mean, come on, Shiva has been a summon in every game since she was introduced. They just didn't say it because at the time Shiva wasn't in the game yet. I doubt there will be a Shiva Egi yet. They may add one in 4.0 or even just do it as an optional reskin of one of the others. but I doubt they will change their formula of job quest every 5 levels, or add a second level 50 one. I don't think that once you buy Heavensward you can already level to 60, otherwise the quests between 2.0 and 3.0 would be too easy. I think there will be something similar to the Limit Break quests from FFXI. So this is how I think new job quests will be: - Level 50 quest, requires you to have completed 2.55 MSQ. Unlocks new skill and allows you to level to 60. - Level 55 quest, unlocks new skill. - Level 60 quest, unlocks new skill and (probably) gives you AF2. Link to comment
N'velhi Tia Posted April 6, 2015 Share #48 Posted April 6, 2015 The mudras, while lagging, are a real female dog to work with if you're not employing macros. You go Chi-Jin-Ten for some sexy huton and you get a "ohdidyouwantabunnyhereyougo" Link to comment
Warren Castille Posted April 6, 2015 Share #49 Posted April 6, 2015 Didn't read thread so sorry if this is a repost, but Square baby. Give papa some actual fucking AoE damage. Circle of Scorn does not cut it when our "competition" in that department is the vastly-superior-for-its-purposes Overpower. Link to comment
Melkire Posted April 6, 2015 Share #50 Posted April 6, 2015 Didn't read thread so sorry if this is a repost, but Square baby. Give papa some actual fucking AoE damage. Circle of Scorn does not cut it when our "competition" in that department is the vastly-superior-for-its-purposes Overpower. You can have an Overpower equivalent when we can start being viable MTs in Final Coil. Seriously, our mitigation outside of SP, IB, and Vengeance is comparatively shit for content that hits that hard. Need more useful CDs. Foresight does not cut it. Link to comment
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