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They are among you!

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Domans have been off the boat for some time now, keeping off the visible eye, mostly restricted to Mor Dhona, working and trying to set up thier new lives. The Hurians and even the Lalafell Domans of course have had it much easier blending in, yet the Au Ra have been kept behind closed doors being told "it's not time yet" ...


But I know your out there fellow brothers and sisters. Not ones to be kept locked up for long. Hiding out in the shadows, keeping your distance from others, even resorting to expensive sylphic glamors. Well you need not explore this new land alone! Let us begin to gather and feel more comfortable amongst each other! Raen and Xaela alike! Our time will be soon when we can cast off these masks and magic!



(( seeking fellow Au Ra or other Domans and Othard refugees. Linkshell incoming dependant on interest or if there isn't already one out there I am aware of. All accumulating to a big unmasking party in June!  Feel free to sent me a tell in game, I am usually on, even if afk! ))

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Ah, I was overseeing your fights at the Grindstone! And watched your subsequent running away after winning! :lol:


Is the unveiling thing going to be an actual planned event? Or just... "correcting" the model to the proper race?

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Au Ra? What's that? You mean the weird Amalj'aa woman who everyone clearly say using claws and a tail in the Grindstone finals?


She was alone, so we didn't have the lynch her.

Totally not suspicious. . .



Also, warren missed the bloodbath that was Toff and Matthrian's  rematch.

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Ah, I was overseeing your fights at the Grindstone! And watched your subsequent running away after winning! :lol:


Is the unveiling thing going to be an actual planned event? Or just... "correcting" the model to the proper race?

Actually hoping to have a planned event with like minded people! I know come 3.0 people will want to be in a rush to do all the fun new things, but I hope we could at least all log out together the night of maintenance, throw a party, and when we log back in pop fantasia and be like we are supposed to! and then perhaps all gather again for a little bit to show off to each other and finish the party!

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Au Ra? What's that? You mean the weird Amalj'aa woman who everyone clearly saw using claws and a tail in the Grindstone finals?


She was alone, so we didn't have the lynch her.

She may of gotten a little excited to be out and about :P  

She was scolded by her peers and has been given a proper glamoring since her outing...

As far as a lynching goes... at least we knows shes tough and fast enough to win in the largest competiton yet!

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Bri is still pissed about bring clawed in the face. Who dies that?! Lol. She is keeping a sense open for the woman because she is confused as to what she us.


Sorry bout that Bri :blush: She sometimes forgets how sharp she keeps them to help her with her tinkering.

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Bri is still pissed about bring clawed in the face. Who dies that?! Lol. She is keeping a sense open for the woman because she is confused as to what she us.


Sorry bout that Bri :blush: She sometimes forgets how sharp she keeps them to help her with her tinkering.

*points to eyes and back* I'm watching you. . . (Lol)

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Au Ra? What's that? You mean the weird Amalj'aa woman who everyone clearly saw using claws and a tail in the Grindstone finals?


She was alone, so we didn't have the lynch her.

She may of gotten a little excited to be out and about :P  

She was scolded by her peers and has been given a proper glamoring since her outing...

As far as a lynching goes... at least we knows shes tough and fast enough to win in the largest competiton yet!


I was equal parts pleasantly surprised and wondering how to explain it. It certainly made for an extra-memorable night, though. Feel free to point out if anyone gives you gruff about your race that you won the Grindstone while wearing a huge coat and holding back!

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I may have this all wrong, but curious so just going to throw this question out there.


You played a glamored Au Ra but somehow managed to use a tail and claws, and not get instantly mobbed by everyone around you? How do you explain that from an IC perspective?


Not that I care, just seems a little odd to me.

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I may have this all wrong, but curious so just going to throw this question out there.


You played a glamored Au Ra but somehow managed to use a tail and claws, and not get instantly mobbed by everyone around you? How do you explain that from an IC perspective?


Not that I care, just seems a little odd to me.

As you see above from Warren, I been sorting a big heavy coat and hoods. Also I not been just walking up to people ansd saying "hey there!"  I keep off to the side, people look at me too long I run away.  


Then there was the grindstone, that was a big public thing yes, but most people mistook her for some smaller Amal'jii!  It is known there are friendlier beastmen, and she was in a competiton where it has never said they were outlawed, she was also not being violent, just competeing like everyone else, and after the winning? Ran off before she could get questioned further. 


While RPing to the side and running off can be fun.. thats rough to do for another 2 months! It is why looking for others of like mind whom we could be more open with.  Kiri knows shes not the only one to sneak off, she wants to find them!   But yeah.. she shouldn't of entered the Grindstone, she knows it... but she couldn't help herself! she wanted to test her hand at Eorzeas finest!

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I may have this all wrong, but curious so just going to throw this question out there.


You played a glamored Au Ra but somehow managed to use a tail and claws, and not get instantly mobbed by everyone around you? How do you explain that from an IC perspective?


Not that I care, just seems a little odd to me.

As you see above from Warren, I been sorting a big heavy coat and hoods. Also I not been just walking up to people ansd saying "hey there!"  I keep off to the side, people look at me too long I run away.  


Then there was the grindstone, that was a big public thing yes, but most people mistook her for some smaller Amal'jii!  It is known there are friendlier beastmen, and she was in a competiton where it has never said they were outlawed, she was also not being violent, just competeing like everyone else, and after the winning? Ran off before she could get questioned further. 


While RPing to the side and running off can be fun.. thats rough to do for another 2 months! It is why looking for others of like mind whom we could be more open with.  Kiri knows shes not the only one to sneak off, she wants to find them!   But yeah.. she shouldn't of entered the Grindstone, she knows it... but she couldn't help herself! she wanted to test her hand at Eorzeas finest!


The rules of the Grindstone are pretty straight forward: During the event, no one's allowed to draw on anyone outside of a sanctioned fight, on pain of death. If some Amalj'aa lady wants to mask up and see if she wins, I can't rightly stop her. She didn't want any trouble!

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The topic of roleplaying Au Ra pre-Heavensward is a bit of a contentious one. It's already rare to find people doing it, but the scarcity of information about them means that a lot of what people are basing their characters around is headcanon. You may have a hard time finding other players who will share in the details of your character's time in Eorzea.


I don't dislike the idea personally. It's challenging to base a character off of very little lore, but the writer's talent will ultimately bare out the character's success. I would suggest at least waiting a bit longer though. It's very likely that we'll see an Au Ra lore drop in the next couple weeks before the Benchmark. I think it will provide much needed grounding for some, and it may even inspire others to get involved earlier. You may find much more interest then!


As for myself, I would definitely be interested in this idea post-launch!

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Oooo That is why I got scratched eh.. Very interesting.. From what I saw Kiri is a very well put up roleplayer was a pleasure rping with ya, and the character. Races are Races they have their place and do shape the character but you should also be aware that the environment shapes everything, Over all I dont think it is a terrible thing for Au Ra already to be around, Also we should rp more ! -flails away-

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I was planning to make an Au Ra character that came in Eorzea way before the Calamity and went to Ul'dah, later becoming a Sultansworn and a Paladin and then quit for various reasons... But I don't know if the Auri lore would allow it. So we'll see. But even if he isn't a Paladin and he came to Eorzea only recently, it'll be an Au Ra.

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Is the possible linkshell you mentioned for people RP'ing their AuRa currently only or for those who'll be rp'ing them once they're released as well?


I ask as I've started planning and poking at some ideas but haven't done any RP'ing yet. I'd definitely like to touch base and possibly build some connections with other AuRa peeps though (or at least start doing so till we know more for sure).

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I have seen you around the Quicksand etc.


Of what I understand there are two Au Ra clans, one of which shares a naming convention similar to Doma (implying they are close in some way to that nation) and the other has a /sigh/ yet to be announce unique naming convention. I assume she is the tribe closer (all be it the other one are nomads so pretty much they could be among the Domans in theory)


As far Au Ra in general... technically I am considering making a character one, BUT I am keeping all the absolutes so entirely vague about his past etc so that as the information is revealed I can see if the whole plan can work or if I just get to scrap a two month character as a silly side project.


As for his "glamor" I am merely being rather vague about things and make him rather protective and attached to a necklace with a small shard of crystal on the end. That way if it turns out I cannot rational his Au Ra status in my own head... he just liked his necklace a lot. He also mostly keeps his body well covered to prevent physical contact, and he can't feel his ears, which could just be a quirk or something else.


As more information becomes available if to looks like the "glamored among you" thing will work for me personally (I ain't gonna tell people what they can and cannot do). I may become interested in joining some sort of linkshell for Au Ra.


Best of luck though! (Also grats on getting to the end of Grindstone I think I caught a bit of the end there.)

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I have seen you around the Quicksand etc.


Of what I understand there are two Au Ra clans, one of which shares a naming convention similar to Doma (implying they are close in some way to that nation) and the other has a /sigh/ yet to be announce unique naming convention. I assume she is the tribe closer (all be it the other one are nomads so pretty much they could be among the Domans in theory)


As far Au Ra in general... technically I am considering making a character one, BUT I am keeping all the absolutes so entirely vague about his past etc so that as the information is revealed I can see if the whole plan can work or if I just get to scrap a two month character as a silly side project.


As for his "glamor" I am merely being rather vague about things and make him rather protective and attached to a necklace with a small shard of crystal on the end. That way if it turns out I cannot rational his Au Ra status in my own head... he just liked his necklace a lot. He also mostly keeps his body well covered to prevent physical contact, and he can't feel his ears, which could just be a quirk or something else.


As more information becomes available if to looks like the "glamored among you" thing will work for me personally (I ain't gonna tell people what they can and cannot do). I may become interested in joining some sort of linkshell for Au Ra.


Best of luck though! (Also grats on getting to the end of Grindstone I think I caught a bit of the end there.)


You are correct sir! I will be playing a Raen. The ones that have assimilated in with the "traditional Doman society"   and yeah it is a bit irksome not knowing all the little details and a real pain not knowing standard names for the Xaela...    but again as far as RP goes there is still alot a creative mind can get away with and do and hide without knowing all the details. Coming across anyone you don't need to give a full bio and stats after all! 


In my IC quest to find other Au Ra and Domans its a matter of skirting the edges and picking people up based on observations.  The linkshell "Othard United" has been formed, and I have been collecting all forms of eastern RPers and so far so good! 


Lastly I am also currently working on a research project here digging thru every item, event, cutscene, npc, quest dialog EVERYTHING that gives mention to the Hydaelyn eastern world, and also working with other friends in getting every bit of fact /with references/ posted here as a tool for others. It will also have a space for theories based on given information, but mostly just the facts. From what I gathered we actually know alot more about Othard than we do about Garlemald and Ala Mihgo, to other popular places of origin for RPers. 


 .....please look forward to it.   :angel:

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