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Heavensward 3.0 Patch Notes


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Some interesting pictures and information, haven't gone through it all yet but it seems like there aren't any spoilers either so it should be safe for people who want to avoid any major lore bombs:





Mod Note: Edited the title for improved nav bar visibility. - Melkire

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No XP/Loot from enemies with the minimum party selected.


I suppose its there to help people get through the locks. And to pose a challenge.


Why oh why would you want to lower an items quality from HQ to NQ? in what world does that make sense?


Also, restricting the availability of Grade 5 crafting/gathering materia? poor form... I guess it means crafting and saving up level 60 gear to convert the day they allow it....


Culinarian and Goldsmith seem to be the 2 crafts to level first, given they provide actions at level 54 that are not elemental based.


also, my suspicions are that the 'Heart of the X' abilities will reduce requirements or a similar effect to recipes of that specialisation.

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Adding so much functionality to housing is incredibly stupid given the terrible state of the system as is. I will be extremely disappointed if housing gets any more development time or money wasted on it before the actual problems inherent in the system are addressed.

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...Is it just me... or is Sthallmann returning... as part of the MCH questline? Finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! =DDDDD MMMMGH YUS.



But the struggle for re-completing my Sightseeing Log and Fishing Log is gonna be brutal. ; ;

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What do they mean by "Emotes where female characters other than lalafells crouch have been adjusted."?

...Was there a problem there before?:?

They said awhile back that they didn't like the idea of people taking "dirty" screenshots, so I'd assume it's to deal with Miqo'te twerking and other things, maybe even a slight adjustment to hide the upskirt that happens to? I'm not sure on the last one but I think it's mainly the twerking.

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/em finally reads ALL the notes




"My favorite part is when they log off people who are inactive for 30mins"


These few days are going to be one of the LONGEST few days of my life

welcome to launch 2.0! where there were login issues, so people stayed logged in, clogged the servers and caused more issues until SE implemented the timer.


They've learned.

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Want red and black Coeurl. BAD. Wonder where that will come from.


No Au Ra naming conventions yet but many other things. Just *rattles out of chair* with excitement. Wonder how likely it'll be that a two man FC who doesn't craft can build an airship/what else you can build in there.

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I was disappointed by the lack of extra Armory space.  I already have a hard time holding my outfits and my normal class gear.  At least the retainers will give me somewhere to put my gear.


(Yes, I know they can't do it because of console players, primarily, but it'd still be nice if we got more space in the armor, even 10, hell, even 5 more spaces would help.)

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