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Au Ra Naming Conventions

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Qestir -- This tribe refuses to speak, believing that all words are lies, and that a man's actions are the purest form of communication.


Well now.... Asmodean is going to be buddys with anyone from the Qestir caln if he meets them.


Only different is he tries to talk if needed. just not very well in large groups.

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My prediction of keeping Septh's full name due to it's Mongolian heritage was correct. Still keeping the last name though, this is a person with no tribe and is literally being converted to Au Ra. It wouldn't make sense to have a tribal surname at all.

But, I mean the name could just of been from a tribe that no longer exists.


Like how 'Weaver' used to just be a title of someone who was in the profession of weaving but it slowly just became a last name.


As did Potter etc. ^^


It's just filler content to be honest. Septh has no knowledge on anything Au Ra related, in fact she's only recently met one and doesn't really have anything to say on it. She probably wouldn't even join a tribe even if she had the chance, her previous experience with tribes as a Seeker Miqo'te were not at all good.

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Probably not making one, but boy am I glad I did not give any of the characters surnames in my Doman ongoing background story lol. I wasn't sure if they were going to go with it, so I erred on the side of safety.

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Ok did I really read one tribe has sex with horses ooooooorrrrrrrr did I drug myself and not know it?


Haha... no, they just marry the horses. They draw lots to see which Au ra mates with which Au ra. They don't actually mate with the horses.


Ambiguous English for the win, amiright?

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There are some interesting ideas here! I'm really excited. I just hope people remember that the things mentioned only have to be a small feature of the clan and don't have to define it or your character.


To me that seemed like the biggest problem with Seeker tribes - everyone was so focused on the Nunh & breeding part of things, but there would be lots of other factors that made up the tribe too.

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Ok did I really read one tribe has sex with horses ooooooorrrrrrrr did I drug myself and not know it?

They only marry them, from the description, it says reproductive mates are chosen from a lot, this I think kinda implies they just put their names in a hat and pull out an Au Ra female and males name, now they go make Snu Snu and I assume it's the same for the horses, though ofcourse a bit more of an Auri themed lot than the hat idea.

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Ok did I really read one tribe has sex with horses ooooooorrrrrrrr did I drug myself and not know it?

They only marry them, from the description, it says reproductive mates are chosen from a lot, this I think kinda implies they just put their names in a hat and pull out an Au Ra female and males name, now they go make Snu Snu and I assume it's the same for the horses, though ofcourse a bit more of an Auri themed lot than the hat idea.

So... do they know how to ride a horse or not?


Oh gods, I am going to have such a hard time taking X'aela seriously...

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That's so cool that they're Mongol-esque names.


I think the marriage to the horse thing is a symbolic ceremony that gives you an idea of how seriously that tribe takes horsemanship. I'm not going to make fun of it, as it seems pretty inspired by the Mongols.


Damn that would be the most awkward first night though. Both man and woman draw lots, enter a tent and doubletake. "Aw hell no!" in unison.


And the Gesi tribe use atlatl, practically. That's exciting. I want to see a character wield an atlatl IC someday.


Questir is hardmode rp. I dare you to play one of those.

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Ok did I really read one tribe has sex with horses ooooooorrrrrrrr did I drug myself and not know it?

They only marry them, from the description, it says reproductive mates are chosen from a lot, this I think kinda implies they just put their names in a hat and pull out an Au Ra female and males name, now they go make Snu Snu and I assume it's the same for the horses, though ofcourse a bit more of an Auri themed lot than the hat idea.

So... do they know how to ride a horse or not?


Oh gods, I am going to have such a hard time taking X'aela seriously...

Depends on the... type of riding you're refering to... I'd assume the regular horse back riding is something they practice from an early age... the other kind? Well, as with all civilisations I'm sure there are a few... creative people lets say.

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Glad to know Vetiver Kaji and Foxglove Kyo will blend right in without having to change a thing. :3 I just can't let go of my traditional flower/herb/spice forename + actor surname, not when I've rolled with it for the past several years.

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I think the marriage to the horse thing is a symbolic ceremony that gives you an idea of how seriously that tribe takes horsemanship.


Oh definitely. Horsemanship seems to be quite important to the Xaela - or at least for those in environs that support them. After all, we have one tribe that's famous for taming even the wildest horses, one that weds them, and one that spends almost all their life in the saddle.

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I think the marriage to the horse thing is a symbolic ceremony that gives you an idea of how seriously that tribe takes horsemanship.


Oh definitely. Horsemanship seems to be quite important to the Xaela - or at least for those in environs that support them. After all, we have one tribe that's famous for taming even the wildest horses, one that weds them, and one that spends almost all their life in the saddle.


Given the Mongolian roots of the race, that much is for sure.

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I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a big fan of the naming conventions. Mostly due to personal preference. I'm hoping there's clear examples of Au Ra working with the Garlean Empire so I can shamelessly give mine a Garlean name instead...

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I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a big fan of the naming conventions. Mostly due to personal preference. I'm hoping there's clear examples of Au Ra working with the Garlean Empire so I can shamelessly give mine a Garlean name instead...


Given the nature of Doma's destruction I doubt any Garlean aligned Au Ra would be looked at fondly.

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I'm not going to make fun of it, as it seems pretty inspired by the Mongols.


*Whoosh* !


I honestly didn't even realise the connection until you mentioned it, hahaha. Nice, very nice >w<


I guess I will definitely look into getting a Sleipnir mount(though I sincerely hope they release a lot more feasible horses like the Frontline version, only with without the barding).



*fixes numerous typos ;  *

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I'm not going to make fun of it, as it seems pretty inspired by the Mongols.


*Whoosh* !


I honestly didn't even realise the connection until you mentioned it, hahaha. Nice, very nice >w<


I guess I will definitely look into getting a Sleipnir mount(though I sincerely hope they release a lot more feasible horses like the Frontline version, only with without the barding).


Which makes me think Odin was a Xaela of the Goro tribe, and Sleipner is his wife.

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I guess I will definitely look into getting a Sleipnir mount(though I sincerely hope they release a lot more feasible horses like the Frontline version, only with without the barding).


I'm considering that as well. I wish they did have some less heavier geared horses.

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I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a big fan of the naming conventions. Mostly due to personal preference. I'm hoping there's clear examples of Au Ra working with the Garlean Empire so I can shamelessly give mine a Garlean name instead...


Given the nature of Doma's destruction I doubt any Garlean aligned Au Ra would be looked at fondly.


Oh, definitely - though my Au Ra is intended to be more on the grey scale of morality anyway so it should work out fairly well provided there's actual examples of it happening within the lore. If there aren't then I probably won't do it.


It'd be something along the lines of my Au Ra choosing to serve the Garlean's cause due to Doma being no more - much in the same way Gabranth chose to serve Archades once his homeland was conquered/destroyed by the Archadian Empire.

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