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The Great Crash of '15 - Gripes and Rants Are Going Heavensward

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On the twelth day of access Square Enix gave to me:

Twelve spammers spamming

Eleven trollers dancing

Ten n00bies begging

Nine farmers tagging

Eight raiders raiding

Seven crafters AFKing

Six macros failing

Five Free Fantasias!

Four emo Au Ras

Three reskinned gearsets

Two buggy questlines

Lo-ong queue times and a DC!

I figured there'd be a lot more emo Au Ras o:

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On the twelth day of access Square Enix gave to me:

Twelve spammers spamming

Eleven trollers dancing

Ten n00bies begging

Nine farmers tagging

Eight raiders raiding

Seven crafters AFKing

Six macros failing

Five Free Fantasias!

Four emo Au Ras

Three reskinned gearsets

Two buggy questlines

Lo-ong queue times and a DC!

I figured there'd be a lot more emo Au Ras o:



*cuts wrists and listens to Green Day*

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So my friend came in with a huge box of Popeyes chicken and a watermelon. We took a break from failing to log in to make fun of him for being a stereotype, and when I came back I logged right in with barely a thirty second wait. The lesson here is Squeenix wants you to be racist. :thumbsup:

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Sounds legit to me


Or, more likely, I just got extremely lucky.


Edit - Here's a gripe that has nothing to do with the log-in issues: I wish the Heavensward content were more accessible. Because I just counted, and I have 202 quests to go before I can even access Ishgard. I know a ton of this game was end game content, but doesn't it seem odd to anyone but me that all of the new content, save a few odds and ends like the new race, is stacked up at the end of everything else?


Looking at the exp rates and quest rewards, I think I'll be level sixty before I even make it to Ishgard. It just feels like I'm being penalized for not having been playing already.


Also, it seems odd to me that to unlock the new jobs - which start out already half-way to the current level cap - you have to have already hit the level cap in another class. It would have made more sense - to me, at least - if they became available at level 30 rather than at level 50. Unless they are just that much better than the standard Jobs. I dunno, I won't get to use one for, like, a month minimum.


But that's enough whining from me, I guess.

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683 in queue....oh, man.


I guess I'm lucky there's lots of solstice stuff going on today to provide a good distraction, but man, looks like this upcoming week is going to be a wash in terms of being able to play.

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Sounds legit to me


Or, more likely, I just got extremely lucky.


Edit - Here's a gripe that has nothing to do with the log-in issues: I wish the Heavensward content were more accessible. Because I just counted, and I have 202 quests to go before I can even access Ishgard. I know a ton of this game was end game content, but doesn't it seem odd to anyone but me that all of the new content, save a few odds and ends like the new race, is stacked up at the end of everything else?


Looking at the exp rates and quest rewards, I think I'll be level sixty before I even make it to Ishgard. It just feels like I'm being penalized for not having been playing already.


Also, it seems odd to me that to unlock the new jobs - which start out already half-way to the current level cap - you have to have already hit the level cap in another class. It would have made more sense - to me, at least - if they became available at level 30 rather than at level 50. Unless they are just that much better than the standard Jobs. I dunno, I won't get to use one for, like, a month minimum.


But that's enough whining from me, I guess.




HW is just a glorified, p2p patch.

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Don't start that argument or debate or conversation again, please. There's a bloody good reason why it's done that way, please respect the developers and creators work and decisions. Also the reason why the new jobs start at 30 and not 50 is because you won't know how to play the job the moment you pick it up, but no one wants to start at level 1. Being in the halfway zone allows you to learn your core skills (all core skills you get from 1-30) and learn the job along the way. 


Also the data center is being wonky, half of my friends are having trouble getting in. Yummy Heavensward action.

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Honestly the fact that it's ON THE DOT at 4 PM EST leads me to believe that there's something afoot with the Data Center rather than everyone in the goddamn world deciding that this precise time is the right time to log into the Aether data center.


(It happened yesterday around the same time as well)


It's doubly frustrating that I'm actually like a stone's throw away from the data center.


Anyway, good thing I have to go to the hospital on Tuesday and I'm taking the day off, and Wednesday is a provincial holiday so I'll have some time to play.


Nope, I got 2002'd.

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Having Balmung, Gilgamesh, and Jenova (which got a population boost due to Dodger, I believe), all on the same data center is stupid. Are they going to do anything about it? Nope.


I dunno. I kinda just want to get the leveling DONE, but I'm hating how the questing is working out with how huge these maps are. "Oh yeah we opened up two new quests at the old hub. Have fun hoofing it, loser."


I'm just acting cranky though, so far everything has been fine enough.

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Having Balmung, Gilgamesh, and Jenova (which got a population boost due to Dodger, I believe), all on the same data center is stupid. Are they going to do anything about it? Nope.


I dunno. I kinda just want to get the leveling DONE, but I'm hating how the questing is working out with how huge these maps are. "Oh yeah we opened up two new quests at the old hub. Have fun hoofing it, loser."


I'm just acting cranky though, so far everything has been fine enough.


Agreed. Obviously they did not know those servers would become jammed originally but it seems like at some point someone would have thought to separate them. Besides, they did make the data centers after the fact. It seems like Gilgamesh and Balmung at least should have been put in different corners.


I have started to dread duties though. I've leveled with the same person on every alt I have 1-50 and while I understand having instances of populated areas and try not to curse when we have to take turns teleporting in and out to get in the same one, I really hate that it splits us after duties as well. Especially since the maps are so large and we end up needing to chose between leveling alone for a while or teleporting to the nearest town to play the 'which instance are you in game' all over again. I'm not super computer literate beyond what I need for my own purposes but why the heck aren't parties kept together in the first place? Not that the instances do much good when no one can log in anyway. xD

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Is this your first MMO?




Tell me what additions would qualify Heavensward as an expansion in your eyes, please.


The graphic explains it by itself, really, but if you need more details, there is a dedicated thread on this topic and I along with other people have given all our share of motivations for disapproving the developers' choices with Heavensward.


Was 2.0 a glorified patch to 1.0?


It didn't require 1.0 completion, so nope.



And to regard the "respect developers thing", I haven't insulted the person of the developer or any other member of the SE team. I criticize the game a lot, but I never insult, so I think I am doing this respectfully. Giving feedback and exposing a game's pros and cons is part of showing care for the product, and I wouldn't be paying the subscription if I didn't like the game. But I do like it, so I feel I can criticize it if I want to. It'd be worse to shrug it off and not care at all as a fan (to me).



Back on topic, I've been in queue behind one person for ten minutes now x_x ..... I wonder what's gonna happen at launch.

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Somewhere, in the Caribbean, Yoshida gets a call on his phone. "Yoshida-san, the Americans are unable to get into the game!" a distressed Canadian intern says, the suppressed sound of servers bursting into flames in the janitorial closet in which the NA servers are held being heard off to the side. "Hahahaha, Steve-kun, let them know what they earned for making fun of glorious Dragoon DPS!", Yoshida cackles, throwing the phone into the pool. His genetically engineered Miqo'te come to serve him his drinks soon after he kicks up his legs to the solid gold footrest he bought with the money from EA. "Ah, delicious American tears!" Yoshi exclaimed, opening his laptop to view the distressed calls for help as he deleted every last message from the  Aether server staff from his email.

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