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Let's talk about 'dem Heavensward jobs

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Hey, someone had to start one! Use this thread to discuss the new jobs and any changes to the currently-existing ones (there are some real game-changers in there).


So I haven't touched DRK or AST yet, but word on the grapevine is that DRK is a touch on the weaker/more finicky side and there's some grumblings about the fact that AST is definitively weaker than either SCH or WHM in either stance (but I've been told it largely compensates for it with insane utility).


And then there's MCH.



I've got it to level 53, and so far, it's been a lot of fun, but how well does it do its job?


Not. Well.


I haven't been parsing personally because I can't be arsed to get the damn software to behave, but even without a parser I can tell that our damage output simply is not that good. The difference in damage output between a party with two MCHs (even two competent MCHs) and a party with any other DPS class and a MCH has been extremely obvious to the point of causing me some distress. The sheer scale of the difference is most obvious in the 30-39 level range, where we're stuck without our turret which constitutes a full 15%(!!) of our overall damage output. It's extremely obvious that we were designed with that turret in mind and even then our damage output is still sub-par.


The difference is even worse after playing DRG post-buff for so long. BRDs are already bottom-tier for pure DPS, and MCHs are estimated to be 25-35% below even that, which is absolute dog-crap level. And this is on top of having a finicky high-difficulty playstyle that demands loads more buff management than most other classes - in other words, making it a high-skill, low-reward class, the epitome of pure suck.


They may be in an even worse position than WAR was at launch, and WAR was in a bad place back then. They're weak enough to warrant straight-up hot-fixing with some drastic buffs, because they're literally useless in any difficult content where DPS actually matters.


All of this just raises the question - why? How did this happen? Was this to prevent a NIN situation where the new class completely outclassed all others? If so, why such a huge discrepancy? It kind of defeats the whole point of class balancing if you're jumping around from one extreme to the other!


I also want to talk about Gauss Barrel/Wanderer's Minuet and how lame those skills feel to actually use, but I'll save that for later.




Now it's your turn. What have you found out about the new stuff since you started playing Heavensward?

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I have only leveled Scholar and summoner thus far but I must say...



The scholar is mostly played the same however I see it with far more versatility than it had before. We have multiple new abilities and changes of established abilities change a lot.


Lustrate - Lustrate lost its standard 25% and was replaced with a 600 potency. it plays the same however ti scales far better in dungeons and has the ability to crit. Woo! those 6k-8k heals! Still costs 0 mana, and 1 aetherflow.


Indomitably -  Like Lustrate, this is a high potency heal, however it is an AOE heal. it costs 0 mana but 1 aether flow. It has a 400 potency.


Deployment Tactics - Once used on a target, like bane, this move spreads Aldoqoiums buff and eye for an eye across all characters in range of the target. meaning you can buff the whole raid with Eye for an Eye.


Seeing as now most 'minimum dps' requirement for fights now take into account HEALERS dps, we also got a dps ability called Broil, a potency 170 ability. In cleric stance it hits around 800-900 every 2 seconds.


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I enjoy the new utility I've gotten out of the Monk skills so far. The way I saw it, Monk needed very little changed as a class, but that will probably fade once I get to 60. At the moment, at 56, I find that the Form Change is useful mostly for dungeon runs and boss fights where you chase the enemy around, and not much else, but as a tool it has a lot of mechanics-dependent usefulness and may be invaluable depending on the raid content coming out. Elixer Wave is really straightforward and has a silly CD, good AoE tool on top of being off cooldown. Now if I can just fit this kamehameha into my crossbar...


The one I just don't get is Meditation->The Forbidden Chakra. This tool is an odd one as it requires me to spend gcds channeling up to five stacks of Meditation. Once there I can unleash a ridiculous Power Geyser punch on the enemy for huge potency, but the problem is as I said; it costs a lot of gcd. How I'm supposed to work this into my form rotations is quite an interesting challenge. At the moment, I see it as a tool you really only use when the boss fight has lots of downtime and you're not hitting anything. Then hopefully the attack's big potency will make up somewhat for lost dps..

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At the moment, I see it as a tool you really only use when the boss fight has lots of downtime and you're not hitting anything.


That's about it, really. The new MNK moves were made with the complaint of "I drop GLIII and become useless in boss fights with mechanics" in mind.

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The new Paladin stuff is very interesting, and how useful it is depends on the mechanics of the next set of content.


Schiltrom (however it is spelled) is amazing, and I think really puts PLDs as the unassailable Lords of Main Tanking. A 100% block every 30 seconds is a huge deal, especially as it can be layered on top of normal cooldowns. Essentially a PLD can now take 25% off every high damage physical attack, which frees up their other cooldowns. The Mana regen is just a plus.


Shield block gives extra threat now. Not a huge deal, but a welcome one. I'd have preferred for Shield block to be less potency (say 100 or 150) but be off the global cooldown. The new Paladin options make it not worth using though, as it is neither the best option for damage or for threat.


Goring Blade and Royal Authority both combine to push PLD dps through the roof. It also gives them yet another leg up on warrior, as they can be used in any stance. Because of them though, the new shield block stuff is useless, as there is no reason to use shield swipe.


ex: 1x Shield swipe - 210 potency

3x swipe - 630


1x Fast Blade - 150

1x Savage Blade - 200

1x Royal Authority - 340

Combined - 690


The combo with Goring Blade does even more.



The new heals and barriers are very cool, but again, they depend on the new fights. I'm not convinced they'll be needed, but they do open up a lot of options.

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See i as how I was a tank before 2.4 where I switched to dps,  I gotta say DRK is what I needed to tank again. 


I should have went WAR when I first started the game but I was never too fond of axes personally. DRK was the WAR with a sword instead of a axe, so of course I got it lol.


Needless to say performance wise DRK seems in the middle,  this is of course a opinion. 


Enmity wise (WAR was expected to be strongest, obviously)




Mitigation wise (PLD is REALLY the God of this now)




Debuffing wise (skills) (DRK has a bunch of em, I especially like the Delirium animation)




Buff Wise (Attack, not mitigation)


WAR > or = DRK -> ??? PLD?


DPS wise


WAR > DRK =/> PLD due to the latter's new dps stance.


Though honestly imo from tanking 2.0 instances with a second DRK (50% of them were new to tanking) I honestly don't think DRK should be anyone's starter tank. MP & TP management throws a lot of people off (from my exp of course,  not a fact)


Other than that rp wise? I play it for the greatsword, im already a little repulsed by all the edge rp I've seen suddenly spike just because people play a class with "dark" in the name.


Anyway rant and praise over on DRK.

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DRK really needs a few more buffs.

1) Allow us to use Blood Weapon in Grit.

2) Buff Dark Dance to increase parry rate to 30/40% > 60% (making it more of a parallel to Bulwark).

3) Put Reprisal on GCD (allowing a DRK MT to keep the damage debuff 100% of the time in an ideal scenario)

4) Buff Shadow Wall to 40%, either by default or with a trait.

5) Remove Hasty Reprisal (useless if Reprisal is on GCD) and Enhanced Unmend (completely useless), and replace them with new traits, maybe a buff for Shadow Wall and, I dunno, something else.

6) Shorten Living Dead cooldown. I get it, you can get 20 seconds invincibility with it, but it requires you and your healer(s) to be in perfect syncrony.

7) Buff Sole Survivor to something like 50% HP and MP recovered. 20% seems hardly worth it.


EDIT: Also, replace Delirium's debuff with something else. No real reason to use it if you have a MNK with you.

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I've heard paladin and war went beastmode after the new abilities and buffs, while Drk is maybe comparable or worse than the previous two tanks in 2.0. In particularly the lack of synergy with the party and weirdness of blood weapon I've heard cited as problems.


Of the three classes, Astro from what I've heard from others in my raiding ls is the most competitive with others in its class, somewhat comparable to the other two healing classes and still bringing something unique to the plate in its utility.


Machinist definitely needs buffs, Dark Knight maybe a small amount. Not sure how severe it is, but I figure they want to avoid the problems with Bard this time around, and I'm glad because that was insufferable and I still kind of have a grudge against Bards for it, back in 2.0. Woe to those who picked up the class because it was the path of least resistance, and not because they legitimately enjoyed it...

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52 AST and I have to say that it's been a funky ride. The mechanics are dead simple, they really imply you do not have to rush the card system at all during fights. Any qualms? Solo dps sucks balls, it's taking forever to kill anything with a dps chocobo which does make sense because it's not a dps class buuut at the same time it's kinda annoying to make people wait 3-4 minutes while you kill 3 mobs that took them less than a minute to kill. 


Definitely going to be my main.

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DRK really needs a few more buffs.

1) Allow us to use Blood Weapon in Grit.

2) Buff Dark Dance to increase parry rate to 30/40% > 60% (making it more of a parallel to Bulwark).

3) Put Reprisal on GCD (allowing a DRK MT to keep the damage debuff 100% of the time in an ideal scenario)

4) Buff Shadow Wall to 40%, either by default or with a trait.

5) Remove Hasty Reprisal (useless if Reprisal is on GCD) and Enhanced Unmend (completely useless), and replace them with new traits, maybe a buff for Shadow Wall and, I dunno, something else.

6) Shorten Living Dead cooldown. I get it, you can get 20 seconds invincibility with it, but it requires you and your healer(s) to be in perfect syncrony.

7) Buff Sole Survivor to something like 50% HP and MP recovered. 20% seems hardly worth it.


EDIT: Also, replace Delirium's debuff with something else. No real reason to use it if you have a MNK with you.


However, DRK has the benefit of being able to tank and pull 600+ dps.


I don't.. I mean, its an amazing class. people jus havent figured out all the kinks to it.

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So Gauss Barrel/Wanderer's Minuet (including both here because their mechanics are identical).


I don't like them.


First of all, the stances alone are a sidegrade at best, a downgrade in actuality. Auto attacks constitute a significant proportion of our DPS, so taking that out makes the 20% damage buff only kind of make up for that loss. As such, they are only useful when using the stance-specific skills, and even then the inability to move while attacking can make it so that you don't actually gain any damage overall because you have to move and interrupt your own attacks doing so (though I understand that BRD's WM abilities are better than MCH's GB abilities, so maybe it's more worthwhile for them). Also, it's IMPOSSIBLE to weave off-GCD abilities in this stance. Maybe not so much of a problem for BLMs who are designed with fewer buffs as a result, but absolutely terrible for BRD and MCH who have LOADS of buffs they need to weave in.


And why, exactly, do these stances have a 3-second cast time? Because it only makes it that much harder for me to justify using these stances in actual combat.


The most glaring thing, however, is not any numerical issue, but simply the fact that using it isn't fun. If I wanted to play a BLM I'd play a bloody BLM. Forcing the playstyle onto classes that really have no business playing like a caster just makes me (and many others) quite bitter and irritated that the mobile-ranged-DPS style is apparently being phased out in favor of this stand-still-and-shoot gameplay. The worst part is that the new skills being gated behind the stance means you don't really have a choice in the matter - if you want to play optimally you're going to have to deal with it (as I fully expect either the stances themselves or their skills will receive buffs down the line), and that effectively means the death of the mobile ranged DPS play style as there is no longer any class that specializes in it.


That all being said, I'll deal with it just because I like MCH so very much thematically (that pew-pew and clickity-clack is all I need to get me going). But, gods, I hope they backpedal on this. I know what they were going for but it just makes me really uneasy for the future of both of these classes. Don't fix what ain't broken, yo!


However, DRK has the benefit of being able to tank and pull 600+ dps.


I don't.. I mean, its an amazing class. people jus havent figured out all the kinks to it.

But then again, WAR is now capable of out-DPSing other DPS classes with their new stance, and the new PLD skills put PLD's DPS through the roof.


Seems like this is their answer to the tank shortage. Make the tank classes play like tanks that also deal damage, and maybe more people will play them?

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DRK really needs a few more buffs.

1) Allow us to use Blood Weapon in Grit.

2) Buff Dark Dance to increase parry rate to 30/40% > 60% (making it more of a parallel to Bulwark).

3) Put Reprisal on GCD (allowing a DRK MT to keep the damage debuff 100% of the time in an ideal scenario)

4) Buff Shadow Wall to 40%, either by default or with a trait.

5) Remove Hasty Reprisal (useless if Reprisal is on GCD) and Enhanced Unmend (completely useless), and replace them with new traits, maybe a buff for Shadow Wall and, I dunno, something else.

6) Shorten Living Dead cooldown. I get it, you can get 20 seconds invincibility with it, but it requires you and your healer(s) to be in perfect syncrony.

7) Buff Sole Survivor to something like 50% HP and MP recovered. 20% seems hardly worth it.


EDIT: Also, replace Delirium's debuff with something else. No real reason to use it if you have a MNK with you.


However, DRK has the benefit of being able to tank and pull 600+ dps.


I don't.. I mean, its an amazing class. people jus havent figured out all the kinks to it.

DRK is meant to be a tank though. Dps shouldn't really be its saving grace.

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Been having fun with AST.


As a healer it holds its own completely fine in any stance. Its not as powerful as WHM or SCH in raw healing but it does more than enough to suffice.


The stances are very simple, they literally change two of your skills (Both of the Aspected spells) and provide little buffs (Diurnal grants Regen on aspected spells and 5% spell speed, Nocturnal grants 5% magic potency and barriers).


The real power of this class is the cards. Royal Road grants you an augment to the next card draw depending on which card you previously drew, then Royal Roaded. The augments are AoE with half potency, 50% extended duration and 150% potency.


This is good in itself but it gets even better with the skills that increase the duration of beneficial buffs from cards only. Time Dilation alone will increase all beneficial buffs by 15 seconds. You then get ANOTHER skill called Celestial Opposition which will add 5secs on top of that when used.


By the time your done using these skills you can have another card up and go nuts with it.


Speaking of cards. There are some very interesting effects. Such as reducing ability cool downs. These are the skills that are off of GCD and its INCREDIBLY good. With an augment such as 150% potency, a 30 sec cool down ability then becomes a 21 sec cool down.


There's haste, there's defense, damage, TP and MP usage reduction.


This class has a wealth of potential and I for one will be maining the crap out of it.


[EDIT] - Damage wise, AST struggles until it gets Malefic II. Its smooth sailing from there on out.


[EDIT 2] - Some info was wrong. Is now fixed.

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I haven't had an issue with threat or mitigation as DRK at the moment. I don't feel squishier than a warrior. The only thing is that the non-specific mitigation abilities-Shadow Skin and Shadow Wall--seem to have a bit high of a cooldown, but otherwise I've had no issue with it.


The issue I see with DRK at the moment is that when tanking a dungeon or some such, there's really no reliable ways to generate MP in a pinch if Blood Price is on cooldown. Syphon Strike is frustrating to try to weave into a rotation when you're also trying to keep enmity because DRK has no TP-using AoE threat abilities, and its basically only treading water to keep Darkside up.


Blood Price is absurdly useful but won't be up for every mob group, and it also depends on you taking damage. So if you hit blood price and your WHM casts Holy and stuns the mobs? You aren't getting any MP until those stuns wear off. If the mobs attack really slowly? You're not getting much MP because it matters more of how fast they attack than how hard they hit.


I've taken to using Blood Weapon into my rotation be activating Shadow Skin, deactivating Grit, then activating Blood Weapon to regenerate MP, but this is a pretty awkward sequence to go through because Shadow Skin and Blood Weapon aren't on the GCD while Grit is, for some arbitrary reason.


Living Dead is pretty lackluster though. It has the effect of Holmgang but with the cooldown of Hallowed Ground without the benefits of either, and no mitigation.


Tanking bosses though I've had no issues with so far.

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DRK really needs a few more buffs.

1) Allow us to use Blood Weapon in Grit.

2) Buff Dark Dance to increase parry rate to 30/40% > 60% (making it more of a parallel to Bulwark).

3) Put Reprisal on GCD (allowing a DRK MT to keep the damage debuff 100% of the time in an ideal scenario)

4) Buff Shadow Wall to 40%, either by default or with a trait.

5) Remove Hasty Reprisal (useless if Reprisal is on GCD) and Enhanced Unmend (completely useless), and replace them with new traits, maybe a buff for Shadow Wall and, I dunno, something else.

6) Shorten Living Dead cooldown. I get it, you can get 20 seconds invincibility with it, but it requires you and your healer(s) to be in perfect syncrony.

7) Buff Sole Survivor to something like 50% HP and MP recovered. 20% seems hardly worth it.


EDIT: Also, replace Delirium's debuff with something else. No real reason to use it if you have a MNK with you.


However, DRK has the benefit of being able to tank and pull 600+ dps.


I don't.. I mean, its an amazing class. people jus havent figured out all the kinks to it.

DRK is meant to be a tank though. Dps shouldn't really be its saving grace.

Seeing as all new raids take into account Healer and rank DPS, yes, yes it is.


And correct WAR can out dps a DRk, however, they cannot tank efficently while not in defiance stance, where as DRK can tank and deal near equal dps.

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As one who originally came back to 14 with the intention of being a DRK..So far, yes, damage wise WAR puts out the most... 


And they could increase the times on some of the mitigation, but besides that I believe the reason they gave us most of the MP regeneration and two stances was to purposefully stance dance, as they call it. Grit and the main rotation to get enough mitigation and especially with bosses where there's no way to stun them, blood price will always give us MP. We shouldn't be needlessly wasting it with darkside up on trash pulls unless we're speed running.


damage wise, once you hold enough threat and you're positive your off tank isn't using the enmity chain, you can take grit off with darkside still up, pop blood weapon and regain that MP some more.


Another good thing is that we got a buff combo similar to the WAR Inner Beast > Unchained > Zerk > threat combo where you use [on bosses] Grit > Darkside > Unmend > Hard Slash > Spinning Slash > Dark Arts > Power Slash


Good thing is no pacification for using it. Do that maybe, twice, and you should be good on threat for a bit and then take grit off to regain more MP with Darkside-Blood Weapon


Again, this is assuming you're the MT xD


But, as the link offered about the state of them, it's a difficult place, but we've time to learn and for SE to hopefully do the neccessary tweaks to put them in a better spot. 


Anyways, I'ma keep it, learn it, love it. Just like those who were warriors and people didn't really like them at all originally

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I don't have Heavensward yet, but I was concerned about what they did to NIN? I heard they were going to add a bunch of positional requirements on their moves. Is this true? If so, if we really have to juggle positional stuff along with mudras and our combos on top of it, why not just be a monk? I'm just wondering how bad it is.

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Only one other person in this thread even mentioned Machinist. I knew we were unpopular, but damn, that much? :?


At this point, I'm seriously convinced a hotfix is in order. I knew while I was leveling it that it was not doing great damage, but I thought that was just because I was missing some essential tools (a problem in and of itself for any job that doesn't start at the level cap, but still more excusable than just being straight-up underpowered). NOPE! It just sucks. Period.


They could throw like 30 potency on our three primary damage skills, maybe that would fix it. Honestly, the only thing that would work would be for them to just increase our potencies. They're too low as they are now.


I don't have Heavensward yet, but I was concerned about what they did to NIN? I heard they were going to add a bunch of positional requirements on their moves. Is this true? If so, if we really have to juggle positional stuff along with mudras and our combos on top of it, why not just be a monk? I'm just wondering how bad it is.


AFAIK they only changed Aeolian Edge to have a rear positional requirement. The rest is unchanged.

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DW Zy lol come raids a lotta DRK will drop and vanish.


Happens in every mmo I know with a new tank. Everyone grabs it but time they hit endgame they go back to dps.


Cause apparently tanking is "hard"




I dunno. I usually prefer it.


So I haven't played as any of the new jobs because, well, I can't, but I have seen plenty of them in my many, many dungeon runs over the last few days, and honestly?


I'm not sure they're very good at their jobs. Both Astrologian and Machinist seem to under-preforming in comparison to other Jobs in the same role. Machinist especially. I appreciate how little hate they seem to be generating, but at the same time, I kind of wish they'd contribute a little more, damage-wise.


I get the jobs are new and people are still working out how to use them, but on the whole, I'm not impressed with what I'm seeing.

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The massively OP buffs given to WAR make me worry just how difficult Alexander is gonna be. So far (mainly because of work) I've only gotten to a lv58 ilvl140 WAR. But, as a career WAR, here's the things I noticed.


52: Deliverance - DPS stance for WAR. Not that WARs needed the help, but now we've got it. Adds 5% dmg increase across the board.


54: Fell Cleave - WAR's new favorite toy. Consumes stacks to deal 500 potency attack. As STR WAR I'm hitting 1500 non buffed, 2500s with berserk. 4k dmg berserked with crit. The dmg on this thing is insane. And since stacks carry over between stances, WARs can now stance dance effectively and pull out damage when needed. I can only imagine how much I can juice this skill at lv60 i190.


56: Raw Intuition - At first glance this skill seems meh, but this is actually one of WAR's most OP new abilities. Possibly not working as intended??? So, for 20s all incoming attacks from the front get parried with the caveat that all incoming attacks from flank and rear have 100% chance to crit. BUT! Awareness will nullify enemy's crit chance to 0% for 15s so pop the two buffs together. ADDITIONALLY! The 100% crit chance from flank or rear also applies to incoming cures. WUT. Lemme repeat, while this buff is up, healers will crit heal WARs 100% of the time so long as the WAR isn't facing the healer.


58: Equilibrium - Another OP heal mechanic. Every 60s WARs can use this ability to either self heal while using Defiance or invigorate 200 tp using Deliverance. The self heal is 1200 potency, and likely affected by mantra and convalescence. At the gear level listed above, this healed me for 3k.


EDIT: Update! Equilibrium, like Second Wind, also appears to be affected by attack power! I've consistently been hitting 3-3.2k heals, however, when used with Berserk, Equilibrum healed me for 4.6-4.8k HP.


Update 2: Tested this about 15x with and without. Equilibrium is also affected by Attack Power! Without berserk cures shot consistently in the 3-3.3k range. While Berserked, results varied from 4.6-5k at Level 58 with 713 base attack power. 1069 attack power with Berserk. ANOTHER REASON TO GO STR FOLKS.



I haven't gotten to play with the level 60 skill yet, but it's a more potent Steel Cyclone. If the rest of the skills are any indication, it probably wrecks face. Multiple faces even. But as I said, I'm pretty low item level and not even 60 yet. I can't imagine how powerful some of these skills will be to a fully decked out i190 WAR. Also, go STR. If you weren't a believer in STR WAR before, you should be now.

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The massively OP buffs given to WAR make me worry just how difficult Alexander is gonna be. So far (mainly because of work) I've only gotten to a lv58 ilvl140 WAR. But, as a career WAR, here's the things I noticed.


52: Deliverance - DPS stance for WAR. Not that WARs needed the help, but now we've got it. Adds 5% dmg increase across the board.


54: Fell Cleave - WAR's new favorite toy. Consumes stacks to deal 500 potency attack. As STR WAR I'm hitting 1500 non buffdd, 2500s with berserk. 4k dmg berserked with crit. The dmg on this thing is insane. And since stacks carry over between stances, WARs can now stance dance effectively and pull out damage when needed. I can only imagine how much I can juice this skill at lv60 i190.


56: Raw Intuition - At first glance this skill seems meh, but this is actually one of WAR's most OP new abilities. Possibly not working as intended??? So, for 20s all incoming attacks from the front get parried with the caveat that all incoming attacks from flank and rear have 100% chance to crit. BUT! Awareness will nullify enemy's crit chance to 0% for 15s so pop the two buffs together. ADDITIONALLY! The 100% crit chance from flank or rear also applies to incoming cures. WUT. Lemme repeat, while this buff is up, healers will crit heal WARs 100% of the time so long as the WAR isn't facing the healer.


58: (forgot skill name derp) - Another OP heal mechanic. Every 60s WARs can use this ability to either self heal while using Defiance or invigorate 200 tp using Deliverance. The self heal is 1200 potency, and likely affected by mantra and convalescence. At the gear level listed above, this healed me for 3k.



I haven't gotten to play with the level 60 skill yet, but it's a more potent Steel Cyclone. If the rest of the skills are any indication, it probably wrecks face. Multiple faces even. But as I said, I'm pretty low item level and not even 60 yet. I can't imagine how powerful some of these skills will be to a fully decked out i190 WAR. Also, go STR. If you weren't a believer in STR WAR before, you should be now.

That pretty much applies for every tank now.

Or, even better, wait until we get crafted accessories and make accessories with both VIT and STR.

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Only one other person in this thread even mentioned Machinist. I knew we were unpopular, but damn, that much? :?



They can't be that unpopular; I have yet to run a dungeon without two of them.  Haven't played it myself yet (or DRK).


AST?  I don't care if it can't keep up with WHM/SCH.  It gives itself over to my patron deity, the RNG. So I must main it. It has been written in the stars. 


In desperate need of TP?  I can help with that.  Maybe. 


MP low?  Give me a second.  Wait.  Nope.  Give me thirty more seconds. 


Ohgodohgodohgodtank'sbleedingout need bole pleasepleaseplease BOLE!  GLORY TO THE RNG!

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