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Let's talk about 'dem Heavensward jobs

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Just a small reminder to everyone that the thread is being watched by mods.


Let's try to keep this a discussion and not a rant. There are other threads for that.


If anyone is starting to feel upset of frustrated, I'd recommend a short break from the thread to clear one's mind.


[[Puts away magitek mod unit]]


But in all honesty, I don't really think we're going to know anything "optimal" for a while. The new classes haven't even been out for a week and even for the existing ones, some have had some very large changes made. A parser only spits out numbers. It doesn't take into account RNG or actual gameplay for a variety of players.

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Apparently that is "working as intended" for Bard because they can give mages some MP back slowly.


My understanding of game design is that melee damage dealers should always deal more damage than ranged damage dealers based on risk vs. reward.


A melee character is going to more at risk, given how most MMORPGs heavily feature enemies that have close-range damage skills, AoE or otherwise, that force melee characters to play it safe or risk dying. In return for skillful play that risks death, they come out with dividends. FFXIV:ARR had a perfect example of this in the PGL class and MNK job: you had to occasionally take risks to keep up your most important buff, or else your damage would fall off significantly.


Contrast this with ranged characters. Typically, you have two types of ranged damage dealers: the casters/channelers, and the instant damage types. Casters and channelers are generally designed with a higher DPS ceiling, since they also incur risks. If they don't plan well ahead of time, they have to break their casts/channels, resulting in damage falloff. Ranged instant damage characters, on the other hand, are the safest damage dealers. They are typically mobile, there's never a moment in they cannot deal damage as they have no melee range requirement nor a time requirement. As such, to balance out the fact that they are constantly contributing and the skill floor is much lower, they typically deal less DPS on average.


End result: ranged having less DPS output potential than melee is always a case of "working as intended" unless a game is designed such that risk does not increase with proximity to an enemy or unless extra mobility does not make one class safer than other.



EDIT: I'm not touching Machinist with this post. If it's underpowered, it's underpowered and will eventually be addressed/fixed.

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That's all well and good, but the fact remains that BRDs and MCHs get to deal with an entirely different playstyle once they hit level 52+. It's a rather harsh and jarring transition, to be sure.


Do you feel ashamed for having chosen an at-present weaker class and a burden on your party, then? Is that the frustration?


Pretty much. That, and spending the dozens of hours needed to get it to its current level.


Well, it's not wasted, since I'll still be playing it and it will most likely get buffed pretty quick. It's just quite unpleasant, and a rather bizarre sort of oversight considering how good they've been about balance before 3.0. Of course, I am biased as I would gladly have accepted an OP class that got nerfed down the line ala NIN than the opposite.


You should take a moment to think of us poor PLDs. :c


I can't just hit 1-2-3 anymore for optimal dps and threat. WHY SQUARE.



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I sort of understand.  I loved Bard until I finally decided to get serious in early 2.0 and downloaded a parser.  I had equal or close gear ilvl and knew exactly how to DPS but I couldn't match or surpass anyone.  Apparently that is "working as intended" for Bard because they can give mages some MP back slowly.  (Which lowers their DPS even MORE) When I learned that, switched to Monk instead until NIN came out (which I wanted since 1.0 anyway).  I never felt that being able to give mages some slightly faster MP regeneration would ever make up for the lower DPS bard has, especially when MP is almost meaningless to BLM and even SCH and SMN for the most part.  But that was a long time ago, I'm probably never going back to Bard either way.  I'll wait for Ranger!


I'm a bard convert too. xD. Bard was my first class and my only DPS. But yeah pretty much the same sentiment. Even if I played perfectly I didn't feel any real since of accomplishment because the results were so so. I played a tank instead until Ninja released and then switched. Maybe I'll try bard again now that there are changes. I prefer classes that reward you for playing well even if it means the other side of the coin is they fail miserably when played poorly. The stance dancing adds an extra layer of strategy and hopefully gives enough of a DPS increase to make me fell like I'm not shooting things with nerf gun arrows.


Edit: And yeah, they should be below melee dps but I like the idea of forcing them to stay still and take a risk to get a bit more damage in.

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My understanding of game design is that melee damage dealers should always deal more damage than ranged damage dealers based on risk vs. reward.


A melee character is going to more at risk, given how most MMORPGs heavily feature enemies that have close-range damage skills, AoE or otherwise, that force melee characters to play it safe or risk dying. In return for skillful play that risks death, they come out with dividends. FFXIV:ARR had a perfect example of this in the PGL class and MNK job: you had to occasionally take risks to keep up your most important buff, or else your damage would fall off significantly.


Contrast this with ranged characters. Typically, you have two types of ranged damage dealers: the casters/channelers, and the instant damage types. Casters and channelers are generally designed with a higher DPS ceiling, since they also incur risks. If they don't plan well ahead of time, they have to break their casts/channels, resulting in damage falloff. Ranged instant damage characters, on the other hand, are the safest damage dealers. They are typically mobile, there's never a moment in they cannot deal damage as they have no melee range requirement nor a time requirement. As such, to balance out the fact that they are constantly contributing and the skill floor is much lower, they typically deal less DPS on average.


End result: ranged having less DPS output potential than melee is always a case of "working as intended" unless a game is designed such that risk does not increase with proximity to an enemy or unless extra mobility does not make one class safer than other.



What really annoys me about this sort of 'balancing' is that they can still have the end-result DPS be similar for all the different classes simply accounting for how much downtime each class is expected to have in any given encounter. Having BRD do less target dummy DPS is acceptable as long as there actually is downtime for the classes that do more DPS. I have found, however, that, in actual play, the grand majority of the time players can DPS generally unmolested, with most downtime being of the hard mechanic variety where the boss literally becomes invincible or untargetable, which affects everyone equally.


I have never seen an instance where BRD mobility actually allows them to catch up to the damage of a melee DPS class. Not once. And that just tells me they went too far. If their mobility is that much of a bonus, then there should be at least one fight where they out-damage every other class. But they never do. And that's terrible.


You should take a moment to think of us poor PLDs. :c


I can't just hit 1-2-3 anymore for optimal dps and threat. WHY SQUARE.





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I have never seen an instance where BRD mobility actually allows them to catch up to the damage of a melee DPS class. Not once. And that just tells me they went too far. If their mobility is that much of a bonus, then there should be at least one fight where they out-damage every other class. But they never do. And that's terrible.


Mobility isn't supposed to put you on par. A mobile class trades in damage for safety.


On an anecdotal note, I've had BRDs surpass me in damage during instances that either had me losing GL3 at key points in a fight or else during instances where I was not at liberty to take advantage of gains from positional bonuses. Would I catch back up again? Yes, but only once I was at liberty to do so without undue risk.



EDIT: I agree, though, in that ideally all DPS classes should have a similar damage ceiling when played optimally with a tunnel-vision focus on damage-dealing, with slight variations on which class deals more damage depending on their respective specialties.

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If the bard contributed as much damage as the melee classes, you can bet few people would bother with them. A dps who can stand anywhere, deal huge damage, aoe well, and has by far the greatest utility of any  class? Why play anything else? Note that isn't conjecture as its already happened before, thus the nerf. You just cannot be superman. If you're bothered by the class's low parse numbers, IMO your priorities are out of whack, sorry. Bard is still essential for its supportive abilities. A return to All Bard FFXIV is not something I'd welcome.

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Bard song and turret aura are their own things and should only penalize you for actively using them, not just having them at all. While you're using them, you're a 'support DPS'. When you're NOT using them, you're just straight DPS.


Mobility isn't supposed to put you on par. A mobile class trades in damage for safety.


On an anecdotal note, I've had BRDs surpass me in damage during instances that either had me losing GL3 at key points in a fight or else during instances where I was not at liberty to take advantage of gains from positional bonuses. Would I catch back up again? Yes, but only once I was at liberty to do so without undue risk.



EDIT: I agree, though, in that ideally all DPS classes should have a similar damage ceiling when played optimally with a tunnel-vision focus on damage-dealing, with slight variations on which class deals more damage depending on their respective specialties.


I mean, the only point of 'safety' is that you do less damage when you're dead. In the off chance no one ever dies and everyone is playing optimally, what do you REALLY bring to a party if you're doing 10-20% less damage than everyone else?


That being said, I guess I must eat my words because bards were already pretty damn strong even after getting "nerfed". Which, honestly, raises the question of why they felt they needed to introduce a completely different playstyle to force bards to become BLMs (and with two big skills gated behind the stance, they are being forced).


It can't be because they were brought on in most raid parties. With MCH being added, the two would become interchangeable and the slot would just become "pick a ranged support DPS", which is totally fine (assuming good balance). Trying to "fix" what wasn't broken with WM/GB just strikes me as a very strange direction to take.


I was tanking SoF yesterday and this Bard was outdpsing two nin and a drg.


Not sure if melee were shit.... or that bard REALLY knew how to play.


The melee were shit. lol.


I know that playing as a DRG the only time I get out-DPSed is when a BLM has AoE'd the crap out of the dungeon, because in that case I cannot keep up (though that's probably changed with Flare being nerfed - IIRC I managed to out-DPS a strong one during a recent post-3.0 Syrcus Tower run). Even though MNK and NIN are technically capable of doing higher damage, I rarely (re: never) run into players that skilled in duty finder runs.


Edit: This guy sums up my feelings pretty much exactly:

54 Machinist here, I'm just a hair away from hanging up my gun, for now. I really like the potential the class has, it's fun when things work, but then there's that time period between cooldowns, where you're just spamming 1 and the proc never comes...And your already poor damage becomes even shittier.

128 ilevel with a 130 gun, my highest crit in a dungeon with Clean Shot, without a cooldown up, was 1184. I've had two WHM friends confirm that their Stone 2 crits harder than that. Gotta work hard to get mediocre damage, they gotta improve the class in a huge way. It's still early access, but I really hope there's a wave of buffs in a hotfix this week, otherwise I'm gonna have to level something else. The doing-shit-damage thing really makes me feel bad for going into dungeons.


Edit #2: LOL

So I did some tests in game again as well as creating a rough spreadsheet of the first 20 seconds of an opener, and yeah, Wildfire basically does more damage without Gauss Barrel even if you cancel Gauss Barrel after the first Clean Shot. The discrepancies in the opener starting with Gauss Barrel and without were taken from 20 samples, but I guess RNG acts up. And so, it's not worth hard casting Gauss Barrel either.


Here's the spreadsheet with the math done: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cB-j_r0xrHGO99H8l5eGNau_Sx-gSRhXjEehVWpYrxU/edit?usp=sharing




): Gauss Barrel is basically useless other than for AoE pulls.


EDIT: Whoops, forgot to extend the GB openers to 20 seconds, GB is worth using only until Clean Shot after all for higher overall DPS in the first 20 seconds but not higher Wildfire damage.


Not mentioned is that every opener assumes you start the fight with 5 stacks of ammunition AND reload is on a 10s cd because you precast it. If you don't start the fight with 5 stacks of ammo GB is literally useless unless you're AoEing.


Great mechanic SE, 10/10 balancing A++

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I updated my original post as well, but wanted to post an update on the WAR lvl 58 ability, Equilibrium!


The 1200 potency self heal is affected by current Attack Power, like Second Wind. This is important because it is not written in the skill text! After several rounds of popping Equilibrium with and without Berserk, Equilibrium cast without Berserk (attack power 713) returned 3.0-3.3k HP, while Equilibrium cast with Berserk (attack power 1069) consistently returned between 4.6-5.0k HP. So... another reason to stack STR folks.



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I haven't gotten to play with the level 60 skill yet, but it's a more potent Steel Cyclone. If the rest of the skills are any indication, it probably wrecks face. Multiple faces even. But as I said, I'm pretty low item level and not even 60 yet. I can't imagine how powerful some of these skills will be to a fully decked out i190 WAR. Also, go STR. If you weren't a believer in STR WAR before, you should be now.


Dammit S-E you had ONE JOB.


Guess I have no choice.

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switching over to MCH as my main, I can already feel that MCH needs a buff. It feels slow as a dps. However, I don't expect the new classes to come in balanced with the other classes, so I expect fixes within the next couple weeks. I'm used to BRD as my main so DPS only really feels a little low for me, but I can definitely feel it.

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Really enjoying the versatility of the Astro plus the buffs. I'm a sucker for a healing type classes who do buffs. Definitely my new main healing class.

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Dark Knights deal consistent DPS, especially in the presence of a Monk and Ninja. Scourge and Low Blow are both twice as strong as Fracture and Brutal Swing. Salted Earth and Plunge are both free damage, and a Dark Arts+Souleater combo is 800 potency whenever Blood Weapon is up to fuel your MP, which is very often.


But now for the bad.


Warriors are still the grandaddy of Offtanking. Fell Cleave is delicious, and Storm's Eye is one of the best debuffs in the game, as it doesn't conflict with anything while building abandon. Even Paladins contribute a -10%STR debuff, healing, and Stoneskins. Dark Knight contributes nothing if a Monk is in the party besides (admittedly good) damage when OTing.


What Dark Knights need to even come close is Reprisal and a slight change to Dark Dance. If Dark Arts forced a Reprisal proc when Grit is off, it would go a long way to helping them contribute at a fair cost. Reprisal still has a 30s CD, so no matter how you shake it, it wouldn't replace Storm's Eye with a change like this. As for Dark Dance, a mere dodge buff makes me cry. It simply isn't worth using Dark Arts (which is a pain to recoup as MT'ing single targets such as raid bosses) to buff it. Dark Passenger is tough to use outside of giant pulls, which is no bueno; that could use a MP cost reduction. Sole Survivor is just stupid. I haven't gotten Carve and Spit, but it looks like it does 3x450 potency with a minute cooldown? That's pretty cool if that's the case. Awful otherwise, as Souleater only deals a touch less and is a part of the Syphon Blade combo, which is needed to feed Dark Arts.


I like they playstyle of DRK, though. There's tons to do besides build threat, and its a whole different ballgame when MTing vs OTing. I hope they receive the slight buffs they deserve.


Haven't made any serious looks into MCH, but I'm worried. At 50, mine pulls good numbers for my ilvl, but I'm hearing that they're terrible at higher levels. I haven't even touched AST but I hear nothing but good things.

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I updated my original post as well, but wanted to post an update on the WAR lvl 58 ability, Equilibrium!


The 1200 potency self heal is affected by current Attack Power, like Second Wind. This is important because it is not written in the skill text! After several rounds of popping Equilibrium with and without Berserk, Equilibrium cast without Berserk (attack power 713) returned 3.0-3.3k HP, while Equilibrium cast with Berserk (attack power 1069) consistently returned between 4.6-5.0k HP. So... another reason to stack STR folks.



Oh, nice. Is Clemency affected too? Because healing 1500-ish with a 3 seconds cast time would suck.

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From my experience with DRK, I'm going to say it's damn near close to borderline.


The only thing that makes it balanced is the total lack of utility when off-tanking. When it comes to main-tanking though, hoo boy, I highly doubt you'll lose aggro ever, period.

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From my experience with DRK, I'm going to say it's damn near close to borderline.


The only thing that makes it balanced is the total lack of utility when off-tanking. When it comes to main-tanking though, hoo boy, I highly doubt you'll lose aggro ever, period.

They can.


I've taken it from them as a NIN before and I've seen both PLD and WAR do it. Though PLD used provoke.

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From my experience with DRK, I'm going to say it's damn near close to borderline.


The only thing that makes it balanced is the total lack of utility when off-tanking. When it comes to main-tanking though, hoo boy, I highly doubt you'll lose aggro ever, period.

They can.


I've taken it from them as a NIN before and I've seen both PLD and WAR do it. Though PLD used provoke.

Were they using Dark Arts > Power Slash for massive enmity boost? If they didn't, of course they'd lose aggro. And Provoke doesn't count.


By the way I discovered Sole Survivor works on enemies too. That makes it far more useful than what I thought.


EDIT: Oh and Carve and Spit grants MP if used while not in Dark Arts (something like 850 MP). That means we'll probably end up using it without Dark Arts while tanking, for MP regen, and with Dark Arts while DPSing, for more damage.

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From my experience with DRK, I'm going to say it's damn near close to borderline.


The only thing that makes it balanced is the total lack of utility when off-tanking. When it comes to main-tanking though, hoo boy, I highly doubt you'll lose aggro ever, period.

They can.


I've taken it from them as a NIN before and I've seen both PLD and WAR do it. Though PLD used provoke.

Were they using Dark Arts > Power Slash for massive enmity boost? If they didn't, of course they'd lose aggro. And Provoke doesn't count.


By the way I discovered Sole Survivor works on enemies too. That makes it far more useful than what I thought.


EDIT: Oh and Carve and Spit grants MP if used while not in Dark Arts (something like 850 MP). That means we'll probably end up using it without Dark Arts while tanking, for MP regen, and with Dark Arts while DPSing, for more damage.

As a NIN I didn't take aggro when they did that combo, but the WAR did. Then again, the WAR was level synced the DRK was at cap.

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From my experience with DRK, I'm going to say it's damn near close to borderline.


The only thing that makes it balanced is the total lack of utility when off-tanking. When it comes to main-tanking though, hoo boy, I highly doubt you'll lose aggro ever, period.

They can.


I've taken it from them as a NIN before and I've seen both PLD and WAR do it. Though PLD used provoke.

Were they using Dark Arts > Power Slash for massive enmity boost? If they didn't, of course they'd lose aggro. And Provoke doesn't count.


By the way I discovered Sole Survivor works on enemies too. That makes it far more useful than what I thought.


EDIT: Oh and Carve and Spit grants MP if used while not in Dark Arts (something like 850 MP). That means we'll probably end up using it without Dark Arts while tanking, for MP regen, and with Dark Arts while DPSing, for more damage.

As a NIN I didn't take aggro when they did that combo, but the WAR did. Then again, the WAR was level synced the DRK was at cap.

Well, a WAR is a WAR. They have the best DPS out of all tanks, and their strongest combo for DPS is their enmity combo too, so that's understandable.

Oh and they can handle a few hits, so it's not really a problem if they take aggro. Maybe that's what NIN's enmity control skills are for.

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It feels like there are more fights where I have to stand away from the boss. I've been finding lots of opportunities to use Meditation and Forbidden Chakra, and I'm liking the skill a lot, especially when I get a good crit for over 2k. With Crit being the power stat now, I suspect Monk and Bard will be quite strong, more so the latter than the former, annoyingly enough. Can you tell I have a bit of a grudge? xD


Elixir Field is stupid. It's a free AoE with only 30 recast and off-cooldown. With all my stacks and buffs up, it's like another Snap Punch in boss fights and a fat AoE in pulls. A great tool even if it is synergistically strange. It feels like having Dragonfire Dive except with a teensy recast. I was confused by it at first, but since have learned not to question the kamehameha.

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I enjoy the new utility I've gotten out of the Monk skills so far. The way I saw it, Monk needed very little changed as a class, but that will probably fade once I get to 60. At the moment, at 56, I find that the Form Change is useful mostly for dungeon runs and boss fights where you chase the enemy around, and not much else, but as a tool it has a lot of mechanics-dependent usefulness and may be invaluable depending on the raid content coming out. Elixer Wave is really straightforward and has a silly CD, good AoE tool on top of being off cooldown. Now if I can just fit this kamehameha into my crossbar...


The one I just don't get is Meditation->The Forbidden Chakra. This tool is an odd one as it requires me to spend gcds channeling up to five stacks of Meditation. Once there I can unleash a ridiculous Power Geyser punch on the enemy for huge potency, but the problem is as I said; it costs a lot of gcd. How I'm supposed to work this into my form rotations is quite an interesting challenge. At the moment, I see it as a tool you really only use when the boss fight has lots of downtime and you're not hitting anything. Then hopefully the attack's big potency will make up somewhat for lost dps..

Meditate is for when you have to run away from a mechanic and can't do DPS on the boss. Charge it up while you're running and then unleash it once you're back on the boss. Tornado kick is something to dump on a target when you're in a situation when greased lightning is going to drop off anyway. So if a boss is going to make me run, I tornado kick him and then spend the timeaway from the boss charging up. When I'm back on the boss, pop cooldowns , maybe get greased lightning to three if I have the time, then let loose with the forbidden chakra!



Also! Don't forget to form change before your pull so that you can apply the dragon kick debuff (or crit boot shine if someone else already debuffed) on the get go!



Love love looooove the new abilities. Purification hasn't come in handy yet, but it willllll. Elixir field is most fun toy!

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Not sure if anyone has posted up yet on Arcanist, but to go over a few things.



Painflare 200 potency free mp aetherflow cost:1 A powerfull addition to the lackluster SMN AOE pre 50.


Tri-disaster Low cooldown all three Dots instantly. Has been really solid for when I get the spellspeed buff from my pet or other buffs kicking on. (Happy that they now added a visible buff for the spell speed from pet.)


Ruin III Amazingly powerful with a spammable attack for 120 potency. (only usable to replace Ruin and Ruin II during Dreadwyrm Trance.)


Dreadwyrm Trance 10% damage increase across the board. Use of any aetherflow move gives you a stack of a new resource. At three you can enter this stance for free. No reason not too, even if you have to refresh buffs or anything else. Takes ruin III's mp cost from 1k to 100


Deathflare a 400 potency on target AOE usable in Dreadwyrm trance. Use of it ends the trance but it's instant. My usual rotation ends my last Ruin III at about 1 second left so why not!.


(OTher minor changes, the spellspeed to dot and pet increases have been quite noticeable. Aswell as the increase to the pets damage.)




First off the change to Selene (Getting a new aoe Cleanse and her speed buff being rolled into one moved with 60 second CD and 30 duration is amazing.)


They have given a few new healing buttons.


Indomitability is a 400 potency aoe heal for aetherflow with a 30-40 second cooldown (not sure exactly) Has been used to amazing effect.


Change to luster being 600 potency with a chance to crit.


Deployment tactic: Spreads Eye for an Eye and Galvanize shield to those around the target, starting the pull with a near 4k+ shield on the whole party is niiiiiiice


Emergency tactic: Removes the shield from your next galvanize and turns it to straight healing. (not exactly sure the use as a 4k adlo with an 8k shield is 12k effective healing...so a 12k heal is the same.)


Dissipation. Not sure I like it to much. Sack your pet for a full stack of aetherflow and a 20% increase to healing for 30 seconds. you can't resummon your pet until the effect is over. (my big problem is my pet is 1800 MP which is nearly 20% of my mp bar...)


And Broil a 170 potency spam attack, I've found SCH leveling and solo PVE easier that SMN setting Selene down for buff and healing you while you spam in cleric stance has been awesome!

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First off the change to Selene (Getting a new aoe Cleanse and her speed buff being rolled into one moved with 60 second CD and 30 duration is amazing.)


They have given a few new healing buttons.


Indomitability is a 400 potency aoe heal for aetherflow with a 30-40 second cooldown (not sure exactly) Has been used to amazing effect.


Change to luster being 600 potency with a chance to crit.


Deployment tactic: Spreads Eye for an Eye and Galvanize shield to those around the target, starting the pull with a near 4k+ shield on the whole party is niiiiiiice


Emergency tactic: Removes the shield from your next galvanize and turns it to straight healing. (not exactly sure the use as a 4k adlo with an 8k shield is 12k effective healing...so a 12k heal is the same.)


Dissipation. Not sure I like it to much. Sack your pet for a full stack of aetherflow and a 20% increase to healing for 30 seconds. you can't resummon your pet until the effect is over. (my big problem is my pet is 1800 MP which is nearly 20% of my mp bar...)


And Broil a 170 potency spam attack, I've found SCH leveling and solo PVE easier that SMN setting Selene down for buff and healing you while you spam in cleric stance has been awesome!


Yeah, I've been using the new abilities quite a bit, though I haven't gotten high enough level for Dissipation yet.


Indomitability is literally an AoE Lustrate and I use it to similar effect. After a big AoE hit, I pop it to get everyone back to decent numbers and slap a Succor on them. All square.


I use Deployment Tactics as you have mentioned - it's part of my pre-pull rotation now to set the tank's Adlo Galvanize and Eye for and Eye on everyone before they run in.


Emergency Tactics I've really only used in a couple situations. On Succor when everyone's taken a hit and Indomitability/Aetherflow isn't up... and one a secondary Adlo on a low-health tank. First is for heal and the improved shield, second is to bring them back from the brink. I suppose it can also be useful as a weaker Lustrate, especially coupled with Swiftcast.


And Broil has replaced Ruin I as my spell to spam. I think I've even pulled Ruin I off my bars at this point (which will surely come back to bite me if I ever end up running level-synced stuff where I don't have access to Broil or Ruin II...). :lol:

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