111 Posted August 1, 2015 Share #1 Posted August 1, 2015 Hello Bigots and Bullies of the RP world, this thread is to post your favorite IC ways to insult other characters based on their race. Here are some of mine courtesy of R'elend Tia. Miqo'te - Kitten, Cub, Fuzzball "Listen here cub, quit your mewling before I make you" Hyur - Roundears "Now listen here roundears..." Highlander - Weakling, Cowards, Homeless, Poor, Crylander, Dogs "Aye, keep barking you refugee scum. If ye wanted a city of your own you should have fought harder, eh? Now get out of my gutter, and back to your stinking camp." Elezen - Reed, Branch, Stick, 'Noodle-limb', Elemental's Bitch "I don't need to stick legged, noodle limb, bitch of an Elemental telling me what to do" Lalafell - Popoto, Goobbue Bait, Footrest, "Oy, get back here you fat popoto" Roe - Goobbue, Ogre, Bison, Blueberry (Seawolf), Strawberry (Hellsguard) "You bedded her? That Overgrown Strawberry Colored Goobbue? Friend, you're braver than I." Link to comment
Blue Posted August 1, 2015 Share #2 Posted August 1, 2015 "Son of a Seeker" (Eorzean version of "Son of a B!tch", referring to Nuhn's role in his tribe) 1 Link to comment
Shoshopu Posted August 1, 2015 Share #3 Posted August 1, 2015 In the Harbingers of Dawn Tournament a few days ago some folks were calling Fyrilsunn a "salt dog", which I really liked. Shopu actually called his miqo'te opponent a furball, too. She might have some Opinions about miqo'te she doesn't readily share until one of them is trying to swing a sword at her favorite salt dog. (I also remember Hammersmith had a number of other great slurs to share but I don't recall them exactly, only that they had me rolling) I feel like Awyrbyrt might have a lot of racially-charged (or exoticising) descriptors for Elezen too, mostly related to antelopes or other lanky forest critters. Link to comment
Virella Posted August 1, 2015 Share #4 Posted August 1, 2015 Unbeliever, savage, barbarian, ignorant child, heretic, dragonspawn, bastard, mongrel. I fear Virella's insults are all very much Ishgardian themed. She's boring like that But I felt it was a nice addition to the thread regardless! Link to comment
111 Posted August 1, 2015 Author Share #5 Posted August 1, 2015 Unbeliever, savage, barbarian, ignorant child, heretic, dragonspawn, bastard, mongrel. I fear Virella's insults are all very much Ishgardian themed. She's boring like that Evangeline calls everyone from the three other City states 'Southerners', which isn't really an insult I suppose. Link to comment
Flashhelix Posted August 1, 2015 Share #6 Posted August 1, 2015 Black Jack's preferred names for the races are: Highlanders - Nobrows Elezen - Slicknecks Miqo'te - Mongrels Lalafell - Midgets Roegadyn - Fatties Au Ra - Scalies Link to comment
Dravus Posted August 1, 2015 Share #7 Posted August 1, 2015 Someone yelled 'Garlic' at Graeham upon learning of his heritage once. That was pretty amusing and he was too busy smirking to be offended by it. Link to comment
Klynzahr Posted August 1, 2015 Share #8 Posted August 1, 2015 Here are a few of Klyn's favorites. "Red skinned landlubbers!" (for any hellsgaurd) "Wee Finger Shrimp" (midlander or smaller) "Sack of popotoes" (refers to a plump and usually well-off Lalafell) "Son of an Elezen" / "Half-elezen bitch" (used for any full-blooded Roe who seems smaller or more timid than herself) "That Doman beastman" (a default mode of address for all Au Ra) "Starving Coerl" (mostly for elezen but also skinny midlanders) And a bonus from Ginshaw "Knife-ears" / "Fuzz-ears" / "Wooden-ears" (Elezen or Lalafell / Miquo'te/ Au Ra) Link to comment
Jana Posted August 2, 2015 Share #9 Posted August 2, 2015 Jana is much more low-key with her racism nowadays, but she still casually tosses around "popoto" or "knife-ears" for Lalafell and Elezen, respectively. She also has some lewd ones specifically for Seeker women that I shouldn't repeat in polite company. Link to comment
13uddy Posted August 2, 2015 Share #10 Posted August 2, 2015 Miqo'te - Kitten, Cub, Fuzzball "Listen here cub, quit your mewling before I make you" I now am REALLY hoping that my character will make a close Miqo'te friend to insult (you know, the way close friends do to show that they care) just so I'll have a valid reason to use "Laugh it up, fuzzball" in character. Link to comment
cuideag Posted August 2, 2015 Share #11 Posted August 2, 2015 Another vote for 'southerners'. Yellow-bellied southerners is a favorite because who doesn't love blanket statements like that? Delial sure does! Link to comment
LiadansWhisper Posted August 2, 2015 Share #12 Posted August 2, 2015 For all that Liadan has some ingrained racism towards Duskwights, Miqo'te and, um, basically non-Gridanians in general, she doesn't really have any racial slurs she uses. But some of these are amazing. Srsly. Link to comment
Marisa Posted August 2, 2015 Share #13 Posted August 2, 2015 Because of Ethys, I now make it a point to call every lalafell mage a 'popoto witch'. Additionally, an Au Ra BLM is a Lizard Wizard! Link to comment
Vysce the Lad Posted August 2, 2015 Share #14 Posted August 2, 2015 I have my midlander call miqo'te "Cats" all the time because he loves to get under their skin. I also heard an au ra refer to a miqo'te as a fuzztail which I thought was pretty funny. Link to comment
D'aito Kuji Posted August 3, 2015 Share #15 Posted August 3, 2015 Keepers: Lazy day sleeping, round eyed snaggletooths. Huyr: Round eared, hairless lemur monkeys. Roegadyn: Thick skulled oafs. Buffalo men (women). Lalafell: Untrustworthy, lying, scheming, balloon heads (or egg heads) Elzen: Insufferable, snobbish, scrawny, stick figures. Au Ra: Lizard shaped dragon poop Some of these D'aito would only think to herself or shout at a considerable distance. She's quite intimidated by the size of Au Ra males and her ignorance about them. Seekers: Neko (i.e. freaking Neko!) In my own head canon Neko is what D'aito calls Seekers who engage in eternal bonding or seek out monogamy. She sees it as a Miqo'te wanting to be like the Huyr (who presumably have a history of pair bonding). Link to comment
Caspar Posted August 3, 2015 Share #16 Posted August 3, 2015 I like "cloudbreathers." Link to comment
GloryRhodes Posted August 3, 2015 Share #17 Posted August 3, 2015 Spahro's tossed out "Illiterate Tribals" on occasion for both Keepers and seekers. "Wittle" seems to piss off Lalas a lot. "Who's a wittle man in his armor? Who's a tough wittle guy? Yes oo is." Link to comment
Sylentmana Posted August 4, 2015 Share #18 Posted August 4, 2015 I think I remember seeing somewhere that saying a Highlander's mother was a Sea Wolf is considered to be an insult worth fighting over. Link to comment
111 Posted August 4, 2015 Author Share #19 Posted August 4, 2015 I think I remember seeing somewhere that saying a Highlander's mother was a Sea Wolf is considered to be an insult worth fighting over. Your mother was a seawolf, and your father smelled of O'Ghomoro Berries! Link to comment
Kellach Woods Posted August 7, 2015 Share #20 Posted August 7, 2015 I think I remember seeing somewhere that saying a Highlander's mother was a Sea Wolf is considered to be an insult worth fighting over. It's mentioned once or twice, but there's an actual FATE in South Shroud at Buscarron's Druthers that starts off this concept, I believe. Link to comment
myahele Posted August 7, 2015 Share #21 Posted August 7, 2015 Brown nosing Lalafel pervert! Link to comment
Aya Posted August 7, 2015 Share #22 Posted August 7, 2015 I think I remember seeing somewhere that saying a Highlander's mother was a Sea Wolf is considered to be an insult worth fighting over. It's mentioned once or twice, but there's an actual FATE in South Shroud at Buscarron's Druthers that starts off this concept, I believe. Its mentioned in the wiki too! Midlanders like to joke that Highlanders are part Roegadyn. Knife-Ears is my favorite. I've only had rare occasion to use it IC, since Aya usually keeps her cool (and her facade). But it came out in a conversation when an Ishgardian friend really wanted to get into it about Ishgardian politics. Something felt really cathartic about having Aya let loose with it! Link to comment
Aaron Posted August 7, 2015 Share #23 Posted August 7, 2015 Au Ra - Alligator kin Highlander - Shark Face (seriously put a picture of a Great White Shark next to the next highland face you see) Miq'ote - Eh heh heh. . . not going to say it. >_> Lalafell - Traffic cones Link to comment
111 Posted August 7, 2015 Author Share #24 Posted August 7, 2015 Lalafell - Traffic cones I'm not sure Eorzea has those. Link to comment
Aaron Posted August 7, 2015 Share #25 Posted August 7, 2015 Lalafell - Traffic cones I'm not sure Eorzea has those. I swear I've seen em around Black Brush Link to comment
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