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[Edit] Seeking RP desperately.

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Offer for RP remains open.  :)

You're supposed to get back to me, remember?


Uh, sure.  I didn't remember? Perhaps there was a miscommunication.  I'll try to hit you up tonight after I get off work.  However, I really won't be able to RP much until maybe Wednesday night, since my work schedule this week is balls.  :|

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*checks out the title*


So. You're desperately seeking RP, and have found yourself in a bind amongst the many cliques and other RP inner circles. Maybe there's that one person you've always wanted to meet too, but never quite had the chance. Perhaps you couldn't find a reason ICly or the other party in question couldn't give you the time of day.


It's good that you're taking the initiative to find RP. I can respect that. Like Macho Man Randy Savage saying you're the "cream of the crop" respect that. However, considering the recent thread title change I can safely assume you're not selling yourself to your audience well (aka the other RPers).


So let me give you an RP to try. It will be crazy. It will be insane. You may even chastise me for suggesting such an idea on an open forum for all to see. But you're going to have to start somewhere. Advertising yourself through your emotes and dialogue is one of the best if not the best ways to put your character out there. You don't even have the follow the entire scene I'll present below! Just think of something unique with plenty of punch to captivate the crowd.


Here's the RP:

1. Go to the Quicksand.

2. Bring a vanilla cake with you.

3. Sit down at a table. If you do it during the prime time hours, you're bound to have at least 20-30 people there, waiting for something to talk about.

4. Eat that cake like you're making love in a sweet ERP scene. Get creative, show off your syntax, diction, emotion, parallelism, and all that stuff English majors go crazy for. The world is your oyster. Own it.

5. Make sure this is done in /say or /em. Doing it privately defeats the entire purpose.

6. If people don't start walking up to you after a display of epic proportions greater than the Grindstone flex-off, then you can come back to RPC and start seeking out RP connections once more. You did what you could; that's what counts. If however, you do get people engaging you ICly after such a display? Break the ice. Establish a contact. Start RPing. Make some new connections and get a fancy rumor on your wiki page.


On a more serious note though: Hit me up in-game if you want to try something.

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One of the major issues is that he's not an exile, he's not Haurchefant 2.0, or a heretic. He's a serious, law-abiding (for the most part), Ishgardian nobleman.


It's a turn off to many RPers who don't want to prove themselves ICly, because Anthony will be cold, he will be distant, and he'll even be rude to those he doesn't know.

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Have you considered that the character could have an IC epiphany that he, ICly, is lonely, and that his loneliness may stem from the challenge he presents to others in getting to know him? 


As a result of that epiphany, the character could choose to try to open himself up more to others - and in doing so, may find himself having others feel more drawn to him.


One of the serious drawbacks of playing anti-social characters (regardless of the method of anti-social behavior, such as wallflowering, professional elitism, classism, etc) is that they are notoriously unapproachable. People don't want to put the work into forcing an interaction to happen, and they don't need to do so, because in the same emote distance there's usually another character present who presents an easier opportunity. It's almost like in order to play a character with anti-social traits, one must already have a base of player friends OOCly who are willing to push their characters at the anti-social one. Lacking that, it's almost guaranteed that isolation is going to occur.


However, it's not the end of the world. As I mentioned initially in this post, the problem is very much one that the character, if he's self-aware, could recognize exists ICly and he could take IC steps to change who he is and how he behaves toward others. If it has results that he wants - e.g. he has some new friends get made from his attempts - then he'll see the fruit of his labors to change and will feel motivated to continue with that personal growth.

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Would your character be interested in interacting with a diplomat from La Noscea? If so, we may be able to indulge in some role-play! I'm not one to shy away from a 'true' Ishgardian either - in fact, it'd be pretty refreshing to see their arrogance/distrust for outsiders reflected within role-play.

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Would your character be interested in interacting with a diplomat from La Noscea? If so, we may be able to indulge in some role-play! I'm not one to shy away from a 'true' Ishgardian either - in fact, it'd be pretty refreshing to see their arrogance/distrust for outsiders reflected within role-play.

This is one meeting where Anthony would be comfortable associating with an outsider - one of two. The other, of course, is nobles of the south.


@Calli, I'm not sure. I'm just not sure he'd change like that.

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Offer for RP remains open.  :)

You're supposed to get back to me, remember?


Uh, sure.  I didn't remember? Perhaps there was a miscommunication.  I'll try to hit you up tonight after I get off work.  However, I really won't be able to RP much until maybe Wednesday night, since my work schedule this week is balls.  :|

Liadan has her char name readily available. Reaching out goes both ways. Not everyone is going to come to you.

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@Calli, I'm not sure. I'm just not sure he'd change like that.


Maybe, or maybe not. But, if you set your toaster to the highest setting, and it produces charred toast, and you say to yourself "This charred toast makes me really unhappy"... whose fault is it the next time you have charred toast, if you don't change the setting on the toaster? :)


Remember, we're the puppermasters, they're the puppets. If as his player you want him to change, he will change. All you have to do is put your creativity towards the how.

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Offer for RP remains open.  :)

You're supposed to get back to me, remember?


Uh, sure.  I didn't remember? Perhaps there was a miscommunication.  I'll try to hit you up tonight after I get off work.  However, I really won't be able to RP much until maybe Wednesday night, since my work schedule this week is balls.  :|

Liadan has her char name readily available. Reaching out goes both ways. Not everyone is going to come to you.

Excuse me, but Liadan and I have talked. I don't really enjoy your rebuking me, since we discussed a lot of uses for my RP group in game. The main issue was that she couldn't justify the expense of Halone's Spear, so she was going to talk to some friends about it and get back to me.


You don't know the full story, and I'd just appreciate you not saying stuff like that! Anyway, she and I are going to talk later anyways, so???

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Offer for RP remains open.  :)

You're supposed to get back to me, remember?


Uh, sure.  I didn't remember? Perhaps there was a miscommunication.  I'll try to hit you up tonight after I get off work.  However, I really won't be able to RP much until maybe Wednesday night, since my work schedule this week is balls.  :|

Liadan has her char name readily available. Reaching out goes both ways. Not everyone is going to come to you.

Excuse me, but Liadan and I have talked. I don't really enjoy your rebuking me, since we discussed a lot of uses for my RP group in game. The main issue was that she couldn't justify the expense of Halone's Spear, so she was going to talk to some friends about it and get back to me.


You don't know the full story, and I'd just appreciate you not saying stuff like that! Anyway, she and I are going to talk later anyways, so???

No one enjoys being rebuked, and had that been a rebuke, it would have been rather mean and impolite enough to warrant the paragraph of a reply you made.


However, not everyone knows what goes on in game, so in the context of this thread and this thread alone, you came off as expecting people to reach out to you with minimal effort from you. I'm sure I'm not the only one who took your "You were supposed to reach out to me" solely in the context of this thread and thought "Wow. Goes both ways, buddy". A public thread is not a place for 'private' discussion, that's why we have private messages. Sort of like /p or /t in-game, but that is a whole different thread that's already been beaten to death.


But if we really want to call a spade a spade, a friend of mine had interaction with you, and she says that the character you tried to sell her on and the character you represent here are two very different ones. So are you a chivalric sweetheart, or a narcissistic, bigoted asshole? I actually had to double check with her because the Anthony Valron she told me about is very different than the one I see you portraying. 


If Anthony is a xenophobic Ishgardian noble, that's fine, but people might be a little less inclined to take you seriously as a character if you're trying to get an ic romance going on in-game with a Midlander, at least, not without that shift in character Calliope was talking about.


Just something to think about.

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Welcome, welcome, and all of that jazz!

If you see "K'heyo Tia" around in your travels, feel free to pull me aside ICly or send me a /tell! I'm always happy enough to meet fellow RPers. I also run a host club Free Company, the Wild Lotus Host Club (and mercenary services). So, that's another thing that could factor into character interactions between our characters if you want an easy approach!

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You're supposed to get back to me, remember?


Uh, sure.  I didn't remember? Perhaps there was a miscommunication.  I'll try to hit you up tonight after I get off work.  However, I really won't be able to RP much until maybe Wednesday night, since my work schedule this week is balls.  :|

Liadan has her char name readily available. Reaching out goes both ways. Not everyone is going to come to you.

Excuse me, but Liadan and I have talked. I don't really enjoy your rebuking me, since we discussed a lot of uses for my RP group in game. The main issue was that she couldn't justify the expense of Halone's Spear, so she was going to talk to some friends about it and get back to me.


You don't know the full story, and I'd just appreciate you not saying stuff like that! Anyway, she and I are going to talk later anyways, so???

No one enjoys being rebuked, and had that been a rebuke, it would have been rather mean and impolite enough to warrant the paragraph of a reply you made.


However, not everyone knows what goes on in game, so in the context of this thread and this thread alone, you came off as expecting people to reach out to you with minimal effort from you. I'm sure I'm not the only one who took your "You were supposed to reach out to me" solely in the context of this thread and thought "Wow. Goes both ways, buddy". A public thread is not a place for 'private' discussion, that's why we have private messages. Sort of like /p or /t in-game, but that is a whole different thread that's already been beaten to death.


But if we really want to call a spade a spade, a friend of mine had interaction with you, and she says that the character you tried to sell her on and the character you represent here are two very different ones. So are you a chivalric sweetheart, or a narcissistic, bigoted asshole? I actually had to double check with her because the Anthony Valron she told me about is very different than the one I see you portraying. 

If Anthony is a xenophobic Ishgardian noble, that's fine, but people might be a little less inclined to take you seriously as a character if you're trying to get an ic romance going on in-game with a Midlander, at least, not without that shift in character Calliope was talking about.


Just something to think about.

FYI make sure you are not confusing IC actions with OOC actions. Bad thing to do.

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[[steps in as a mod]]


Small reminder be nice. Rule clipping followed.


1. Respect: "Be Excellent to Each Other." Please respect all fellow posters and role-players on these boards. That means no flame wars, no discrimination, no godmoding, no metagaming, no harassment, and no snarky attitudes.


Take it to PMs if it's a personal matter please.


[[steps out]]

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One of the major issues is that he's not an exile, he's not Haurchefant 2.0, or a heretic. He's a serious, law-abiding (for the most part), Ishgardian nobleman.


It's a turn off to many RPers who don't want to prove themselves ICly, because Anthony will be cold, he will be distant, and he'll even be rude to those he doesn't know.


This topic has been breached in the past by multiple people having the same issue. Roleplay is a collaborative venture, and while there's nothing inherently wrong with playing someone who's stand-offish or offensive, one also has to consider our own impact on our impromptu partners. If it's completely IC for your character to be rude to someone simply based on perceived social status, you can safely rule out majority of the playerbase from wanting to associate with you.


This attitude's come up before: You sound like you want to be engaged, but it also sounds like you're putting the entire onus of interaction on the hypothetical people you're trying to court here. In so many words, your OP doesn't say "I'm looking for people to RP with me," it says "My character will require hours of effort to be fun around, and I'm looking for investors."

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Here's the RP:

1. Go to the Quicksand.

2. Bring a vanilla cake with you.

3. Sit down at a table. If you do it during the prime time hours, you're bound to have at least 20-30 people there, waiting for something to talk about.

4. Eat that cake like you're making love in a sweet ERP scene. Get creative, show off your syntax, diction, emotion, parallelism, and all that stuff English majors go crazy for. The world is your oyster. Own it.

5. Make sure this is done in /say or /em. Doing it privately defeats the entire purpose.

6. If people don't start walking up to you after a display of epic proportions greater than the Grindstone flex-off, then you can come back to RPC and start seeking out RP connections once more. You did what you could; that's what counts. If however, you do get people engaging you ICly after such a display? Break the ice. Establish a contact. Start RPing. Make some new connections and get a fancy rumor on your wiki page.


On a more serious note though: Hit me up in-game if you want to try something.


instructions unclear dick is stuck in fan


Attempted this to the point someone could confuse it for an old M&S advert, received nothing but three tells asking if I was trying to ERP with the food and was asked to stop. I wouldn't say it's a viable method but I did get more attention that when I was RPing me waiting for someone or eating something in far less questionable way.


The ad in question (Since attempting to link it just puts up the vid anyway):


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instructions unclear dick is stuck in fan


Attempted this to the point someone could confuse it for an old M&S advert, received nothing but three tells asking if I was trying to ERP with the food and was asked to stop. I wouldn't say it's a viable method but I did get more attention that when I was RPing me waiting for someone or eating something in far less questionable way.


You forgot something.

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instructions unclear dick is stuck in fan


Attempted this to the point someone could confuse it for an old M&S advert, received nothing but three tells asking if I was trying to ERP with the food and was asked to stop. I wouldn't say it's a viable method but I did get more attention that when I was RPing me waiting for someone or eating something in far less questionable way.


You forgot something.


Due to the harassing nature of those tells, I'm not going to put logs up even if I blocked out the names. It wasn't really funny to them (it was to me tbh) and I consider it rude to post logs on them even though I'm censoring their name.

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instructions unclear dick is stuck in fan


Attempted this to the point someone could confuse it for an old M&S advert, received nothing but three tells asking if I was trying to ERP with the food and was asked to stop. I wouldn't say it's a viable method but I did get more attention that when I was RPing me waiting for someone or eating something in far less questionable way.


You forgot something.


Due to the harassing nature of those tells, I'm not going to put logs up even if I blocked out the names. It wasn't really funny to them (it was to me tbh) and I consider it rude to post logs on them even though I'm censoring their name.


You tease I can respect that.

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