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Difficult to fit in.

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I'm not sure if its just how the community is or if I'm just extremely unlucky on my hunts for roleplay but it seems to me as if you don't know people that roleplay or aren't apart of a FC its rather difficult to find a place where you can fit in and RP with other people.

I've wandered around Ishgard, Ul'dah and the other places and its been on a very rare occasion that I manage to get involved. Sometimes its even awkward just sending someone a tell, mentioning it and not getting a response etc.

What would be the best thing to do in this situation? Because I'm finding it hard to keep my drive for RPing. ;-;

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Well, might not help much, but I plan to be in Ishgard in the coming days for story RP. If I see you there or around, I'll be sure to try and include you. ^^ ...As long as you don't mind Au Ra. haha


Well, even if you didn't, might make for even more interesting RP. haha

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I believe I saw you in the Forgotten Knight. Twas PvEing at the time so it's not for a lack of seeming interesting that I didn't approach.


A couple things I always do when I spot someone that interests me is I always tab out and look for a wiki or profile or some such. Having one of these can help immensely. A good wiki can make me stop what I'm doing and send a tell going "Hey, I can't at the moment but RP. This needs to happen."


Also joining the right linkshells and speaking up in them is a great way to find RP and new people. For example, you were in the Forgotten Knight and if memory serves you character did seem Ishgardian. I would suggest joining Ishgard RP and an associated FC on that character.


Something I've noticed is lot of people in the game suffer from perpetual and significant shyness. I highly HIGHLY doubt any of it is personal. :love:

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As with any social situation, you have to be willing to face rejection in order to get interaction. Similarly, you have to be willing to try multiple things. I don't know of anyone who just fell into rp and has never had any bad experiences... all the people with regular rp had to put themselves out there at some point.


If you need some tips on how to reach out to others or make contacts for rp, ask. But, remember, it's up to you to act.

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Well I did start putting abit more effort in, since I've been on Balmung for ages but I never knew about this site and a long while back is when I was probably more active but as time passes some people do end up leaving and thats what happened to the people I know.


As for the effort part I did make a rough wiki page so far and did try writing up something in the connections, I'm not very good at writing these kinda things but I think I did alright and I'll update it when I get more time but if you do want to check it out its here Click Me! Any pointers and stuff, advice, suggestions as you've kindly given already is always welcome.


But I'd love to be involved in anything so I'll gladly take up the offer, but I do spend most of my time around Ishgard I love the place, the music and the setting theres just something about it.

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Honestly, I'd say stop trying to find 100% random, walk-up RP (at least not as your -only- source of RP). In my experience, it honestly just doesn't stick. Yes, there are people who've had success with it. Yes, there are people who have built lasting connections. But I've found that it frequently isn't from little encounters in game from time to time and without any sort of planning at all. (Experiences may vary).


What I would recommend is to look around the RPC, maybe tumblr if you've got the fortitude to sift and search through it, looking for people who are not only interesting to you, but seem to be open to meeting your character. Very likely, it's not going to hit off perfectly and with beautiful results. That would be like going to a bar, getting drunk, and then finding your soulmate. It's mathematically possible, but not likely.


At the end of the day, you do have to reach out to people. Send 'em PMs here. Or an ask on tumblr. Or a tell if it looks like they're in-game and not already occupied. Quite a few may not answer. Move on with the ones who do.

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I've given this advice countless times, anytime I see one of these threads and poke my head into it...so I'll give it once more.

All of the wiki pages, FCs, and posts on a forum won't help you unless you yourself, are willing to throw yourself into the pool ( sometimes the deep end even )

Those Rp hub areas are full of Rpers, who will sit like pigeons on a line waiting for someone to hand them a script and story. The best way to really get involved in things, is to take your character by the ankles, and wield them like a bludgeoning weapon into whatever Rp or interesting people you see hanging around.

Just be interesting..and realize what you put in will be what you get out ( most times. )

A lot of it really is being willing to put yourself out there. And a lot of these wall flower Rpers tend to be drawn in when they see the openings. I've made COUNTLESS alts, to try out different personality types...and each time I've managed to find something do. But I had to be willing to pry myself from the pillars of the Quicksand and just stroll up to people. Or just emote on your own. Sometimes that alone will help yank some Rp agro your way.

Go for it.


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Here's the ugly truth about getting into your rp groove:


it's networking.


1) You have to be in the right place at the right time for walk-up rp. That means attending events, and either having your character directly interacting with others or manipulating your surroundings to enable rp (utilizing objects, npcs, or actions that directly interact with multiple characters or encourage direct interaction -- for example I've had zhi have a coughing fit while drinking that sprayed alcohol all over someone).


2) OOC communication. No, you don't have to, but it dramatically increases your chances. This means talking to people about their characters, about plots, about their rp.


Do not talk about your rp unless asked or you're trying to figure out an opening scene/plot. Why? Because if you want to engage someone, you need to show them that you are interested in their character. Plus, people like to talk about their creations. It makes people feel good to know someone is interested.


"Hey, your character's [trait, backstory, whatever -- the more specific the better] is [positive thing]. I'd really like to rp with you sometime, would you be open to that? I can give you information about my character if you're interested"


"Hey that rp you did [specifics] was [positive thing]! I'd love to rp with you sometime if you're available!"


Keep in mind there are a good chunk of people who do have a lot of rp on their plate or are busy and have to schedule their rp -- don't be discouraged if they don't have time or it doesn't work out.


Look for: new people.

Making connections.

Recent updates in the wiki (pm the player on the rpc if you like their page)

People who say they wish they had more rp

FCs or LSs that fit your style




NOTE: not every character meshes, not every player meshes. Don't take it personally if the rp fizzles. Try again. Eventually you'll find rp partners or a rp group. I've had plenty of rejections when I've looked for rp, but I've also found some phenomenal people and had some phenomenal rp.


I have a three-shot rule with people I don't know, too. If we are trying to schedule rp and it doesn't work out, or I send them a message and they don't reply, I try two more times. After that, I move on to someone else.



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I do make the attempts of interacting with others randomly, be it walking past someone and bumping into them or such so it's not as if I'm waiting for it to come to me, I am trying to search out there but I guess its where I'm just adjusting to change of having RP and then not having it for so long.


I did the other day, do what you just mentioned I was watching a small group RP in the Forgotten Knight in Ishgard and I just PM'd one of them that I was enjoying it, watching it from the short distance IC and overhearing something which interests my character got me involved.


But I understand what you're saying and getting at and its one of those things that will get better over the course of time, I have some things to look forward to now from others by what I've read and I've cheered up abit seeing encouraging words from those who have known the situation and know how to deal with it. So fingers crossed!

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95% of Rp I find is through my FC or the people they know. But I do pop in here from time to time to try and meet new folks. You are welcome to contact me on Alexa Rose or Sayuri Kanno if you want to try and set up rp sometime. I'm on most nights EST.


FCS and LSs are the best way to find consistent rp, or attending events and trying to establish connections.


If I don't hear from you best of luck, and hope you find some great rp soon!

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I do make the attempts of interacting with others randomly, be it walking past someone and bumping into them or such so it's not as if I'm waiting for it to come to me, I am trying to search out there but I guess its where I'm just adjusting to change of having RP and then not having it for so long.


I did the other day, do what you just mentioned I was watching a small group RP in the Forgotten Knight in Ishgard and I just PM'd one of them that I was enjoying it, watching it from the short distance IC and overhearing something which interests my character got me involved.


But I understand what you're saying and getting at and its one of those things that will get better over the course of time, I have some things to look forward to now from others by what I've read and I've cheered up abit seeing encouraging words from those who have known the situation and know how to deal with it. So fingers crossed!


You also, in the course of arranging rp, need to come up with an idea of a direction for the rp to go in. IE, something that is driving your character in the moment, that is going on in the surroundings, that provides other characters with drive and reason to keep interacting with your character.


Jobs, research, mystery, interpersonal issues, spying/information gathering, needing aid/advice/mentorship, being lost, etc.


If it is aimless, random, or focused on awkward conversation, it's likely going to fail.

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I'm not sure if its just how the community is or if I'm just extremely unlucky on my hunts for roleplay but it seems to me as if you don't know people that roleplay or aren't apart of a FC its rather difficult to find a place where you can fit in and RP with other people.

I've wandered around Ishgard, Ul'dah and the other places and its been on a very rare occasion that I manage to get involved. Sometimes its even awkward just sending someone a tell, mentioning it and not getting a response etc.

What would be the best thing to do in this situation? Because I'm finding it hard to keep my drive for RPing. ;-;



There are several Adventurer FCs that don't do plots. You just have a network of people who can RP.

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Oh I have loads of ideas in my head, I know how I want my character to be portrayed but my aim is to have him develop overtime, I personally think its better to start off that way instead of having everything mapped out but have goals that kinda thing if it makes sense.

But I appreciate what everyone has I said, I really mean it <:

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Also, stick your head into people's RP houses:




I can tell you I've gotten RP from that pretty consistently because people specifically listed their houses as RP locations. I've had folks come back to their house because I messaged them to see if the location was open.


It works! Just come up with any reason! Looking for armor, weapons, clothes, food, potions, a new marlboro plushie to sleep with? Stick your head in a RP house and go asking about for it.


Hell, maybe you're drunk and you kicked in the wrong door by mistake!  Either way it's been an easy way to get RP for me when nothing else is forthcoming.

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This world needs more Femroe, and hugs from them. I endorse this a hundred percent.


As for finding RP, or finding it difficult to fit in, I agree, it can be. I have a bevy of characters from all different walks who have approached all different types and been blown off. Not even IC, as in it'd be nice even if someone said 'hey, butt out/go somewhere else' or something in character, but just ignored. One thing about open world RP is examine people and see if they have 'walks ups' in their description. Those are good places to start. If you see me in the world on A'rklonn, feel free to walk up and say something. Or do something. Maybe he looks like someone with a bounty on them. Maybe he looks rich, and you want to bum some gil. Maybe you think he's the guy that slept with your wife or your sister. (Hell, he might be, he's kind of a womanizer). Or maybe you just like his shirt and want to tell him. I try to acknowledge anyone that comes up to me unless I'm super busy or afk.


As for joining an FC, I recommend joining one to meet more people, but don't consider an FC as the be-all end-all. A lot of FCs kind of stick to themselves and don't do much in the outside world, so I recommend finding one that hosts open events open to other players and other FCs on a continual basis than one that is fully self contained, as this will find you more people to network with. Just my two gil.

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Well.. though things are in a lul at the moment I would say just keep trying.


Come join us in Hugs & Cake, which is really about supportive folk and focuses on Role-playing.

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All the ideas to join an FC are great, but there's another avenue a lot of people don't think about... events! People on the RPC hold all kinds of events; from one off festivals to weekly taverns. Take advantage of them! 


The people there are there to RP. By being at the event you have something in common with everyone else around you. You can the event as a spring board for topics to talk about. It doesn't take much to make comments about what you're seeing/hearing/experiencing, and other will likely comment in return. It's an excellent chance to strike up RP with random folks.

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Oh I have loads of ideas in my head, I know how I want my character to be portrayed but my aim is to have him develop overtime, I personally think its better to start off that way instead of having everything mapped out but have goals that kinda thing if it makes sense.

But I appreciate what everyone has I said, I really mean it <:


I meant for the immediate rp. Maybe there is a lost npc who needs to be guided. Maybe someone is looking for a job, needs some advice, whatever. Maybe someone just got cheated by a merchant.


If you just roll up with a 'hi, I'm ___, you seem interesting." and have nothing else to go on, usually not a lot happens.

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