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WoW Talk (Oh no...not this again)

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When SWG died and I faded away from TOR after a year or so, I did try WoW for a little while. I played a basic warrior to see how it all felt to me and I was a worgen. The game missed a lot of points with me on a personal level in its character creation as everyone is literally just a bulging rage freak with the proportions of a damn fridge. In fact everyone is disproportionate! The story and lore behind the series is interesting at some points, but the greatest strength of WoW is also its greatest weakness - I feel. Everyone knows about it and everyone plays it and every server is flooded. It's like plunging head first into a deep snack bowl of trail mix at a low end bar. The community, at least on Moonguard and maybe Wyrmrest Accord, isn't the greatest and more often than not I just want to back as far away from it as I possibly can.


I did like the mounts though, but I hated that we couldn't cusotmize them or that we couldn't diversify at all if we wanted high end mounts ie have the stats of one mount and the skin of another, choose sadles and all that other stuff. Seriously with some of the races those mounts are like choosing a second extension of yourself. The world certainly feels big and it does gradually evolve, but yeah. It's not gonna save it for me. Aerial mounts/combat are a cool idea.


As far as races go I'd say my favorites are - Tauren, Worgen, Orcs and Forsaken in that general order. And I loved that we could actually sit on couches, chairs and all that. Seriously why have MMORPG's moved away from dynamic environments like that?


My stay in that game was very brief, but I did enjoy it for what it was worth. Don't think I'd go back though - community is important and the char creator is pretty abysmal for WoW.

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When SWG died and I faded away from TOR after a year or so, I did try WoW for a little while. I played a basic warrior to see how it all felt to me and I was a worgen. The game missed a lot of points with me on a personal level in its character creation as everyone is literally just a bulging rage freak with the proportions of a damn fridge. In fact everyone is disproportionate! The story and lore behind the series is interesting at some points, but the greatest strength of WoW is also its greatest weakness - I feel. Everyone knows about it and everyone plays it and every server is flooded. It's like plunging head first into a deep snack bowl of trail mix at a low end bar. The community, at least on Moonguard and maybe Wyrmrest Accord, isn't the greatest and more often than not I just want to back as far away from it as I possibly can.


I did like the mounts though, but I hated that we couldn't cusotmize them or that we couldn't diversify at all if we wanted high end mounts ie have the stats of one mount and the skin of another, choose sadles and all that other stuff. Seriously with some of the races those mounts are like choosing a second extension of yourself. The world certainly feels big and it does gradually evolve, but yeah. It's not gonna save it for me. Aerial mounts/combat are a cool idea.


As far as races go I'd say my favorites are - Tauren, Worgen, Orcs and Forsaken in that general order. And I loved that we could actually sit on couches, chairs and all that. Seriously why have MMORPG's moved away from dynamic environments like that?


My stay in that game was very brief, but I did enjoy it for what it was worth. Don't think I'd go back though - community is important and the char creator is pretty abysmal for WoW.

Funny story about Community...

This is long so...making spoiler to hide it.



Back when i was playing this, i RPed in my off time from Vanilla to about BC and when Wrath came i RPed head long into it. The quality of RP started to decline slowly in Wrath due to people making their DKs out of the intended lore that you start with, even going as far as saying 'this DK is prego' when it is known that you are most likely a resurrected dead body from the start. Yet the RP was still good...


And then this is where part of my story is how i went into FF14 for RP mostly. 


Back in Cata, i recreated my character to be a Night Elf Mage. I did extensive research and made a very interesting and believable backstory for her (she was about 1k+ years old, far before first war but def after sundering), and did all i can to not make her god mod. I respected both aspects of night elves and the Arcane Magic. But i was also casually raiding in Cata. I was on Wyrmrest Accord at the time and while i was RPing, I started to get odd whispers...


"Are you a dragon?"

"You a dargon?"

"I noticed your character's name, so are you a dragon?"


It was then that my name (Yuyuko Timebender) was apparently the issue. So i swapped it for Yuyuko Leyleaf...and still i got whispers.


"Your MRP is so wrong."

"How can your character still live after *event* happened?"

"Stupid, High Elves would never take a Night Elf in." 


But that is just an example. I was getting so much hate...Big time. I did what i could to ignore this stuff but the more it happened, the less my Public RP became because of people ignoring my character advancing them politely without doing anything godmodding or rule breaking. Worse is I never did a singe thing to these people...


The Nail that was set over the coffin was the Dragonwrath staff (A legendary item from Firelands at the time) and when I finished it, i decided to use it in my RP only for cosmetic purposes. It's secondary effect i was planning to make it a spell she can use as only an illusion during flight (Much like Mediev with his raven thing) and that i can't attack nor maintain it if i get hit while like that. I was putting A LOT of effort into this idea and so on.....and then it happened.


"Wow, using Dragonwrath? Are you a dragon?"

"Why is a dragon in stormwind?"

"Quit using that staff in your RP"

"Is that the dragonwrath? Because you can't use it."


And so on...and so on...for nearly a couple days after i got it. I have video proof of the day I got the staff which let's face it was the fine day and it was just when i got it. But after it spiraled into shit after shit. People accusing me of being manipulative, people saying i am rude or mean...and it got so bad that i was finally done. 

Pardon the quality. :(



So by Mists, I hung up my wow RP, realizing that the quality of public community was complete and utter shite.


So it wasn't until some time that after i played into Mists of Pandaria, that i really wanted to RP again. By this point i had all but retired my character (despite still having some fanart and RP ideas for her :() and focused on raiding soley.


Now i was one who also got into FF14's beta (2.0) and while the first didn't get me, this beta was what made me enjoy the game...and then i stopped due to grind heavy at the start. I came back after finding these forums, looking over characters, asking for advice and getting help from people (Which the community of wow didn't do for me and had to learn it all myself) and thus i enjoyed the RP here a lot more than previous MMO or forums.


Sorry about the rambling. :(



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This is long so...making spoiler to hide it.



Back when i was playing this, i RPed in my off time from Vanilla to about BC and when Wrath came i RPed head long into it. The quality of RP started to decline slowly in Wrath due to people making their DKs out of the intended lore that you start with, even going as far as saying 'this DK is prego' when it is known that you are most likely a resurrected dead body from the start. Yet the RP was still good...


And then this is where part of my story is how i went into FF14 for RP mostly. 


Back in Cata, i recreated my character to be a Night Elf Mage. I did extensive research and made a very interesting and believable backstory for her (she was about 1k+ years old, far before first war but def after sundering), and did all i can to not make her god mod. I respected both aspects of night elves and the Arcane Magic. But i was also casually raiding in Cata. I was on Wyrmrest Accord at the time and while i was RPing, I started to get odd whispers...


"Are you a dragon?"

"You a dargon?"

"I noticed your character's name, so are you a dragon?"


It was then that my name (Yuyuko Timebender) was apparently the issue. So i swapped it for Yuyuko Leyleaf...and still i got whispers.


"Your MRP is so wrong."

"How can your character still live after *event* happened?"

"Stupid, High Elves would never take a Night Elf in." 


But that is just an example. I was getting so much hate...Big time. I did what i could to ignore this stuff but the more it happened, the less my Public RP became because of people ignoring my character advancing them politely without doing anything godmodding or rule breaking. Worse is I never did a singe thing to these people...


The Nail that was set over the coffin was the Dragonwrath staff (A legendary item from Firelands at the time) and when I finished it, i decided to use it in my RP only for cosmetic purposes. It's secondary effect i was planning to make it a spell she can use as only an illusion during flight (Much like Mediev with his raven thing) and that i can't attack nor maintain it if i get hit while like that. I was putting A LOT of effort into this idea and so on.....and then it happened.


"Wow, using Dragonwrath? Are you a dragon?"

"Why is a dragon in stormwind?"

"Quit using that staff in your RP"

"Is that the dragonwrath? Because you can't use it."


And so on...and so on...for nearly a couple days after i got it. I have video proof of the day I got the staff which let's face it was the fine day and it was just when i got it. But after it spiraled into shit after shit. People accusing me of being manipulative, people saying i am rude or mean...and it got so bad that i was finally done. 

Pardon the quality. :(



So by Mists, I hung up my wow RP, realizing that the quality of public community was complete and utter shite.


So it wasn't until some time that after i played into Mists of Pandaria, that i really wanted to RP again. By this point i had all but retired my character (despite still having some fanart and RP ideas for her :() and focused on raiding soley.


Now i was one who also got into FF14's beta (2.0) and while the first didn't get me, this beta was what made me enjoy the game...and then i stopped due to grind heavy at the start. I came back after finding these forums, looking over characters, asking for advice and getting help from people (Which the community of wow didn't do for me and had to learn it all myself) and thus i enjoyed the RP here a lot more than previous MMO or forums.


Sorry about the rambling. :(





Your story is very common sadly. I've heard almost that same story more times than I can count and it's a sad state of affairs. But funny thing about WoW is there's a way that you can tell if a player is truly rping a dragon. They tell you they are. Seriously a bunch of rpers there will scream to the heavens that they are a dragon in disguise and all this other stuff. It's kinda funny even if I wonder if they did their research on the material :P. But Im generally a good sport if it's done well or in an interesting way. I love dragons myself and the idea of being somewhat connected to them. It's why I thought the dragoon class in FF 11 was awesome because of their little dragon/wyvern pet. I'd love to play as a race or a class that also carries the dragon concept further than that though like the Drakkin race from EQ2, or a class that sort of has you drink dragon blood or partner with a dragon for power. Maybe one day.


But back to the topic of WoW - it's not worth 15 bucks an hour sadly. I really am trying to think of something positive to say about Wow that I haven't stated already, but all I can think is Goldshire *shudders*. Buuuut WoW did give me this and Im happy about this. :D


EDIT: OOO! Another positive - their beast races actually leaned more toward the beast than humanoid which I really liked and felt was a breath of fresh air. It's also why I love the charr in GW2. Mount? I AM MY OWN MOUNT! *gets on all fours and runs*



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Did you explicitly state it wasn't the Dragonwrath?


Because if not, that may have been the problem.


She was on Wyrmrest Accord.  It wouldn't have mattered.


I never had a problem on WRA personally, which is why I asked.


I've seen some weird shit, though.

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Well. Shadow priest relic I mean, legendary? I mean, what the fuck are they calling it? What ever, it's a dagger. Nope. The holy weapon looks neat. Disc weapon meh.


What else do I have. A ret paladin. Maybe? Never liked ashbringer that much.


I recently poked my head in the door and saw that I have to grind three new reputations to be able to fly in draenor. Nope. Nah. Nooooo. That game destroyed daily quests for me. After the hyjal grind I look at beast tribe dailies on this game and just shake my head and back away. (I do like the mushroom chair but was it worth it?)


All I know is, I'll be poking around for Legion to see what's what. I heard they're stealing taking some suggestions from other MMOs. Such as, wardrobe from guildwars 2, relic weapons from FF, level syncing in zones so you can level anywhere, etc etc.


I don't know what I'll do with all my free bag/bank/voidbank space.


The one thing. ONE THING I like about WoW over this game is the lack of a global cooldown. As a healer, that goddamn global cooldown just makes me want to strangle a dolphin sometimes. I log onto WoW and heal something and go holy shit what is going on I press a button and the thing happens? I still haven't gotten over it. I press my buttons while playing FF like if I press them faster the GCD will fuck off. It never does. My wrists hurt.

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This is long so...making spoiler to hide it.



Back when i was playing this, i RPed in my off time from Vanilla to about BC and when Wrath came i RPed head long into it. The quality of RP started to decline slowly in Wrath due to people making their DKs out of the intended lore that you start with, even going as far as saying 'this DK is prego' when it is known that you are most likely a resurrected dead body from the start. Yet the RP was still good...


And then this is where part of my story is how i went into FF14 for RP mostly. 


Back in Cata, i recreated my character to be a Night Elf Mage. I did extensive research and made a very interesting and believable backstory for her (she was about 1k+ years old, far before first war but def after sundering), and did all i can to not make her god mod. I respected both aspects of night elves and the Arcane Magic. But i was also casually raiding in Cata. I was on Wyrmrest Accord at the time and while i was RPing, I started to get odd whispers...


"Are you a dragon?"

"You a dargon?"

"I noticed your character's name, so are you a dragon?"


It was then that my name (Yuyuko Timebender) was apparently the issue. So i swapped it for Yuyuko Leyleaf...and still i got whispers.


"Your MRP is so wrong."

"How can your character still live after *event* happened?"

"Stupid, High Elves would never take a Night Elf in." 


But that is just an example. I was getting so much hate...Big time. I did what i could to ignore this stuff but the more it happened, the less my Public RP became because of people ignoring my character advancing them politely without doing anything godmodding or rule breaking. Worse is I never did a singe thing to these people...


The Nail that was set over the coffin was the Dragonwrath staff (A legendary item from Firelands at the time) and when I finished it, i decided to use it in my RP only for cosmetic purposes. It's secondary effect i was planning to make it a spell she can use as only an illusion during flight (Much like Mediev with his raven thing) and that i can't attack nor maintain it if i get hit while like that. I was putting A LOT of effort into this idea and so on.....and then it happened.


"Wow, using Dragonwrath? Are you a dragon?"

"Why is a dragon in stormwind?"

"Quit using that staff in your RP"

"Is that the dragonwrath? Because you can't use it."


And so on...and so on...for nearly a couple days after i got it. I have video proof of the day I got the staff which let's face it was the fine day and it was just when i got it. But after it spiraled into shit after shit. People accusing me of being manipulative, people saying i am rude or mean...and it got so bad that i was finally done. 

Pardon the quality. :(



So by Mists, I hung up my wow RP, realizing that the quality of public community was complete and utter shite.


So it wasn't until some time that after i played into Mists of Pandaria, that i really wanted to RP again. By this point i had all but retired my character (despite still having some fanart and RP ideas for her :() and focused on raiding soley.


Now i was one who also got into FF14's beta (2.0) and while the first didn't get me, this beta was what made me enjoy the game...and then i stopped due to grind heavy at the start. I came back after finding these forums, looking over characters, asking for advice and getting help from people (Which the community of wow didn't do for me and had to learn it all myself) and thus i enjoyed the RP here a lot more than previous MMO or forums.


Sorry about the rambling. :(







Your story is very common sadly. I've heard almost that same story more times than I can count and it's a sad state of affairs. But funny thing about WoW is there's a way that you can tell if a player is truly rping a dragon. They tell you they are. Seriously a bunch of rpers there will scream to the heavens that they are a dragon in disguise and all this other stuff. It's kinda funny even if I wonder if they did their research on the material :P. But Im generally a good sport if it's done well or in an interesting way. I love dragons myself and the idea of being somewhat connected to them. It's why I thought the dragoon class in FF 11 was awesome because of their little dragon/wyvern pet. I'd love to play as a race or a class that also carries the dragon concept further than that though like the Drakkin race from EQ2, or a class that sort of has you drink dragon blood or partner with a dragon for power. Maybe one day.


But back to the topic of WoW - it's not worth 15 bucks an hour sadly. I really am trying to think of something positive to say about Wow that I haven't stated already, but all I can think is Goldshire *shudders*. Buuuut WoW did give me this and Im happy about this. :D


EDIT: OOO! Another positive - their beast races actually leaned more toward the beast than humanoid which I really liked and felt was a breath of fresh air. It's also why I love the charr in GW2. Mount? I AM MY OWN MOUNT! *gets on all fours and runs*



Bro, we have dragon people. They just happen to be cursed, snobby, catholic elves and not bestial looking peeps.


Did you even Heavenswards????????

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The one thing. ONE THING I like about WoW over this game is the lack of a global cooldown. As a healer, that goddamn global cooldown just makes me want to strangle a dolphin sometimes. I log onto WoW and heal something and go holy shit what is going on I press a button and the thing happens? I still haven't gotten over it. I press my buttons while playing FF like if I press them faster the GCD will fuck off. It never does. My wrists hurt.



Having to think a few moments ahead rather than spam buttons to keep people alive can be a little inconvenient I guess.

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Look you people can slam WoW because it's "cool" to do, all you want. 


But not one of you can say FFXIV does raiding or dungeons or PvP better, Even the WoW world map felt larger because you could travel to one end to the other without a load screen.


So bash it all you want it still has a leg up on XIV in some areas (admittedly XiV has better Graphics and story.) 


On a personal level I felt WoWs races were more interesting, and better conceived than the races of XIV (Yes even the Pandaren.)


The only thing XIV does better that keep me subbed here is RP,and that's the community not the game, though TBH that's even wavering.


So before you bash the game that made a game like this possible; because the internet tells you it's cool to do. Sit down and think; WoW did a lot of stuff right, and still does. Just because you grew apart from it, (hell even I did. I can't see myself ever being Hardcore in it again.) doesn't mean you have to bash it, and make fun of those that still do enjoy it.

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The one thing. ONE THING I like about WoW over this game is the lack of a global cooldown. As a healer, that goddamn global cooldown just makes me want to strangle a dolphin sometimes. I log onto WoW and heal something and go holy shit what is going on I press a button and the thing happens? I still haven't gotten over it. I press my buttons while playing FF like if I press them faster the GCD will fuck off. It never does. My wrists hurt.



Having to think a few moments ahead rather than spam buttons to keep people alive can be a little inconvenient I guess.

An efficient player of any game that doesn't have XIV's GCD system has to think faster to play more effectively. XIV's system doesn't make you think anymore than any MMO combat system (If anything it's a safety net for people with slower motor skills.), and trying to fool yourself into thinking so is pretty ..well foolish.

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I started with WoW since ~1Month befor BC (Burning Crusade) release.

Played and loved it so much .. until Cataclysm release i quit with WoW.

I tried every new Addon that came out but played not longer then ~2month.

Now i'm not sure if i should try Legion because i'm pretty sure i'm done with WoW.

Also i begun a few days befor with FF14 and i really like it so far.

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Did you explicitly state it wasn't the Dragonwrath?


Because if not, that may have been the problem.


She was on Wyrmrest Accord.  It wouldn't have mattered.


I never had a problem on WRA personally, which is why I asked.


I've seen some weird shit, though.

No. It wasn't Dragonwrath. I had an MRP that talked about the staff in look for more detail and i figured the very big and ornate look of it would serve as a better model for it. Like it had branches on it shaped like Ram Horns, a gourd hanging off, wind chimes and so on. A gift from her master shortly before she left and before the third war started. There is nothing overpowering with the staff and much like how Arala uses the current weapons in her RP (relic weapons + shiny shield) they are merely just looks and the shield (which has been reformed after some RP) was a hand me down from her father. Again i do not reference that they are THE relics and just use them for looks. 


But i am getting off track. My time on WRA was savage...Some got off easy because well...they didn't play a Night Elf Mage early in Cata. It wasn't until that era that RP started to plummit big time. Even my cousin who got into RP in general because of me (And funny enough plays Halo a lot) can agree that the quality has spiraled down in RP.


p.s: This artwork in the spoiler WAS going to be my character at some point but when I got it commissioned i long sinced moved from RP in wow and said to make it as my character in wow now. Yep. Same person who did Arala's artwork.




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So before you bash the game that made a game like this possible; because the internet tells you it's cool to do. Sit down and think; WoW did a lot of stuff right, and still does. Just because you grew apart from it, (hell even I did. I can't see myself ever being Hardcore in it again.) doesn't mean you have to bash it, and make fun of those that still do enjoy it.

Thank you Gwen.

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Yup, definitely. I intend to try a DH in some capacity. Not sure about the race yet. I will note that I am not as attached to WoW as I used to be--it feels the development quality hasn't been the greatest since WOTLK. I didnt like much of what came after BC, but by no means is BC my favorite expac. It just seems the company cuts corners when they could develop something so much more. I'm not even trying to hate on them; thats just how I honestly feel.


I am fairly curious where the lore will eventually end up.

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Yup, definitely. I intend to try a DH in some capacity. Not sure about the race yet. I will note that I am not as attached to WoW as I used to be--it feels the development quality hasn't been the greatest since WOTLK. I didnt like much of what came after BC, but by no means is BC my favorite expac. It just seems the company cuts corners when they could develop something so much more. I'm not even trying to hate on them; thats just how I honestly feel.


I am fairly curious where the lore will eventually end up.

DH does look REALLY cool, but the changes to Guardian Druid has me most pumped, no more dodge bear, now I'm a wall of bring it! (really most of the class changes look really good so far.)

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Yup, definitely. I intend to try a DH in some capacity. Not sure about the race yet. I will note that I am not as attached to WoW as I used to be--it feels the development quality hasn't been the greatest since WOTLK. I didnt like much of what came after BC, but by no means is BC my favorite expac. It just seems the company cuts corners when they could develop something so much more. I'm not even trying to hate on them; thats just how I honestly feel.


I am fairly curious where the lore will eventually end up.

DH does look REALLY cool, but the changes to Guardian Druid has me most pumped, no more dodge bear, now I'm a wall of bring it! (really most of the class changes look really good so far.)

Guardian Druids? More like...MUTHA FUCKIN ROCK BEAR!


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Yup, definitely. I intend to try a DH in some capacity. Not sure about the race yet. I will note that I am not as attached to WoW as I used to be--it feels the development quality hasn't been the greatest since WOTLK. I didnt like much of what came after BC, but by no means is BC my favorite expac. It just seems the company cuts corners when they could develop something so much more. I'm not even trying to hate on them; thats just how I honestly feel.


I am fairly curious where the lore will eventually end up.

DH does look REALLY cool, but the changes to Guardian Druid has me most pumped, no more dodge bear, now I'm a wall of bring it! (really most of the class changes look really good so far.)

Guardian Druids? More like...MUTHA FUCKIN ROCK BEAR!


I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!  I am so never going to skin my Relic Weapon past that point!!!!

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WoW was my first MMO and I played from The Burning Crusade to mid Cataclysm, then again from mid Mists of Pandaria to start of Warlords of Draenor...

I started because of Blood Elves. LOVED them! And I was a Warlock, because I've always loved the demonic aspect of fantasy games. Being a Demon Hunter would be one of the coolest things that ever could happen!


But you know what? I stopped playing WoW for a reason. And sadly, a new cool class wouldn't be enough for me to go back to that game, even though it is THE class!


The game is just not fun to me anymore.

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The one thing. ONE THING I like about WoW over this game is the lack of a global cooldown. As a healer, that goddamn global cooldown just makes me want to strangle a dolphin sometimes. I log onto WoW and heal something and go holy shit what is going on I press a button and the thing happens? I still haven't gotten over it. I press my buttons while playing FF like if I press them faster the GCD will fuck off. It never does. My wrists hurt.



Having to think a few moments ahead rather than spam buttons to keep people alive can be a little inconvenient I guess.

An efficient player of any game that doesn't have XIV's GCD system has to think faster to play more effectively. XIV's system doesn't make you think anymore than any MMO combat system (If anything it's a safety net for people with slower motor skills.), and trying to fool yourself into thinking so is pretty ..well foolish.


How is having to avoid locking yourself out of being able to time your heals correctly a safety net? GCD isn't a safety net, it actually makes everything MORE difficult, not less.


I raid healed in WOW Wrath and XIV through Final Coil. In WOW I just had to stand in the right spots and make sure I had strong enough heals to make it, in XIV I had to plan ahead.

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On a personal level I felt WoWs races were more interesting, and better conceived than the races of XIV


Cosmetically, sure, that's a valid opinion. But in terms of writing, near half of them have been completely abandoned since inception.

Maybe they just really, really like orcs.


On a more serious note though, I know a lot of people like to hate on WoW and I thought it looked perfectly fine. Maybe it's because I haven't played it that I'm so tolerant of the things that piss people off about FFXIV. The only time I've ever been truly bored of this game was WanPal farm days.


And yeah, longer gcd only feels long if there's nothing to occupy you in the interim. Which there is. Of course, easy content doesn't demonstrate that as well as the consequences for careless gcd usage aren't severe.

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The one thing. ONE THING I like about WoW over this game is the lack of a global cooldown. As a healer, that goddamn global cooldown just makes me want to strangle a dolphin sometimes. I log onto WoW and heal something and go holy shit what is going on I press a button and the thing happens? I still haven't gotten over it. I press my buttons while playing FF like if I press them faster the GCD will fuck off. It never does. My wrists hurt.



Having to think a few moments ahead rather than spam buttons to keep people alive can be a little inconvenient I guess.

An efficient player of any game that doesn't have XIV's GCD system has to think faster to play more effectively. XIV's system doesn't make you think anymore than any MMO combat system (If anything it's a safety net for people with slower motor skills.), and trying to fool yourself into thinking so is pretty ..well foolish.


How is having to avoid locking yourself out of being able to time your heals correctly a safety net? GCD isn't a safety net, it actually makes everything MORE difficult, not less.


I raid healed in WOW Wrath and XIV through Final Coil. In WOW I just had to stand in the right spots and make sure I had strong enough heals to make it, in XIV I had to plan ahead.

Raiding in XiV is a joke sir. No competitive raiding community takes XIV raiding seriously. Heroic Raiding in WoW (Now Mythic) is far more difficult than anything this game as thrown at you, and if you really want intense skill based raiding Wildstar had the hardest raiding I've ever encountered. (Another game you can't just stand there and heal.) Just because this game forces more movement than WoW did in WotLK does not make the GCD system make the game harder, it's only because you have to move more. (even then it's laughable to say XIV raiding is harder than WoW heroic (Mythic) modes.)

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