Faye Posted October 4, 2017 Share #51 Posted October 4, 2017 There are honestly a lot of things I've learned to look for, but mainly... OOC clinginess, jealousy, possessiveness, controllingness, (passive) aggression to people around me, the need to know where I am and what I'm doing all the time, etc. Metagaming, powerplaying, godmodding, objective lore-breaking, blurring IC and OOC, typical RP taboos. Disrespecting my time with flakiness, constant retconning, guilt-tripping me for being unavailable, or demanding I drop what I'm doing and spend time with them. Always steering the RP toward sex, ignoring boundaries, inappropriate comments or questions OOC, obsession with ERP, using RP to live out some fetish, trying to fetishize my character. Purple prose, unnecessary text walls, anything else that makes the RP harder to read for no good reason. OOC constantly trash-talking other people and RP styles, sexist and racist remarks, you know, people you typically don't want to hang around. Link to comment
Evaleigh Posted October 4, 2017 Share #52 Posted October 4, 2017 I'm not going to touch on what I try to stay away from as far as RP content... I think folks have covered that pretty well. Red flags as far as partners? I've learned a few new ones over the past few years on Balmung. It's pretty much summed up into a set of personal guidelines I tend to live by before I get anyone heavily involved in my characters and plots. Never wants to RP in a group setting, ONLY does one-on-one RP. These people usually are only after self-indulgent relationship rp. It may be ERP related it may just be "waifu" related but it usually leads to people being OOCly clingly and wanting to dig their claws into me not just my avatar. People who trip this flag also tend to either get possessive and needy or don't actually care about the RP beyond surface indulgences. "Watch out for ____" folk who love to warn you about people. While on the surface it might seem like they're just looking out for your best interests if you don't know the person well already (or even if you do) these folks are usually at the center of drama. How else do they get all these stories? My experience is they often blow things out of proportion to suit their own ego as being in the "know" of who's who or they're a hair's breath away from shit-talking you the very second you do one thing they don't approve of. Double red flag if when you respond with "I prefer to come to my own conclusions" they get snarky or rude about it. "I'm an asshole" Self-proclamation means no guilt. People who claim they're jerks or assholes wanting you to disagree with them or be their friend in spite this will later hide behind their initial claim if they ever show asshole behavior later on. I might still RP with an asshole but I'll take them at face value if they make this kind of claim. 1 Link to comment
Kieron Lohengrin Posted October 5, 2017 Share #53 Posted October 5, 2017 "Watch out for ____" folk who love to warn you about people. While on the surface it might seem like they're just looking out for your best interests if you don't know the person well already (or even if you do) these folks are usually at the center of drama. How else do they get all these stories? My experience is they often blow things out of proportion to suit their own ego as being in the "know" of who's who or they're a hair's breath away from shit-talking you the very second you do one thing they don't approve of. Double red flag if when you respond with "I prefer to come to my own conclusions" they get snarky or rude about it. tumblrista culture is a hell of a drug which is funny given how you can stage and outright fake screenshots yet people still somehow fall for it Link to comment
Mermaid Posted October 5, 2017 Author Share #54 Posted October 5, 2017 Well this has certainly been something to read while attempting to raid. R.I.P. static. I didn't expect to come back to 4 pages of this. I was hopeful that it'd get to 2. I'm really glad this isn't such a sensitive topic that it can't be discussed. :thumbsup: Link to comment
Delilah Scythewood Posted October 5, 2017 Share #55 Posted October 5, 2017 "Watch out for ____" folk who love to warn you about people. While on the surface it might seem like they're just looking out for your best interests if you don't know the person well already (or even if you do) these folks are usually at the center of drama. How else do they get all these stories? My experience is they often blow things out of proportion to suit their own ego as being in the "know" of who's who or they're a hair's breath away from shit-talking you the very second you do one thing they don't approve of. Double red flag if when you respond with "I prefer to come to my own conclusions" they get snarky or rude about it. This one I'm rather 'eh' about. Just like in real life, there can be people in the RP community who have amassed less than great reputations for a reason with sources of proof such as logs, screenshots, and multiple witness testimony to back it up. Also sometimes has nothing to do with being the center of drama. Some people have just been in a community/social group/etc. long enough to see what goes on, especially if they are more on the outside looking in and are unbiased in said observations. But responding with snark or rudeness when someone wants to see things for themselves is, of course, no bueno. Link to comment
Lydia Lightfoot Posted October 5, 2017 Share #56 Posted October 5, 2017 "Watch out for ____" folk who love to warn you about people. While on the surface it might seem like they're just looking out for your best interests if you don't know the person well already (or even if you do) these folks are usually at the center of drama. How else do they get all these stories? My experience is they often blow things out of proportion to suit their own ego as being in the "know" of who's who or they're a hair's breath away from shit-talking you the very second you do one thing they don't approve of. Double red flag if when you respond with "I prefer to come to my own conclusions" they get snarky or rude about it. This one I'm rather 'eh' about. Just like in real life, there can be people in the RP community who have amassed less than great reputations for a reason with sources of proof such as logs, screenshots, and multiple witness testimony to back it up. Also sometimes has nothing to do with being the center of drama. Some people have just been in a community/social group/etc. long enough to see what goes on, especially if they are more on the outside looking in and are unbiased in said observations. But responding with snark or rudeness when someone wants to see things for themselves is, of course, no bueno. It's also very natural for us, as creatures, to caution others about situations we've been in wherein we were hurt. That applies as much to "Hey, be careful when you're near an electric stove not to just set your hand on a burner, because even if it doesn't look hot it might be hot and you could get hurt" as it does to "My friend and I had a bad experience with this other person doing X behavior toward us, and we don't want to see you be hurt in the same way, so please be careful". That said, while there are undoubtedly some genuine bad eggs out there, I think more commonly it's not really that anyone was bad per se, just that they had differing perspectives on a situation and couldn't reconcile it (whether due to incapability or unwillingness). So while it's not uncouth to provide friends with that kind of caution, you can't be malicious/hateful about the person you're cautioning them about when you do it. Just sort of a gentle "Hey, here's what happened with me, it hurt my feelings, and it never ended up getting resolved" sort of thing, rather than a trash-talking thing. Link to comment
Faye Posted October 5, 2017 Share #57 Posted October 5, 2017 Never wants to RP in a group setting, ONLY does one-on-one RP. These people usually are only after self-indulgent relationship rp. It may be ERP related it may just be "waifu" related but it usually leads to people being OOCly clingly and wanting to dig their claws into me not just my avatar. People who trip this flag also tend to either get possessive and needy or don't actually care about the RP beyond surface indulgences. This is a good one I didn't think to add! I'm immediately wary of people who only want to RP in /tells, /party, or private chats outside of the game, as most I've obliged have only been fishing for ERP (and on top of that, wanting to be secretive about it, I guess so they don't come off as too desperate or disloyal to their next target). Also not a fan of people who only want to RP one-on-one, especially the ones who run off mid-RP because they get "overwhelmed" if a single other person is around or shows up unexpectedly. "Watch out for ____" folk who love to warn you about people. While on the surface it might seem like they're just looking out for your best interests if you don't know the person well already (or even if you do) these folks are usually at the center of drama. How else do they get all these stories? My experience is they often blow things out of proportion to suit their own ego as being in the "know" of who's who or they're a hair's breath away from shit-talking you the very second you do one thing they don't approve of. Double red flag if when you respond with "I prefer to come to my own conclusions" they get snarky or rude about it. I don't mind the warnings themselves, they could have good info or at the very least be well-meaning. I also don't think it inherently has anything to do with them being involved in drama, as warnings and "PSA's" get spread around the community pretty often and the majority of the people involved in passing them along probably have little or nothing to do with the initial situation. Someone could be far divorced from the incident and still have heard about it and want to keep an eye out for their friends. But it is incredibly annoying when you just give an "Okay, thanks for the warning!" and get barraged with guilt-trips or lectures for not immediately saying "Okay I will immediately cut this person out of everything completely without even fact-checking this." Those people definitely have some sort of personal involvement, and a desire to control others, and that doesn't vibe with me. Link to comment
Yian Kutku Posted October 5, 2017 Share #58 Posted October 5, 2017 Two examples come to mind, off the top of my head. One directly involved me, the other not. The first is when someone dismisses or belittles OOC concerns. The specific case (non-FFXIV) was that someone made it their character's mission to insult and antagonize my character without my permission, or indeed knowledge that they were going to do that in the first place. This happened over the course of a month, where their character would bad-mouth mine to everyone they knew (and they were well-liked and trusted by their in-group IC, so everyone I tried to interact with approached my character with suspicion and hostility), outright refuse to associate with my character IC (while still hanging around my character loudly proclaiming how they don't want to), and generally made RPing miserable for me. I contacted them OOC that this was not where I want to be for my character, and I was feeling uncomfortable OOC with the sheer hostility my character was receiving. The answer I received was that I should "learn to separate IC and OOC", and "it's just RP, no need to take it so seriously". I ended up leaving that RP community soon afterwards. It wasn't until much, much later, that someone else who happened to be in that RP community (who wasn't involved in all this) asked me about it and learned my side of the story, before relaying the background: that person had randomly chosen my character to pick on because they wanted to start a plotline about Friendship After Rivalry, and everyone else thought that this was pre-arranged between them and me OOC, because that's what that person had assumed. So my own bewilderment at this treatment had read to them as me being a prima donna incapable of separating IC and OOC. To this day I don't know whether this misunderstanding was cleared up. I did tell that acquaintance my side of the story, but I don't know if they decided to pass it back to that RP community. To be honest, that bridge is well burned for me. TL;DR When someone says they are not comfortable with the current plotline OOC, listen to them, rather than deciding that they're a bad RPer who should suck it up. - The second instance is when someone is in the middle of a group RP session, and then takes a metaphorical huge, steaming dump on the conversation. The conversation in question was something light and inconsequential, mostly about people's backgrounds and how they felt about being in Eorzea. Just shooting the breeze, learning about each other, nothing too serious. Then someone, who had been silent until then, mentioned "with a giant smirk" that she had been orphaned at a young age when her parents were murdered in front of her eyes, spent her early life begging in Ul'dah, was raped almost daily as a child, sold herself into prostitution when she could, and had scars all over the place. I was about to join in the original conversation then, but stopped short when that dropped into my chatbox. My immediate thought was: "How the hells am I supposed to respond to that?" The conversation, which had previously been fairly brisk, devolved into one-line responses about "that's terrible" and "well, sorry to hear that". I left quickly afterwards, because I didn't want to get involved. The character might not be able to read the mood IC, but surely there's a better way to join in the RP than to kill the conversation completely. TL;DR Include OOC considerations when planning to join IC conversations. Link to comment
Kieron Lohengrin Posted October 5, 2017 Share #59 Posted October 5, 2017 The specific case (non-FFXIV) was that someone made it their character's mission to insult and antagonize my character without my permission, or indeed knowledge that they were going to do that in the first place. This happened over the course of a month, where their character would bad-mouth mine to everyone they knew (and they were well-liked and trusted by their in-group IC, so everyone I tried to interact with approached my character with suspicion and hostility), outright refuse to associate with my character IC (while still hanging around my character loudly proclaiming how they don't want to), and generally made RPing miserable for me. Someone tried to pull that shit on me way back in lord of the rings online. Nobody listened to her IC or OOC because I organized and MTed weekly teaching pug raids for casuals / RPers without a static and no one wanted to risk losing their slot. Good times Link to comment
Arashin Kujqai Posted October 5, 2017 Share #60 Posted October 5, 2017 - Creeping On Your Other RP (parking near where you're RPing with another person, not saying anything, and just lamping. This can be an especially big warning sign if they hunt you down in the open world and park nearby to watch you RP even if you didn't invite them. If you invite them or they ask to lamp? That's different) Could you elaborate a lil more on this one? I'm not sure I quite understand it fully. I often go IC and just park wherever and RP sometimes picks up around me. Sometimes I read it, but usually I'm scouting around to see potential walkups or if anyone's interested in doing the same with my character. Not trying to creep on anyone specifically , Ul'dah just has a lot of RP'ers lol. I think they mean intentionally creeping on one of their partner's one-on-one or group RPs but not participating/involved in that scene at all. I know someone who does this. It's really off-putting. People I know felt like they couldn't RP in certain locations anymore 'cause that person would always be there watching them. Oh. I don't think I've experienced that yet. Sounds almost like it could be a grey area though. I know some players who just have a habit of typing slower than the RP that's going and can't help it. Then of course people who want to OOC watch and don't ask if it's okay OOCly or anything like that(which I'm usually fine with assuming they don't intrude rudely). Going IC and not contributing while being there... I feel like they're just doing the latter of OOC watching but they marked themselves as if they're IC. Seems specific... Idk. Asking you if you have an F-list for your character. ^^^^ so much this.... Never wants to RP in a group setting, ONLY does one-on-one RP. These people usually are only after self-indulgent relationship rp. It may be ERP related it may just be "waifu" related but it usually leads to people being OOCly clingly and wanting to dig their claws into me not just my avatar. People who trip this flag also tend to either get possessive and needy or don't actually care about the RP beyond surface indulgences. This is a good one I didn't think to add! I'm immediately wary of people who only want to RP in /tells, /party, or private chats outside of the game, as most I've obliged have only been fishing for ERP (and on top of that, wanting to be secretive about it, I guess so they don't come off as too desperate or disloyal to their next target). Also not a fan of people who only want to RP one-on-one, especially the ones who run off mid-RP because they get "overwhelmed" if a single other person is around or shows up unexpectedly. To be fair, I know some people who are new to RP that do this and get overwhelmed when there's a dozen RP sessions going on nearby. Trying to keep up with their own session and etc. I'm a lil guilty of this myself once in a while when it's too crowded of an area and there's a few par-RP going on nearby. Sometimes I lose track of both my own text and my partner(s). x.x; Some people also just have anxiety that can strike randomly from things like this. But I understand the more specific "I only do RP in private" types that have a hidden agenda. Link to comment
Edvyn Posted October 5, 2017 Share #61 Posted October 5, 2017 "I'm an asshole" Self-proclamation means no guilt. People who claim they're jerks or assholes wanting you to disagree with them or be their friend in spite this will later hide behind their initial claim if they ever show asshole behavior later on. I might still RP with an asshole but I'll take them at face value if they make this kind of claim. this one really can't be emphasized enough, it's gotten more common in more recent days (though i guess it's always held an appeal) for people to loudly announce - even in ooc terms - how much of an utter prick they are, and how incredibly cool this also makes them. used to do that shit myself and worked out at some point it was a terrible, terrible brand. used to be that people made a show of how much of a brain genius they were, now we're seeing a rise in posturing of a different kind - how emotionally resilient they are, and how anyone who won't tolerate their obnoxiousness is either thin-skinned or a tumblrista/ina/whatever or, if they want to be particularly edgy, triggered (because ptsd is fucking hilarious folks) interestingly these types also get pretty indignant if you point this out in a way that doesn't sound as cool as they wanted their shit behaviour to be perceived. people wanna shock, offend, annoy, whatever but a lot of the time they're just totally fucking boring and people around them haven't got the patience to put up with someone who has the outlook and demeanour of a youtube pundit who has nothing new to say under the sun wow that post was longer than i expected, back into my hidey hole 2 Link to comment
Firefly Posted October 5, 2017 Share #62 Posted October 5, 2017 Agreed on that. I remember that, back in the dark days of AOL, players would have entire narrative comment strings acting as a separate, quasi-OOC conversation in emotes mostly about gossiping and insulting other characters. It was ridiculous then and ridiculous now. Jesus H. Christ, yes. That kind of thing was the most infuriating writing to read -- nevermind it being insanely petty or rude, most of the time the people who did this made zero effort in masking their passive aggression in wit or irony, so it wasn't even entertaining. Link to comment
Kieron Lohengrin Posted October 5, 2017 Share #63 Posted October 5, 2017 To be fair, I know some people who are new to RP that do this and get overwhelmed when there's a dozen RP sessions going on nearby. Trying to keep up with their own session and etc. That's what chat filters and tabs are for, and why it's best to rp out in the world, away from bars Link to comment
Arashin Kujqai Posted October 5, 2017 Share #64 Posted October 5, 2017 To be fair, I know some people who are new to RP that do this and get overwhelmed when there's a dozen RP sessions going on nearby. Trying to keep up with their own session and etc. That's what chat filters and tabs are for, and why it's best to rp out in the world, away from bars Can't separate say chat from say chat though . I agree however, that world RP is more fun imo anyways, but when I do happen to RP at bars.... it occasionally can get overwhelming depending on how active/busy it is. Not really anyone's fault, just one of those things some people and myself may be unable to adapt to well enough at times. Link to comment
ExAtomos Posted October 5, 2017 Share #65 Posted October 5, 2017 To be fair, I know some people who are new to RP that do this and get overwhelmed when there's a dozen RP sessions going on nearby. Trying to keep up with their own session and etc. That's what chat filters and tabs are for, and why it's best to rp out in the world, away from bars Can't separate say chat from say chat though . I agree however, that world RP is more fun imo anyways, but when I do happen to RP at bars.... it occasionally can get overwhelming depending on how active/busy it is. Not really anyone's fault, just one of those things some people and myself may be unable to adapt to well enough at times. No, but you can move your group into party chat instead. It helps lots. Link to comment
Koro Dotharl Posted October 5, 2017 Share #66 Posted October 5, 2017 People that are constantly involved in random drama - Even when they can be right and make good points, their contribution to every big or little argument/feud going on makes me question their motives and levels of toxicity. Community celebrities - It's not true for all popular posters but throughout all the communities I've been into across a few years of RP, I definitely noticed that the bigger names have bigger chances to develop a huge ego. I avoid them unless I find evidence that they are actually nice. Use of RP tags in the search info - I know that this is a little specific but I noticed that people that sports those 'M/[insert length post reference here]/whatever' can really struggle with committing to specific RP partners and completely forget or ignore promises they made to you because they jump from random to random so much they just forget about you in the mix. Not always true, of course and maybe I've simply been unlucky. Still my experience. 1 Link to comment
ExAtomos Posted October 5, 2017 Share #67 Posted October 5, 2017 Use of RP tags in the search info - I know that this is a little specific but I noticed that people that sports those 'M/[insert length post reference here]/whatever' can really struggle with committing to specific RP partners and completely forget or ignore promises they made to you because they jump from random to random so much they just forget about you in the mix. Not always true, of course and maybe I've simply been unlucky. Still my experience. I'm really curious about this one. Are you saying that people who have RP info in their search info tend to be flaky? O_o Link to comment
Koro Dotharl Posted October 5, 2017 Share #68 Posted October 5, 2017 Use of RP tags in the search info - I know that this is a little specific but I noticed that people that sports those 'M/[insert length post reference here]/whatever' can really struggle with committing to specific RP partners and completely forget or ignore promises they made to you because they jump from random to random so much they just forget about you in the mix. Not always true, of course and maybe I've simply been unlucky. Still my experience. I'm really curious about this one. Are you saying that people who have RP info in their search info tend to be flaky? O_o That's been my experience so far. Perhaps it's unrelated but I began to associate it with people that don't commit too much. I did had a few regulars with them of course but I tend to get dropped by tagged people way more often than those that aren't. I can't exactly explain the science behind it as I'd like to know, myself. Maybe they just have too many people to keep track of. The tags are meant to interact with as many randos as possible, after all. Link to comment
Erah'sae Posted October 5, 2017 Share #69 Posted October 5, 2017 Oh my red flags... where do I start..... 1.) Not using all of the letters. If people are talking in shorthand like we're on pagers in the 90's. I left that decade behind a long time ago. I can't stand it. It is all I can do to not be vitriolic about the habits and walk away. 2.) More OOC chat than IC chat. - I'm an immersive RPer, I tend to ignore OOC almost all together when I'm really able to get IC. If someone between lines is discussing the latest youtube video or how awseome other event in public channels while RPing, I'll probably pass from anything serious. I don't mind slow typing, but waiting 10 minutes because someone won't actually pay attention... no. 3.) More OOC chat than IC chat. - Round 2. Someone who wants to discuss the potential outcomes of everything OOCly or wants to chat OOCly along side RP. When I RP I want to forget myself, and let the character go, if we're discussing everything OOC between lines of IC text, you're going to get more me than the characters. That sets off my self-metagaming flag and I won't enjoy it. I want to have my character be able to say the wrong things, make mistakes, be blatantly wrong and the like. 4.) Drama mongers. Nuff said. On one of the earlier topics, folks that leave mid RP, or only do small scene things. Sadly, that's me for the most part. In big crowds, I have about 30 minutes before the chat scroll starts inducing major headaches. My fiancee can't either. It's a bit saddening but It might have something to do with getting older, but we just can't swing the chat spam like we used to. Filtering the chat down to party doesn't really help because I feel horrible about missing people trying to interact with me in /say or what not. It also makes me twitch since I'm of a school that anything I say ICly should be audible and able to be acted upon by those that would be able to hear it, especially if I'm not expecting them to. Also, sometimes the discord bot is exploding (or people are exploding about the bot) and I have to take care of it. (Or the six year old decides to defy bedtime, I'm not sure which requires more mid-RP work than the other...) Link to comment
Erah'sae Posted October 5, 2017 Share #70 Posted October 5, 2017 A few other things.... a.) Anyone who tries to, ICly or OOCly dissuade other people from playing with your character by being offensive or otherwise constantly making them uncomfortable. Esp if they do this OOCly. b.) If someone keeps trying to pull you away from group events or trying to make some RP more important than your pre-planned RP with others. This is a warning sign and fits in with a. c.) Anyone who pushing boundaries despite being asked OOCly not to, especially OOC boundaries. d.) People who, when the night is wrapping up, always have something else important that needs to be addressed in private ICly, or always has some new drama that they "need to talk to someone about". Often times they have to get the last moments of your time before you log out, and keep you around or make you commit to private rp when you get back using you having to leave as something to hold over your head. Link to comment
Dravus Posted October 5, 2017 Share #71 Posted October 5, 2017 - A lack of willingness to actually commit to anything. It's so weird that many role-players love to talk about potential plots and character interactions but never actually commit to them. - An obsession with romance and/or erotic role-play at the cost of anything else. This is particularly irritating when those involved only ever seem to commit to something if it serves to advance their relationship arc. - Individuals in positions of leadership who claim to be open to constructive criticism yet grow cold and distant even when a reasonable issue is brought to their doorstep. - Individuals who act like because someone is pleasant to them that individual could never do something unpleasant to somebody else. - A lack of willingness to actually talk any potential issues out in a calm and civil manner before they fester. I've seen trivial problems become dire due to such idiocy. - Individuals who get online and then immediately rant about real life issues. It's fine from time to time but when it's every single day it just comes across as an attempt to fish for sympathy; plus a lot of people have issues but choose not to reveal them at the first opportunity. - Individuals who only seem interested in role-play if it involves their character being in a prominent position, particularly during events. It took me a while to realise that such was the case with a few former friends. Tying in with that, role-players who only seem to treat other people's characters as convenient props to be used and thrown away at will. - Individuals who seem very quick to retcon major aspects of their character or background, especially if it's on a whim and not in response to some new lore being revealed that may work better with what they had planned. Link to comment
Arashin Kujqai Posted October 5, 2017 Share #72 Posted October 5, 2017 To be fair, I know some people who are new to RP that do this and get overwhelmed when there's a dozen RP sessions going on nearby. Trying to keep up with their own session and etc. That's what chat filters and tabs are for, and why it's best to rp out in the world, away from bars Can't separate say chat from say chat though . I agree however, that world RP is more fun imo anyways, but when I do happen to RP at bars.... it occasionally can get overwhelming depending on how active/busy it is. Not really anyone's fault, just one of those things some people and myself may be unable to adapt to well enough at times. No, but you can move your group into party chat instead. It helps lots. But then that both can kill the immersive quality and make you look like you're lamping. Also kinda ruins the fun idea of a walkup happening when someone doesn't realize you're in RP with another player... It depends really who of the session get this anxious feeling. I personally enjoy RP'ing with someone in /s and someone walks up overhearing conversation or something. Tend to have more fun that way since it applies some form of realism that you can be heard aloud. Link to comment
Faye Posted October 5, 2017 Share #73 Posted October 5, 2017 To be fair, I know some people who are new to RP that do this and get overwhelmed when there's a dozen RP sessions going on nearby. Trying to keep up with their own session and etc. I'm a lil guilty of this myself once in a while when it's too crowded of an area and there's a few par-RP going on nearby. Sometimes I lose track of both my own text and my partner(s). x.x; Some people also just have anxiety that can strike randomly from things like this. But I understand the more specific "I only do RP in private" types that have a hidden agenda. I don't think that's the same thing as Person A having a single friend show up to join or watch the RP and Person B suddenly running off out of "fear," hence why I specified as much. Even as someone with anxiety, the very least you can do is message the person you're RPing to let them know you're leaving and why (and I'm not counting a crytyping "I wwas sso scared!!" ten minutes later when you ask them why they ran off without saying a word lol). Link to comment
Faye Posted October 5, 2017 Share #74 Posted October 5, 2017 Use of RP tags in the search info - I know that this is a little specific but I noticed that people that sports those 'M/[insert length post reference here]/whatever' can really struggle with committing to specific RP partners and completely forget or ignore promises they made to you because they jump from random to random so much they just forget about you in the mix. Not always true, of course and maybe I've simply been unlucky. Still my experience. I'm really curious about this one. Are you saying that people who have RP info in their search info tend to be flaky? O_o That's been my experience so far. Perhaps it's unrelated but I began to associate it with people that don't commit too much. I did had a few regulars with them of course but I tend to get dropped by tagged people way more often than those that aren't. I can't exactly explain the science behind it as I'd like to know, myself. Maybe they just have too many people to keep track of. The tags are meant to interact with as many randos as possible, after all. That... sounds like coincidental correlation rather than any sort of causation or direct relationship there? If anything, I'd say most RPers are flaky and most RPers have RP tags in their search info so... of course the two are going to align. Or that has been my experience, at any rate. Link to comment
Arashin Kujqai Posted October 5, 2017 Share #75 Posted October 5, 2017 To be fair, I know some people who are new to RP that do this and get overwhelmed when there's a dozen RP sessions going on nearby. Trying to keep up with their own session and etc. I'm a lil guilty of this myself once in a while when it's too crowded of an area and there's a few par-RP going on nearby. Sometimes I lose track of both my own text and my partner(s). x.x; Some people also just have anxiety that can strike randomly from things like this. But I understand the more specific "I only do RP in private" types that have a hidden agenda. I don't think that's the same thing as Person A having a single friend show up to join or watch the RP and Person B suddenly running off out of "fear," hence why I specified as much. Even as someone with anxiety, the very least you can do is message the person you're RPing to let them know you're leaving and why (and I'm not counting a crytyping "I wwas sso scared!!" ten minutes later when you ask them why they ran off without saying a word lol). Well yeah definitely that's more specific. I knew someone back on Siren that used to get panic attacks mid-RP and couldn't type or anything because she got too overwhelmed though. So I just give the benefit of the doubt now. I get whatcha mean though. Link to comment
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