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Balmung is closed once again


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This doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is everyone either in shock or complaining about it. 

It's been open for plenty of time now, you've had ample time to do whatever it is you needed to do.


Who was under the illusion that it was to be unlocked forever? I certainly wasn't.

I'm surprised it was kept open even for that long.

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And this is why we have sister-rp servers now, for the sheer New York size that is Balmung. Someone needs to yell, "Go west young man!" and point once more over at the fact that there is still smaller options available with thriving, living communities. So-- here we go again! Into the brrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnkkkk!!! *falls off a cliff*

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3 hours ago, Seye Qhesu said:

Not just bots but plenty of people just making characters on the server to troll others. It has been pretty insane lately.


Really?  That's sad to hear. There's plenty fun things to do in game that doesn't require ruining other people's fun. Hopefully the insanity dies down soon.

Edited by Tregarde
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28 minutes ago, Moya'to Inyanga said:

Ìs it true that you can't make alts even if you already have characters there?


Correct. Unlike other MMOs, creating a character in FFXIV will always first check if new characters can be created on that world, regardless of if you have existing ones.

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