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"Ugh I need to update my character's Wiki"

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I realized Keil's and Effie's are still nigh empty pages...then Kurt is in need of a lot of touch ups. Ramen's not yet updated and there is still a boat load I'm rewriting for Nah...



And here I am sitting down and twiddling my thumbs at the overwhelming task.


Welcome to the exact same boat I'm in on Seno, Yuuna, Garon, and Ghost. Hell, Ghost doesn't even have a page yet.


Let's make a pact. I should be out of work early in the next hour or so. I go home and work on mine, you work on one of yours?

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I realized Keil's and Effie's are still nigh empty pages...then Kurt is in need of a lot of touch ups. Ramen's not yet updated and there is still a boat load I'm rewriting for Nah...



And here I am sitting down and twiddling my thumbs at the overwhelming task.


Welcome to the exact same boat I'm in on Seno, Yuuna, Garon, and Ghost. Hell, Ghost doesn't even have a page yet.


Let's make a pact. I should be out of work early in the next hour or so. I go home and work on mine, you work on one of yours?


Alrighty then, let's do it, I should probably get to work on Keil/Kihl since he'll become just a character who comes out by request mainly cuz Eska (working Au Ra name) will be his place holder. He's not dead he just has a placeholder. 


...After I farm my eyes out in AK HM ;u;

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I realized Keil's and Effie's are still nigh empty pages...then Kurt is in need of a lot of touch ups. Ramen's not yet updated and there is still a boat load I'm rewriting for Nah...



And here I am sitting down and twiddling my thumbs at the overwhelming task.


Welcome to the exact same boat I'm in on Seno, Yuuna, Garon, and Ghost. Hell, Ghost doesn't even have a page yet.


Let's make a pact. I should be out of work early in the next hour or so. I go home and work on mine, you work on one of yours?


Alrighty then, let's do it, I should probably get to work on Keil/Kihl since he'll become just a character who comes out by request mainly cuz Eska (working Au Ra name) will be his place holder. He's not dead he just has a placeholder. 


...After I farm my eyes out in AK HM ;u;


I'm going to be delayed (as I'm sure you've noticed); the fucking overnight boss won't let me leave even though the job I'm here to do is finished.

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Aarons wiki needs touching up and updating. My roommate took over Aleria and her wiki so im not worried bout that.


Yet here I am. Just sitting here talking about I need to do it and probably won't do it today lol


I actually need to get around fixing up Ramona's to include you and Aleria...



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Just totally updated mine, there is no excuse for all of you! GET TO IT!


*begins chasing people in the thread around with a whip*


FITE ME. :: puts up fisticuffs ::


That said... This is the story of my life... I keep looking at it, especially because there are people that I need to take off of the wiki or move to different places, and I'm just like... this is so much work. @_@ WHY IS IT SO MUCH WORK.


I'm lazy. xD

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I'm actually working on one... and now I remember why I never did one T_T


I put the coding in exactly from another persons page and it's freaking out. But it's an exact copy! So I'm working around it.  I hate coding.


Link us! Maybe someone can help~


I actually hate a lot of html coding so I went with a really simplified but nicely organized setup if I can pat myself on the back for that one >.>;

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The events of last night have necessitated an update to Chachan's wiki, which was in need of some updating anyway. I feel like I was overly vague about the events between the last update and this one... but I also don't want to go too heavily into the details of the events since he was mainly a participant and not a focus on them.


I dunno. I might go back and fiddle with it some more, as I am wont to do with anything I write. I think the most important Chachan matters got touched on, though...

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I filled in Seno's appearance and personality. Does that count for fulfilling our bargain, Ramomo?


Oh god I haven't even done anything on mine..ughh..I guess I could just slap on Leanne, Jancis and Floria on Kurt's as associates and call that a day.

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Anyone want to update my character wiki for me?


I can pay you in beer.


What kinda updates?


Not gonna lie, leaving that open-ended makes me want to just mspaint up a roe picture and collect my case of beer.


Photoshop a dog's head onto a blueberry, post to wiki, collect beer.

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Anyone want to update my character wiki for me?


I can pay you in beer.


What kinda updates?


Not gonna lie, leaving that open-ended makes me want to just mspaint up a roe picture and collect my case of beer.


Photoshop a dog's head onto a blueberry, post to wiki, collect beer.


The more effort you put into it, the better beer you get. You MS paint me a Roe, you get a 6 pack of Milwaukee's Best. Bad photoshop gets you a skunked Corona Light and an overripe lime. You make the effort to go above and beyond, I will brew you a special batch of my own house cider.

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I'm actually working on one... and now I remember why I never did one T_T


I put the coding in exactly from another persons page and it's freaking out. But it's an exact copy! So I'm working around it. I hate coding.


Maybe this will help you hun : http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.7.7.html

Copy / paste your wiki in a new page. In the taskbar, make sure that "wrap" option is toggled.

In language menu, select HTML. If you want to save your wiki, select html as language as well.

It will NOT correct your code but it will color it and make it easier to find where to actually write or not (black text = content). If you click on some code it will highlight its beginning and its end which will help you to detect and thus to correct the errors.


Here is how it will look like :



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One thing you can do if wiki coding seems daunting is to use one of the simple, non-HTML templates (Deidre's, FreelanceWizard's, or Simple page) to start. Wiki markup is a lot less complex than HTML, and the basic controls (bold, underline, bullets, etc.) are available in the editor.


If you want to do some fancy HTML, and you're on a PC, grab a copy of Visual Studio Express; these have HTML editors with autocomplete and syntax validation. There's also Visual Studio Code, which is cross-platform, but I haven't played with it yet so I don't know how solid it is. I wouldn't recommend something like Dreamweaver, because the HTML it generates might cause MediaWiki to throw a fit.

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One thing you can do if wiki coding seems daunting is to use one of the simple, non-HTML templates (Deidre's, FreelanceWizard's, or Simple page) to start. Wiki markup is a lot less complex than HTML, and the basic controls (bold, underline, bullets, etc.) are available in the editor.


If you want to do some fancy HTML, and you're on a PC, grab a copy of Visual Studio Express; these have HTML editors with autocomplete and syntax validation. There's also Visual Studio Code, which is cross-platform, but I haven't played with it yet so I don't know how solid it is. I wouldn't recommend something like Dreamweaver, because the HTML it generates might cause MediaWiki to throw a fit.


Ah while you're around, maybe you might be able to help me with this one :) ?

I changed my template not long ago and we noticed that all the people using the said template (Carina Lir, P'azih Tia, D'lyhhia Lhuil, etc.) don't appear in the characters list. I don't manage to find where we messed up so it happened, maybe you can tell us what we did wrong ?

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I am a few years past overdue on updating my wiki. But seeing as I finally seem to be getting back into regular RP, I think I should probably take some time to add everything that's happened after 1.0. Because that's the last time I gave it any real update. So if I ever get around to it, its going to be a bit of a time investment.


I never did understand the wiki code, I just used the editor. I'm not sure if that's acceptable or if it makes it bad, but I did the best I could.

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