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"Ugh I need to update my character's Wiki"

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Now that I think about it, it's not just my empty assed wikis that need updating but slotting rumours into other people's wikis too. 


The work is stacking up one on top of the other. 


And here I am still twiddling my thumbs.

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I filled in Seno's appearance and personality. Does that count for fulfilling our bargain, Ramomo?


I placed a lot of 'Under Renovation', 'Subject to Ongoing Change' and 'WORK IN PROGRESS' across Kurt, Nah and Ramen...that counts right? RIGHT?!

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I suppose I could add a rumors section to my wiki. But all I have for it is a few NPC rumors I made up myself for Manari. I don't think anyone around knows Manari anymore, and Manari has been a forest hermit so long that she doesn't know anyone around any more either.

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Ah while you're around, maybe you might be able to help me with this one :) ?

I changed my template not long ago and we noticed that all the people using the said template (Carina Lir, P'azih Tia, D'lyhhia Lhuil, etc.) don't appear in the characters list. I don't manage to find where we messed up so it happened, maybe you can tell us what we did wrong ?


Ah, that's because that template doesn't use the Infobox template, which automagically sticks categories onto your page. If you don't use the Infobox, you'll need to manually add the category links to the end of your page for each category in which your character should appear. Typically, that's Category:Character, Category:Player Character, a category for your citizenship, a category for your race, and a category for your clan. For example, if you were a Limsan Seeker of the Sun, and you didn't use the Infobox, you would need to add the text below to the bottom of your page to end up in the right categories:


[[Category:Player Character]]
[[Category:Limsa Lominsan]]
[[Category:Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun]]


The Infobox handles all those categories for you automagically based on your entries. For those interested in advanced wiki templating, you can see how that works by looking at Template:Citizenship-switch.

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Thanks guys! I'm not doing anything overly complicated, I'm using Bancroft's template (With Ilwe'ran's relationship system since I liked his more complex one). Eventually I'd like to flip over to Ilwe'ran's template permanently (So pretty O.o) but I'm a Wikinoob so that's definitely later. Funnily enough. the new relationship symbols went in just fine, but the Gallery section doesn't snap back to the middle, it just hangs over to the right under the Relationship section... and I did nothing to it.


I'm still working on it though xD. Hopefully I'll have it up by the end of the week.

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Thanks guys! I'm not doing anything overly complicated, I'm using Bancroft's template (With Ilwe'ran's relationship system since I liked his more complex one). Eventually I'd like to flip over to Ilwe'ran's template permanently (So pretty O.o) but I'm a Wikinoob so that's definitely later. Funnily enough. the new relationship symbols went in just fine, but the Gallery section doesn't snap back to the middle, it just hangs over to the right under the Relationship section... and I did nothing to it.


I'm still working on it though xD. Hopefully I'll have it up by the end of the week.


If you like Hutarin's template, go on the relationships part of my wiki and click on Carina Lir. She has the same and the code is more clean as less informations and I placed a lot of comments in it to help her modify it herself (it appears in green on notepad++)


[Edit] I didn't find your wiki, can you link it so I can have a look and correct it ?


Ah while you're around, maybe you might be able to help me with this one :) ?

I changed my template not long ago and we noticed that all the people using the said template (Carina Lir, P'azih Tia, D'lyhhia Lhuil, etc.) don't appear in the characters list. I don't manage to find where we messed up so it happened, maybe you can tell us what we did wrong ?


Ah, that's because that template doesn't use the Infobox template, which automagically sticks categories onto your page. If you don't use the Infobox, you'll need to manually add the category links to the end of your page for each category in which your character should appear. Typically, that's Category:Character, Category:Player Character, a category for your citizenship, a category for your race, and a category for your clan. For example, if you were a Limsan Seeker of the Sun, and you didn't use the Infobox, you would need to add the text below to the bottom of your page to end up in the right categories:


[[Category:Player Character]]
[[Category:Limsa Lominsan]]
[[Category:Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun]]


The Infobox handles all those categories for you automagically based on your entries. For those interested in advanced wiki templating, you can see how that works by looking at Template:Citizenship-switch.


thank you i_i !

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I placed a lot of 'Under Renovation', 'Subject to Ongoing Change' and 'WORK IN PROGRESS' across Kurt, Nah and Ramen...that counts right? RIGHT?!


Valid to me. I'll see maybe about doing some more work to somebody tonight. That screenshot I put on Chao's page last night doesn't count.

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  • 2 months later...

*Quiet sobbing* I finally did it. I finally updated Berrod's Wiki. All I need to do now is update the picture when I get home and it'll be golden.


*wild loud wailing*


I can't imagine the amount of strength and will that this required. You, sir, are a god among men.


Meanwhile, I still have to update my wiki for every. single. character. UUUUUUUGH

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*Quiet sobbing* I finally did it. I finally updated Berrod's Wiki. All I need to do now is update the picture when I get home and it'll be golden.


*wild loud wailing*


I can't imagine the amount of strength and will that this required. You, sir, are a god among men.


Meanwhile, I still have to update my wiki for every. single. character. UUUUUUUGH

Urgh. I've been meaning to make ones for Caden and Nasam but HRRRRGGGHHHHNOOOO too much work. They'll get random tumblr things instead. 


With Berrod's it's easy because all I do is add/change a sentence or two to each section. The hardest part is the lovers/friends/acquaintances section because I have to write blurbs for each new person who goes on. 



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*looks around aimlessly* ...if anyone ever needs help with making a wiki, please bother me. I like helping lol


Can you just write up a wiki for Brynn please? :D


(creating a brand new wiki for alts is haaaaaaaard)

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*looks around aimlessly* ...if anyone ever needs help with making a wiki, please bother me. I like helping lol


Can you just write up a wiki for Brynn please? :D


(creating a brand new wiki for alts is haaaaaaaard)


...you'd still have to feed text blurbs, but I could implement a template of choice if you wanna make a Brynn wiki

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