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Pixel Art ._. / Commissions (CLOSED)


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AHHHHHHH! AHH!!!!! !!@ERFGNm,vblllllllllllll...........


I know.. right? If you need anything, crystal meditation, rock petting, or just tree hugging and mystic snow angle crafting.


If you have a problem...

if no one else can help... 

and if you can find her... 

maybe you can hire... 

the Crazy Witch!



PS she works for hugs!

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[align=center]I offer a 16-bit sprite to anybody who will claim the giveaway after this message ♥ ![/align]


What are the rules :

- I will announce that I giveaway some pixel art, the first who claim the prize in the topic after my message will win it.

- No private message ! Answer directly in the topic !!!

- You can only win once but participating as much as you want as long as you didn't win before.

- I will offer the giveaways at different hours as we are all living in different timezones (it would be unfair to have only some people able to participate and win something, right ?).

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A generous (lalafell) donator contacted me and offered to pay some sprites so more people would get their small gift fot Christmas. So we'll change a bit the rule for the last (moderatly) big giveaway.


Prizes :

- 4 x 16-bits pixel art.

- 1 x chibi (with weapon & small animation).


What are the rules :

- You will have up to the 25 december midnight my time (24 december 6PM EST) to post a message here clearly saying that you want to participate to the giveaway.

- No private message ! Answer directly in the topic !!!

- Those who won before cannot participate.

- I will announce the five winners around the 1st january. The chibi will be placed in waiting list and I'll work on it as an usual commission.


So thank you to the generous Lala ♥ and I wish you luck to all !

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