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Here's something to ponder about!


Does your character have enemies? Lots or just a few? Is your character prone to making enemies? And how does your character look at their enemies? And... would you character ever consider killing their enemies? Oh, and I'm talking about PCs. But you can consider NPCs as well. 


Anything else you might want to add is all good too. 


Let me start with Eleni. Currently, Eleni does not have anyone she can particularly call an enemy. Don't think she's prone to making enemies either, but of course, that depends on what other characters think of her. However, if she did have enemies, she would be very hostile towards them. And, much unexpected of her, she would try to kill them if the circumstances called for it, and she won't hesitate in doing so either.


There you go. Now, your turn. :moogle:

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Adeya has one (an NPC), though it's more of a "I never want to see or speak to you again" deal than an "actively plotting revenge" one. As far as making them, well I'd say she's more prone to making rivals than anything else, though the possibility is there (especially since she is the type to hold a grudge for a very long time). I certainly wouldn't mind it; conflict can be fun. :)


As to whether she would try to kill any of them, it mainly depends on the circumstances and why they became enemies in the first place, but potentially yes.

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I don't think Chachan outright hates anyone quite yet. He's too much of a dorky good boy for that sort of thing. He gets upset at folks like Evangeline and Koporo, but using "hate" seems like too harsh of a word to use. The closest I can think of an "enemy" in his mind is Mahana Mana, the Lalafell who mocked both his heritage and what happened to the Domans in general. She's quite the jerk.


As for people who consider him an enemy? Again, the closest would be Mahana, but she gave off the feeling that Chachan was beneath her and not worth her time. More of a nuisance than an enemy. So, unless Koporo's grumpiness about Gran turns sinister or something bad happens between him and Aiden, I think the little Lalafell is without enemies?

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I don't think Chachan outright hates anyone quite yet. He's too much of a dorky good boy for that sort of thing. He gets upset at folks like Evangeline and Koporo, but using "hate" seems like too harsh of a word to use. The closest I can think of an "enemy" in his mind is Mahana Mana, the Lalafell who mocked both his heritage and what happened to the Domans in general. She's quite the jerk.


As for people who consider him an enemy? Again, the closest would be Mahana, but she gave off the feeling that Chachan was beneath her and not worth her time. More of a nuisance than an enemy. So, unless Koporo's grumpiness about Gran turns sinister or something bad happens between him and Aiden, I think the little Lalafell is without enemies?

Kage would totes get in a tustle for Chachan in Gran's defense. Even if he doesn't know them.


Cause adorbs!

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Verad has exactly one enemy in the sense of somebody bearing a personal grudge against him: Jeresu Resu, the debt-trader he drove out of Ul'dah in the Case of the Ransacked Rug. There's also the two specific Blades who beat him half to death, but they don't hold anything like a real enmity beyond enjoying hurting people in general.


His other enemies are more abstract - poverty, corruption in the Blades, and prejudicial attitudes towards dubious goods being the biggest threats.

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Askier converted.


Adonis dead.


Jin'li dead.


Taeros still a PAIN IN MY CHARACTER'S ASS (and vice-versa, you fop, let's see how you like it).


Delial still... Delial. But less Delial. Better Delial, so good Delial. Which is bad Delial? I don't even know anymore, mang.


Banurein still an enigma waiting just over the horizon.


Zhavi is like a bug that no one's gotten around to squashing yet.


Nero still frustratingly straddling the anti-hero/antagonist terminator relative to my character.


Just about everyone on Osric's personal linkshell is at least passive-aggressive towards him. But then, if I start getting into everyone who's miffed at him, this post would be several pages long.

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Roen believed Natalie would be her enemy... "next time they met." But then she died.


Crimson Mountain was an enemy/tormentor. He's dead now too.


Delial Grimsong was once considered an enemy, but before that a friend. Now... allies?


Jameson Taeros would be considered an enemy, as well as Raelisanne Banurein. I do not know that Roen would have the guts to kill them though.


Roen also opposes the Monetarists who she believes represents the corruption in Ul'dah.

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Crofte-senpai notice me p-please...


When your entire line of work requires that you remain impartial, it is hard to classify poo slingers as true enemies of the state.


*Grabs Crofte's foot*


I-I can try harder! Don't go!

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He has too many. It's hard to type in such a short setting.


It'll take him a week. *sagenod*

Kage is one of them.


Yeah, this guy. And not because he just blue-balled the whole thread.


Too bad Edda can't kill him, since her body is made of wet spaghetti.


...there's two? I guess?




If we're speaking in terms of groups of people, Franz is probably as an enemy of both Garlemald and Eorzea. Yay.


If we're thinking of indidual people the he'd be the enemy of or he would consider an enemy, that's a little harder. Especially given the fact he actually -likes- being around his "enemies".


Kage - probably not so much an enemy these days as disappointment. Back in the good ol' days though, Kage was seen as an enemy (And Osric too!) and he would have likely tried to kill them. ...but it was more fun being mean to Kage. He gave up on the killing part.


Natalie Mcbeef - almost an enemy? He'd have called them enemies on their first meeting. Then things were calm. But when she started going beyond what her authority was, she hovered very close on the "possible enemy" list. 


Raelisanne Banurein - A supposed "necessary enemy" I guess? The woman herself probably isn't viewed as an enemy so much as the people she worked with. Due ot super secret spoilers, no more will be said.


Edda Eglantine - Nope. Not an enemy. Well, aside from that one time she threw an ink bottle at him and stained his tabbard, then threw a gemscope at him and hit him in the eye. Then she was an enemy for a little while. All that really came from it was him being grumpy for a while.


Miette - A special enemy. She reminds him of how crazy he used to be. 


There are likely countless other enemies Franz has made by simply tryign to survive, whether because he is Garlean, or because he was also a mercenary that would take any job for a period of time. Wouldn't be surprised if someone came up to him and blamed him for something. If they could prove he was the man in a suit of armor or behind a very red mask, he might even acknowledge what was done.


Lastly, while it sounds cliched, Franz is an enemy to himself. Or rather, the person he was could end up being a threat to the person he is now. Memory problems are hard. ...what if he isn't really himself after he remembers everything? The thought of losing himself, even if returning to normal is terrifying.

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