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The Vent Tent - Poor PuGs and Other Terrible Tales


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While everyone else was burning through the new 2.55 content/story, guess who was up real early saving the entirety of the 1.0 Lore Forums before they got taken down.


Only then to realize after the shutdown... that SE decided to keep their forum archive. They just shut down the rest of the lodestone features. So newspapers, GC info, old good stuff. Guess I'll have to sift through gamerescape now to find all that stuff.


On the bright side... I have the entire 1.0 lore forums on file now?


celebration time

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The new story trial. 






We did EVERYTHING RIGHT and he STILL lacked 30% health in the end. 


*sits down and waits for a nerf* 


It sucks because for once I really want to progress the story. Im so curious. AAAAAAAAAGH.

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The new story trial. 






We did EVERYTHING RIGHT and he STILL lacked 30% health in the end. 


*sits down and waits for a nerf* 


It sucks because for once I really want to progress the story. Im so curious. AAAAAAAAAGH.


Well, that bodes well for when I get home and try to do it.


I will have to rely on my murdertank and my murderscholar to push through, I suppose.

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The new story trial. 






We did EVERYTHING RIGHT and he STILL lacked 30% health in the end. 


*sits down and waits for a nerf* 


It sucks because for once I really want to progress the story. Im so curious. AAAAAAAAAGH.


The funny thing is that I managed to get it on second try because people realised that you needed to aim the dragonkiller properly. 


Cannons the adds.


Anyone not on cannons dps the boss. 


When heading towards a tower, one dps moves to top. 


When dragon is in Line of Sight for the dragonkiller, on the tower, aim at the body.


Ensue snares. 


Dps more. 


Rinse and repeat. 



If done properly you won't hit the last barrier.

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The new story trial. 






We did EVERYTHING RIGHT and he STILL lacked 30% health in the end. 


*sits down and waits for a nerf* 


It sucks because for once I really want to progress the story. Im so curious. AAAAAAAAAGH.


The funny thing is that I managed to get it on second try because people realised that you needed to aim the dragonkiller properly. 


Cannons the adds.


Anyone not on cannons dps the boss. 


When heading towards a tower, one dps moves to top. 


When dragon is in Line of Sight for the dragonkiller, on the tower, aim at the body.


Ensue snares. 


Dps more. 


Rinse and repeat. 



If done properly you won't hit the last barrier.


The way we did it was that we had the dragon walk over the orange spot and someone would shout fire, upon when the person in the tower would push the lever. But it only knocked 10% health off per time it hit - How exactly do you go about aiming it?

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I found the trial great fun, even did it another 5 times for other folk because I enjoyed it that much. 


You just have to understand that the faster you get rid of the adds with the cannons, the faster you can all dps the boss. It's literally the most fundamental of trials and is seriously key for the run to be successful. I know I make it sound so easy, but co-ordination is key. 


Also it's the uncommon time (outside of all the trials/raids I'm not fond of them in dungeons please don't hurt me) that a summoner is by far the most useful class in there due to the DoT management especially if they're only on snare duty. For summoners, please use Ifrit and not Garuda unless you like spamming place over and over and over. 


The way we did it was that we had the dragon walk over the orange spot and someone would shout fire, upon when the person in the tower would push the lever. But it only knocked 10% health off per time it hit - How exactly do you go about aiming it?


From what I've seen from being at the tower, you need to play the waiting game to "aim" as you just said. You need to wait until the front legs are leaving the circle or are close to the outside to get the definite hit. Too easy and it's a miss, too late (and by that I mean reaaaally late) and you'll miss. There's a big window for firing, so the system is very generous.

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The way we did it was that we had the dragon walk over the orange spot and someone would shout fire, upon when the person in the tower would push the lever. But it only knocked 10% health off per time it hit - How exactly do you go about aiming it?


From what I've seen from being at the tower, you need to play the waiting game to "aim" as you just said. You need to wait until the front legs are leaving the circle or are close to the outside to get the definite hit. Too easy and it's a miss, too late (and by that I mean reaaaally late) and you'll miss. There's a big window for firing, so the system is very generous.

For the last two at least with the tethers, you can simply wait until they are done and then it will be in the best location.

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The way we did it was that we had the dragon walk over the orange spot and someone would shout fire, upon when the person in the tower would push the lever. But it only knocked 10% health off per time it hit - How exactly do you go about aiming it?


From what I've seen from being at the tower, you need to play the waiting game to "aim" as you just said. You need to wait until the front legs are leaving the circle or are close to the outside to get the definite hit. Too easy and it's a miss, too late (and by that I mean reaaaally late) and you'll miss. There's a big window for firing, so the system is very generous.

For the last two at least with the tethers, you can simply wait until they are done and then it will be in the best location.



That's true. I forgot about that.


Edit: Derp phone is derp.

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I found the trial great fun, even did it another 5 times for other folk because I enjoyed it that much. 


You just have to understand that the faster you get rid of the adds with the cannons, the faster you can all dps the boss. It's literally the most fundamental of trials and is seriously key for the run to be successful. I know I make it sound so easy, but co-ordination is key.


Someone didn't Duty Finder the damn thing.

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I found the trial great fun, even did it another 5 times for other folk because I enjoyed it that much. 


You just have to understand that the faster you get rid of the adds with the cannons, the faster you can all dps the boss. It's literally the most fundamental of trials and is seriously key for the run to be successful. I know I make it sound so easy, but co-ordination is key.


Someone didn't Duty Finder the damn thing.


First run was a Duty Finder one, thank you. Also did it at midday (Patch started 11am), so no one knew what they were doing. Nailed it down on third try.


Then I did it another 5 times and the premade was less than 4 people. 


All I can say is *~*~COMMUNICATION~*~*

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I liked the trial in that it was a fairly different setup than what we're used to. Very much reminds me of 1.0's hamlet defense. Did it in DF yesterday, about 3 hours after the patch went live. We had one person in there who had been trying to get a complete on the fight for about 2 hours he said and the other 7 of us were brand new. He explained what he could of the fight, we went in, struggled, and wiped with about 45% left first run. Second time we cleaned up mistakes, figured out when to hit the cannon and got the clear.


If it helps, here's some tips.


Tanks, pick sides and gather adds on your side then pull them so that they're under his chest. Best way I found to do this was to just keep moving backwards in between Vyshap's front two feet. You have to be quick to dodge AoEs, but it keeps adds grouped and in a prime location for cannons 100% of the time. When no adds, full dps boss. Also, for tanks, during the Turtle mob that spawns, Stun does affect him, so you can stun his raid-wide AoE he does. Also during the explosives section, pull the adds up to explosive barrels and pop cooldowns. You will survive the blast, the mobs won't fair as well. It seemed to do pretty significant damage to them.


Healers, if you aren't healing the tanks (aka when adds are out in force) cleric and dps the boss. Seriously every little bit counts. Our clear we nailed all three cannons and still came pretty close to hitting the last gate.


DPS, if tanks are stacking correctly and the adds are going down quickly, I'd say full time the boss - barring cannon/harpoon cannon duty. For our group, we waited until Vyshap's front legs were walking out of the orange target to fire and that seemed to hit him every time. For snares, we waiting until just as he starts walking forward again to fire and that seemed successful as well. I was busy trying to maintain adds with no TP so I'm not sure if that's the most efficient way to do it or not but it worked for us.


Hope it helps and good luck on getting the fight down if you haven't already!

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I think my biggest issue with the new Trial is that, if you screw up somewhere and know you can't kill Vyshap in time... you have to wait it out. Even if everyone's dead, he will just keep trundling forward until he hits that unskippable cutscene at the end of the bridge. There's no way to "wipe it up" to set up for the next try. You're forced to sit on your thumbs and watch him go.

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I was mad that to get better queues I went as healer. The fight isn't so intensive that you need two healers to heal the party so I was cleric dancing and on cannons/snare duty.


I watch people talk about good DPS killing him wihout really needing the giantkillers and I'm just like... Why I get no good groups ; ;

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I quite like the new trial. It can be frustrating if something goes awry since success pretty much hinges on the mechanics being adhered to flawlessly but I, for one, find that to be a good thing.


The fight against the Ascian during the previous patch was pretty brutal if people didn't know what they were doing - which again, was refreshing after Shiva (Hard) proved to be fairly simplistic. 


With the new expansion being gated behind everything linked to the current MSQ's then it should hopefully force more players to communicate and get familiar with actually working together in group content.

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It's sad but if your DPS don't know what they're doing, even doing the mechanics correctly (snares+giantkiller) is not enough to kill Vishap. I have... seen that happen.


The thing is that lots of players are not good with moving boss fights. If I grabbed all the right people I know, you can fail 1 or 2 of the giantkiller mechanics and still beat it. Maybe even before Vishap makes it to the final gate.

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trying to get SoF clear for a friend

BLM says they know timing for dragonkillers

we let them take dragonkillers

they miss all dragonkillers

turns out they didn't know the timing for dragonkillers

call them out

say it's our fault for not calling out when to use them

we say that's the opposite of knowing the timing

stops doing anything and spams pchat calling us trolls




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trying to get SoF clear for a friend

BLM says they know timing for dragonkillers

we let them take dragonkillers

they miss all dragonkillers

turns out they didn't know the timing for dragonkillers

call them out

say it's our fault for not calling out when to use them

we say that's the opposite of knowing the timing

stops doing anything and spams pchat calling us trolls





I am haiku inspired~


[align=center]Trial Clear for Friend;

Black Mage says he knows the fight.

Doesn't. Trolls. Dismissed.[/align]

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trying to get SoF clear for a friend

BLM says they know timing for dragonkillers

we let them take dragonkillers

they miss all dragonkillers

turns out they didn't know the timing for dragonkillers

call them out

say it's our fault for not calling out when to use them

we say that's the opposite of knowing the timing

stops doing anything and spams pchat calling us trolls





I am haiku inspired~


[align=center]Trial Clear for Friend;

Black Mage says he knows the fight.

Doesn't. Trolls. Dismissed.[/align]


I have another


pug Ramuh E-X

NIN can't stop fucking dying

twenty fucking wipes

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trying to get SoF clear for a friend

BLM says they know timing for dragonkillers

we let them take dragonkillers

they miss all dragonkillers

turns out they didn't know the timing for dragonkillers

call them out

say it's our fault for not calling out when to use them

we say that's the opposite of knowing the timing

stops doing anything and spams pchat calling us trolls



If it's the run I did with you, we ended up clearing it on the last possible attempt after you bailed.


I... still don't fucking know how we did it. Other tank was a dumbass but it just went under the radar.

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Gotta avoid DR Trials like the fucking plague because ALL THERE IS IS FUCKING STEPS AND STEPS SUCKS ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.


I will automatically abandon any DR Trial that ends up on Steps. For sure. 30 minutes wait until requeuing is NOTHING compared to repair bills and 90 minutes of wanting to strangle everyone on the fucking server.

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I did trial roulette recently for the first time in a long time and got The Chrysalis, actually. What? I forgot that was even a thing. It was also a nightmare that used up the entire time allotted without completion. I do believe I will also avoid trial roulettes for the future again. Eesh.

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I did Steps of Faith once in DF with a friend on mine and it went really bad, so after that I gathered a bunch of guildies and we one shotted it. Then I dragged other people in who needed it with said guildies. No one should have to suffer bad SoF. When it's good, it's SO FUN, but when it's bad it just a frustrating experience all around.

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