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The Vent Tent - Poor PuGs and Other Terrible Tales


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I came across something that annoys me yesterday when running one of the new dungeons in the push to get Gogonji to 60. It didn't happen to me, but instead to one of the DPS - a Ninja - who joined with the group.


You see, he was quick to mention that he was semi-new to the dungeon (understandable) and didn't know anything beyond the first boss (also understandable). The reason why he didn't know how to fight the second? Because he was kicked out of his last group for not knowing it. Rather than spend the half-second to explain the fight (which is stupidly easy to explain), that group's healer apparently decided to call him out and call him a moron for not knowing a fight in a dungeon that is less than a week old.


In what world is this crap okay? It's not like the EX Primal fights or Coil or something - it's one of the dungeons you gain access through going through the MSQ. You know, the thing everyone is doing right now. It's a learning experience for a majority of the player base right now, so why in the hell would someone get on someone else for not knowing the fight? Or, worse, votekick them from the group for it.


It gets even worse since, as I said, all it took was a half second to explain the fight. "Kill the adds, avoid the clouds, run glowing orbs into boss." That's it. That was my explanation of the fight for him, and he did perfectly fine. We got through the entire dungeon no problem (though healer gear continued to be scarce for me - hit 60 on that run, at least!), and moved merrily on our way afterward.


I mean... it didn't happen to me... but just the idea that there are jerkoffs that hold that level of elitist, arrogant nonsense with new content just seriously nettles me.


EDIT: And, on a more personal dungeon note - tanks, please stop moving OUT of the Sacred Soil I'm setting for you. There's a lot of adds and I'm trying to help mitigate the damage, and it does not work if you stand outside the blatantly obvious giant shell shield.

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Not necessarily bashing DRK but tanks in general. 


Yeah im a tank, was a little rusty at it few weeks ago but still. Im also a ninja so sometimes i rely on other tanks. heres two things a tanks really supposed to do which is.


1. HOLD aggro (not spam the MP regen combo in Dark side without Grit)


2. USE YOUR DEFENSE BUFFS. Just because you got 10k health doesn't mean you can tank hits like you did pre 3.0. These mobs hubs significantly harder. Pop your fucking shadowskin or something don't just sit there spamming nothing but unleash and that AoE.


Fucking got me being more salty than the damn earth you on.


Like seriously tanking isn't /that/ hard if you read the fucking tool tips.

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Awright, so, Ravana fight.


How the fuck am I supposed to know that A) he has a cleave B) that he has an auto tank swap mechanic C) that I need to NOT AVOID THE CLEAVE.



but nah let's not explain mechanics and call people spoonfed.


Newsflash if you've ever read a strat on the internet YOU HAVE BEEN SPOONFED.

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I was once tanking for this white age who used medica instead of cure.


... Yeah, that didn't go too well.


My worst experience has to be when I was farming Ramuh for the pony (for hours) and I was one of the last two without a pony. The other left pouted a me and said we'd farm one more, so I left before I got the pony so she'd get it, she did.


Did we farm for the last pony? Of course not. They all left. Needless to say, I have trust issues with "pony farms" since then.

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This is something that's annoyed me since 2.0 was about 2 or 3 months old. I used to heal fairly often, but I quit because apparently I wasn't DPSing hard enough. I don't really give a damn about shaving 2 minutes off our dungeon clear time by spamming holy or Stone II or whatever they expect WHMs to be doing. Some of these PUG tanks are too squishy to be worrying about DPSing anyway. And you know what? That's fine, I actually welcome a healing challenge. That's what I'm doing on that job. Healing. Keeping those HP bars full and debuffs cleared.


Since I don't have Heavensward, I've been leveling an alt, and I'm leveling WHM with it. I was in Tam-Tara, one of the lowest level dungeons in the game, and after the first fight, one of the DPS was like "WHM dps plz" Which normally I do throw out aeros and a few stones because if your tank has any amount of level 15 gear you will do a lot of standing around waiting for his HP to go down anyway. But being ordered to DPS by the DPS just really made me sit there and boil for a while. I thought about leaving the dungeon, but I didn't.


And it made me more angry that even at this early level I see this trend. I'm sure it'll only get worse. That's why I switched to DPS in the first place. No one ever orders me to heal.

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Since Early Access started... I've felt tanks be really squishy in 3.0 dungeons. Mobs hit harder, you need the higher ilvl gear they suit you up with etc. I haven't gotten good SCH drops. Not much Crit :( Well, I finally got a tank where I finally felt like I could dps a bit more. And from a DRK, who I've felt were squishier. Maybe I just met a good DRK. or maybe the tanks before were just ugh.


Also, good job not telling anyone any of the mechanics for the fights that have things that hit you super hard. Aka. The SCH who is your healer. Aka I died in one of the fights because of some mechanic i still don't know anything about cause no one said squat.

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Since Early Access started... I've felt tanks be really squishy in 3.0 dungeons. Mobs hit harder, you need the higher ilvl gear they suit you up with etc. I haven't gotten good SCH drops. Not much Crit :( Well, I finally got a tank where I finally felt like I could dps a bit more. And from a DRK, who I've felt were squishier. Maybe I just met a good DRK. or maybe the tanks before were just ugh.


Also, good job not telling anyone any of the mechanics for the fights that have things that hit you super hard. Aka. The SCH who is your healer. Aka I died in one of the fights because of some mechanic i still don't know anything about cause no one said squat.


I've had HORRENDOUS luck in getting SCH drops on Gogon. He's sitting one iLevel shy of being able to run the level 60 dungeons because of it. The only gear I have a decent bit of is... three or four level 57-ish because I ran that dungeon over and over again to level up so I could continue the MSQ. I've run the level 59 dungeon, for example, three or four times and gotten... a neck item and a bracelet. Everything else is the HQ gear you get from questing.


Also, which fight were you having issues with? If it's not in the last two level 60 dungeons, I can try to help explain it.

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I'm getting sick and tired of people crying about spoilers.


Euuh, spoilers this! Spoilers that! Shut up if you're going to mention ANY part of it!


Don't you dare mention a dungeon or your feelings for it. Don't even mention a primal, fuck sakes! Why? Because it grows expectations! IT RUINS THE SURPRISE AND THEREFORE YOU'RE SPOILING IT ALL!


So many thick people I have to deal with, I .. I just don't get it.

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Dear tank, please get into your tanking stance. You are not a bulkier version of a DPS class, it is painful to heal you when all you're doing is spamming a low grade emity raiser as if somehow that'll help you take less hits. Even worse when you're tank stance generates emity ON IT'S OWN.


Sincerely, one very irritated healer.


P.S. Dear myself, keep an eye out for the portals more in the second boss encounter of the Vault. I know it's hard and that you're getting better, but it's no excuse.


Edit: Why do I ALWAYS have issues with PLD now? In no particular order for this last dungeon run.

Dear DPS: Don't be a jerk when people ask for mechanics and give replies 'for the lolz'.

Dear Tank: If you don't know the dungeon, say something. Don't face pull immediately as you're running to the boss. Some of us want to hear how to do something.

I swear if I didn't have a friend in skype to help me through it I'd have abandoned my first run of the dungeon.

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My wife and I went to do Dusk Vigil. She was tanking, and it was her first time through. We hadn't even gotten to the second trash pack when the healer was calling her a pussy because she wasn't pulling multi-packs. My first instinct was to kick right then and there, but I figured we could just stay out of chat and just get things done.


Nope! At the first boss, the healer ran and in pulled before all the group was inside. No one was ready. She decided that if he wanted it that bad, he could have it. While he ran around trying to kite it, he kept calling calling her a pussy, said that he had waited five seconds and then decided to pull because she wasn't pulling fast enough, and generally spewed a bunch of petty stuff.


Once he died and we dropped combat, we kicked him from the party...only for him to come promptly back and start the insults right back up again.


We ended up leaving, re-queuing, and ran it again smooth and simple. It left a pretty bad taste in our mouths and kinda de-railed our night, though. She doesn't know if she wants to keep on tanking because it was such a miserable experience.

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One thing  I get under my skin is RP elitist butting in and trying to correct people they aren't even rping with.

I been debating changing my name to something fitting for my main character's "Zachary Volfire" backstory (his parents were elezen male and au ra female)Like Zakharii Strout for example. However I'm on the fence now thanks to an rude man last night.


 Last night I was IC with a friend in rain catcher gully looking for herb for an experiment we were working on. When someone passing by stopped then in shout said "Zachary? What the hell are you role playing for your name doesn't suit lore standards." I'd ignore him at first but he went on about if i cant stick to lore i shouldn't even bother role playing." That hit a string with me cause i got lip from people who pass by and ooc comment while im ic like that before.  He went on to try to criticize me on why using a western name and assumed or said you shouldn't name or act out characters like your self anyway. You have too many crafitng jobs how can anyone learn that many?" I have multiple characters. Each of them have their own story and what not but i admit I'm a tad bit egotistical. I like putting my self in different universes once to see how long I'd survive or be successful in the world. If i can be 7 other people why can't I just have one be me? I don't make myself some outlandish or impossible person I try to just balance out anything I do with sensible responses or results. I base my abilities on what could someone actually accomplish in real life if done in "x" amount of time. I would understand if he gave me all this lecture if i asked to rp with him or be included in his link shell or whatever but i was with someone else COMPLETELY unrelated to him. So far i only had 2 corrections in my rp on ffxiv calculating how badly injured Zach would be for taking a tail to the stomach. And a proper greeting to a noblewoman. Aside form that i been pretty strict with my self on lore and possibilities. asking questions to make sure things are possible before I attempt them and even making post on here for concerns. so this guy coming in and getting on my case REALLY pissed me off. 


I might change my name or i might just keep it Zachary Volfire because you know what some times parents can name their kids really weird things.

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Don't change your name unless you really want to. Guys like that are shits and the extreme exception, and you shouldn't be catering to someone you're never like to see again. Were it me, after it became clear he was just out to shit on my night, I'd have told him in no uncertain terms to go fuck himself.

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This made me rage and pout so hard. Had no problems healing anyone.

I was running The Vault as an AST. This drk faces the mobs against the party and keeps losing aggro to the drg and myself. His mnk friend stands in all aoe and dies like an idiot BECAUSE of his retarded positioning. He refuses to break chains in the last boss and it leads to wiping. 


End of the run

"omg healer was so horrible"


WELL I'M SORRY I CAN'T MAKE UP FOR ALL YOUR FUCK UPS. I waned to throw my monitor out of my window. Drg (who didn't die once to aoe and was by far the best player in the group, absolutely destroying the others in dps.) comforted me, but man, was I mad.

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I haven't vented in a while, but my god... this past week I have run the absolute gambit of terrible healers! I think I got the bottom of the barrel, so if I haven't seen you in DF in a week, that means you aren't one of the worst healers in the world, congrats!


Take one! My very first time in Fractal Continuum. I'm i145 WAR, healer is Astrologian. I don't know what this healer was doing, but it wasn't healing. Because I- and my party -died six times to trash mobs alone. And not big pulls! Like 2 or 3 mobs. And despite running through all of my defensive cooldowns, full timing Inner Beast, and popping pretty much all of my self-heals, still managed to die against 2 mobs. Healer says not a word. He dc'd at the very last boss, which took us a good hour to get to. We immediately vote kicked, only for him to re-queue to plague us through 3 wipes to the last boss.


Take two! Same day! Just unlocked Expert Roulette woo! My BLM friend and I, who had been going through all this together had had a pretty awesome Neverreap run, and we were overjoyed to not have Continuum for our Roulette. Until... another healer who could not keep me up. First pull of Neverreap, I (still at i145) go for the first two Toco Toco and the Wamoura and leave the Blue Buzzards on the opposite side alone. AKA I don't pull the whole island. Healer decides that isn't good enough, so he goes ahead and pulls the other two mobs. I grab hate and am struggling to stay up despite popping every single one of my cooldowns. I'm talking like scraping by in the 1-2k HP range for most of that fight.


We continue on to the tornado segment. I pull the first two mobs and duck into the tornado-free safespot by the treasure chest. Lo and behold, healer goes and pulls the three mobs at the top and runs them back to me. At this point, I have very few cooldowns and try to make due with Inner Beast spam and a one off Equilibrium. Obviously, I lasted about 15s before I died because whatever the healer was doing, was not keeping me up through that. So I, as politely as I can, say "Please do not pull. I do not have a high enough Item Level for big pulls. Please leave the pulling to me."


"Are you new to tanking?"


...................................................................................oh no, bitch.


So I had to learn this asshole on how a good tank knows how, where, and what mobs they can feasibly pull and deal with at their current gear and skill level. How it's not a healer's job to pull, nor is it a healers job to let the tank die to any amount of mobs that they themselves deem "not enough." The only response I got was "Use Cooldowns." Furious. The Rage of Sounsyy was peaked. But I held my tongue and just simmered the rest of the dungeon. That healer didn't pull any more extra mobs. Amazingly, we didn't die too many more times until later. Healer let me die to the Hakupaq at the end though. Again, three mobs with full cooldown rotations and still died.


But sweet justice was served by the last boss and that healer died twice. Once by falling off the edge and another time by just eating a charge to the face. So I solo-healed myself through the last fight and kept myself up long enough for the DD to finish off the boss. I got a commendation and an apology from the other DD. Healer left without a word and before loot had even dropped. Sweet satisfaction.



We had a few good healers after that. Of those good healers, none of them let my HP drop to critical and when asked, none of them said I was difficult to heal. Most of them were kinda awestruck by Raw Intuition giving them full crits. So, that definitely made me feel a whole lot less self-conscious. Suck it dumb healer.


Ohhhhh best instance was the next day in the Continuum though! We had an astrologian only cure using the regen bubble! Now I know- and I've seen my 60 AST friend do it -that if you super buff that bubble with some other things and that one circle you put on the ground, the ticks can give an impressive amount of HP recovery, however, this healer was just throwing up bubble when I was eating hits from several very hard hitting mobs... like that chimera. And they wouldn't throw up this bubble at the start or anything, no, they would wait until I had like 2-3k HP left, had been struggling for a while and pretty much went into fuck-it-mode, ran over to me and would throw up a bubble like that was gonna keep me from dying. Their bubble only ticked for about 1400 HP total every 2.5s. I was easily taking that much from every mob attack every second, from several mobs. The agony was real.


Well, that's been my week in DF!

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As a SCH gearing up in welfare gear because I'm not PUGGING or HUNTS...


I've noticed it's significantly harder to heal the 60 dungeons without blowing through MP. I've done it now that I'm more aware but I honestly don't feel comfy DPSing now :/ I heal for about 2.3k and in 3 seconds someone takes 3k+ worth of damage.


Not to mention when people take avoidable damage. Like sitting in aoes. Or taking the Minotaur's cleaves. And swings. And using LB and not killing the fucking add.



Goodbye Crit Heals on Raw Intuition btw. no more 5k lustrates and 10K Adlos T_T




@Tseren: I hope you reported the user.


@Zachary: Fuck anyone who gives you shit about a name. /biased

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Ohhhhh best instance was the next day in the Continuum though! We had an astrologian only cure using the regen bubble!


I think that's a thing going around. I was leveling Judge's DRK and got him into Darkhold and ask if I should pull one at a time or take everything to the light in the last room. Told that either was fine, do the latter and die. Okay, fine, maybe I AM squishy as a DRK and can't do that - we can do one pull at a time.


Get to the last room again and pull two of the groups in there into the crystal. Die. Okay, something's weird. We killed enough that we manage it the second time. As we continue to the second boss, I start tracking this guy and seeing what's up.


A bunch of still level 20-30 gear. Okay, that's fine, maybe he just got unlucky with drops and is rushing through like I did with Judge back in the day. Then I notice he's frequently low on MP and start watching what he's casting. Cure IIs exclusively for single target healing. The reason I keep dying is because he keeps running his MP dry! Oh, and he didn't repair before coming in, so all his gear breaks before the second boss - leaving him with even less healing capability.


I point out he should be using Cure Is and then Cure II on the proc, and he says okay. At least he was cool with taking advice. Too bad he did it at the expense of never casting Medica to heal up everyone else. We wipe, he bails, and we get an mid-50s AST and breeze through the rest of the dungeon. So that helped.

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Leveling warrior now I dumped Kage into a guildhest. The poison puddle one. What happens?

Healer protects. I pull. Everyone follows. I move out of the poison... and healer stays in it. healer doesn't cure 1 or anything. just stands in puddle that when he's about to die he starts casting... PROTECT.


And dies. He returns... and doesn't cast anything.


The two dps and I are able to stay up to not die :|


My no KO bonus :(

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I haven't had too bad of luck with healers, though that all changes on Bismarck.


I feel like healers have a lot less leeway for error than they used to, and can't just blast out giant heals. In one group the WHM was very pleased to be 3rd in DPS.


The only problem was that we kept wiping due to dead tanks. :(

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I haven't had too bad of luck with healers, though that all changes on Bismarck.


I feel like healers have a lot less leeway for error than they used to, and can't just blast out giant heals. In one group the WHM was very pleased to be 3rd in DPS.


The only problem was that we kept wiping due to dead tanks. :(


I've only done Bismarck HM, but the thought of DPSing in that fight just makes me cringe. I had to be very careful with my MP, and even then I was frequently running with a near empty tank trying to keep everyone up. Mind it was my first time and in pretty 'meh' gear, so the next time I try it I doubt that'll be an issue.

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Anyone who gets repeatedly killed in Bismarck HM to mini-Landslide.

You get nailed once and thrown over if you're unlucky, but you should LEARN from that and avoid the large cone!


Poor ranged deeps tho :(


* * *




so i herd u talkin' shit


please do not be passive-aggressive when talking shit. this is the type of behavior that leads to people looking for blame, rather than solutions to a problem.


for example, instead of saying the above, you could have said : "why are you getting torn apart from regular tanking you piece of shit tank" then i could have answered "yeah i'm STR specced and trying to get more gear from this"


alternately you could have also asked why the blm kept dyin' to not dodging, but that's neither here nor there.

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Dear RPers who are quite hypocritical,


Do not spam abilities and non-custom emotes constantly in taverns. You don't like it, you complain about it, so why are you doing it? You folks think it's fun to do it to others, even if they're OOC? That's seriously not cool. It's loud and obnoxious, you know better.



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