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Aya and Clio could be Wrench Wench friends!  We'll call ourselves the Two Much Blonde!


Val's able to play a combination of intriguing, endearing, and menacing in a single character like I've never seen before :)


And Leanne often makes me smile, brightening my day bit-by-bit with her amazing hat and good humor!

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My first time posting in this thread! So, uhm...


Complimenting Clio cause she's a lovely person overall, fun to chat with, and willing to endure my silly shenanigans! *nod*




Leanne's always been very inclusive when it comes to bringing Val around for RP, and I can't express how wonderfully refreshing that is to see =)

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Aya and Clio could be Wrench Wench friends!  We'll call ourselves the Two Much Blonde!


Val's able to play a combination of intriguing, endearing, and menacing in a single character like I've never seen before :)





Aya's character always manages to cheer Val up. She offers friendly advice without expecting anything weird in return, and is openly inviting of everyone around for RP! She's so incredibly optimistic, I wonder if she's real :v thank you for being amazing

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will just found an a rank for me! :D so dapper and helpful when he's out soloing >u<

:) Just giving back to my family <3


Eleni's character makes me want to expand Will's plushies into Miqotes because theirs is a total freaking cutie, and yes I call so many people cuties but myeh <3

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got to rp with val a little while ago (surprisingly not at hod's tavern night) was a nice chat and i looooove the story of how him and faye met that was posted in the lovers card giveaway. sooo cute! >u<


and eleni is so so so good at sniping posts but i caught it before i hit submit! i love seeing her post; everything she says is always sincere and positive <3


aannnd will just made me go back and edit. xD will is so dedicated to rp he makes it a point to rp every night....plus he has a nice avi. :3

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plus he has a nice avi. :3

*Tapes Clio to an entire Cow herd*


Clio is an amazing Artist to the point I bug her every night for art, and threaten to cram my money in her pocket to draw <3 She also keeps dressing Will up in gear like she would her own child. And she wonders why I call her mom

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Clio comes up with the cutest smileys. And she's our Ms. Dapper. Dapper is synonymous with her now. Someone go add Clio to synonyms of dapper in the thesaurus!


Also, Clio is one of the sweetest and nicest people I know. I'm sure she makes an awesome mom secretly, but doesn't want to admit it openly! ;3

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Faye right here, let's see, for one she approached me via PM straight outta nowhere advertising the WoD HoD tavern thingy. And let me tell you, despite the fact that I may or may not have been panicking brownedmypants a lot when I got that PM outta nowhere, I liked the fact that she approached regardless, those were some bad days for me. That conversation, however short, was very nice. 


Also she's like a mom telling me not to go skip class to make the Tavern Night during that time..nigh... 2 months ago? So there's that, I'd like to think she's extending the very same thing to the others she met and all.


Then I've got her to thank for brilliantly pairing Keil/Kihl with V'arimbeh too. 


Welp, I'll save the other points for the next go round xD

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I have managed two of your chars for RP, and you would not think it was the same player.. well done! But which one do I prefer.. that's the question? Ranuhnuh has some interesting things to get stuck into RP wise, while Kurt.. there may be a crush involved there :blush:

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Hahahah! I noticed the crush! I noticed the crush!!


I think Kurt and Nebbs would make a very adorable couple!


Aside from that, Nebbs plays his characters so well, and has very nice characters (I only know Nebula). Like, Nebula is a breath of fresh air, and we need you to play more characters like that, Nebbs! 


Since my compliments have always involved cake or hugs, I thought this one should focus on RP. :)

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