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Our "new" scanners use Windows Mobile 6.1! There is a reason some of our clients are begging to switch to android or something else, but why fix what isn't broken...?


I actually uh...like Windows Mobile 6.1 :blush:.


The later versions though...Microsoft please.

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Our "new" scanners use Windows Mobile 6.1! There is a reason some of our clients are begging to switch to android or something else, but why fix what isn't broken...?


I actually uh...like Windows Mobile 6.1 :blush:.


The later versions though...Microsoft please.


I work on these all day. About 90% of the work related to them is waiting for them to finish startup up, calibrating the screen, and then having to reboot them to apply configuration.



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I got me a work-related rant today! :thumbsup:




So, yeah. More irritation regarding this project.




Guess what! There's a Part Three!


So after a lot of fighting with the code, I have a bare-bones Admin page that lets an Admin add more users. So that's a login page, forgot password page, and admin page I have coded and have actually working and they do things. You can login on two levels - base user and admin, the forgot password page sends an email to the email registered to the account with the password in it, and the Admin page lets you search the base users, edit their data, and add new ones.


The other guy? He has a blank form page that has no populated dropdowns because "there's no information yet" (I artificially added stuff to the database to check my code). He DID help fix up the CSS, which is amazing and makes the pages not look like ass anymore, but the assignment he was giving is tenuous at best.


The application gets put up onto a test server for the PM and another to look at. I provide them with an admin login and a base user login so they can see what we've managed over these two/three days of work. Of course, first thing they do is look at the base page - the one that's nothing but a skeleton with no bound dropdowns, labels, text boxes, and a save button that doesn't do anything. They look at it, he says it's because there's no data to bind (which he could, y'know, just add to the database like I did), and they go "Oh, okay" and move on.


My mostly fully functional pages? HOW DO YOU REGISTER? THIS LINK DOESN'T WORK RIGHT. IT SAVES BUT IT SHOWS THIS ERROR. All these complaints on this code that I had no hands-on experience with before and basically Jerry-rigged into working over the course of the past couple days. Oh, and my most recent additions that fixed a couple of their decried errors hadn't even been taken and added to the test server.


So, basically, they look at a non-functioning skeleton page that doesn't do anything and are fine with that. Working pages? Gotta complain the shit out of every minor issue they find with it! Really speaks volumes about their priorities, I think.


I swear to God, I can't wait for this work day to end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, totally new gripe beyond the current coding project (which I could totally say more about, but I think enough's enough on that front - it's bad, you get it)!


People who use all manner of excuses to wave away their being an asshole when you call them on it. Oh, it's not their fault they're being a dick - they have X mental problem or their dog just died or their parents are getting divorced or grandpa's sick. To be more precise, it's one thing to actually be upset about those sorts of things - it happens, it sucks. It's another thing altogether when you use it as your non-apologetic excuse for being a pain in the ass.


I "forgave" the kid that pulled this crap with me, but the whole situation really rankled me. Not that I was completely in the right, but... well... maybe I should break it down some.


Kid was getting out of playing Magic and was selling all his cards on the cheap to help try and get money to buy a car. In the piles were some rather valuable cards - which got mentioned - being sold for much less than they were actually worth. I bought a few of them at the bargain price and slip a few into some of my decks.


Anyway, he still wanted to play with us, so I lent him one these aforementioned decks. And he proceeds to focus on me and try to punch me out of the game. And talking trash the entire time too - like, obnoxiously mean "above the usual trash talk us usual players use" trash talk. While playing the deck I'm letting him use. Finally get fed up with it and say "okay, I'm done" and take my deck back.


So he demands that I give him the cards I bought from him back. I tell him no, I bought them and so they're mine. He pulls the cash back out for them, I tell him they're not for sale. So yeah, I'm not completely in the right here, I get that. During this heated debate, he keeps bringing up the fact that his dog just died and all these things that are apparently going wrong with his life.


Whatever, things settle down, we move on. Everything's good, right?


This happened... summer/fall of last year? Due to my work I haven't been able to swing by as much. Managed this weekend after taking my little sister out to eat for her birthday (and to help cheer her up because she had to put down one of her ferrets :( ), and I was in the area afterward.


He's there. I think nothing of it until I here him *trying* to covertly whisper about me. How he doesn't want to play with me because I "stole" his cards. I ignore it and focus on the boosters I had bought to see what I pulled. Then one of the other players talks about making room at the table so I can sit down and join since we haven't played in a while.


Again the kid is all "Don't let him play, he steals cards." Considering he'd been doing this nonsense the entire time I was going through my five boosters, I get fed up and confront him on it. His only responses to my corrections are "Why don't you zip it?" (complete with Dr. Evil "lip zip" motion), telling me to "shut the hell up" and leave him alone, and stating that his grandfather just died (which I vaguely remember him saying the last time too, it's been months, after all). Still, I assent to leaving him alone on it if he'll stop spreading lies about me stealing cards.


Funnily enough, I had completely forgotten the entire transaction until he brought up my "card theft." During writing this, I almost forgot that the reason for our argument was him targeting me with my own deck when he was talking smack. Thought he had a deck left over - but no, I distinctly remember he tried to put together a deck from "take-a-penny-leave-a-penny" style box for commons and uncommons to try and "win" the cards back from me.


Anyway, the others still want to play with me and I end up sitting across from the kid. Of course, he's all "Does he HAVE to sit across from me?" I'm basically done with him at this point and just want to play a couple games and then go home.


I don't know if he finally realized how hacked I was with him, my words got through to him, whatever. He then basically unloads about how his parents were getting a divorce back at the time, how this family member or that family member had died. I kinda-sorta empathize with him and we move on.


Still, it really just rubbed me the wrong way, and I found myself grumbling over it on the drive home. Mostly because I remembered him doing it every time he was on the defensive in a situation. Someone or something was sick or had died or something terrible had happened in his life. Every single time, like it they were all "Get Out of Jail Free" cards.


Maybe it's cynical of me, but I've found myself wondering more than once if he's making some of them up just to get pity and leverage. Because otherwise he's, like, the worst-off kid in the world.


But it's not really just him. When people keep making excuses for why it's okay for them to act like jerk-offs, it irks me. If they're apologetic and whatnot, fine, but don't use it as a reason to keep on doing it. It's like the Whale Biologist in Futurama, except not at all funny. And I WILL call you out on it if I'm in a bad enough mood that day (otherwise I'll just do my usual silent grumblings over it).


... So yeah, that's my rant/vent over THAT particular matter.

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Me putting in effort and going above and beyond my job title as tortilla maker is not simply me being me. And I guess while that means I'm clearly not doing enough, the other girl putting in the same effort and with the same results get all the praise because, "Ohmygosh, guys, she's so great and friendly!"


It is me putting in some god damn effort because I would like to actually do a job that is challenging and not so mind-numbingly simple and you would think my inquiries about management positions might mean that I'm probably interested and totally up for the task.


But no, by all means, make the guy that quit the job a year ago a manager. Sure. Never mind the fact that he wanted to quit the day you told me. Let's even forget the fact that he can't even do half the jobs in the place. 


I'm not even mad that it's not me. I'm mad that it's not someone who friggin' works their ass off and knows the job inside and out. And I can count, on one hand, the number of people who are infinitely more qualified than this guy and who deserve this position hell of a lot more than he does.


I'm pretty sure that means I need a new job.


The management in this place is a god damn joke.


Fast-Tracking to actual career? Yes, please.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting assigned a semester project (mind you this was in January) and being told we can do whatever we want based off of it having to benefit someone.


As long as we follow all of the strict rules and guidelines.


My teacher literally said: "You can do what you'd like as long as you follow all of our rules."


I can safely say no one is liking this project.

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A return to coding gripes today.


I've mentioned plenty on the issues of wrangling this code and getting it to work. We have basically something that does what it needs to at this point, with a couple cosmetic changes and one new function to add and it should hopefully be done and off the table.


I just get irritated when the other coder asks me why something isn't working and won't take "I don't know" as an answer. He changes something in my code to fit something he wants to add and then I have to retrace the steps to find out what's wrong. It's not my code, so I'm not that familiar with it - and I get frustrated enough when it's not doing what I want as opposed to also trying to figure out what HIS code did to it.


It's also doesn't help that he seems to ignore or not understand my suggestions when it comes to what to do (warning, minor technical stuff to follow!). He added a list to a user creation page that I had finagled together and I told him that he should use a separate stored procedure for it and then do a loop function to check and then add each highlighted item in the list with said SP to the cross-reference table.


Oh no no no, he'll just add it to my save SP that just stores text field data. And his list-grab code just repeatedly overwrites the the previously stored list item information with the new one. And thus only saves the last item on the list to the xref table when the SP is called. Shocking. Fortunately, I managed to somehow explain to him what was happening and he wrote a proper code and corresponding SP to add the information (along with how to handle updates to the list since he didn't apparently think of that).


I just got reminded of this because of one of the changes he made that I noted. There's a field on a page that's supposed to supersede a drop-down list if you write in it (basically, the ability to provide your own information if what's in the drop-down doesn't match). And I almost got into an argument with the guy explaining that it's just there for report purposes and it shouldn't add to the drop-down list because that was explicitly stated to be the job of the administrator. It ultimately ended with him saying we should talk to the PM about it... who I'm HOPING will agree with me and not suggest some overly convoluted alternate method to the basically cut-and-dry approach I'm trying to provide. :(


At least I've made all the fixes and updates to my sections that were requested. All that's left is the new functionality and the changes to HIS stuff. Which will be... fun, as you can very well guess. :frustrated:

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So I have a problem with my bathtub - handle's broken, won't come off, there's a slow trickle of water flowing that I can't stop since I got no idea where the valve to cut off the supply is to that part is. I already called the landlord.


If I could remember the building's caretaker's number I'd call him directly because he's much faster.


The problem is because there's running water I can't just leave here.

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A bit of a possible "feel entitled" complaint here. The company I'm doing work for has blocked the RPC from being viewed on their machines. You can still use emails, you can still YouTube, you can still look up your sports scores and (possibly, I haven't checked since I don't use it) Facebook. But browse the RPC? Nope, blocked.


... It upset me far more than I thought it would. Though, that could be in combination with more work-related irritation regarding the project I've posted several times about. Wee.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm about at the end of my rope with my contracting company, and for the dumbest thing: timesheets.


You see, my contracting company contracted me out to ANOTHER contracting company that has the job position. So I'm sub-contracted to this company for the purposes of this job. This company has a 15-day timesheet. So, I record my clock -ins and clock-outs for 15/16 days (depending on if the month has 30/31) days, and then it is turned in to be signed so I can forward it to my "actual" company.


This was fine until a few months ago when my "main" company switched over to a new timesheet system. Which they have as weekly. As in, they want you to put in your times with valid documentation attached every week. See the issue?


It was fine at first, though. I'd just get the automated warning about turning in my timesheet or risk having my paycheck delayed. Fine. Delete it, move on, and submit two timesheets at a time once I had my bi-monthly timesheet.


Starting about... a month ago? Apparently the timesheet people felt that letting the automated system do its thing and being, you know, patient wasn't enough. So I'm getting near daily calls and messages left on my phone and in my email about submitting my timesheets.


Oh, and forget about just taking what I have so far of my timesheet and submitting that. It's not signed, so it's not a valid source of documentation. Wee.


So, I finally - in the middle of my work day no less - answer one of these harassing calls and basically lay into the lady on the other end who's been bothering me for a week straight. I CAN'T submit a timesheet because the company I'm working for is BI-MONTHLY and not WEEKLY. You have to WAIT, and I will put it in when I HAVE the timesheet.


Either she doesn't understand the words coming out of my mouth, or just doesn't care... since she just offers an "alternative" of enter the times in, but not submit. I relent and do so. Someone on the other end forcibly takes in the timesheet... and then rejects it because of missing documentation. Smart.


So, just recently, I put entered but did not submit the last week's timesheet with a note blatantly stating that I don't have the documentation for it due to the difference in the timesheet systems. I don't have documentation about Friday's times because we crossed into MAY then, and at the company I'm sub-contracted out to, that's the start of a new timesheet (which I will not have a signed copy of until the 15th).


And just now? I got a message on my phone that I need to submit the timesheet. From the same lady who told me to enter and not submit if I don't have full documentation because "that'll be fine." I'm just waiting for it to get snagged again and then rejected because I don't have documentation for the 1st. Documentation I mentioned IN THE NOTES that I will not have until the 16th at the earliest.


I wish I could reach through my phone and strangle this lady until she understands. :frustrated:

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Not that a lot of you probably care (not being of the UK persuasion) but I need to get this off my chest.


How, and why can people conceive that the Conservative party, can be trusted with leading this country for another 5 years? They have wrecked havoc with the NHS, borrowed more than the labour governments, have not cut the deficit as they promised, held up none of their pre 2010 election promises... yet people are still voting for them left right and centre.


It is just mind boggling to me that the populace seem to think that another 5 years of them is a good idea. the working class people suffer whilst the rich get richer. They complain and then vote for the people that caused it.....


Anyone want to hire a british person to be an aux pair or something? cause I want out of this place.

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Not that a lot of you probably care (not being of the UK persuasion) but I need to get this off my chest.


How, and why can people conceive that the Conservative party, can be trusted with leading this country for another 5 years? They have wrecked havoc with the NHS, borrowed more than the labour governments, have not cut the deficit as they promised, held up none of their pre 2010 election promises... yet people are still voting for them left right and centre.


It is just mind boggling to me that the populace seem to think that another 5 years of them is a good idea. the working class people suffer whilst the rich get richer. They complain and then vote for the people that caused it.....


Anyone want to hire a british person to be an aux pair or something? cause I want out of this place.

because the majority of english politics is mostly conservative.


Its the Scotts who are historically more lenient and democratic..

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Not that a lot of you probably care (not being of the UK persuasion) but I need to get this off my chest.


How, and why can people conceive that the Conservative party, can be trusted with leading this country for another 5 years? They have wrecked havoc with the NHS, borrowed more than the labour governments, have not cut the deficit as they promised, held up none of their pre 2010 election promises... yet people are still voting for them left right and centre.


It is just mind boggling to me that the populace seem to think that another 5 years of them is a good idea. the working class people suffer whilst the rich get richer. They complain and then vote for the people that caused it.....


Anyone want to hire a british person to be an aux pair or something? cause I want out of this place.

because the majority of english politics is mostly conservative.


Its the Scotts who are historically more lenient and democratic..

I would disagree that the majority of english politics is mostly conservative... otherwise we wouldn't have had periods with a labour majority...

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Not that a lot of you probably care (not being of the UK persuasion) but I need to get this off my chest.


How, and why can people conceive that the Conservative party, can be trusted with leading this country for another 5 years? They have wrecked havoc with the NHS, borrowed more than the labour governments, have not cut the deficit as they promised, held up none of their pre 2010 election promises... yet people are still voting for them left right and centre.


It is just mind boggling to me that the populace seem to think that another 5 years of them is a good idea. the working class people suffer whilst the rich get richer. They complain and then vote for the people that caused it.....


Anyone want to hire a british person to be an aux pair or something? cause I want out of this place.


What concerns me the most is that so many people went against UKIP based on the idea that they're 'racist' and against the EU. Yet the Conservatives - a party that has actual blood on their hands - are once again in power. It's ridiculous.


Once again they'll likely be targeting the most vulnerable in society for yet more brutal cuts whilst evading any and all accountability in the process. 


To their credit, though, they have the mainstream media on their side. I don't particularly like any party but I noticed that Labour and UKIP were painted in a very negative light by the media whilst the Conversatives weren't - despite being the driving force behind much of the suffering going on throughout the country at the moment.


What's worse is the Liberal Democrats aren't involved at all this time around so it may end up being even more dire.



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Not that a lot of you probably care (not being of the UK persuasion) but I need to get this off my chest.


How, and why can people conceive that the Conservative party, can be trusted with leading this country for another 5 years? They have wrecked havoc with the NHS, borrowed more than the labour governments, have not cut the deficit as they promised, held up none of their pre 2010 election promises... yet people are still voting for them left right and centre.


It is just mind boggling to me that the populace seem to think that another 5 years of them is a good idea. the working class people suffer whilst the rich get richer. They complain and then vote for the people that caused it.....


Anyone want to hire a british person to be an aux pair or something? cause I want out of this place.


Honestly, I'd invite you out here to the U.S. but we end up going through the exact same thing. Unfortunately, neither party is really "better". It's all about the money and not the people that should be represented put first. That being said, if I could afford to pay someone else a salary, I'd hire you! We have a spare room and animal babies! Only cute and fluffies here!

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Mod Note: So, I'd just like to say that the moderator team took a minute to look over the last few posts in this thread. We have removed the last string of posts because, whether intentional or not, it bears a resemblance to an incident that we were informed of yesterday. In order to maintain a level of neutrality on the whole situation, we are simply moving those posts from this thread. No one is being warned or reprimanded for them. This is simply a move to make sure that the posts aren't taken in such a way that could stir up misunderstandings. Thanks guys. Keep on keepin' on. :thumbsup:

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